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在对乡土化高校景观解读的基础上,分析其建设的迫切性,通过对山东交通学院长清校区景观设计的解析,探讨在高校景观设计中,如何分析利用基地条件和挖掘乡土素材进行设计,塑造具有乡土特色的校园环境。最后通过对中国已建成的比较优秀的乡土化高校景观的对比分析,提出进一步改进的对策。  相似文献   

生态型高校校园植物景观探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建设生态型校园是解决校园绿化,水资源短缺,资源合理利用的有效途径。植物景观作为校园环境建设的一部分,在促进师生的身心健康、和谐发展等方面发挥重要作用。本文以生态型作为研究高校校园植物景观的导向,对当前高校校园植物景观营造过程中存在的问题进行剖析,采用查阅文献、相关书籍并结合实践,指出当前绿化在总体规划、植物群落建造、物种多样性、人与环境的关系、植物本身的意境美、及养护过程中存在问题。将生态设计的理念深入到植物造景中,强调了生态设计的重要性。最后以生态学为基础,从建设生态群落、科学绿化、生态设计、人文精神等方面,提出了优化校园植物景观的原则。  相似文献   

Campus landscape as the essence of campus environment accentuates the history, culture and time characteristics of university. Pleasant and elegant campus landscape conveys spirit, aesthetic taste, and cultural connotation of the university; furthermore, it makes people active and struggle for it. Shanshui culture on campus landscape design has important signifi cance and function and appeal to the design conception of landscape and planning strategy to follow the principles of integrity, ecology and comfort.  相似文献   

This is a study case of the Ruzi River landscape architecture design of Ludong University.According to the principles of no-pollution,ecologicalization,culture-orientation,sustain ability,adaptation to local conditions and practicability,the campus is made a place for study and leisure for teachers and students with the application of China's classical garden design techniques such as opposite scenery, background image themed scenery, four seasons landscaping, landscape levels and screen view.Based on this example,this paper has made an in-deep research on landscape architecture design of universities.  相似文献   

大学新区运动场馆是一个集功能使用和文化氛围于一体的特殊空间,其植物景观设计直接影响运动场馆的环境氛围,因而成为高校校园景观营造的焦点和亮点.笔者主要研究如何将运动精神融入植物景观设计,构建集健身、观赏、游憩于一体的新生态景观,并结合安徽大学新区运动场馆设计实例,对设计原则与景观设计手法进行深入探讨,着力营造校园体育场馆的运动氛围,满足师生的精神需求.  相似文献   

为了给观果树种在北方高校造景中的应用提供理论依据,通过文献阅读结合西北农林科技大学南校区实例调研,统计了其观果树种的种类,分析了应用形式、观赏性以及目前存在的主要问题.结果表明,校园中的观果树种以蔷薇科植物居多,整体种类较为单一.建议建立以乡土树种为主,种类丰富多样,配置模式适宜的生态型高校校园.  相似文献   

How to design a graceful campus with its culture and landscape respect is always a hot research topic of contemporary campus environment construction because the campus is very essential to promote the harmonious development of people's physical and mental health. For the design of campus, the most important issue is to make the green landscape become the carrier of cultural heritage. The center square of campus is the core of space in the campus area, which is the key carrier to reflect the campus culture and the essence of environment. Harvest Square is the front part of the campus in Northwest A&F University, which takes green as theme to show the cultural taste and campus features. The article takes this square as an example to elaborate its design ideas, in order to explain the landscape design of front greening square in campus.  相似文献   

This paper introduced the campus greening and construction of restorative landscapes, and then the principles of integrating campus greening and construction of restorative landscape for vocational col eges.Furthermore, the means and prospects of integrating campus greening and restorative landscape construction were proposed.  相似文献   

In this paper, the landscape design of the Bailuxi Wetland in University of Sanya was studied by using the research method of survey—analysis—design. The questionnaire survey, field observation and landscape pattern analysis were used to analyze the landscape pattern of the Bailuxi Wetland as well as the characteristics and problems of the six subsystems of green space, activity, road, animal, plant, and sound. Then the overall structure and function design of the Bailuxi Wetland landscape, the optimization adjustment of the landscape pattern, the optimization design of the subsystem, and the relationship design between human and the animal, plant, and sound systems were proposed. This study is dedicated to providing effective advice on the planning and design of campus wetland landscapes, with a view to providing examples for the planning and design of campus wetland landscapes. The research indicates that:(1) Scientific and rational spatial structure and functional layout planning are prerequisites for the sustainable development of wetland landscapes;(2) the balanced development of subsystems in the campus wetland system is a necessary condition for maintaining the rationality of the campus landscape pattern;(3) the degree of harmony between humans and animals, plants, and sounds affects the ecological sustainability of campus wetland landscapes.  相似文献   

根据景观生态学原理,运用CAD软件,统计各景观斑块的数量、面积、周长等信息,对广府古城滨水区的景观生态格局进行分析;并依据景观生态学的评价方法,选取分维数、伸长指数、多样性指数、优势度、分离度、破碎度6项指标对该古城滨水区进行景观生态评价。结果表明:研究区域整体多样性低、优势度高,景观分布不均匀,受人为干扰显著;自然景观锐减,景观破碎程度较高,缺乏统一有机的整体格局,导致研究区生态系统不稳定。  相似文献   

With an increasingly number of cars on campus, the campus is faced with challenges of traffic order and safety. This paper, based on traffic calming and practical experience, took the Xipu campus of Southwest Jiaotong University as an example. Grounded on the traffic situation and characteristics of Xipu campus, the study analyzed the concept of traffic calming and its engineering measures, put forward traffic calming design scheme for Qiuhua Road on the Xipu campus with practical application of campus traffic characteristics, and stated the significance of campus traffic calming for its driving effect in creating an atmosphere of environment cultivation on campus. Finally, this paper discussed the development and application of traffic calming in China.  相似文献   

高中化学“新课改”已经在全国范围展开,其模块化改革模式使得不同省份或同省不同地区高中毕业生化学知识存在差异.因此,大学基础化学教学有必要在了解“新课改”的基础上,进行在教育设计、教学方式、教学内容、考核模式等方面进行改革,以充分实现“新课改”下的高中化学与大学基础化学课程学习的有效衔接,保证化学课程学习体系的延续性和统一性.  相似文献   

通过对海南椰香脆饼传统加工工艺、设备设施、加工技术、生产管理和产品质量等进行深入调查研究,总结其存在问题,提出解决问题的建议。  相似文献   

In view of the problems brought by blind expansion of campus, such as lack of public spaces, oversized spaces, and improper traffic designs, this paper took Yaohu Campus of Jiangxi Normal University for example, proposed the methods for integrating and optimizing campus spaces, such as establishing artistic conception of campus space, improving campus traffic organization, creating and improving the external communication spaces, on the basis of analyzing evolution history of campus spaces.  相似文献   

This paper, by introducing the conception of planning scheme of Zijingang West Campus of Zhejiang University, expounds how to integrate the traditional human landscape spirit into the planning and design of the modern campus, so as to create a personalized campus where cultural traditions are complementary to natural atmosphere. In this paper, with the campus planning and design as an extension as well as the blending and symbiosis between urban historical culture and natural scenery as the focus of attention, the Chinese thinking pattern stressing prefect harmony and in-depth dialogue between culture and nature is expected to be applied to the construction of modern cities to build and improve the Shanshui city planning system so that the planning concept that Chinese thought, unity of man and nature, is used to build modern cities is carried forward.  相似文献   

This paper selected colleges and universities in northwestern Anhui for research to analyze the current situation of human landscape construction on campus in northwestern Anhui and discuss the deficiency in the human landscape construction on campus in northwestern Anhui. It also proposed principles that should be followed in the human landscape construction on campus as well as optimization measures to create a harmonious campus full of humanity, with a view to providing a reference for the human landscape construction on campus in northwestern Anhui.  相似文献   

高校公共设施建设研究——以山东农业大学新校区为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以山东农业大学新校区公共设施设计和建设为研究对象,总结了前人的研究结果和实践经验,发现当前高校公共设施建设中存在的问题,提出了新时代背景下高校公共设施的建设思路,指出了建设中应当遵循的设计原则。结合高校文脉和历史背景,充分挖掘校园精神,提炼高校文化符号。最后,通过对以人为本、精心设计、用心施工、预留发展的思考,让高校公共设施能更好的服务于高校师生,培养高校师生的场所认同感和归属感,以期对中国高校公共设施建设起到一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

高中化学"新课改"已经在全国范围展开,其模块化改革模式使得不同省份或同省不同地区高中毕业生化学知识存在差异。因此,大学基础化学教学有必要在了解"新课改"的基础上,进行在教育设计、教学方式、教学内容、考核模式等方面进行改革,以充分实现"新课改"下的高中化学与大学基础化学课程学习的有效衔接,保证化学课程学习体系的延续性和统一性。  相似文献   

通过对502份水稻种质资源进行鉴定评价,结果表明,单株有效穗数、穗粒数、千粒重等产量性状变幅和变异系数较大,说明各地区水稻资源产量具有较大差异;所有水稻种质资源均能正常抽穗,平均生育期为118d;绝大部分资源株高在90~120cm之间、穗型为中间型、抗病性较强。部分香稻、陆稻种质资源及抗病性强的珍贵资源具有较大利用价值,对于突破水稻品种选育障碍具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Plant landscaping in courtyard design was studied from four perspectives of building, water, road, garden setting and plant landscaping. Landscape designs in Guangzhou Baiyun Hotel, the Humble Administrator's Garden (Suzhou), and bamboo pathway of Small Yingzhou in the West Lake (Hangzhou) to improve scientific and artistic properties of plant landscaping, and develop economic, social and ecological effects of garden green spaces to the most.  相似文献   

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