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Multiple value structure of religious cultural landscape resources influences and determines development and regulation of cultural landscape resources. In the multiple value structure consisting of cultural inheritance, spiritual needs, industrial expansion, leisure and entertainment, development and utilization of religious cultural landscape resources should adhere to scientific classification, relatively independent policy orientation, make and implement specific countermeasures, so as to meet various requirements of the public and other relevant subjects using more refined and improved policy measures, and to realize the optimal utilization and comprehensive value of religious cultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Digital City has gradually emerged,promoting the digitalization of urban landscape design,and meanwhile,virtual reality (VR) technology allowing us to create and experience the virtual world has come into reality.The use of VR technology in the urban landscape design,and interactive 3D dynamic view,multi-source information fusion and system simulation of the entity behavior will be beneficial to generate the simulation environment of urban landscape design on the computer,and guide the scientific development of urban landscape design.On this basis,this article analyzed the connotation of VR technology and basic characteristics of urban landscape artistic design based on the overview of previous studies on the urban landscape design in multiple aspects,and further explored the application of key technology in the VR-based simulation of urban landscape artistic design,to provide the reference and idea for urban landscape design,and improve overall effect of urban landscape artistic design.  相似文献   

"Digital City" has gradually emerged,promoting the digitalization of urban landscape design,and meanwhile,virtual reality (VR) technology allowing us to create and experience the virtual world has come into reality.The use of VR technology in the urban landscape design,and interactive 3D dynamic view,multi-source information fusion and system simulation of the entity behavior will be beneficial to generate the simulation environment of urban landscape design on the computer,and guide the scientific development of urban landscape design.On this basis,this article analyzed the connotation of VR technology and basic characteristics of urban landscape artistic design based on the overview of previous studies on the urban landscape design in multiple aspects,and further explored the application of key technology in the VR-based simulation of urban landscape artistic design,to provide the reference and idea for urban landscape design,and improve overall effect of urban landscape artistic design.  相似文献   

Urban waterfront landscape is the most vital landscape form in a city, the most quality urban green line, and also an ideal habitat corridor. Urban waterfront landscape belt has inborn lasting attractiveness for urban citizens. Considering needs of urban development, development and redevelopment of waterfront areas have been initiated in many cities to meet relaxation and leisure needs of citizens. This paper analyzed landscapes of urban riverfront environment, embankment landscape engineering, and waterfront plant cultivation, so as to further explore landscape construction of urban waterfront environment.  相似文献   

Design of plant landscape form is a critical part of plant landscaping, and it is an important direction of modern researches on urban plant landscaping to promote the development of plant landscape via the interaction between landscape form design and other means. By elaborating five major influence factors of landscape plants, namely flexibility, art, subject, mode, and artistic conception, this paper explored the application of construction thinking in the construction of urban plant landscape form, in order to provide theoretical basis for the development of urban plant landscape form.  相似文献   

研究旨在将园艺疗法和景观园林结合,借助植物和外界环境来刺激人体感官,缓解疲劳、减轻压力、愉悦身心、预防和治疗疾病,将园艺疗法应用到城市园林景观中是今后园林设计发展的大势所趋。试验通过前期查阅大量相关文献资料,探究了园艺疗法的含义、类型、作用及其与园林景观设计之间的关系等理论方面的内容;于2018年4—5月多次前往唐山南湖公园、大钊公园、凤凰山公园等地进行实地调研,探究园艺疗法在现有城市园林景观中的开展情况,同时设计了一份关于园艺疗法的调查问卷并在网络上和公园中同步发放。问卷回收后,对问卷结果进行整理、分析与讨论,最终探究出园艺疗法在城市园林景观中较适宜的应用模式,如设置不同功能园区包括体验园、感知园、专类园,从园林设计的角度出发更好地开展园艺疗法对人们的感官刺激,同时通过园艺体验改善人们身体机能。  相似文献   

In addition to purifying water, constructed wetland has become an important ecological landscape in city. The characteristics and key design points of constructed wetland under the ecological principles were explored, taking the Jingyue Lake in Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province for example, treatment processes were designed for different infl ow waters on the basis of site analysis to facilitate the water environment control and ecological landscape construction, ecological theories were applied to explore functional layouts and landscape designs of wetland, to build a favorable ecological environment of urban wetland and design outstanding wetland ecological landscapes.  相似文献   

油用牡丹经济价值和景观生态价值研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油用牡丹是指结实能力强,能够用来生产种籽、加工食用牡丹油的牡丹类型。是牡丹组植物中产籽出油率高于或等于22%的种的统称。油用牡丹作为我国木本油料作物,具有很高的经济价值、生态价值和社会效益。其牡丹籽油富含不饱和脂肪酸及α-亚麻酸,经济价值显著;牡丹花体积大,单株开花量大,具有很高的观赏价值;油用牡丹具有耐寒、耐旱、耐瘠薄的特点,是荒山绿化的经济树种。主要介绍了我国油用牡丹的研究利用现状、经济价值、景观生态价值及发展前景,为我国推广种植油用牡丹、构建规模化产业体系等方面提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper analyzed the landscape components of the golf course from the perspectives of the functionality, beauty and ecology of the golf course, compared the differences between the golf course landscape and the urban garden space landscape in terms of functional requirements, artistic requirements, components, and plant landscaping, and discussed the application of landscape components of the golf course in the of the urban green space landscape design.  相似文献   

邯郸市绿地景观的文脉解读与传承   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:文章初步分析了邯郸市绿地景观中的文脉体现现状,探讨该地域文脉的内涵及其在绿地中的解读与传承方式,指出其中的优势与不足。并提出与时俱进的理念和整体性规划建议,以期为当前的绿地系统规划中文脉传承问题提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

城市景观建设中某些弊端的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了完善城市景观规划,减少资源浪费和生态环境的破坏,达到景观规划的观赏性与生态环境的持久性相协调的目的,就树木进城对原树木生存地植物被的破坏、城市景观规划不当造成的树木成活率的降低、树木移植后期管理不当造成树木资源的浪费、景观设计模式千篇一律导致某些地区园林施工造价的增加和城市景观建设中带来的水土流失问题,开展了一系列的探讨。针对存在的问题,建议苗圃企业增加大型苗木的栽植,减少大树进城对原树木原生态地植被的破坏;加强城市监管部门的执行力度,减少树木资源的浪费;加强城市建设规划部门长远规划理念,保持景观建设的持续性。  相似文献   

Landscape architecture industry throughout decades of rapid development has made great contributions to national environment, improvement of city and ecological conditions. Against the background of worldwide economic depression, increasing national investment, it is advocated that more investments should be input for the landscape architecture industry, and special funds set for the industry. Park and garden construction echoes with the country and people's needs for environmental beautification, ecological improvement, preservation of natural resources and sustainable development, so as to obtain the most ecological benefi ts and social benefi ts with the least input, and create beautiful living environment, as well as long-term and sustainable economic benefi ts.  相似文献   

With the economic development and increase of income, urban citizens have attached more importance to the comfort of living environment, and aesthetic property of buildings. Exterior design is the extension and redesign on the basis of interior design, interior and exterior spatial design and architectural design are closely related. This paper explored the approaches of integrating indoor and outdoor spaces of urban landscape buildings by analyzing excellent building cases.  相似文献   

为研究苏州城市公园内不同景观类型的温湿效应,选取苏州市区苏州公园、桐泾公园、白塘生态植物园、苏州中国花卉植物园等4个公园内乔草密林、乔灌草混合林、乔草疏林、草坪、园内广场等5种景观类型作为研究对象,公园外道路作为对照。利用手持式温湿度仪测定不同类型样地1.5 m高度的空气温湿度。研究结果表明:(1)和园外道路、园内广场相比,有植被景观类型在不同季节均具有降温增湿效果;(2)不同景观类型中,乔草密林的降温增湿效果最好;(3)在夏季,公园的平均温度、湿度和园外道路相比,有极显著、显著差异;(4)在夏季,公园整体的降温增湿效果和公园面积、水体面积占比没有明显的相关性。这些结果可以给公园规划建设、市民出行游玩提供一定参考。  相似文献   

The urban green landscape in Chongqing was analyzed from the view of landscape ecology. It was believed that the urban green landscape was developed rapidly in recent years, but there are still some problems existed, including mainly: (1) the structure of green landscape was unreasonable, (2) the quality of green patches was low, and (3) the function of green corridors was incomplete. It is pointed out that in some urban regions there were lack of green patches, furthermore, some patches were isolated from each other due to lack of green corridors. In the last, taking account of the foundational theory about patch and corridor, some aspects for the design of urban green landscape in Chongqing were proposed: connecting the river and road green corridors and increasing the green patches at the ecological strategic points.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization and increasing attention on the construction of wetland park have contributed to the increasing research fruits of urban wedand park.This paper,on the basis of sorting out literatures on urban wedand park from 2004 to 2015,analyzed the research contents and proposed the prospects.The research contents focused on concept of urban wedand park and landscape health,influence factors,ecological health,landscape health,and evaluation standard.It was found that the research methods vaned,quantitative and qualitative researches were combined;there were rich data sources,dynamic and static researches were integrated;theories lagged behind practices,and the research scale was limited.Therefore,the theoretical system must be improved from the perspective of philosophy and management science;national,regional and other large-scale analysis must be valued to expand the research scale;influence factors were analyzed from multiple perspectives.  相似文献   

This paper started by defining immovable cultural relics and landscape, and explicitly classified cultural relics under landscape. Then it analyzed the scientific value, artificial value, and historical value of cultural relics based on the angle of landscape. All these values had been changed and were indicated cultural value, aesthetic value and resource value as new values. The cultural value included identification with culture, inherited culture and educational value. The content of aesthetic value contained visual aesthetics and enjoyment. The resource value which was composed of the essence, space-time and scarcity, was revealed economic value, which was composed of environmental value and tourism value. In the following, the values of landscape and the new identified values of cultural relic were compared together to discover the connections between them. Finally, the new values of cultural relic were established under the angle of landscape which was composed of 4 degrees.  相似文献   

Due to the increasing man-made activities,the vegetation landscape in the rapidly urbanized areas has changed dramatically.Based on the theory of landscape ecology and the evaluation method of ecosystem service function,this study took the vegetation of Shenzhen City as the research object,and used TM image as the main data source in 1985,1995,2005 and from Vol.4 of 2015 with the support of remote sensing and GIS technology to analyze the variation of vegetation landscape fragmentation and its ecological change.The results showed that the vegetation landscape fragmentation in Shenzhen City was significant in the past 30 years,and the vegetation landscape was the main characteristic in the fluctuation trend.The change trajectory of the vegetation landscape was the main focus,and the woodland land area was the largest land for construction.The fragmentation of vegetation landscape reduced the overall value of ecosystem services and hindered the function of life support systems.  相似文献   

Through the examples of urban wetland parks construction at home and abroad, the importance of urban wetland parks is expounded in this paper, and the special landscape characteristics of the urban wetland parks accepted by the public and the urban constructor are analyzed, including the natural, ecological and economical characteristics. The natural characteristics include rich and multiple landscapes, biological diversity, remarkable ecological benefits and comprehensive functions. The social characteristics include clear recreational character, rich historical culture connotations and prominent education functions. Then, aiming at the facts existed in the landscape construction of the urban wetland parks in our country, including neglect of the characters and conditions of the region, formalized landscape design, urbanized recreational activities, neglect of other living things, species invasion and neglect of the educational functions in landscape construction and so on. It proposes that the landscape construction of urban wetland parks should follow the important principles as to protect strictly and restore the biology diversity, control the human disturbance, the construction should be based on ecology theories as the instruction, the recreational activities should have their themes and the architecture construction should be natural and ecological and so on. Finally, the thesis discusses the landscape construction concept design and the landscape district construction in the urban wetland parks. It hopes that it can give some promotions to the landscape construction of urban wetland parks through this research.  相似文献   

City is a spatial synthesis which consists of various buildings and urban opening space.With the developing of the urbanization,the urban planning will directly influence the sustainable development of a city,and the optimization of the urban zone pattern is the main section of the urban planning.The urban opening space is the main part of the urban landscape with important eco-function.Due to its flexibility,the urban opening space is becoming the object of the urban landscape pattern.In this study,some ecological problems during urban development were discussed,and a series of strategies of urban opening space pattern optimization have been put forward based on landscape planning theories.  相似文献   

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