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Through investigating colors of Xuzhou City, combining with color planning practices in domestic and foreign cities, current colors and characteristics of main urban districts of Xuzhou City were analyzed, overall orientation and design concept of city color were explored, the overall framework of regional building colors and the zoning planning were proposed, to give new concepts for the future city color planning and design.  相似文献   

Focused on the absence or disorder presented in the color landscape of modern city environment,it is argued that the color landscape of cities must be,and can be planned.Then,in order to setup the characteristics of a city,it is emphasized to make plan strategy based on city dimensions,handle controlling modes flexibly,extract the regional color and intensify controlling and guiding the color in architectures.  相似文献   

Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has achieved remarkable progress through the 30-year development. The change from the past frontier town to the current megacity makes urban planning practices of Shenzhen City significant for the exploration of other Chinese cities. Combining with significant planning events of Shenzhen City, this paper divided its urban planning history into 3 stages: exploration, transformation and improvement, and particularly introduced its overall planning, urban design, and statutory plan, and finally proposed suggestions for other cities' development on the basis of urban planning history of Shenzhen.  相似文献   

Through exploring color landscape planning and design of buildings in the western section of Zhongshan Road in Shenyang City, this paper proposed color landscape design methods adaptive to Chinese urban construction, concerning various tasks such as reasonable orientation of street building colors, effective control of street building colors, realization of regional characteristics and cultural connotations of urban colors via designs, so as to provide references and theoretical support for the future landscape design of urban streets.  相似文献   

The construction of International Tourism Island has accelerated the development of Sanya City. The population aggregation and the external extension of urban area have brought a lot of negative effects, such as discontinuities of green space matrix, dysfunction of green wedge permeation, deficiency of eco-corridor, structural imbalance of green space system and so on. The overall layout of Green space system known as One Belt Three Bays, One Core Six Towns, Two Axes Three Wedges, Two Net Synchronous-construction strengthens the eco-connection among different groups and green space in central area of the city, and realizes the collaborative construction of both resource corridor and landscape corridor. The eco-layout of green core, green corridor and green patch helps keep the integrity of large vegetation patches, enhances the eco-connection of different types of green space and improves finger-shaped network of urban green space. The most efficient way to promote the circulation of urban ecosystem and the positive development of Sanya City is to plan multilevel and three-dimensional eco-space structure and maximize ecological benefits of green space system.  相似文献   

In this paper, three fundamental principles of city planning under the present system are brought forward: the integration of urban design and city planning, the double attributes and position of the urban design and the correspondence between the urban design and the city planning in levels. Therefore, according to the different circumstances, three functioning ways for the urban design in the practice of plan making are put forward: to put the urban design into the system of city planning, to work out the urban design as a research work and then make use of its achievement in the work of plan making, and to regard the urban design as a specialized work of city planning.  相似文献   

From the perspective of urban greenhouse gas inventory, this paper analyzed the composition and tendency of urban greenhouse gas inventory of Guangzhou, and compared greenhouse gas inventory of representative international cities. Taking Guangzhou Haizhu Eco-city for example, this paper from the perspective of urban-rural planning put forward the low-carbon development paths and strategies such as increasing carbon sink, industrial transformation, spatial restructuring, traffic organization, green civil engineering and resource utilization, and green building for the main carbon-emitting fields such as industry, energy supply, transport, building and waste disposal.  相似文献   

The concept of urban green space system planning was proposed after analyzing the background of compiling Guangzhou green space system planning and current situation of local green spaces,i.e. design landscape pattern of Guangzhou City during urban agglomeration of the Pearl River Delta,and highlight Lingnan cultures(Lingnan refers to south of the Five Ridges) and features of Flower City(another name of Guangzhou). Key points of planning are protecting ecological barriers in the north,improving urban garden structure in the center,using wetland reasonably in the south,to maintain integrality and continuity of the landscape pattern.  相似文献   

概括阐述了土地整理的内涵和基本模式,针对徐州市土地整理主要是对工矿生产建设形成的废弃土地进行复垦整治,增加农用地或建设用地,改善矿区土地生态环境以及开发整理其他后备土地资源的的特点,从徐州市土地资源的现状条件、用地需求等因素入手,分析了该市土地整理中存在的问题,进行了初步的思考和探索,并给出了一些未来该市开展土地整理的建议。  相似文献   

对徐州市土地整理的有关思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概括阐述了土地整理的内涵和基本模式,针对徐州市土地整理主要是对工矿生产建设形成的废弃土地进行复垦整治,增加农用地或建设用地,改善矿区土地生态环境以及开发整理其他后备土地资源的的特点,从徐州市土地资源的现状条件、用地需求等因素入手,分析了该市土地整理中存在的问题,进行了初步的思考和探索,并给出了一些未来该市开展土地整理的建议。  相似文献   

Based on combing of urban integrated traffic planning report in Ganzhou City and its contrastive study with revised traffic model of general planning, it is found that there is great difference between integrated traffic planning and its actual development in medium-sized cities.Combining new process of reform and opening-up in the past 40 years, the development of urban integrated planning is looked ahead and explored.  相似文献   

As key technique of digital urban planning, research on urban planning models supported by GIS and remote sensing become one of the concentrations in urban planning. According to the objects and aims of model,this paper suggets to separate the models into two kinds.integrate planning models and engineering oriented models. The progress in research of these models as well as analysis of the trends and countermeasures of the models research are introduced.  相似文献   

Based on the generalized landscape perspective, regional connotation of urban river landscape is expanded. The area connotation of urban river landscape is expanded based on the generalized landscape perspective. In addition to natural and functional attributes, river landscape should be regarded as a regional space element based on heterogeneous space scale. First, as for research method system, the space research models(including ecological footprint, space planning, and landscape pattern index, etc.) coupled with different angle scales and interdisciplinary theory, are utilized to study different correlations and results formed by urban river landscape elements and other regional space elements from the perspective of the regional ecological space, and the overall development goal of the urban river landscape pattern based on the goals of the regional ecological space planning is obtained. Second, the oriented urban river landscape planning and the M type close-tonature design strategy are evaluated through the city function zoning orientation and micro-scale urban river landscape pattern index. The research realizes the compatibility of overall goals in terms of the regional ecology, the development of urban functional areas, and the river landscape planning, without losing micro difference and maneuverability based on the urban river landscape planning and design oriented strategy, which innovates the new approach of urban river landscape planning and design with sustainable and balanced development of regional resources, multi-scale, and multiple objectives.  相似文献   

为了促进《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》的实施,为了把环境保护的意识渗透到生态城市规划的各项社会经济发展战略中,在生态城市规划的早期阶段充分考虑环境的影响,实现城市的可持续发展,鉴于生态城市规划在国内外都很盛行,笔者以哈尔滨市为例,针对生态城市规划环境影响评价的特点,参照宋永昌等人提出的生态城市的评价指标体系,构建了适合生态城市规划环境影响评价的方法系统,即采用适合生态城市规划环境影响评价的数学模型,对城市复合生态系统进行定量分析,该方法以层次分析法为基础,将生态综合指标分为生态系统结构、城市功能和城市协调度3个目标子系统,并在此基础上细化评价因子,通过矩阵运算确定其权重和指标数值,再根据适当的评价标准,得出评价结论。本研究运用此方法系统,对黑龙江省哈尔滨市生态城市规划进行了实证研究。通过计算分析得出,哈尔滨市生态化程度一般,并指出其在生态城市规划过程中存在的问题以及环境影响减缓对策。  相似文献   

Based on disaster-prevention functions of urban public green spaces, necessity and significance of emergency shelters in a city were analyzed. Taking Living Water Park in Chengdu for example, planning of urban public disaster-prevention green spaces was analyzed to further explore planning of urban disaster-prevention green space system and refugee spaces, and provide instructions for the planning and construction of urban disaster-prevention green spaces in China.  相似文献   

田雨  董丽 《中国农学通报》2010,26(15):281-285
本人选取近年新建的居住区滨湖花园作为研究对象,调查方法采用现场逐步记录的方法调查植物材料和植物配置方式,并通过对典型场景取样摄影以及实测绘图的方法来完成。通过分析,得出结论:园林树种的多样性仍需提高,尤其增加季相植物种类,重视多年生草本植物的应用。完善并拓宽种植设计的设计方法,给人以丰富的感觉体验。重视绿化的生态设计和构建多样化的园林空间。  相似文献   

Urban agriculture(UA) is a spontaneous response to the increasing demand for food with the inevitable population expansion in urban areas. As a critical part of FAO's Special Programme for Food Security(SPFS), UA has increasingly been considered as a significant contributor to food and nutrition security of urban residents all over the world. Thus, the central aim of this essay is to develop a better understanding of the current situation of UA in urban planning of China, and 6 categories of UA in China will be discussed, including Leisure Agriculture, Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Park, Community Supported Agriculture(CSA), Institutional garden and Edible landscape. And finally the paper tries to raise the awareness and drive innovation of UA in both theory and practice.  相似文献   

以绵阳市仙海旅游度假区为例,在对都市型现代农业的概念和基本内涵进行初步概括的基础上,对都市型现代观光农业的产业规划原则、功能定位和具体的农业产业项目案例进行了探析,提出了仙海都市型现代观光农业产业空间布局规划构想和重点发展与培育1个支柱产业、2个主导产业、3个优势产业的产业发展目标。文章对探索都市型现代观光农业的规划方法和规划实践,具有一定的理论和实际指导意义。  相似文献   

According to China's urban forest construction concept of networking forest and water, i.e. networklike distribution of urban forest and urban water system, the built-up area and neighboring natural environment of Taiyuan City were investigated to explore the urban forest construction layout of the city and proposed the overall layout as one ring, one river, two nets, three mountains, eleven watersheds and multiple cores.  相似文献   

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