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Reasons for landscape environment damages and cultural loss of old blocks in small cities and towns were analyzed from the cultural perspective,i.e.regional cultures have not been given due attention or inherited effectively.On this basis,cultural connotations of landscapes in old blocks,and cultural inheritance-dominated renovation strategies were explored,i.e.focusing on man and culture,inheriting cultures in the overall town planning and constructing physical functions of old blocks.  相似文献   

蔡清 《中国农学通报》2011,27(31):300-304
景观不仅是一门艺术,更是一门科学。在对景观环境分析的基础上,提出点、线、面是景观造型的基本元素。结合平面构成理论,笔者指出平面构成理论与景观造型的基本元素之间存在形态要素的对应性、美学法则的一致性、形态语言的互通性等3个方面共性。因此,可利用平面构成理论对景观环境的营造进行指导。基于以上观点,以形态要素点、线、面的品质为出发点,探讨景观造型的基本元素的运用特点及手法,从而总结出景观造型的基本元素在景观设计中的应用特点及规律。  相似文献   

生态型高校校园植物景观探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建设生态型校园是解决校园绿化,水资源短缺,资源合理利用的有效途径。植物景观作为校园环境建设的一部分,在促进师生的身心健康、和谐发展等方面发挥重要作用。本文以生态型作为研究高校校园植物景观的导向,对当前高校校园植物景观营造过程中存在的问题进行剖析,采用查阅文献、相关书籍并结合实践,指出当前绿化在总体规划、植物群落建造、物种多样性、人与环境的关系、植物本身的意境美、及养护过程中存在问题。将生态设计的理念深入到植物造景中,强调了生态设计的重要性。最后以生态学为基础,从建设生态群落、科学绿化、生态设计、人文精神等方面,提出了优化校园植物景观的原则。  相似文献   

基于乡村景观意象的休闲农庄景观规划设计研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目前中国东北地区休闲农庄景观定位方向尚不清晰明确,乡村景观意象规划还在起步阶段。在总结前人对乡村景观意象的理论研究的基础上,归纳出乡村景观意象的概念与基本特征。结合哈尔滨市哈南新城寒地休闲农庄规划设计项目对乡村景观意象进行了新的解读,提出了寒地乡村景观意象的内容与特征要素,并根据寒地乡村的基本特点,探讨了具有满族风情的寒地休闲农庄景观规划设计方法,为寒地乡村发展地域特色性乡村旅游建设提供规划设计实践参考,推动景观意象角度上的探索与开拓。  相似文献   

根据景观生态学原理,运用CAD软件,统计各景观斑块的数量、面积、周长等信息,对广府古城滨水区的景观生态格局进行分析;并依据景观生态学的评价方法,选取分维数、伸长指数、多样性指数、优势度、分离度、破碎度6项指标对该古城滨水区进行景观生态评价。结果表明:研究区域整体多样性低、优势度高,景观分布不均匀,受人为干扰显著;自然景观锐减,景观破碎程度较高,缺乏统一有机的整体格局,导致研究区生态系统不稳定。  相似文献   

From the perspectives of physiology and psychology, this article not only analyzes the interrelation between landscape and sight, but also classifies and studies the courtyard landscape sight. According to the studies of courtyard sight, courtyard space and courtyard construction, how to optimize the courtyard landscape construction is to be discussed to provide references for further researches and field applications.  相似文献   

Design of plant landscape form is a critical part of plant landscaping, and it is an important direction of modern researches on urban plant landscaping to promote the development of plant landscape via the interaction between landscape form design and other means. By elaborating five major influence factors of landscape plants, namely flexibility, art, subject, mode, and artistic conception, this paper explored the application of construction thinking in the construction of urban plant landscape form, in order to provide theoretical basis for the development of urban plant landscape form.  相似文献   

Through the examples of urban wetland parks construction at home and abroad, the importance of urban wetland parks is expounded in this paper, and the special landscape characteristics of the urban wetland parks accepted by the public and the urban constructor are analyzed, including the natural, ecological and economical characteristics. The natural characteristics include rich and multiple landscapes, biological diversity, remarkable ecological benefits and comprehensive functions. The social characteristics include clear recreational character, rich historical culture connotations and prominent education functions. Then, aiming at the facts existed in the landscape construction of the urban wetland parks in our country, including neglect of the characters and conditions of the region, formalized landscape design, urbanized recreational activities, neglect of other living things, species invasion and neglect of the educational functions in landscape construction and so on. It proposes that the landscape construction of urban wetland parks should follow the important principles as to protect strictly and restore the biology diversity, control the human disturbance, the construction should be based on ecology theories as the instruction, the recreational activities should have their themes and the architecture construction should be natural and ecological and so on. Finally, the thesis discusses the landscape construction concept design and the landscape district construction in the urban wetland parks. It hopes that it can give some promotions to the landscape construction of urban wetland parks through this research.  相似文献   

The large-span structure requires wind vibration analysis when computing the wind load;however,the formula in current code on wind vibration coefficient can hardly be applied in large-span structure,making its computation difficult and troublesome.This paper makes wind vibration analysis on the large-span curtain wall combined with certain engineering background in the methods of both time domain and frequency domain,and then the derived results are compared.The analytical results demonstrate identical distribution and contiguous numerical value of wind vibration coefficient concluded from the two varied methods;furthermore,even if the method in time domain is higher in computational complexity,more data on the response of structure under wind can be obtained,which provides reference for the theoretical analysis and engineering design.  相似文献   

湿地公园建设中的景观设计研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
湿地公园已成为国家湿地保护体系的重要组成部分,但在其快速建设的过程中也出现了一些景观设计方面的问题。笔者通过分析当前国内湿地公园建设中景观设计方面的不足,明确湿地公园景观的含义和设计目标,指出湿地公园景观由水体景观、生物景观和文化景观构成,提出湿地公园景观设计应遵循生态学、以人为本和美学原则,探讨湿地体验区、湿地功能展示区以及湿地公园服务设施景观设计的内容和方法,以期对今后湿地公园景观设计有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

Based on the theory of localization, the landscape status of Xiadian industrial area in Xuzhou City was investigated and analyzed. Localized transformation of landscape in the old industrial area can be conducted from the restoration of landscape ecological environment, protection of industrial landscape heritage, and sustainable utilization of industrial waste resources. It can achieve a better balance between urban renewal and the landscape transformation of the old industrial area and then realize the reshaping and regeneration of landscape and promote the development of local industries and the continuation of industrial culture to provide useful thinking for creating geographically representative urban landscape.  相似文献   

利用超声辅助碱提取法从鱿鱼加工废弃物鱿鱼墨中提取黑色素,在单因素试验的基础上通过响应面优化提取工艺,确定的最优提取条件为NaOH浓度0.68 mol/L,超声时间58 min,提取温度40℃,在此条件下的提取率可达18.2%。将制备得到的鱿鱼墨黑色素以海藻酸钙微球包埋,并应用于防晒霜中,评价其抗紫外线能力,结果表明,添加鱿鱼墨黑色素包埋的海藻酸钙微球的防晒霜吸收紫外线能力强,具备较好的防晒效果。研究结果为未来天然防晒剂的开发提供了一种选择。  相似文献   

In view of the current poor safety consciousness in landscape architecture industry, this paper proposed the concept of landscape architecture safety, and analyzed its characteristics; explored the monitoring means of landscape architecture safety and prevention measures from the perspectives of landscape architecture planning and design safety, landscaping construction safety; and put forward specific schemes from the perspectives of evaluation standards, legal system, and propaganda and education of landscape architecture safety, in order to meet the increasingly urgent needs of landscape architecture safety,and promote the landscape architecture safety in China.  相似文献   

乡村景观建设已呈现出“新圈地运动”等一系列问题,这源于相关规划法规的不完善、错误的政绩观及保守的规划方法。为此提出六点对策:第一,树立正确的乡村景观评价标准;第二,严格遵循最新法规政策;第三,以规划为手段合理组织乡村景观结构,建议开发利用乡村地下空间;第四,树立正确的政绩观;第五,坚持绿色GDP指标;第六,加大乡村景观建设宣传教育力度。  相似文献   

烤烟细胞壁物质对烟叶质量影响研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解烤烟细胞壁物质与烟叶质量的相关,测定了“金攀西”优质烟开发区攀枝花和凉山州烤烟B2F、C3F、X2F三个等级烟叶细胞壁成分;并对四川烤烟细胞壁成分和烟叶质量的数据进行偏相关分析。结果表明:(1)四川烤烟B2F、C3F、X2F三个等级间烟叶细胞壁成分含量差异较小,烟叶的总细胞壁物质、全纤维素、木质素、果胶、半纤维素、a纤维素含量分别集中在24%~35%、10%~16%、 0.5%~4%、5%~9%、2%~5%、5%~9% 之间。(2)四川烤烟烟叶总细胞壁物质含量与身份、抗张力、香气质得分显著负相关,与平衡含水率显著正相关。烟叶全纤维素含量与身份、厚度显著正相关。烟叶半纤维素含量与身份显著正相关。烟叶a纤维素含量与结构显著正相关,与身份显著负相关。  相似文献   

关于中国乡村景观研究现状的分析与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍国内外乡村景观的研究概况,阐述中国不同学科领域对乡村景观概念的界定,并简要总结近年中国乡村景观研究的主要内容,在此基础上分析中国乡村景观研究的现状,指出应制定乡村景观相关法律法规,加强多学科的交融,进一步拓展和深化乡村景观研究领域,最后强调了乡村景观演变研究的重要性,以此作为今后乡村景观研究和发展的重点领域。  相似文献   

山矾属植物研究现状及其园林应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了合理开发利用山矾属植物资源,推动其在我国的研究与栽培应用。在简要分析中国山矾属植物种质资源的基础上,综述了国内外山矾属植物的研究现状,对其在城市绿化和植物专类园中的配置应用进行了分析。研究认为,目前中国对山矾属植物的园林应用研究和开发力度不够,应大力开发山矾属植物作为城市绿化植物材料的潜力,以丰富园林植物多样性和园林景观。  相似文献   

介绍植被景观多样性评价模型的设计思想,然后进行构造其专家系统,该系统采用模块化程序设计技术,分为预处理、综合库、知识库、推理机、知识获取及知识管理和总菜单等6个模块,整个系统在主菜单控制下运行,各模块能独立运行。专家系统程序采用雄风专家系统开发平台VisualXF6.1,GIS由Arc/Info系统支撑。最后以永泰县为应用实例进行研究,创建永泰县植被景观多样性评价专家系统,对全县进行植被景观多样性评价,按景观多样性程度由高到低共评价5个等级,2243.4km2,评价结果与实际情况一致。  相似文献   

People have the demands to know their environment and orientation in their social relations and the urban landscape must content them with such demands. In this paper, the space feature and landscape levels of the mountain are analyzed. From the natural landscape and humanistic landscape aspects, in this paper, the diversification, place and environment of landscape levels in mountain space is inquired into and the essentials of the control on landscape in mountain cities are pointed out.  相似文献   

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