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A study was conducted in 40 healthy, randomly selected, client-owned, mixed and purebred dogs to assess the efficacy of a barrier dental sealant. All dogs showed evidence of dental plaque, calculus, or gingivitis. The dental sealant was applied to one side of the mouth following a professional teeth cleaning procedure and reapplied weekly for 8-weeks following the cleaning procedure. Dental parameters evaluated included plaque, calculus, gingivitis, and gingival bleeding indices. A statistically significant difference was detected between treated and untreated teeth compared with baseline values for plaque and calculus at weeks 4 and 8, gingivitis at week 4, and gingival bleeding time at week 8. A professional teeth cleaning procedure followed by a single application of the barrier dental sealant and weekly reapplication performed by a veterinarian or veterinary technician provided significant improvement in plaque and calculus indices during an 8-week period.  相似文献   

Objective: To (1) describe a technique for splenic vessel hemostasis and (2) report complications and outcome after use of bipolar sealant device during splenectomy in dogs. Study Design: Case series. Animals: Dogs (n=27) with naturally occurring splenic disease. Methods: Between January 2006 and March 2008, splenectomy was performed using a vessel sealant device in 27 dogs with naturally occurring splenic disease. Number of sutures needed for splenectomy and complications were recorded. Splenic artery diameter was measured using a caliper. Intraoperative hemostasis, device ease of use, postoperative hemorrhage, and short‐term survival were evaluated. Results: Splenectomy was performed successfully in 27 dogs with the vessel sealant device; none of the dogs required vessel ligation with suture. The splenic artery was dissected and adequately sealed in each dog. One dog was readmitted 4 days after surgery with hemoabdomen. Abdominal exploration revealed splenic pedicle hemorrhage and pancreatitis, the vessel sealant device was used to coagulate splenic pedicle bleeding. The dog was alive at suture removal. Conclusion: In dogs, a vessel sealant device may be used to achieve efficient and safe hemostasis of the splenic vascular pedicle without sutures.  相似文献   

Current methods for the quantification of plaque accumulation in cats and dogs are well-accepted adaptations of traditional human models, but have required substantial modifications in order to compensate for the inherent differences in compliance, cooperation, and temperament between animals and humans. While these modifications have sought to maintain or improve upon the accuracy and reproducibility of the original methods, they also have increased the complexity of the technique and have required additional scorer time and animal cooperation, which leads to increased cost of trials. Therefore, research was directed toward the development and validation of a new substrate scoring system that reduces resources while maintaining or increasing the reproducibility attributed to the more traditional methods. This new gingival contour plaque index was shown to be accurate and reproducible, but used fewer animals, required less time, and eliminated the need for many of the specialized procedures required by traditional methods.  相似文献   

Tooth brushing is considered a superior technique for reducing plaque accumulation. Chemical agents may be used to reduce plaque accumulation on tooth surfaces since many owners may not be willing or able to brush their dog's teeth. Following a professional teeth cleaning procedure, a dental gel containing chlorhexidine was applied in 11 dogs BID for 7-days, while 11 other dogs received a control dental gel applied in the same manner. Dogs in the treatment group had significantly less plaque accumulation during the trial period compared with dogs in the control group. The dental gel applied in the study reported here decreases plaque accumulation in the short-term and may be beneficial in reducing the severity of gingivitis and associated periodontal disease if provided on a long-term basis.  相似文献   

A hand-held lactate test device and a blood gas auto analyzer were compared. The objective of the study was to evaluate the performance of the hand-held device in dogs in a clinical setting. Blood lactate levels were evaluated on 30 samples from healthy client-owned dogs and 48 samples from client-owned dogs with various diseases. A blood sample was collected from each healthy dog by either jugular or cephalic venipuncture and from each sick dog from the jugular, cephalic, or saphenous vein, or from an arterial catheter if applicable. One and a half milliliters of the blood sample was immediately transferred to a heparinized vacutainer tube. Enough blood was then drawn from the heparinized tube to allow split sample simultaneous analysis with both machines. Samples from the sick dogs represented a wide range of clinically relevant lactate values. Good agreement between lactate values from both devices was obtained in both sick and healthy dogs. Lactate values in the healthy group (< 2.9 mmol/L with the hand-held device, < 2.6 mmol/L with the blood gas analyzer) were similar to those previously reported (< 2.5 mmol/L). The results of this study support the use of the hand-held device in dogs in a clinical setting.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the bursting strength of a vessel sealant device (VSD) with that of an encircling suture on uterine horns and bodies from dogs. SAMPLE: Uteri from 24 shelter dogs with unknown reproductive histories. PROCEDURES-Uterine horns and bodies were allocated to groups to be sealed with suture or a VSD. Uteri were then infused with saline (0.9% NaCl) solution until the seals burst or the uteri reached a maximal pressure of 300 mm Hg. Variables recorded included dog age, uterine body and horn diameter, and maximal pressure. RESULTS-The median (range) bursting pressure reached in sealed uterine horns was 300 (0 to 300) mm Hg for the VSD group and 300 (200 to 300) mm Hg for the suture group. Within the VSD group, seals of 2 of 3 uterine horns with a diameter ≥ 9 mm burst before intraluminal pressure reached 100 mm Hg, compared with 1 of 21 uterine horns with a diameter < 9 mm. The median bursting pressure for uterine bodies was 237 (0 to 300) mm Hg for the VSD group versus 300 (175 to 300) mm Hg for the suture group. Within the VSD group, seals in uterine bodies with a diameter ≥ 9 mm failed at a significantly lower pressure (125 [0 to 125]) mm Hg than those with a diameter < 9 mm (275 [125 to 300]) mm Hg. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE-The failure pressure for both sealing techniques was high, which indicated that the VSD may be a safe instrument for sealing the uterine horn in dogs. Given the low mean bursting pressure for seals in uterine bodies with large diameters, the VSD cannot be recommended for sealing uterine bodies ≥ 9 mm in diameter.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to determine the effect of a new dental hygiene chew on periodontal health in the dog. The textural properties of this chew are different from previously tested dental hygiene products. The accumulation of dental deposits, development of oral malodor, and development of gingivitis were assessed in two groups of dogs; one fed a dry diet only, and the other fed the same dry diet supplemented by the daily addition of the new dental hygiene chew. Daily addition of the chew to the dry diet was effective in reducing plaque and calculus accumulation on the tooth surfaces, and also reduced the severity of gingivitis and oral malodor as compared to feeding the dry diet only.  相似文献   

A protocol for performing slit-lamp fluorophotometry of the anterior chamber in dogs was established. The technique was then used to develop a model of blood-aqueous barrier disruption that can be used for comparative testing of ophthalmic anti-inflammatory drugs. It was determined that barrier disruption induced by a slow, controlled paracentesis of a small volume of aqueous humor may provide the most reliable model for drug testing. Additionally, fluorophotometry proved to be a sensitive and accurate means of detecting breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier.  相似文献   

Twenty client-owned dogs diagnosed with gingivitis were studied over a 45-day period in order to investigate the effect of professional dental prophylaxis combined with the use of a topical mucoadhesive gel containing adelmidrol, an aliamide. A non-intrusive papillary-marginal-gingival index (PMGI) was measured at each assessment, while the gingivitis index (GI) was measured only at the beginning and end of the study. Compared to the control group, the treated dogs had a significant decrease (P < 0.005) in the average GI index during the course of the study. A significant reduction (P < 0.002) in the average PMGI index was observed in both groups 15-days following dental prophylaxis. However at 30 and 45-days following dental prophylaxis, the PMGI index values were significantly different (P < 0.005) from baseline only in treated dogs. These results suggest that the combined use of a mucoadhesive gel with dental scaling was able to improve the regression of gingival inflammation and lengthen the therapeutic benefits of dental scaling and polishing during a limited study period.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess intra-examiner (experienced examiner) and inter-examiner agreements (experienced versus non-experienced examiners) of scores assessed with the Logan & Boyce plaque index and to evaluate whether a modification of this index, where anatomical landmarks are used for horizontal division [mod L&B-AL] and dye references are used for assessing intensity of dye (plaque thickness) [mod L&B-DR], would improve repeatability. The Logan & Boyce index was found to be inaccurate when scoring plaque coverage as it underestimated the total crown surface. The contribution of the gingival part to the total tooth score was minimized by the Logan & Boyce index compared to the mod L&B-AL/DR. Precision of global plaque scorings was significantly improved by the mod L&B-AL/DR. Intra-examiner agreement of plaque thickness and plaque coverage scorings on the gingival part of the tooth was significantly improved by the mod L&B-AL/DR. Studies evaluating plaque accumulation in dogs should therefore use the mod L&B-AL/DR rather than the Logan & Boyce index.  相似文献   

Obesity and weight loss have been shown to alter thyroid hormone homeostasis in humans. In dogs, obesity is the most common nutritional problem encountered and weight loss is the cornerstone of its treatment. Therefore, it is important to clarify how obesity and weight loss can affect thyroid function test results in that species. The objectives of this study were to compare thyroid function in obese dogs and in lean dogs and to explore the effects of caloric restriction and weight loss on thyroid hormone serum concentrations in obese dogs. In the first experiment, 12 healthy lean beagles and 12 obese beagles were compared. Thyroid function was evaluated by measuring serum concentrations of total thyroxine (TT4), free thyroxine (FT4), total triiodothyronine (TT3), thyrotropin (TSH), and reverse triiodothyronine (rT3) as well as a TSH stimulation test using 75 microg i.v. of recombinant human TSH. In the second experiment, eight obese beagles were fed an energy-restricted diet [average 63% maintenance energy requirement (MER)] until optimal weight was obtained. Blood samples for determination of TT4, FT4, TT3, TSH and rT3, were taken at the start and then weekly during weight loss. Only TT3 and TT4 serum concentrations were significantly higher in obese dogs as compared to lean dogs. In the second experiment, weight loss resulted in a significant decrease in TT3 and TSH serum concentrations. Thus obesity and energy restriction significantly alter thyroid homeostasis in dogs, but the observed changes are unlikely to affect interpretation of thyroid function test results in clinics.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that typical dry dog foods have significantly less efficacy in reducing accumulation of dental substrates compared to a specifically formulated and processed dental food. This study compared the effects of a typical dry food and a dental food on plaque accumulation and gingival inflammation in dogs during a 6-month period. Daily feeding of the dental food significantly reduced plaque and gingivitis by 39% and 36%, respectively, compared with daily feeding of the typical dry food. Feeding a food that decreases plaque accumulation and reduces gingivitis contributes to canine oral health maintenance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a topical spray containing 0.0584% hydrocortisone aceponate (HCA) on canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) and to evaluate the skin barrier function during the treatment of CAD. Twenty-one dogs that fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for CAD were included in this study. The HCA spray was applied once a day to the lesions of all dogs for 7 or 14 days. Clinical assessment was performed before (day 0) and after treatment (day 14), and clinical responses were correlated with changes in skin barrier function. CAD severity significantly decreased after 14 days of HCA treatment based on the lesion scores (p < 0.0001), which were determined using the CAD extent and severity index (CADESI-03) and pruritus scores (p < 0.0001) calculated using a pruritus visual analog scale. Transepidermal water loss, a biomarker of skin barrier function, was significantly reduced compared to baseline (day 0) measurements (p = 0.0011). HCA spray was shown to be effective for significantly improving the condition of dogs suffering from CAD. This treatment also significantly improved cutaneous hydration and skin barrier function in the animals.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hemangiosarcoma (HSA) is a highly metastatic and often rapidly fatal tumor of dogs. At present, adjuvant chemotherapy is the only proven effective treatment for dogs with HSA, though the benefits from chemotherapy are modest. Administration of immunotherapy together with chemotherapy has also been reported to improve survival in dogs with HSA. Therefore, we evaluated safety and immunologic responses to a novel tumor vaccine administered together with doxorubicin chemotherapy in dogs with different stages of HSA. HYPOTHESIS: That tumor vaccination could be safely and effectively combined with doxorubicin chemotherapy for treatment of dogs with HSA. ANIMALS: Twenty-eight dogs with various stages of HSA were enrolled in the study. METHODS: The HSA vaccine was prepared with lysates of allogeneic canine HSA cell lines mixed with an adjuvant composed of liposome-DNA complexes. Dogs received a series of 8 immunizations administered over a 22-week period, and most also received chemotherapy. Clinical adverse effects were noted, immune responses were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and flow cytometry, and survival times were calculated. RESULTS: The most common adverse effects observed in vaccinated dogs also treated with doxorubicin chemotherapy were diarrhea and anorexia. Vaccinated dogs were found to mount strong humoral immune responses against a control antigen and, most dogs also mounted antibody responses against canine HSA cells. Thirteen dogs with stage II splenic HSA that received the tumor vaccine plus doxorubicin chemotherapy had an overall median survival time of 182 days. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that an allogeneic tumor lysate vaccine is safe in dogs with HSA and can elicit humoral immune responses in dogs that are receiving concurrent doxorubicin chemotherapy.  相似文献   

The generation of a blood glucose curve is important for assessing the response to insulin therapy in diabetic dogs. Disadvantages of this technique include patient discomfort and the potential for missing transient hypo- or hyperglycaemic episodes. The aim of the current study was to evaluate a continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) for use in diabetic dogs. Interstitial fluid glucose concentrations were recorded in 10 diabetic dogs, every five minutes for up to 48 hours, using a subcutaneous sensor attached to the CGMS device. Blood glucose concentrations were measured simultaneously using a glucometer. The correlation between interstitial fluid and blood glucose values was 0.81 (P < 0.01). The largest discrepancies between the two sets of data were seen during the one- to three-hour period following feeding, suggesting that postprandial hyperglycaemia might not be reflected in the interstitial fluid. The authors conclude that the CGMS is a potentially valuable tool in the management of canine diabetic patients.  相似文献   

Sixteen toy breed dogs completed a parallel, 70-day two-period, cross-over design clinical study to determine the effect of a vegetable dental chew on gingivitis, halitosis, plaque, and calculus accumulations. The dogs were randomly assigned into two groups. During one study period the dogs were fed a non-dental dry diet only and during the second study period were fed the same dry diet supplemented by the daily addition of a vegetable dental chew. Daily administration of the dental chew was shown to reduce halitosis, as well as, significantly reduce gingivitis, plaque and calculus accumulation and therefore may play a significant role in the improvement of canine oral health over the long-term.  相似文献   

The performance of a modified target-controlled infusion system was investigated in 16 dogs undergoing routine dental work, by comparing the predicted concentrations of propofol in venous blood samples with direct measurements; the optimum targets for the induction and maintenance of anaesthesia were also identified. The performance of a target-controlled infusion system is considered clinically acceptable when the median prediction error, a measure of bias, is not greater than +/-10 to 20 per cent, and the median absolute performance error, a measure of the accuracy, is not greater than 20 to 30 per cent. The results fell within these limits indicating that the system performed adequately. The optimal induction target was 3 microg/ml, and anaesthesia of adequate depth and satisfactory quality was achieved with maintenance targets of between 2.5 and 4.7 microg/ml propofol. The system was easy to use and the quality of anaesthesia was adequate for dental work.  相似文献   

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