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银杏绿枝扦插是银杏无性繁殖的主要措施 ,对沙床扦插不同生根粉 (SBT1)浓度和浸泡时间、不同基质配方营养袋扦插及两种扦插方式移栽成活率进行单因素和双因素随机区组试验 ,结果表明 :银杏嫩枝扦插用ABT1号生根粉 15 0× 10 - 6 或 10 0× 10 - 6 浸泡 1h ,能明显促进插穗生根 ,增加生根数量 ;不同配方基质以泥炭土 40 % +腐熟锯末 2 0 % +珍珠岩 40 %最为适宜 ;使用配方基质制成的容器袋进行银杏嫩枝扦插育苗 ,移栽成活率显著高于使用沙床扦插育苗  相似文献   

以美丽梧桐萌芽枝条为材料,通过不同激素、不同浓度、不同育苗基质等扦插技术研究,结果表明:激素催根效果明显,NAA100mg/l处理枝条2h扦插生根率达93.33%;半木质化枝条远离顶芽部分扦插生根率高,达95.56%;沙床扦插生根率高,达82.22%;混合基质直接入袋扦插生根率为72.22%,减少了育苗程序,降低育苗成...  相似文献   

亚湿润区植物繁殖、培育困难 ,造林成活低 ,生长稳定性差。作者从实生播种繁殖技术、无性扦插繁殖技术、针叶树容器实生播种繁殖育苗与营养袋繁殖育苗技术、飞播造林繁殖技术、组织繁殖技术、植物繁殖生物、化学制剂处理技术、高效吸水剂处理繁殖技术 ,菌剂处理种子繁殖技术 ,稀土溶液种子处理技术 9个方面阐述了亚湿润沙区植物主要繁殖技术及发展现状。  相似文献   

对草珊瑚种子采用不同方式容器育苗技术进行了试验。种子采用清水和吲哚丁酸溶液不同方式浸种,育苗试验地Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ容器育苗,营养土配置采用不同的营养土,红壤、农田土,家禽粪、牛大便、钙镁磷等配置,经过一个月的发酵成了有机质肥料。采用容器袋育苗结果显示:应用吲哚丁酸溶液浸种播种的种子平均发芽率,比清水浸种的种子平均发芽率能提高5.64%。不同原料配置容器袋育苗,试验地Ⅰ一年生的容器袋苗木生长高大、径粗壮,苗高、苗径粗分别比试验地Ⅱ、试验地Ⅲ一年生的容器苗木平均苗高大提高6.86%、9.00%。平均地径粗大7.89%,10.81%。  相似文献   

中华红叶杨引种试验初报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在甘肃庆阳地区对中华红叶杨进行引种栽培试验,探索不同立地条件、作床方式、育苗方式下中华红叶杨生长状况,同时调查苗木病虫害情况及苗木冻梢情况。引种结果表明:中华红叶杨适宜在本地区推广栽培,成活率均在95%以上;埋根和扦插覆膜不同育苗方式苗木生长差异不大,低床能较好的促进中华红叶杨生长,引种当年无病虫害侵扰,冬季无冻梢现象。  相似文献   

容器育苗是当今世界正在应用和大力推广的林木育苗先进技术,容器育苗不仅能缩短育苗时间、延长造林季节,而对加速荒山造林绿化,提高造林质量都起到了积极作用。现把容器育苗技术要点介绍如下: 一、容器的选择:我省应用较多的为塑料薄膜容器。常用的规格有5×10、6×12、8×13厘米。薄膜袋可直接到薄膜袋厂购买,也可自己购0.02~0.03毫米厚的薄膜。按所需规格大小,剪成长方形,再粘合成圆袋,袋底粘封,下部打3~5对直径0.5厘米的圆孔。(粘合成无底容器也可) 一、圃地选择与整地:应选择地势平坦,靠近水源,排灌方便,土壤肥沃、疏松,在造林地附近或中心的地块,需要遮荫育苗的(如油松)最好选在树荫下。整地:要求畦宽1米,长度不限,步道40~50厘米,床底平整,畦埂高出床面20~25厘米,畦面平坦。  相似文献   

杂交松扦插育苗及栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从扦插基质、育苗容器、育苗地设施、扦插用激素、消毒与扦插方法、扦插季节和扦插后管理以及扦插苗出圃等方面介绍了杂交松的扦插容器育苗技术,并综述了杂交松的栽培技术,包括造林地选择与规划、整地、苗木选择与运输、栽植和抚育管理以及病虫害防治等。  相似文献   

在利用智能化育苗系统及轻基质无纺布育苗袋基础上,采用不同生根剂和消毒剂进行弗森虎耳快速繁殖育苗试验,并与常规扦插育苗进行育苗效果比较,总结出弗森虎耳快速繁殖技术要点,为该品种的推广应用提供参考。试验结果表明:运用吲哚丁酸和百菌清处理插穗、无纺布轻基质育苗袋作插床、自动喷雾保湿、空气控根及叶面追肥等快速繁殖技术措施,扦插45天可成苗,与常规方法相比具有成苗高、速度快、批量大、质量好、成本低、效率高等特点。  相似文献   

红叶石楠营养繁殖容器育苗技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用穴盘扦插,生根后栽入营养钵(袋)培育红叶石楠容器苗,与常规大田育苗相比,具有育苗周期短、规格易于控制、苗木质量好、节省繁殖材料等优点。  相似文献   

不同容器类型和规格对容器苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过采用不同类型和不同规格的容器育苗试验,发现塑料薄膜育苗容器在幼苗成活率、幼苗的苗高和地径生长量3个方面均表现出明显优势;用10cm×15cm规格的容器育苗不仅成本低且苗木生长良好。在容器育苗袋不同处理的试验中,发现采用有底袋(剪角)、打孔袋较好,不仅使基质通气透水、而且有利于温度调节,从而提高苗木根系的生根率,促进根系的发育。  相似文献   

对梓树3个种源当年生幼苗进行砧木培育,通过不同密度的播种和移栽,选出在天水地区以种源A最为适宜培育,播种移栽密度以19株/m2为宜,当年生苗木平均地径可达8.85 mm;苗木地径与平均侧根长、地上部鲜质量、地下部鲜质量、地上部干质量、地下部干质量呈正相关性,与苗高、叶数、根数、主根长无显著相关性;各种源苗木生物量与平均侧根长呈正相关,与主根长无显著相关性。  相似文献   

大规模生产杉木改良苗木的方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
李明鹤  杨昌岩 《林业科学》1990,26(4):363-367
1986年李明鹤把林木改良区分为个体改良与群体改良,并在此基础上提出了采用无性系选择法,分两步迅速实现杉木良种化的方案。从1986年起,经三年的实验,现已完成了第一步,并研究出了建立采穗圃的新技术,它有助于使我国杉木造林迅速实现良种化。现将研究的结果报道如下。  相似文献   

采用"种子珠"容器育苗技术生产容器苗,成活率、保存率及地径和高度增加量均明显优于裸根苗,分别提高17%、16%、39%、59%,表明了采用"种子珠"容器培育的苗木在移栽后的生存及抗逆性方面均具有较大的优势,具有明显提高苗木造林质量的作用.  相似文献   

When flooded, seedlings of Gmelina arborea Roxb. produced more adventitious roots, had lower foliar Mn concentrations and lost fewer leaves than seedlings of Tectona grandis L.f. Severing the adventitious roots produced by flooded Gmelina seedlings increased leaf Mn concentration and leaf abscission and reduced whole-plant dry matter production. Flooded Gmelina cuttings, which do not produce adventitious roots, abscised few leaves until foliar concentrations of Mn and Fe had risen substantially above those of unflooded cuttings, at which time most leaves were shed. The results indicate that the development of adventitious roots in flooded seedlings of Gmelina suppressed uptake of Mn thereby minimizing leaf abscission.  相似文献   

腾冲红花油茶扦插繁殖技术研究及扦插苗栽培试验初报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为研究腾冲红花油茶扦插苗培育技术及插扦苗栽培效果,采用正交表L9(34)试验设计,用1 a生扦插苗与1 a生实生苗作对比栽培试验.结果表明,最好组合为:塑料大棚+70%遮阳+草泥碳±基质+两叶半木质化插穗+ABT生根粉Ⅰ号溶液浓度为100 mg/kg浸泡6 h+拱高45~50 cm的塑料小拱棚,成活后全光照,加强水肥管理是腾冲红花油茶扦插繁殖及培育壮苗的关键设施条件和技术措施.此技术条件下,扦插成活率达90%以上,周年抽梢率达100%,平均抽梢长度27.9 cm,平均根数6.9根,平均根长16.0 m.  相似文献   

This study investigated the intercropping of rattan, an important non-timber forest product, in coffee and cacao agroforests in Sulawesi, Indonesia. The viability of producing seedlings from seeds and vegetative cuttings with the large-diameter rattan, Calamus zollingeri Beccari, and initial seedling survival, growth and response to light and soil drainage were investigated in village nurseries and perennial farms. Over 96% of seeds and 61% of vegetative cuttings were raised to transplanting size (25 cm with two to three leaves) over 20 months. One hundred C. zollingeri seedlings produced from cuttings were transplanted into each of three coffee or cacao farms and one primary forest site and exhibited an overall survival rate of 96%, 12.7 cm of height growth and the production of 0.8 new leaves per plant after eight months. No significant differences were observed between the four sites with respect to seedling survival, growth, or leaf production and no significant differences were found between seedling survival, growth or leaf production and light intensity (based on multiple PAR measurements). However, poorly drained sites exhibited significantly reduced C. zollingeri seedling survival and growth. The cultivation of C. zollingeri rattan in coffee and cacao agroforests represents a potential means of intensifying and diversifying perennial cash crop farming systems.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sasse  Jo  Sands  Roger 《New Forests》1997,14(2):85-105
Stem cuttings of Eucalyptus globulus are used within tree improvement programs and for mass deployment. To be successful, cuttings must perform as well or better than seedlings. The root systems of cuttings are fundamentally different from those of seedlings. If these differences influence growth, the differences and their consequences must be identified and the propagation system manipulated to improve performance of the propagules.Cuttings are only a viable alternative to seedlings as planting stock if the method of propagation does not affect their growth and development adversely. Full-sibling cuttings and seedlings of Eucalyptus globulus were compared under controlled environmental conditions to minimise extraneous sources of variation, and to establish whether changes in growth or development were induced by propagation. On three occasions over a period of eight weeks root-collar diameter, shoot height, leaf and stem weight, shoot/root ratios and root system morphology were measured on cuttings and seedlings. Seedlings were taller than cuttings throughout the experiment, but both plant types had similar height growth rates. Diameter growth rates were lower in cuttings than seedlings, and there were differences in both height and diameter growth rates between families. Root system configuration differed between the plant types. Seedlings had strongly gravitropic tap-roots, with two types of primary roots from which secondary roots emerged. Cuttings had no tap roots, and the main structural components of their root systems were adventitious roots formed during propagation. Cuttings did not develop further structural roots during the experiment, whereas seedlings continued to develop primary roots. Individual primary roots of cuttings were longer and had larger mid-point diameters than those of seedlings, but the total length of primary roots was greater in seedlings. Seedlings also had a greater number and total length of secondary roots. Shoot/root ratios, calculated from a range of functional measures, were higher in cuttings than seedlings.  相似文献   

连翘扦插繁殖技术的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在延边地区3月下旬采条,剪条,催根,4月中下旬扦插,加强插床管理,控制温湿度,其生根成活率可达98%以上,到6月中下旬起出移植到大田,其当年苗高可达50-60cm,可为第2年绿化提供健壮的苗木。  相似文献   

红叶腊莲绣球生物学特性及引种繁殖试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
腊莲绣球(Hydrangea strigosa Rehd.),虎耳草科(Saxifragaeceae),绣球属(Hydrangea L.),落叶灌木,其花序硕大,一朵花序上红白蓝紫相间,姹紫嫣红,是具有很高观赏价值的野生花灌木,其引种尚未见报道.  相似文献   

介绍珍稀濒危物种华盖木的生态学与生物学特性,阐述华盖木扦插育苗过程中的插穗培植、采集、浆根等技术,扦插生根剂、插床基质、营养袋基质、苗木施肥配方的配制方法以及容器苗培育和苗期的管护等技术措施.  相似文献   

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