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妊娠期长短是影响奶牛繁殖性能以及牧场经济效益的重要性状之一。为探索影响荷斯坦奶牛妊娠期长短的因素,本文收集了江苏省某奶牛场2016年1月至2017年4月正常健康产犊的荷斯坦牛产犊记录共7 164条。用一般线性模型对犊牛性别、胎次、产犊季节、是否产双犊、犊牛初生重、产犊时母牛体况评分和是否使用性控精液对妊娠期长短的影响进行分析。结果表明:胎次、犊牛性别、产犊季节、产犊时母牛体况评分、犊牛初生重以及是否使用性控精液极显著影响妊娠期长短(P0.01),2胎母牛的妊娠天数显著高于1胎和3胎;产公犊牛母牛的妊娠期显著高于产母犊的奶牛;春季产犊的奶牛妊娠期最长,冬季则最短;产犊时母牛体况评分越高,其妊娠期越短;犊牛初生重越大,则母牛的妊娠期越长;采用性控精液的奶牛妊娠期显著短于非性控精液配种的奶牛;是否产双犊对妊娠期长短无显著性影响(P0.05)。该结果为控制荷斯坦奶牛妊娠期长短,提高其繁殖性能和经济效益等方面提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

A Holstein fetus was delivered by Caesarean section at a gestational age of 441 days. The pituitary pars distalis was aplastic and the adrenal and thyroid glands were severely hypoplastic. Arrested or retarded cartilage cell maturation resulted in absence or minimal development of epiphyseal ossification centers, delayed ossification of carpal bones, and arrest of longitudinal growth of bones. The pathophysiology of prolonged gestation and of skeletal pathology is discussed.  相似文献   

Ketone body concentrations were determined in six body fluids of cows in late pregnancy and their fetuses (blood plasma and urine of cows, amniotic and allantoic fetal fluids, and fetal blood serum and urine) using the head-space gas chromatographic method. Physiological ratios O/T% of oxidized (acetone and acetoacetic acid) to total (acetone, isopropanol, acetoacetic and 3-hydroxybutyric acid) ketone bodies were below 10% in cow blood plasma and urine, fetal serum and urine, and allantoic fluid, and below 20% in amniotic fluid. A scheme for the evaluation of the degree and duration of ketosis based on the O/T% ratio is proposed. The existence of a renal regulatory mechanism for excretion of ketone bodies is suggested by analogy with the renal acidobasic regulation.  相似文献   

Chronic copper poisoning with an acute hemolytic crisis is described in 2 mature Holstein dairy cows from separate herds. Toxic concentrations of copper were present in the serum and in liver and kidney tissues of each cow. There was no history of environmental or dietary exposure to excessive quantities of copper. No further clinical cases of chronic copper toxicosis were observed in the herds. As well as massive hemolysis, in both cows there was involvement of other organ systems including the liver and kidneys which contributed to the clinical course of the disease.  相似文献   

Two Swiss Braunvieh cows in late pregnancy underwent surgery because of a rare form of ileus due to strangulation of the duodenum at its caudal flexure by the gravid uterus. The whole uterus had passed through a gap between the mesoduodenum and duodenum and with increasing weight had led to strangulation of the duodenum. This was possible since the mesoduodenum and both walls of the greater omentum adjacent to its caudal edge were not connected with the duodenum, probably due to a congenital inhibitory malformation. A transsection and an end-to-end anastomosis of the duodenum were necessary in both cases since it was impossible to retract the gravid uterus through the defect. Postoperative recovering was uneventful in both cows, which were discharged after seven and five days respectively and calved normally about two months later. Copyright Harcourt Publishers Ltd.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine effects of sedation achieved by xylazine (XYL) or acepromazine (ACE) on cardiopulmonary function and uterine blood flow in cows in late gestation. ANIMALS: 8 cows between 219 and 241 days of gestation. PROCEDURE: Doses of ACE (0.02 mg/kg) or XYL (0.04 mg/kg) were administered IV. Measurements were obtained to determine cardiopulmonary effects and oxygen delivery to the uterus. RESULTS: Heart rate was not significantly affected by administration of ACE, but it decreased markedly after administration of XYL. Uterine artery flow was decreased at all times by XYL and was always less than for ACE. Xylazine increased uterine vascular resistance through 30 minutes and caused reduced PaO2 and increased PaCO2 at all time periods. Acepromazine caused a 5% decrease in PaO2 only at 5 minutes. Xylazine reduced oxygen delivery by 59% at 5 minutes and 32% at 45 minutes. In contrast, ACE caused a nonsignificant reduction of oxygen delivery by 16% at 15 minutes and a return to baseline values by 45 minutes CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Xylazine markedly reduces flow and availability of oxygenated blood to the uterus, which may critically impair delivery of oxygen to the fetus at a stressful and important time of development or delivery. Acepromazine was associated with slight reductions of much shorter duration. When XYL is used to sedate pregnant cows, it could impose physiologic distress on the fetus and potentially increase fetal morbidity and mortality. When sedation of the dam is desirable, ACE could be an alternative to XYL.  相似文献   

Carbon kinetics of milk formation in Holstein cows in late lactation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Carbon transfer to milk in Holstein cows in late lactation was measured by introducing changes in the natural stable carbon isotope composition of the feed. Six Holstein cows in mid-lactation were placed on a diet naturally low in 13C (-25.0% vs Pee Dee belemnite [PDB] an international carbon isotope standard), based on alfalfa-barley, and six others were placed on a diet naturally enriched in 13C (-11.5% vs PDB), based on corn. After a 7-wk equilibration period on these diets, three cows were switched from alfalfa-barley to corn, and three were switched from corn to alfalfa-barley. The three other cows in each group served as controls. 13C/12C ratios were measured in daily morning milk samples during the week before and for 6 wk after the changes in diet. After the diets had been switched, milk isotope ratios rapidly approached the isotopic composition of the new diet, indicating rapid transfer of dietary carbon into milk. The data were consistent with a model whereby milk was synthesized from a single precursor pool that responded rapidly to dietary perturbation. The milk precursor pool had a half-life of approximately .9 d and had a mass of approximately 7 kg of carbon, which was renewed daily by the entry of 5 kg of digestible dietary carbon.  相似文献   

The objective of present study was to record the sequential alterations in liver echo-texture through digital analyzing of the B-mode ultrasonography in three groups of under-conditioned (UC), moderate-conditioned (MC), and over-conditioned (OC) clinically healthy Holstein cows from 30 days to calving until 30 days in milk. Furthermore, to compare their changes in association with the changes of fat mobilization parameters of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), betahydroxybutyric acid (BHBA), and body condition score (BCS). Although the cows lost significant (P < 0.05) BCS from calving and the NEFA values showed an increasing trend near calving and the BHBA values significantly inclined postparturition, the mean grey scale histogram (MGSH) of liver images did not reveal significant fluctuations unless a significant decrease on calving day (P < 0.05). The MGSH drop was predicted to be the result of anatomical changes in abdominal cavity, related to delivery and liver’s blood flow. OC cows had higher NEFA on day +20 than UC and MC cows (P < 0.05). UC cows showed higher MGSH values on day −30 than MC cows and again on day −10 comparing to MC and OC cows (P < 0.05). MGSH values correlated with BCS values (r UC = −0.186; r MC = −0.283; r OC = −0.158). It was concluded that the studied cows did not show significant alterations in textural changes in their liver ultrasound whilst going through fat mobilization. As quantitative ultrasonography has shown the potential to detect cases of fatty liver, it could gain the attention to become a feasible device for liver health monitoring on a herd basis.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to describe the clinical, haematological and ultrasonographic findings and treatment of 17 cattle with pyelonephritis. Fifteen cattle had an abnormal general condition, which varied in severity; five animals had signs of colic. The urine was brownish-red in 11 animals and cloudy in 13. Clumps of purulent material were seen in the urine of nine animals and clots of blood in two. The specific gravity was lower than normal in 13 animals and ranged from 1.005 to 1.020. A urine test strip revealed protein in 16 animals, blood in 16 and leukocytes in 12. Bacteriological examination of urine yielded Corynebacterium renale in 11 animals, Arcanobacter pyogenes in two and Escherichia coli in one. Rectal examination revealed abnormalities of the urinary tract in 11 animals; there was dilatation of the left ureter and/or enlargement of the left kidney in eight cases, and dilatation of the right ureter and/or enlargement of the right kidney in three others. The most frequent abnormal haematological finding was an increase in the serum concentrations of total protein, fibrinogen, urea and creatinine, a decreased haematocrit and a positive glutaraldehyde test. In 13 animals, ultrasonography via the rectum and right flank using a 5.0MHz transducer revealed dilatation of the right or left ureter, cystic lesions in one or both kidneys and dilatation of the renal sinus. Eight animals were euthanased or slaughtered at the owners' request or because of a poor prognosis. Nine (53%) animals were successfully treated; five received antibiotics and four underwent unilateral nephrectomy and antibiotic therapy. The treated animals were clinically healthy when discharged from the clinic 10-21 days after admission. A follow-up via telephone 8-24 months later revealed that none had experienced complications and all were in full production. In cattle with severe unilateral pyelonephritis, unilateral nephrectomy is the treatment of choice.  相似文献   

Dystocia or stillbirth accompanied by Large Offspring Syndrome (LOS) occurs rather frequently in Holstein nuclear transferred calves. In regard to prophylaxes, nuclear transferred Holstein fetuses were monitored with ultrasonography during the final stage of gestation. Fetal weight was estimated weekly based on the fetal metacarpal width using ultrasonography. Fourteen Holstein cows pregnant with Holstein nuclear transferred fetuses were the subjects of this experiment. The fetal weight was estimated by measuring the fetal metacarpal width during the last month of gestation according to the expected date of parturition. Measurements were performed on a weekly basis. The ultrasound-estimated metacarpal width and body weight of 13 of the fetuses in the last week of gestation (30.2+/-2.2 mm, 50.0+/-4.7 kg) were similar to the actual measurement immediately after birth (30.0+/-2.1 mm, 51.2+/-5.5 kg). These results indicate that ultrasonographic monitoring within a week of parturition to is accurate for estimating fetal weight. Prediction of LOS with ultrasonography contributes to reliable a diagnostic method that minimizes syndrome-related gyneco-obstetric complications at parturition with the aid of appropriate treatments.  相似文献   

Blood flow to the gravid and nongravid uterine horns of four multiparous Holstein cows (mean +/- SD, BW=641.8 +/- 95.4 kg; age=4.8 +/- 1.2 years; parity=3.0 +/- 1.2) was measured on days 225, 248, and 266 of gestation. Surgery was conducted on day 214.5 +/- 4.0 of gestation through the flank of the standing cows. Transit-time ultrasonic flow probes (diameter 12 or 14 mm) were fitted surgically around the uterine arteries of each cow. Surgery was completed within two hours of anesthesia, and the animals recovered rapidly following surgery. Uterine blood flow (UBF, l/min) was recorded at 10 sec intervals for approximately 23.5 hours; these values were averaged to determine UBF. The mean gravid UBF was significantly (P<0.05) greater than the nongravid UBF in this study. The range of the gravid and nongravid UBFs varied from 3.61 to 14.05 and 0.72 to 6.54 l/min, respectively. There were no changes (P>0.1) in the mean gravid and nongravid UBFs from day 225 to 266 of gestation.  相似文献   

采用二维凝胶电泳(2-DE)结合MADIL-TOF-TOF串联质谱法对荷斯坦奶牛妊娠早期血浆进行蛋白质组学分析鉴定,发现了6种差异蛋白在妊娠后表达量上调,分别是凝集素1前体、转甲状腺素蛋白前体、3,5-二碘水杨酸络合的牛血清白蛋白的晶体结构的A链、白蛋白、未命名蛋白产物及结合珠蛋白-25同源物1前体。对这6种蛋白在不同时期含量的变化趋势及可能引起每种蛋白含量变化的原因和在妊娠过程中的功能进行了分析。  相似文献   

The possibility that alterations in liver function may occur during late pregnancy as well as after calving has been investigated in healthy dairy cows and the results compared with those from non-pregnant non-lactating cows. There were significant alterations in plasma total bilirubin, glucose, total ketone body and urea concentrations, in bromsulphthalein clearance and in plasma aspartate aminotransferase and creatine kinase activities in periparturient cows compared with non-pregnant non-lactating cows. Of these, only the alterations in glucose, ketone bodies and urea concentrations and bromsulphthalein half-time and retention were markedly different before calving. The degree of fatty infiltration of the liver was significant two weeks before as well as two weeks after calving which differed from previous reports. It seems likely that the changes in the liver in dairy cows are functional and reversible and related to the metabolic demands of late pregnancy and early lactation. The results suggest that such changes in the liver occur well before calving.  相似文献   

Oxidative status during late pregnancy and early lactation in dairy cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the last few years, the detection of free radical damage and the body's defences against it have become increasingly important in clinical medicine as a complementary tool in the evaluation of metabolic status. The aim of this study was to evaluate, under field conditions, the anti-oxidant status of healthy cows during late pregnancy and lactation onset using two parameters: (1) plasma levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), a degradation product of lipid peroxidation, and (2) total antioxidant status (TAS). Results were compared with those obtained in another group of cows with lesser metabolic demands. We also investigated possible relationships between antioxidant status markers and other relevant blood parameters. Our results confirmed the characteristic metabolic changes associated with late pregnancy and early lactation. MDA and TAS provided an accurate reflection of the internal physiological status of the animal. The data indicated increased lipid peroxidation around parturition, but with wide individual variations that may be attributable not only to the physiological stage but also to unknown factors that will have to be further considered in future studies.  相似文献   

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