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Veneer checking is a common enough occurrence in woodworking. It appears as cracks in the veneer and generally following the grain. Their appearance and the variation of their depth and frequencies have tremendous impact on their utilization. Finding a means of identifying and characterizing the veneer checks is an important ongoing challenge. An automated device, named SMOF, was developed in LABOMAP (Arts et Metiers – France) and achieves this task. By using the SMOF device, the lathe checks occurred in veneers of two species: zeen oak (Quercus canariensis Willd.) and afares oak (Quercus afares Pomel) were detected, automatically imaged and then, the depth and intervals of checks measured. The results were described by statistical distributions that exhibited abnormalities, such as skewness and kurtosis, which were assessed by mode analysis. It has been established that hot soaking temperature (from 60°C to 90°C) reduce slightly the cutting forces for both species, no produce significant heart checks within the loose side of veneers. However, low soaking temperature (from 50°C to 65°C) allow avoiding deeper lathe checking, producing shallower ones acceptable for veneer production.  相似文献   

The need for reforestation in cork oak (Quercus suber L.) areas is challenged by difficulties. Principal among these is herbivory of young plants, vegetative competition, and slow growth rates of cork oak seedlings. We evaluated the early development of cork oak seedlings treated using tree shelters and mulching in northwestern Tunisia. We tested three tree shelter treatments (non-vented, vented, and control) to shield seedlings from animal damage and five mulch types to control competing vegetation (Italian Stone Pine, Lentisk, combination of Italian Stone Pine and Lentisk (organic mulches), gravel (inorganic mulch) and no mulch). At the end of the two-year experiment, sheltered seedlings were 89-99% taller than unshelteredseedlings and had higher numbers and lengths of shoot growth flushes. In contrast, both stem diameter growth and dry weight biomass (from samples extracted after two years) were significantly reduced inside tree shelters. Root-to-shoot ratio was not significantly different in sheltered vs. unsheltered seedlings, suggesting that tree shelters do not adversely affect this parameter. Mulching alone did not favour growth, but could be beneficial when combined with tree shelters. The combination of vented tree shelters and gravel mulch was the most effective treatment for promoting diameter, height and stem volume growth.  相似文献   

Success of plantation establishment depends on the ability of seedlings to withstand animal browsing and competition from vegetation. This study in northwestern Tunisia examined the influence of browsing protection and vegetation control on seedling mortality, diameter, and height growth components of an evergreen sclerophyllous oak species, cork oak (Quercus suber L.) for the first 2 years after planting (2005 and 2006). Browsing protection was controlled by varying both treeshelter type (non-vented, vented, and control) and height (1.2-m and 1.8-m tall). Competing vegetation was controlled through increasing sizes of square-shaped black polyethylene mulch sheets: 0 m, 0.7 m, 1 m and 1.3 m large. Seedling mortality rate was relatively low during the first year (9%) and was not affected by any of the studied factors. During the following year, mortality was lower for seedlings in both types (non-vented and vented) of 1.2-m tall treeshelters than for unsheltered ones. Mortality was only slightly higher for 1.8-m tall shelters than for 1.2-m shelters. Compared to unsheltered seedlings, basal diameter was reduced during both seasons for seedlings inside non-vented treeshelters (1.2-m and 1.8-m tall), whereas for vented shelters it was reduced during the first year and then increased during the second year. Height growth was positively affected by tree shelters during both years. Seedlings inside non-vented 1.8-m tall shelters were the tallest having an average height of up to 140 cm at the end of the second year, while the unsheltered seedlings had only an average height of up to 42 cm. The greater height of the sheltered seedlings was attributed to the increase of: (1) the number of shoot flushes yearly established on the main stem (up to three), and (2) the length of all the growth units produced during each flush. Seedlings inside vented shelters had balanced growth with a low proportion of seedlings unable to support themselves without a stake (7%). However, non-vented shelters had unbalanced height and diameter growths resulting in both a higher height-to-diameter ratio and in a higher proportion of seedlings having stability problems (47%). Polyethylene mulch sheets did not affect early survival, seedling basal diameter, or number of shoot flushes established yearly, but did slightly improve seedling height at the end of the second season, mostly due to the significant improvement in shoot elongation of the first flush. Results suggest that both 1.8 m treeshelters and plastic mulches may enhance the growth of cork oak seedlings planted on harsh sites in northwestern Tunisia.  相似文献   

In California today, several species of native oaks are not regenerating adequately. Artificial regeneration is a means of ensuring sufficient recruitment to replace trees that die or are harvested, and restoring areas where trees have been cleared. Until recently, however, no bareroot oak seedlings were being produced in the state and there was little information to guide nursery operators. This study evaluated the potential of bareroot blue oak seedlings to survive and grow after outplanting. Results indicated that 1-0 nursery stock performed well in the field as long as seedlings were planted early enough in the season to take advantage of a favorable growing environment. Late lifting and long storage resulted in planting at a time when soils were already becoming dry and temperatures were hot. As a result, seedlings grew slowly or even died. Seedlings lifted early in the season (December) grew best. Either one or two months of storage had little effect on seedlings lifted at this time of year. However, seedlings lifted in January, February, and even early March performed adequately as long as they were in the ground by early March. In this study, root growth capacity was not a good predictor of subsequent field performance.  相似文献   

Dubois  Mark R.  Chappelka  Arthur H.  Robbins  Efrem  Somers  Greg  Baker  Karl 《New Forests》2000,20(2):105-118
In the southern USA oaks (Quercusspp.) are often favored by forest owners havingmultiple objectives for forest ownership as oaksprovide mast for wildlife, are consideredaesthetically pleasing, and are valuable for timberproducts. Regeneration and early seedling growth isa concern to those forest owners interested insustaining oaks as a component of their forests. Theeffects of tree shelters and herbaceous weed controlon second-year seedling survival, browse by deer andrabbits, and seedling growth of hand-plantedcherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda Raf.) wereexamined. The study was established on a cutovermixed pine-hardwood forest in Alabama. Fourtreatments were: weed control only, tree shelter only,tree shelter with weed control, and a controlconsisting of a seedling without a tree shelter orweed control. No significant difference in seedlingsurvival was found among the treatments after twoyears. Tree shelters were effective in preventingbrowsing. No seedlings in the tree-shelter-onlytreatment were browsed. There was no significant,difference, however, in the percentage of seedlingsbrowsed between the control treatment and the weedcontrol treatment. The use of tree shelters with weedcontrol was the most effective treatment for promoting2-year ground-line diameter, height, and stem volumegrowth.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) browsing on the growth and mortality of sessile oak (Quercus petraea) seedlings. First, we measured the height and basal diameter, and counted the number of shoots of the 849 seedlings of an experimental plantation, 60 of which were individually protected by fencing. We then introduced two tame roe deer females every day for three weeks from late May to mid-June. Measurements and counts were repeated after roe deer removal, then once again the following winter. We found no significant effect of browsing on mortality, total height, or basal diameter of the seedlings. However, the browsed seedlings exhibited a lower number of shoots despite regrowth observed after roe deer removal. We propose to use the tolerance of oak to deer browsing to promote natural and inexpensive methods, to protect oak during regeneration, such as the spatial arrangement of plants or the use of slash or surrounding vegetation in favourable environments.  相似文献   

Recurrent problems with regeneration of oaks (Quercus spp.) have been documented across a wide range of ecosystems. In oak-dominated forests of the central and Appalachian hardwood regions of the United States, a lack of competitive oak regeneration has been tied, in part, to fire suppression in these landscapes, and managers throughout the region are using prescribed fire to address this concern. To examine fire effects on oak regeneration, researchers have generally relied on inventories or population studies of existing seedlings. These studies are valuable but do not permit examination of the role of fire in enhancing the establishment and growth of new oak seedlings stemming from oak mast events. In this study, white (Quercus alba) and chestnut oak (Quercus prinus) acorn mast crops serendipitously occurred in year three (fall 2005) of a landscape-scale prescribed fire experiment. We examined establishment, survival, height and diameter of new seedlings on sites on the Cumberland Plateau in eastern Kentucky. Treatments were fire exclusion, a single prescribed fire (1x-burn; 2003), and repeated prescribed fire (3x-burn; 2003, 2004, and after acorn drop in 2006), all conducted in late spring. Initial densities of newly established chestnut and white oak seedlings were statistically similar across treatments (P = 0.42), despite fires on the 3x-burn site having occurred after acorns were on the ground. Oak seedling density was significantly predicted by oak basal area on all sites (R2 = 0.12–0.46), except for chestnut oak on fire-excluded sites (R2 = 0.04). Litter depth was less on 3x-burn sites compared to 1x-burn and fire-excluded sites, whereas canopy openness was greater on both burn treatments compared to fire-excluded sites. Seedling mortality was generally higher on fire-excluded sites compared to burn sites, especially for white oak. Oak seedling mortality in the first two growing seasons was significantly predicted by initial litter depth and open sky, with greater litter depth and lower percent open sky leading to higher mortality. In the third growing season none of the measured variables predicted chestnut oak seedling survival; for white oak, percent open sky remained a significant predictor of mortality. Initially, seedlings on the fire-excluded sites had similar height but smaller diameter; after three growing seasons there were few differences in seedling height or diameter among treatments. Our findings suggest a potential role for prescribed fire in establishing forest floor and light conditions that may enhance the success of new oak germinants, although different responses among species may suggest the need to target management for individual oak species.  相似文献   

Four alternative functions are used for fitting tree height and diameter growth models for mongolian oak. (Quercus mongolica Fisch. et Turcz.). The data set includes 1250 random trees and 755 dominant trees coming from 510 temporary plots. The resultsshow that the Richards function is the best model for predicting height. diameter at breast height (DBH) and dominant height from age. The average growth curve of dominant height is used as a guide curve for the construction of a site index table which is partially validated using an independent data set. The Mitscherlich function is the best model for estimating height and dominant height from DBH. (Responsible Editor: Chai Ruihai)  相似文献   

For establishment to be successful, planted oak must emerge above vegetative competition and browse level. A 3 year study was established in 2000 in a cutover bottomland hardwood forest in west Alabama to examine the influences of seedling browse protection and fertilizer use on growth of Nuttall oak (Quercus nuttallii Palm.) seedlings. The treatments included: control, 1.2 m tall wire tree shelter, and 1.2 m tall plastic tree shelter. Fertilizer (20–10–5) was applied to one-half of all seedlings at planting. Competing vegetation was controlled around all seedlings with mulch mats and herbicide. Fertilization did not affect height growth or successful establishment after 3 years. Four percent of protected seedlings (plastic and wire tree shelters combined) were browsed compared to 95% of control seedlings. After 3 years, plastic tree shelters were the most effective treatment for promoting height growth and successful seedling establishment of Nuttal oak seedlings (193 cm, 92.71% compared to 120 cm, 68.75% and 52 cm, 8.33% for wire tree shelter, and control seedlings, respectively). Animal browse protection is deemed essential for successful seedling establishment in southern bottomland forests where deer density is high (density estimated at 27 km−2 in vicinity of study area).  相似文献   

水分胁迫对栓皮栎幼苗生理特性及生长的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过盆栽实验,研究了在不同的水分条件下栓皮栎幼苗生理特性的变化和苗木生长量的变化。研究表明,在水分胁迫初期,随土壤含水量的降低,栓皮栎叶片的净光合速率、蒸腾速率下降,而水分利用效率提高。在水分胁迫末期,由于长期的干旱胁迫,水分条件最差的一组苗木已干枯死亡,土壤含水量从38.123%下降到20.323%时,净光合速率和蒸腾速率均下降,水分利用效率也下降。随着土壤含水量的降低,苗高、地径和生物量均有下降的趋势,其中生物量下降的幅度最大。  相似文献   

生物制剂对沙地樟子松造林成活率及根系生长影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用Pt菌剂、ABT生根粉、HRC吸水剂、丰产素等生物制剂处理2年生樟子松苗木,在内蒙古加格达齐进行了田问造林试验。并对樟子松造林成活及地下根系生长效应进行了研究,观测苗木成活率、根系生长等因子。结果表明:Pt菌剂3号ABT生根粉制剂显著地提高了樟子松成活率,它分别比对照高29.3%和23.6%,也促进了根系的生长,特别是细根的增加。回归分析表明苗木细根长度与苗木成活率呈显著正相关,说明生物制剂提高成活率是通过增加细根量来实现的。表3参10。  相似文献   

Midwestern savannas historically covered >10 M ha in central North America, but are now rare due to agricultural conversion and anthropogenic modifications to disturbance regimes - particularly fire suppression. Throughout this range, Midwestern savannas are characterized by scattered overstory trees; however, with fire suppression, these systems are invaded by non-savanna trees. Restoration of encroached savannas involves removal of invading trees, yet little is known about the impacts of encroachment or encroachment removal on the relict savanna overstory trees, which define these systems. Here, we use tree ring analysis to investigate savanna tree growth rates in encroached, non-encroached, and experimentally restored Midwestern oak savannas in central Iowa. We found that woody encroachment led to pronounced declines in growth rate (ring width) of relict overstory white oak (Quercus alba), relative to Q. alba trees in competition-free, open-grown conditions, or in an encroachment-free remnant woodland. To further understand effects of encroachment removal on relict Q. alba savanna trees, we conducted a large-scale restoration experiment, where encroaching trees were mechanically removed from four encroached savannas, with an additional four savannas retained as encroached controls. Restoration led to elevated tree growth rates, with these changes generally persistent through 7 years post-restoration (2003-2009). Over the course of this post-restoration study period, ring width, basal area increment, and relative basal area increased by 49%, 59%, and 55%, respectively, in trees from restored sites, relative to trees from encroached, control sites. These results suggest that woody encroachment has strong influence on overstory savanna trees, through increased competitive dynamics; however, woody encroachment removal may help to restore relict savanna tree growth rates, even after prolonged periods of encroachment (>40 years). To restore the oak savannas at our sites, and perhaps elsewhere, we advocate a three step process: (1) mechanical woody encroachment removal, (2) maintenance of the encroachment-free state through prescribed fire, and (3) promotion of a diverse understory layer, characteristic of oak savanna in our region. While promoting oak regeneration will be important for the long-term maintenance of these sites as oak savanna, relict savanna trees appear responsive to restoration and should maintain overstory conditions through the near-term.  相似文献   

Environmental factors play vital roles in successful plantation and cultivation of tree seedlings.This study focuses on problems associated with reforestation under extreme continental climatic conditions.The objectives were to assess relative seedling performance(survival and growth)with respect to plantation age,and to analyze the influence of specific climatic factors during the early stages of Scots pine(Pinus sylvestris L.)plantations.The study was carried out in reforested areas of the Tujyin Nars region of northern Mongolia on six Scots pine plantations ranging from 5 to 10 years.In each of the six plantations,five 900 m^2 permanent sample plots were established and survival rates and growth performance measured annually over 7 years.Results show high variation in survival among the plantations(p<0.001,F=29.7).Seedling survival in the first year corresponded directly to the number of dry days in May.However,survival rate appeared to stabilize after the second year.The insignificant variation of height categories throughout the observation period indicated low competition among individuals.Two linear mixed-effect models show that height and radial growth were best explained by relative air humidity,which we consider to be a reliable indicator of site-specific water availability.Insufficient amounts and uneven distribution of rainfall pose a major threat during the first year of plantation establishment.Humidity and water availability are decisive factors for a successful seedling plantation.This highlights the impact of drought on forest plantations in northern Mongolia and the importance of developing climate resilient reforestation strategies.  相似文献   

The influence of single trees on saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) was investigated for six isolated oak trees (Quercus robur) growing on a Dystric Gleysol in an area of parkland in northwest England. The Ks was measured within the A soil horizon over a 0.10–0.25 m depth using a borehole permeameter.  相似文献   

Parker WC  Dey DC 《Tree physiology》2008,28(5):797-804
A field experiment was established in a second-growth hardwood forest dominated by red oak (Quercus rubra L.) to examine the effects of shelterwood overstory density on leaf gas exchange and seedling water status of planted red oak, naturally regenerated red oak and sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) seedlings during the first growing season following harvest. Canopy cover of uncut control stands and moderate and light shelterwoods averaged 97, 80 and 49%, respectively. Understory light and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) strongly influenced gas exchange responses to overstory reduction. Increased irradiance beneath the shelterwoods significantly increased net photosynthesis (P(n)) and leaf conductance to water vapor (G(wv)) of red oak and maple seedlings; however, P(n) and G(wv) of planted and naturally regenerated red oak seedlings were two to three times higher than those of sugar maple seedlings in both partial harvest treatments, due in large part to decreased stomatal limitation of gas exchange in red oak as a result of increased VPD in the shelterwoods. In both species, seedling water status was higher in the partial harvest treatments, as reflected by the higher predawn leaf water potential and seedling water-use efficiency in seedlings in shelterwoods than in uncut stands. Within a treatment, planted and natural red oak seedlings exhibited similar leaf gas exchange rates and water status, indicating little adverse physiological effect of transplanting. We conclude that the use of shelterwoods favors photosynthetic potential of red oak over sugar maple, and should improve red oak regeneration in Ontario.  相似文献   

Reforestation in the tropics takes place across a wide variety of edaphic and climatic conditions. Reforestation trials have demonstrated that edaphic conditions may have a strong effect on species growth and survival. However it is unclear how the relative importance of soil conditions influences species survival and growth under varying amounts of rainfall and lengths of dry season.Two-year growth and mortality of 49 tree species were evaluated in four sites across Panama, representing a soil fertility-rainfall matrix. Despite strong contrasts in environmental conditions, 65% of individual species did not show consistent differences in growth between high- and low-fertility sites or between wet and dry sites. However, early growth and survival were more strongly affected by soil fertility than by rainfall patterns for the second-largest group; 30% of the species grew significantly better in both high-fertility sites than in both low-fertility sites, compared to 6% in both wet sites vs. both dry sites. In the two high-fertility sites, growth of 47% and 69% of the species was better than their across-site means. On the other hand, 55% and 73% of the species grew significantly slower than their across-site averages in the two low-fertility sites.Survival did not appear to be associated to either soil fertility or rainfall. In each site, only a few species had a significantly higher or lower within-site survival than across-site survival.Diversifying the choice of tree species increases the options for reforestation strategies that match species characteristics to local site conditions and to the objectives and management possibilities of landholders. Testing the performance of potential species under different site conditions in screening trials is paramount, both to inform selection from among the vast diversity of tree species in the tropics that show good growth and survival under different local site conditions and to filter out unsuitable species and avoid early failure of the reforestation effort.  相似文献   

A spacing experiment for Japanese oak (Quercus mongolica var.grosseserrata) with Nelder's design have been studied at the Kyushu University Forest in Hokkaido, since 1975. The oak seedlings were planted according to systematic spacings which were 20 levels varying gradually from 40,816 to 1,086 seedlings per hectare with concentric circular arcs (22 in number) and spokes (41 in number). In 1992 when the planted oak seedlings were 18-year-old, DBH, crown diameter, total height and clear length of the survival trees were measured. Based on the results obtained from analyzing the relationships between planting density and the mean values of each block, the optimum planting density should be 7,241 seedlings per hectare. The title is tentative translation from the original Japanese title by the authors of this paper.  相似文献   

Crown size is a good indicator of the growth potential of trees and is often used in forest management for outlining thinning guidelines or constructing forest growth models. The aim of this study was to analyse mean crown radius as a function of stem size, stand density and site productivity in even-aged stands of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.). Data included measurements of 620 trees from 53 plots in nine thinning experiments and one operational stand in Sweden, Denmark and Great Britain, representing a wide spectrum of thinning practices ranging from the strictly unthinned control to extremely heavy thinning with essentially solitary trees. Three sets of models were constructed based on different predictor variables, including indicators of individual stem size (diameter at breast height, DBH), stand density/thinning grade (quadratic mean diameter and stand basal area) and site productivity (stand top height). Preliminary results indicated a significant effect of DBH and (nominal) thinning grade on crown radius. The response pattern of the final models indicated an increasing crown radius with increasing DBH, with increasing thinning grade (decreasing stand density) and with decreasing site productivity. The models are valid for predicting the crown radius of pedunculate oak in even-aged forest stands.  相似文献   

The relationships between plant organs and root hydrological traits are not well known and the question arises whether elevated CO2 changes these relationships. This study attempted to answer this question. A pseudo-replicated experiment was conducted with two times 24 American elm(Ulmus americana L.) and 23 and 24 red oak(Quercus rubra L.) seedlings growing in ambient CO2(around 360 μmol·L-1) and 540 ± 7.95 μmol·L-1 CO2 in a greenhouse. After 71 days of treatment for American elm and 77 days for red oak,14...  相似文献   

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