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为适应公园城市建设对风景园林专业人才的需要,有必要对现有风景园林专业课程体系进行改革.以徐州工程学院风景园林专业现有课程体系为例,对比其他高校风景园林专业课程体系,以气候顶级群落结合人文资源特点构建作为公园城市景观建设的目标,分析现有课程体系构成,并以公园城市建设目标为依据,改革现有风景园林专业课程体系.提出了通识必修...  相似文献   

陈冠铭 《中国农学通报》2015,31(22):279-285
为分析三农微观层面存在的主要矛盾和系统地提出完善措施,笔者通过实地考察、举办座谈会等形式,深入调查三亚市崖州区的三农现状及焦点,收集和分析崖州区的基本经济数据。结果表明:三农问题是在自然条件和社会条件综合作用下所产生的弱质农业、弱势农民和薄弱农村的矛盾集合,主要表现在农业系统复杂多变、政府行为全局性不强、农村经济社会管理存在瓶颈、农民问题棘手而艰巨、农村金融不健全和基础设施与公共服务薄弱等。通过分析完善了农村治理“三维一体”和谐结构,提出三农微观系统运行机制,并建议地方党委、政府需要充分运用和发挥国家政策的作用,在三农微观层面深化改革,优化和整合资源,针对问题出台一系列的办法和措施,改善三农内外部软硬环境,调动各方积极性去具体化解三农矛盾,帮助实现农业增效、农民增收和农村发展。  相似文献   

Based on interviews and participant observation conducted in the province of East Kalimantan, Indonesia, from 2008 to 2012, this paper examines why the agrarian reforms have failed to secure the land rights of local farmers. Since the fall of the authoritarian government in 1998, Indonesia has seen limited, but growing government recognition of customary land rights of local farmers living in forest areas. I present a case study of two villages, in which the greater discretion on the part of the local community to negotiate with large‐scale oil palm estates has led to the abuse of power by local elites, as well as territorial tensions between local communities. The finding questions the optimistic view that state recognition of customary land rights of communities would automatically lead to the security of landownership of local farmers, and its underlying image of harmonious local communities in which members share coherent interests. The agrarian reform that has centred on communities' rights of control over land and natural resources is problematic. When local communities do not possess capabilities for resolving conflicts in an equitable and transparent manner, third‐party intervention is needed to assist communities to strengthen local land rights.  相似文献   

The hard course of wall reform by gradual cancel of clay brick in China is retraced and the problems in housings from small concrete hollow blocks at early age are pointed out, such as 'bad thermal performance, cracking and permeability' etc. The way for development of block manufacture with own characters is suggested, that is, multi-hole concrete hollow block with module of clay brick produced by centrifugal technology of molding. Preliminary tests show that in respect of the strength, thermal performance and even technology, the block is better than the clay brick.  相似文献   

With the introduction of Opinions on Deepening the Reform in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in Colleges and Universities issued by the General Office of the State Council, establishing an advanced innovative and entrepreneurial education idea, persisting in cultivation-orientation and comprehensively improving personnel training quality have become an important development direction of higher education, and the innovation and entrepreneurship education reform has provided an impetus for the comprehensive reform in colleges and universities. In this context, how to combine the concept of innovation and entrepreneurship education with the traditional teaching system proves to be an important issue to be considered in the development of colleges and universities. The construction of three teaching platforms for innovation, practice and entrepreneurship enables the idea of innovation and entrepreneurship education to be incorporated into the teaching process of Chinese architectural history, thereby carrying out a systematic, comprehensive, far-reaching teaching system reform. The past several years have witnessed a good teaching effect in University of Science and Technology Liaoning due to the implementation of the teaching system reform. It is hoped that the teaching system reform carried out by University of Science and Technology Liaoning can provide a reference for the teaching of Chinese architectural history.  相似文献   

福建省新一轮林改尚存的若干问题及对策探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
福建省新一轮林改虽已取得了初步的成效,但也面临着一些问题,对林改中存在的主要问题及其对策进行研究具有十分重要的意义。文章运用规范分析与实证分析相结合的方法,指出了当前林改中尚存的林木限额采伐、生态负外部性、资金短缺和规模不经济等问题。对此,不仅要按照“区别对待”和“逐步推进”的思路改革和完善限额采伐管理制度,还要妥善地解决部分分户后的山林被划为公益林问题,并采取约束与激励相结合的措施防范生态负外部性问题。同时,努力拓展多元化的林业筹资渠道,大力发展林业合作经济组织,力争实现规模效益,并注意规范林地使用费的收取和使用,从而实现林改的各项目标。  相似文献   

李泰廷 《中国农学通报》2022,38(11):129-136
为了研究农村集体产权制度改革的具体进展,对农村集体产权制度改革建言献策,推动改革的不断完善,本研究对嘉兴市、丽水市农村集体产权制度改革实践进行了考察。结果表明,欲进一步深化农村集体产权制度改革,应进一步细化“政经分离”改革的具体内容,在考量中国各地区集体经济发展水平差距较大的现实因素下分步推进,不断反刍集体经济组织的治理机制;弱化集体经济组织成员资格认定的户籍标准,建立以“土地承包关系作为基本生活保障”为核心的成员认定规则,切实保障好集体成员的合法权益;全面培育农村产权流转交易市场,通过立法与政策扶持为农村集体经济的发展壮大保驾护航。  相似文献   

高红 《中国农学通报》2021,37(35):136-140
为深入剖析和总结中国集体建设用地产权制度改革试点中出现的问题和治理经验,探索系统推进中国农村集体产权制度改革的路径。本研究运用数据、规范和比较分析方法,对中国农村集体建设用地产权制度改革的公共性缺失问题进行了反思和探讨。从公共性生产逻辑的视角,提出在协调现行市场经济条件下“城乡融合发展的公共利益、集体经济的共同利益和农民的财产权益”基础上,建构以多元主体协同共治为基础,以数字化治理技术创新为保障,以公共基础设施和公共服务改善为支撑,以城乡要素市场双向流动建设为目标的产权制度改革路径。为此,本研究建议进一步明确农村集体建设用地产权制度改革的公共性目标,从城乡融合发展的视角系统地推进各项配套改革措施的完善,并加强对其改革效果的公共性评估。  相似文献   

东平湖湖滨带不同植被类型下春季土壤CO2通量研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了准确揭示湖滨带不同植被类型的土壤呼吸差异,并为湿地生态系统碳收支研究提供基础理论依据,采用LI-8100A开路式土壤碳通量测量系统,测定东平湖湖滨带3种典型植被类型(香蒲、芦苇、人工杨树林)的春季土壤CO2通量特征。结果表明:(1)3种植物群落中,人工杨树林的土壤有机质明显要高于其他2个原生湿地土壤;(2)3种植物群落的土壤CO2释放速率日变化趋势都均为单峰曲线;土壤碳通量速率最高值在12:00-14:00,最低值出现在6:00。以人为扰动过的土壤,即杨树林群落土壤呼吸速率最大,日平均值达到2.26 μmol/(m2?s);(3)土壤CO2释放速率与近地面大气温度的相关性要高于与土壤温度相关性。分析表明,同一气候区相同环境因子对不同植物群落土壤呼吸的影响作用不同,且因其自身具有明显的日变化,从而导致对土壤呼吸的调控作用也具有明显的日变化模式。  相似文献   

钟大森  张昭  许宁  张凯 《中国农学通报》2020,36(16):156-159
“放管服”改革在科技领域的迅速深入推进,对科研项目管理与服务提出了新的要求。笔者结合专业机构在项目管理中的实践与探索,分析了“放管服”改革的背景和要求,总结了专业机构在农业科研项目管理中落实“放管服”改革精神的经验做法,在此基础上提出了进一步落实改革精神的考虑和建议:正确理解“放管服”改革的精神实质;进一步强化项目承担单位“法人责任”;抓好专项实施的“两定三强”工作;加强专业机构内部管理体制机制创新;探索专项的专业化、精细化管理。  相似文献   

It is the direction of the project bidding system reform to apply the non-price bottom bidding system under the mode of valuation with bill quality of construction works in China. In this paper, the significance of implementing the non-price bottom bidding system is analyzed and emphasis is put on the workout of the non-price bottom bidding, valuation and so on. The risk prevention and risk management are studied on the side of tenderee from the qualification examination, engineering guarantee, defending system and so on.  相似文献   

Abstract: Policies of decentralisation and democratisation since the end of the New Order of Indonesia in 1998 have seen a major shift of economic and political attention to the regions and widespread clamouring from local communities for more power in decision making and control over local resources. This regionalisation has led to a resurgence in interest in ‘tradition’ and a shift in the understanding of ‘culture’ as it was formed during the New Order. This article looks at contestations over the use of traditional culture in the regency of Manggarai (in Flores Island, Eastern Indonesia) and how, while political elites retain an image of culture similar to the New Order, local communities struggle to reform tradition in their own way and to regain local governance.  相似文献   

The Analysis on Utility of Share Cooperation of Rural Land   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中国农地使用制度效用分析标准应立足国情,考虑中国农村社会保障体制现状、就业情况、社会稳定要求、规模效应等因素。农地股份合作制优化了农业劳动力资源配置,发挥了社保机制功用,有利于小城镇建设的推行,并保留了家庭经营的内核,促进了土地规模经营的发展,但也存在着推广难度大,忽视产权制度建设等缺陷。完善农地股份合作制改革应稳定家庭承包制,深化产权制度改革,尊重农民意愿,并改革户籍管理制度,积极创建农村社保体制。  相似文献   

为了解方斑东风螺养殖系统中细菌种群结构,研究和优化方斑东风螺地膜覆沙池养殖体系的管理模式。试验采用PCR-DGGE技术,对方斑东风螺地膜覆沙池养殖系统和潮线下养殖系统底质样品和水体样品中的细菌种群结构进行了分析。试验结果显示,以广东省湛江市东海岛海水为基础构建的方斑东风螺养殖系统内主要细菌种群包括变形菌门、绿弯菌门、蓝细菌门和放线菌门。其中地膜覆沙池养殖系统主要细菌种群包括γ-变形菌纲、α-变形菌纲、δ-变形菌纲、变形菌纲、厌氧绳菌纲、蓝细菌和放线菌等;潮线下养殖系统主要细菌种群包括γ-变形菌纲、α-变形菌纲、δ-变形菌纲、厌氧绳菌纲、蓝细菌,而变形菌纲和放线菌的分布较少。被检测的两个养殖系统中细菌种群均具有较高的多样性,UPGMA聚类分析结果表明,被检测的两个养殖系统底质样品S1和S2为一簇,种群结构相似度为54.5%;两个养殖系统的水体样品S3和S4为一簇,种群结构相似度为84.0%;试验结果说明,通过池塘水体更新和微生物种群监测等调控手段有效控制养殖系统微生物种群结构,能够使方斑东风螺地膜覆沙池养殖系统的微生物生态水平接近潮线下养殖系统。  相似文献   

结合多年来的教学改革和教学体验,就提高高职院校食品微生物课程教学效果的方法提出了新思路。改革理论及实践教学体系、优化教学内容、更新教学方法,取得了理想的教学效果。  相似文献   

Valuation based on the bill of quantifies will change the existing valuation mode of tender and bidding. For the standardized management of tender and bidding for power projects and the inteUigentized information management of power enterprises, it is an inevitable trend of reform to apply the valuation mode based on the bill of quantifies. According to the characteristics of power projects, this paper expounds the working process of the valuation mode based on the bill of quantities and analyzes the goal and function need of the tender and bidding management system. Considering the calculation procedure of the valuation and the quote strategy of quantities bill, the composition of fees for the valuation is settled and the calculation method is designed. To establish the management system of tender and bidding with a valuation based on the bill of quantities is beneficial for the costing reform of power projects and the perfection of the tender and bidding market. Therefore it is of great significance to spread the new management mode of project costing with a valuation based on the bill of quantities.  相似文献   

利用生物絮团对虾养殖系统进行日本囊对虾的养殖实验,研究温度突变对生物絮团系统中水体氮转化效率及其稳定性的影响。实验将日本囊对虾随机分为2组,对照组为消毒的洁净海水,日换水量20%(半封闭养殖系统),实验组为初始量20 mL/L的生物絮团海水(生物絮团系统)。在实验组与对照组水质保持1周的稳定后,进行温度突变胁迫,温度骤升10℃。在温度突变过程中,温度突变对水体中氮转化通路无显著影响(P>0.05),实验组的硝酸盐氮在温度突变后有上升的趋势,温度突变实验第5天(突变前)为19.65 mg/L到实验第10天(突变后)升高到31.54 mg/L,实验组的累计速率大于对照组。高通量测序显示,实验组与对照组水体微生物中共获得了4219个OTU。实验组的丰度与多样性指数均大于对照组,温度突变前大于突变后。温度突变后的水体和肠道的微生物群落的丰度与多样性均低于突变前。结果表明生物絮团系统在应对温度突变中的表现要优于半封闭养殖系统,在微生物群落的丰度与多样性上均具有更高的稳定性。  相似文献   

With the advance of curriculum reform, innovative education has become the calling of Chinese vocational education. Based on the case study of Nanjing Vocational Institute of Industry Technology, the paper is to explore methods and approaches of deepening the curriculum reform to cultivate student's practical and creative ability from following aspects: creating an open teaching environment to cultivate students' innovative consciousness, setting open teaching contents to foster students' creative thinking, and establishing an open assessment system to test students' innovation ability.  相似文献   

食品工程课程设计是专业性、技术性、综合性、实践性较强的本科教学实践环节。针对目前该教学实践中存在的诸多问题,采取了培养学生创新意识、规范教学文件、改革教学方式、加强师资建设和学生科研技能训练等措施,教学效果显著。  相似文献   

建国以来中国农民土地权益演变研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对建国以来中国农地制度中农民土地权益进行较为全面分析。首先对计划经济时期农民土地权益进行分析,包括建国初期、初级合作社时期以及高级合作社时期的农地制度与农民土地权益。接着对改革开放以后农民土地权益进行分析,包括改革开放初期农民获得承包权、家庭承包责任制全面实行阶段农民拥有稳定的承包权,以及家庭承包责任制完善阶段农民拥有了用益物权性质的承包权。应该说,改革开放后,中国正致力于通过农地制度调整来加强对农民土地权益的维护。  相似文献   

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