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A survey has been carried out in three Regions of north-eastItaly, Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia, withfour objectives: (a) to update the statistics on the use of pipedrainage; (b) to describe the farms that adopt this technique asa replacement of the traditional surface drainage methods;(c) to characterise the features of the drained soils and of thedrainage systems, and (d) to assess their performance. Withalmost 70.000 ha drained, the Regions present almost all of thepipe drained area in Italy. Pipe drainage first saw applicationsin the last seventies and became increasingly popular during theeighties. Most pipe drainage systems are installed in heavysoils, where the underground waterlogging is due to seasonalperched water table or to infiltrations from rivers or sea. Due tothe pedoclimatic variability of the area, slightly differentsolutions in terms of design variables and installation criteriaare found, but the following features are quite common: drainspacing 11–13 m slope 0.1–0.3%, depth 0.9–1 m. The pipe drains discharge in open collectors (single systems). Anincreasing interest for the use of the drainage systems forsubirrigation purposes has been observed, particularly inVeneto, requiring some adjustment in the drainage design. Theperformance of drainage in terms of control of water tabledepth and maintenance requirements are considered satisfactoryin almost all the cases. The most effective solutions forsuccessfully managing the subirrigation are also described.The introduction of pipe drains allows to enlarge fields (to morethan 10 has) and to save time for carrying out the operations forcrop cultivation. The crop yield in pipe drained fields is slightly higherto that obtained in the traditionally drained fields, withthe exception of winter wheat.  相似文献   

A survey program was carried out from June 1988 to august 1989 in North-eastern Italy in a pipe drainage area of 61 ha in order to verify if the year of installation (one part of the system has been installed in 1984 and another one year later) and the cover material of drains (pipes were covered with cocofibre for 2/5 of their length and without envelope for 3/5) could influence the functioning of the system. Collected data of drain discharge and water table depth were subjected to an elaborate statistical analysis.A methodological approach to determine the sample size (how many measurements of discharge and watertable depth are required, in space and time, from a statistical stand-point) in drainage experiment is proposed. For drainage systems similar to the considered one, a sample size of 10–12 drains and 6–8 observation wells can be recommended in order to obtain a standard error lower than 10–15% of the mean.  相似文献   

The introduction of irrigated agriculture in the arid and semi-arid regions of India has resulted in the development of the twin problem of waterlogging and soil salinization. It is estimated that nearly 8.4 million ha is affected by soil salinity and alkalinity, of which about 5.5 million ha is also waterlogged. Subsurface drainage is an effective tool to combat this twin problem of waterlogging and salinity and thus to protect capital investment in irrigated agriculture and increase its sustainability. In India, however, subsurface drainage has not been implemented on a large scale, in spite of numerous research activities that proved its potential. To develop strategies to implement subsurface drainage, applied research studies were set-up in five different agro-climatic sub-regions of India. Subsurface drainage systems, consisting of open and pipe drains with drain spacing varying between 45 and 150 m and drain depth between 0.90 and 1.20 m, were installed in farmers’ fields. The agro-climatic and soil conditions determine the most appropriate combination of drain depth and spacing, but the drain depths are considerably shallower than the 1.75 m traditionally recommended for the prevailing conditions in India. Crop yields in the drained fields increased significantly, e.g. rice with 69%, cotton with 64%, sugarcane with 54% and wheat with 136%. These increases were obtained because water table and soil salinity levels were, respectively, 25% and 50% lower than in the non-drained fields. An economic analysis shows that the subsurface drainage systems are highly cost-effective: cost-benefit ratios range from 1.2 to 3.2, internal rates of return from 20 to 58%, and the pay-back periods from 3 to 9 years. Despite these positive results, major challenges remain to introduce subsurface drainage at a larger scale. First of all, farmers, although they clearly see the benefits of drainage, are too poor to pay the full cost of drainage. Next, water users’ organisations, not only for drainage but also for irrigation, are not well established. Subsurface drainage in irrigated areas is a collective activity, thus appropriate institutional arrangements for farmers’ participation and organisation are needed. Thus, to assure that drainage gets the attention it deserves, policies have to be reformulated.  相似文献   

This paper describes a multi-level drainage system, designed to improve drainage water quality. Results are presented from a field scale land reclamation experiment implemented in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area of New South Wales, Australia. A traditional single level drainage system and a multi-level drainage system were compared in the experiment in an irrigated field setting. The single level drainage system consisted of 1.8 m deep drains at 20 m spacing. This configuration is typical of subsurface drainage system design used in the area. The multi-level drainage system consisted of shallow closely spaced drains (3.3 m spacing at 0.75 m depth) underlain by deeper widely spaced drains (20 m spacing at 1.8 m depth). Data on drainage flows and salinity, water table regime and soil salinity were collected over a 2-year period.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the introduction of subsurface drainage as a tool to improve rice production in low land areas of acid sulphate soils. Pipe drains with 15 and 30 m spacing were installed in farmers fields in coastal lowlands of Kerala, India, at Kuttanad. Soil conditions improved within 2 years after the introduction of the subsurface drainage and significantly improved the crop yield. Data collected over a period of 14 years, showed a yield increase of 1.1 t/ha (43%) compared to non-drained areas. An economic analysis indicated that subsurface drainage is feasible with a benefit–cost ratio of 2.45, an internal rate of return of 47% and a net present value of Rs 5.17 million. The poor financial status of the farmers, however, is the main constraint for the large-scale adoption of the comparatively capital-intensive subsurface drainage systems in the acid sulphate soils of Kerala.  相似文献   

Recharge to the aquifer through seepage from irrigation canals is often quoted as one of the main causes for waterlogging in Pakistan. In the design of drainage systems to control this waterlogging, rules-of-thumb are often used to quantify the seepage from canals. This paper presents the option to use a groundwater model for a more detailed assessment. Groundwater models may assist in evaluating the effect of recharge reducing measures such as interceptor drains along irrigation canals and lining. These measures are commonly aimed at reducing the drainage requirement of adjacent agricultural lands. In this paper an example is given of the application of a numerical groundwater model, aimed at assessing the effect of interceptor drainage and canal lining in the Fordwah Eastern Sadiqia project, being a typical and well-monitored location in Pakistan. The paper also presents references to other conditions. The model was used to obtain a better insight in the key hydraulic parameters, such as the infiltration resistance of the bed and slopes of irrigation canals, the drain entry resistance of interceptor drains and the hydraulic conductivity of soil layers. The model was applied to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of interceptor drains under various conditions. The results of the study show that the net percentage of intercepted seepage is too low to have a significant effect on the drainage requirement of the adjacent agricultural lands. Besides, the operation of the system, with pumping required, is often an added headache for the institution responsible for operation of the system. The marginal effect of interceptor drains and lining on the drainage requirement of adjacent agricultural land does not always justify the large investments involved. It can be concluded that:
•  Use of rules-of-thumb to estimate components of the water balance of irrigation systems in designing drainage can be very misleading;
•  Interceptor drainage may cause induced seepage from irrigation canals, which is often an order of magnitude more than the net intercepted seepage;
•  Interceptor drains and canal lining do not significantly reduce the drainage requirements, or in other words, cannot prevent the need for the installation of a drainage system;
•  A numerical model can aid to evaluate proposed measures and strategies to alleviate water losses and drainage problems.
Relevant hydrological concepts and modelling parameters with respect to leakage from irrigation canals and interception by interceptor drains are presented in a separate paper.  相似文献   

The design and management of drainage systems should consider impacts on drainage water quality and receiving streams, as well as on agricultural productivity. Two simulation models that are being developed to predict these impacts are briefly described. DRAINMOD-N uses hydrologic predictions by DRAINMOD, including daily soil water fluxes, in numerical solutions to the advective-dispersive-reactive (ADR) equation to describe movement and fate of NO3-N in shallow water table soils. DRAINMOD- CREAMS links DRAINMOD hydrology with submodels in CREAMS to predict effects of drainage treatment and controlled drainage losses of sediment and agricultural chemicals via surface runoff. The models were applied to analyze effects of drainage intensity on a Portsmouth sandy loam in eastern North Carolina. Depending on surface depressional storage, agricultural production objectives could be satisfied with drain spacings of 40 m or less. Predicted effects of drainage design and management on NO3-N losses were substantial. Increasing drain spacing from 20 m to 40 m reduced predicted NO3-N losses by over 45% for both good and poor surface drainage. Controlled drainage further decreases NO3-N losses. For example, predicted average annual NO3-N losses for a 30 m spacing were reduced 50% by controlled drainage. Splitting the application of nitrogen fertilizer, so that 100 kg/ha is applied at planting and 50 kg/ha is applied 37 days later, reduced average predicted NO3-N losses but by only 5 to 6%. This practice was more effective in years when heavy rainfall occurred directly after planting. In contrast to effects on NO3-N losses, reducing drainage intensity by increasing drain spacing or use of controlled drainage increased predicted losses of sediment and phosphorus (P). These losses were small for relatively flat conditions (0.2% slope), but may be large for even moderate slopes. For example, predicted sediment losses for a 2% slope exceeded 8000 kg/ha for a poorly drained condition (drain spacing of 100 m), but were reduced to 2100 kg/ha for a 20 m spacing. Agricultural production and water quality goals are sometimes in conflict. Our results indicate that simulation modeling can be used to examine the benefits of alternative designs and management strategies, from both production and environmental points-of-view. The utility of this methodology places additional emphasis on the need for field experiments to test the validity of the models over a range of soil, site and climatological conditions.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional finite element model of solute transport in a tile — drained soil — aquifer system has been applied to study the effects of the depth of impervious layer and quality of irrigation water on salt distribution during drainage of an initially highly saline soil. The model assumes steady state water movement through partially saturated soil and to drains in the saturated zone. The exact in time numerical solution yields explicit expressions for concentration field at any future time without having to compute concentrations at intermediate times. The model facilitates predictions of long-term effects of different irrigation and drainage practices on concentration of drainage effluent and salt distribution in the soil and groundwater. The model results indicated that the depth of impervious layer from drain level, dI, does not significantly influence the salt distribution in the surface 1 m root zone of different drain spacings (drain spacing (2S)=25, 50, 75 m; drain depth (dd)=1.8 m), its effect in the aquifer becomes dominant as drain spacing increases. It was also observed that dI significantly governs the quality of drainage effluent. The salinity of drainage water increases with increasing dI in all drain spacings and this effect magnifies with time. The model was also applied to study the effects of salinity of irrigation water in four drain spacing-drain depth combinations: (2S=48 m, dd=1.0 m; 2S=67 m, dd=1.5 m; 2S=77 m, dd=2.0 m; 2S=85 m, dd=2.5 m). The results indicated that a favorable salt balance can be maintained in the root zone even while irrigating with water up to 5 dS/m salinity in drains installed at 48 to 67 m spacing and 1.0 to 1.5 m depth. Further, irrespective of the quality of irrigation water, the deep, widely spaced drains (dd=2.5 m, 2S=85 m) produced much saline drainage effluent during the initial few years of operation of the drainage system than the more shallow, closely spaced drains, thus posing a more serious effluent disposal problem.
Résumé Considérant les conséquences potentiellement sérieuses de la pollution du sol et de l'eau souterraine dans l'agriculture irriguée, il est devenu absolument nécessaire de développer des modèles de simulation en vue d'évaluer les effects à long terme des méthodes agricoles modernes. Un modèle d'éléments finis à deux dimensions du transport en solution dans un système de sol aquifère drainé au moyen de tuyaux a été développé et validé sur le terrain (Kamra et al. 1991 a, b). Le modèle assume le mouvement de l'eau à régime constant à travers un sol partiellement saturé et jusqu'aux drains dans la zone saturée. La solution numérique exacte dans le temps produit des expressions explicites pour le champ de concentration à un temps future quelconque sans avoir à calculer les concentrations aux temps intermédiares. Le modèle facilite les prédictions des effets à long terme des diverses méthodes d'irrigation et de drainage sur la concentration des effluents de drainage et sur la distribution de la salinité dans le sol et dans l'eau souterraine. Les résultats du modèle relatifs aux effets de la profondeur de la couche imperméable et de la qualité de l'eau d'irrigation sur la distribution de la salinité lors du drainage d'un sol fortement salé à l'origine sont mentionnés dans la présente communication.Les résultats du modéle ont indiqué que la profondeur de la couche imperméable depuis le niveau du drain, dI, n'influence pas d'une façon significative la distribution de la salinité dans la zone superficielle radiculaire de 1 m des divers écartements de drains (écartement de drains, 2S=25, 50, 75 m; profondeur des drains, dd=1.8 m); son effet dans l'aquifère devient dominant à mesure que l'écartement de drains augmente. On a aussi constaté que le niveau du drain dI influence d'une manière significative les effluents du drainage. La salinité de l'eau de drainage augmente à mesure que dI augmente dans tous les écartements de drains et cet effet s'amplifie avec le temps. Le modèle a été aussi appliqué pour étudier les effets de la salinité de l'eau d'irrigation dans le cas de quatre conbinaisons d'écartement de drain et de profondeur de drain: (2S=48 m, dd=1,0 m; 2S=67 m, dd=1,5 m; 2S=77 m, dd=2,0 m; 2S=85 m, dd=2,5 m). Les résultats ont indiqué qu'un bilan de salinité favorable peut être maintenu dans la zone radiculaire même en irrigant avec de l'eau d'une salinité de 5 dS/m dans des drains installés à un écartement de 48 à 67 m et une profondeur de 1,0 à 1,5 m. De plus, indépendamment de la qualité de l'eau d'irrigation les drains profonds à grand écartement (dd=2,5 m, 2S=85 m) produisaient une grande quantité d'effluents salés de drainage durant les quelques premières années de l'exploitation du système de drainage par rapport aux drains peu profonds à écartement serré, posant ainsi un problème plus sérieux d'évacuation des effluents.Les résultats du développement et de l'évaluation du modèle on montré qu'il peut être utilement employé en vue d'une évaluation judicieuse de la variation de temps escomptée dans la salinité des effluents de drainage lors de la mise en valeur des sols salins et peut ainsi aider à formuler son règlement plus sûr du point de vue environnement et les projects d'évacuation.

鼠道虽比暗管的排水效果差些,寿命短些,但施工方便,投资少,见效快,特别值得在南方粘质土地区大力推广应用。文章介绍了鼠道排水的原理和适用条件;以大量的试验数据为根据,证明了鼠道排水的治渍效果;根据不同情况,确定鼠道的合理布局。  相似文献   

Subsurface drainage has been implemented in irrigation areas of South-eastern Australia to control water logging and land salinisation. Subsurface drainage has been identified as a major salt exporter from irrigated areas. The water table management simulation model DRAINMOD-S was evaluated to simulate daily water table depth, drain outflow, and salt loads by using experimental field data from a two year field trial was carried out in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area South-eastern Australia to study different options for subsurface drainage system design and management to reduce salt load export. Three subsurface drainage systems were modeled, deep widely spaced pipe drains, shallow closely spaced drains and deep pipe drains that were managed with weirs to prevent flow when the water table fell below 1.2 m. The reliability of the model has been evaluated by comparing observed and simulated values. Good agreement was found between the observed and simulated values. The model confirmed the field observations that shallow drains had the lowest salt load and that by managing deep drains with weirs salt loads could be significantly reduced. This work shows the value of the DRAINMOD-S model in being able to describe various drainage design and management strategies under the semi-arid conditions of South-eastern Australia. The model can now be used to investigate design and management options in detail for different site conditions. This will assist decision makers in providing appropriate subsurface drainage management policies to meet drainage disposal constraints within integrated water resources management planning.  相似文献   

The use of drainage systems for supplementary irrigation is widespread in The Netherlands. One of the operating policies is to raise the surface water level during the growing season in order to reduce drainage (water conservation) or to create subsurface irrigation. This type of operation is based on practical experience, which can be far from optimal.To obtain better founded operational water management rules a total soil water/surface water model was built. In a case study the effects of using the drainage system in a dual-purpose manner on the arable crop production were simulated with the model. Also, the operational rules for managing this type of dual-purpose drainage systems were derived.The average annual simulated increase in crop transpiration due to water conservation and water supply for subsurface irrigation are 6.0 and 5.4 mm.y–1, respectively. This is equivalent with 520 × 103 and 460 × 103 Dfl.y–1 for the pilot region (2 Dfl 1 US $). The corresponding investments and operational costs are 600 × 103 Dfl and 9 × 103 Dfl.y–1 for water conservation and 3200 × 103 Dfl and 128 × 103 Dfl.y–1 for subsurface irrigation. Hence, water conservation is economically very profitable, whereas subsurface irrigation is less attractive.Comparing the management according to the model with current practice in a water-board during 1983 and 1986 learned that benefits can increase with some 50 and 500 Dfl per ha per year, respectively.  相似文献   

Drawing on a study of two irrigation systems in Hebei Province, this paper documents the impacts of rural economic and organization reforms on irrigation system performance. In the two systems, prior to development of irrigation, farmers consumed all their grain within the household. However, at present both districts are selling grain, with annual output of 11.9 tons/hectare in Bayi and 8.5 tons/hectare in Nanyao. However, due to the use of groundwater in Bayi, output per unit of water is 1.5 kg/m3 in Bayi and 1.3 kg/m3 in Nanyao. In Bayi, farmers have augmented declining surface water supplies with groundwater and purchased water – using funds from sideline enterprises – and have increased output. In contrast, in Nanyao both income and grain output increases have reached a plateau. Nanyao, with its weak resource base, will probably need to develop additional income sources to be able to improve water management in order to reach the next plateau of productivity.  相似文献   

Verification of drainage design criteria in the Nile Delta,Egypt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A monitoring programme to verify the design criteria of subsurface drainage systems was conducted in a pilot area in the Nile Delta in Egypt. The programme, which covered a 9-year period, included the monitoring of the cropping pattern, crop yield, soil salinity, watertable, discharge and salinity of the drainage water and overpressure in the subsurface drainage system. The results showed that the yield of all crops (wheat, berseem, maize, rice and cotton) increased significantly after the installation of the subsurface drainage system. Optimum growing conditions for the combination of crops that are cultivated in rotation in the area required that the watertable midway between the drains had a average depth of 0.80 m. A corresponding drain discharge of 0.4 mm/d was sufficient to cope with the prevailing percolation losses of irrigation water and to maintain favourable soil-salinity levels. The additional natural drainage rate in the area was estimated at 0.5 mm/d. The most effective way to attain these favourable drainage conditions is to install drains at a depth between 1.20 to 1.40 m. For drain-pipe capacity the Manning equation can be used with a design rate of 1.2 mm/d, for collector drains this rate should be increased to 1.8 mm/d to compensate for the higher discharge rates from rice fields. These rates should be used in combination with a roughness coefficient (n) of 0.028 to take sedimentation and irregularities in the alignment into account. When this value of the roughness coefficient is used, no additional safety has to be incorporated in the other design factors (e.g. the design rate).  相似文献   

A detailed field experiment was carried out in the Jordan Valley, south of Lake Kinneret, Israel for evaluation of the water management model DRAINMOD. This field was chosen to represent the local agro-climate conditions of that zone. Banana crop was grown and was irrigated daily with about 3200 mm/year and 0.5 leaching fraction. Subsurface drainage system with 2.5 m drain depth and 160 m drain spacing existed in the field. The water table depth was measured with about 100 piezometers, in which most of them were observed weekly, and four were continuosly recording piezometers. Five identical drainage plots were selected, out of 10 existing, as replicates for the evaluation of DRAINMOD. Deviations in a range of 0.3–1.7 m between observed water table depth and that simulated by DRAINMOD were found in four out of the five replicates. A reasonable agreement was found only in one drainage plot out of the five tested. These findings contradict the world wide convention that DRAINMOD simulation is in a good agreement with observed field data. An additional study was therefore conducted to explore the reasons for these large deviations. Three reasons were suggested: (i) a strong side effect by the Jordan River, which flows some 350 m west to the test field; a very steep 4.6% gradient was found toward the Jordan River; (ii) presence of sandy permeable layers below the depth of the drains which magnifies the boundary condition effect of the Jordan River; (iii) a very significant component of deep and lateral seepage (more than 50% of the yearly irrigation plus rainfall). A combination of these three reasons was suggested as an explanation to the apparent large disagreement. It was therefore recommended not to use DRAINMOD or similar vertical flow models for simulation of water table depths in irrigated fields with subsurface drain pipe systems in the Jordan Valley.  相似文献   

Chloride mass balance (steady state or transient state) models are used extensively in Vertisols of Queensland and New South Wales (NSW) in Australia to estimate deep drainage. The aim of this study was to compare deep drainage estimated assuming steady state and transient state conditions with chloride mass balance models in irrigated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)-based farming systems in the lower Namoi Valley of North Western NSW. Drainage was estimated at seven sites, and treatments included rotation crops such as wheat (21–62 mm/year) (Triticum aestivum), sorghum (12–47 mm/year) (Sorghum bicolor) and dolichos (12–21 mm/year) (Lablab purpureus), minimum tillage (62–83 mm/year), where cotton was sown into standing wheat stubble, and conventional tillage where stubble was incorporated (35–78 mm/year). Soil water content was measured with a neutron moisture meter in the 0.2–1.2 m depth. Soil was sampled before sowing and after harvest to a depth of 1.2 m along diagonal transects. The soil chloride concentration was determined by titration with AgNO3. Irrigation water was also analysed for chloride. The deep drainage estimates were compared using regression analysis and students paired t-test. In addition, a paired t-test of the soil chloride concentration before sowing and after harvest was used to determine if the soil chloride flux was either in a steady state or transient state. In 9 out of the 13 data sets (69%), drainage estimated with the models agreed with changes between pre- and post-season soil chloride concentrations. Under frequently irrigated summer crops such as cotton and sorghum and in better structured soils chloride flux reached steady state conditions whereas under partially-irrigated crops or where soil structure was poorer, the chloride flux deviated markedly from steady-state conditions. The latter observation may be due to preferential flow via deep cracks in infrequently irrigated soil. Deep cracking would be due to the more intense shrinking and swelling in partially irrigated soil in comparison with frequently-irrigated crops. Comparison of estimated deep drainage with pre- and post-season soil chloride concentrations showed that the steady state mass balance model best estimated deep drainage under cotton crops which were irrigated more frequently or wheat crops which had better soil structure.
T. B. WeaverEmail: Phone: +61-2-67991570Fax: +61-2-67991503

Detailed location maps of tile drains in the Midwestern United States are generally not available, as the tile lines in these areas were laid more than 75 years ago. The objective of this study is to map individual tile drains and estimate drain spacing using a combination of GIS-based analysis of land cover, soil and topography data, and analysis of high resolution aerial photographs to within the Hoagland watershed in west-central Indiana. A decision tree classifier model was used to classify the watershed into potentially drained and undrained areas using land cover, soil drainage class, and surface slope data sets. After masking out the potential undrained areas from the aerial image, image processing techniques such as the first-difference horizontal and vertical edge enhance filters, and density slice classification were used to create a detailed tile location map of the watershed. Drain spacings in different parts of the watershed were estimated from the watershed tile line map. The decision tree identified 79% of the watershed as potential tile drained area while the image processing techniques predicted artificial subsurface drainage in approximately 50% of the Hoagland watershed. Drain spacing inferred from classified aerial image vary between 17 and 80 m. Comparison of estimated tile drained areas from aerial image analysis shows a close agreement with estimated tile drained areas from previous studies (50% versus 46% drained area) which were based on GIS analysis and National Resource Inventory survey. Due to lack of sufficient field data, the results from this analysis could not be validated with observed tile line locations. In general, the techniques used for mapping tile lines gave reasonable results and are useful to detect drainage extent from aerial image in large areas. These techniques, however, do not yield precise maps of the systems for individual fields and may not accurately estimate the extent of tile drainage in the presence of crop residue in agricultural fields and/or existence of other spatial features with similar spectral response as tile drains.  相似文献   

Long-term hydrologic simulations are presented predicting the effects of drainage water management on subsurface drainage, surface runoff and crop production in Iowa's subsurface drained landscapes. The deterministic hydrologic model, DRAINMOD was used to simulate Webster (fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, mesic) soil in a Continuous Corn rotation (WEBS_CC) with different drain depths from 0.75 to 1.20 m and drain spacing from 10 to 50 m in a combination of free and controlled drainage over a weather record of 60 (1945-2004) years. Shallow drainage is defined as drains installed at a drain depth of 0.75 m, and controlled drainage with a drain depth of 1.20 m restricts flow at the drain outlet to maintain a water table at 0.60 m below surface level during the winter (November-March) and summer (June-August) months. These drainage design and management modifications were evaluated against conventional drainage system installed at a drain depth of 1.20 m with free drainage at the drain outlet. The simulation results indicate the potential of a tradeoff between subsurface drainage and surface runoff as a pathway to remove excess water from the system. While a reduction of subsurface drainage may occur through the use of shallow and controlled drainage, these practices may increase surface runoff in Iowa's subsurface drained landscapes. The simulations also indicate that shallow and controlled drainage might increase the excess water stress on crop production, and thereby result in slightly lower relative yields. Field experiments are needed to examine the pathways of water movement, total water balance, and crop production under shallow and controlled drainage in Iowa's subsurface drained landscapes.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for 10 years in the Nile Delta of Egypt to quantify the benefit of subsurface drainage on crop yield. During three crop rotations, subsurface drains at a spacing of 20 m and a depth of 1.5 m doubled the yield of cotton and rice and increased the yield of wheat and clover by 50%. No significant enhancement in crop yield was found from placing various envelope materials around the drains compared to no envelope. Drains of 75 mm diameter resulted in significantly lower yields (20% less) for cotton and rice than drains of 100 mm diameter but there were no yield differences for wheat and clover. Applying 10 Mg/ha of gypsum and deep plowing (25 cm deep) improved yields from 5 to 19% for all crops, cotton and clover having the largest yield improvement. Soil salinity to a depth of 1.5 m was reduced from an average 5.3–2.2 dS/m after 1 year of drainage without additional water being applied beyond the normal irrigation amounts and rainfall.  相似文献   

In northeast Italy, a regimen of controlled drainage in winter and subirrigation in summer was tested as a strategy for continuous water table management with the benefits of optimizing water use and reducing unnecessary drainage and nitrogen losses from agricultural fields.To study the feasibility and performance of water table management, an experimental facility was set up in 1996 to reproduce a hypothetical 6-ha agricultural basin with different land drainage systems existing in the region. Four treatments were compared: open ditches with free drainage and no irrigation (O), open ditches with controlled drainage and subirrigation (O-CI), subsurface corrugated drains with free drainage and no irrigation (S), subsurface corrugated drains with controlled drainage and subirrigation (S-CI). As typically in the region free drainage ditches were spaced 30 m apart, and subsurface corrugated drains were spaced 8 m apart.Data were collected from 1997 to 2003 on water table depth, drained volume, nitrate-nitrogen concentration in the drainage water, and nitrate-nitrogen concentration in the groundwater at various depths up to 3 m.Subsurface corrugated drains with free drainage (S) gave the highest measured drainage volume of the four regimes, discharging, on average, more than 50% of annual rainfall, the second-highest concentration of nitrate-nitrogen in the drainage water, and the highest nitrate-nitrogen losses at 236 k ha−1.Open ditches with free drainage (O) showed 18% drainage return of rainfall, relatively low concentration of nitrate-nitrogen in the drainage water, the highest nitrate-nitrogen concentration in the shallow groundwater, and 51 kg ha−1 nitrate-nitrogen losses.Both treatments with controlled drainage and subirrigation (O-CI and S-CI) showed annual rainfall drainage of approximately 10%. O-CI showed the lowest nitrate-nitrogen concentration in the drainage water, and the lowest nitrogen losses (15 kg ha−1). S-CI showed the highest nitrate-nitrogen concentration in the drainage water, and 70 kg ha−1 nitrate-nitrogen losses. Reduced drained volumes resulted from the combined effects of reduced peak flow and reduced number of days with drainage.A linear relationship between daily cumulative nitrate-nitrogen losses and daily cumulative drainage volumes was found, with slopes of 0.16, 0.12, 0.07, and 0.04 kg ha−1 of nitrate-nitrogen lost per mm of drained water in S-CI, S, O, and O-CI respectively.These data suggest that controlled drainage and subirrigation can be applied at farm scale in northeast Italy, with advantages for water conservation.  相似文献   

Summary Empirical functions to predict the nitrogen uptake, increase in LAI and minimum leaf water potential (LWP) of cotton were incorporated into a water balance model for the Namoi Valley, N.S.W. A function was then developed to describe the lint yield of irrigated cotton as a function of water stress days at 4 stages of development, total nitrogen uptake and days of waterlogging. A water stress day was defined as predicted minimum leaf water potential less than -1.8 MPa up to 90 days after sowing and -2.4 MPa there-after; stress reduced yield by up to 40 kg lint ha–1 d–1 with greatest sensitivity at 81–140 days after sowing and when N uptake was highest. Nitrogen uptake was reduced by 0.98 kg per ha and yield reduced by 33.2 kg lint ha–1 for each day of waterlogging. The model was used to evaluate various irrigation strategies by simulating production of cotton from historical rainfall data. With a water supply from off farm storage, net returns ($ M1–1) were maximized by allocating 7 Ml ha–1 of crop. The optimum practice was not to irrigate until 60 days from sowing and until the deficit in the root zone reached 50%. When the supply of water was less than 7 Ml ha–1 there was no advantage in either delaying the start of irrigation or irrigating at a greater deficit; it was economically more rational to reduce the area shown or, if already sown, to irrigate part with 6 Ml ha–1 and leave the rest as a raingrown crop. Irrigation decisions are compromises between reducing the risk of water stress and increasing the risk of waterlogging. The simulation showed that there is no single set of practices that is always best in every season; in a number of seasons practices other than those which on average are best, give better results.  相似文献   

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