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Data pertaining to the transport of fluvial sediment sampled in detail during a five hour long event in a small upland stream channel in the extremely arid Southern Negev are presented. Considerations based on comparative evaluations of water discharge, stream power, total and fractional sediment concentration, and total and fractional sediment discharge suggest that bedload transport in channels of even very small upland catchments practically devoid of continuous alluvial cover takes place in waves, which are not a priori related to any water discharge characteristic, but rather reflect some intrinsic feature of watershed dynamics, such as slope-channel topographic contrasts or fluvial bifurcation. The regular spacing of pools and riffles and of gravel bars in the more alluvial reaches downstream may therefore be initiated from upstream.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - Bedload transport discharge is important in river engineering and morphodynamics. The Meyer-Peter and Müller (MPM) equation for determining bedload transport...  相似文献   

We conducted field monitoring of bedload transport rate associated with experimental sediment release in a natural channel to clarify behavior of the supplied sediment on mixed size bed. Observation of bedload rate at two sites along the 30 m channel reach revealed that downstream migration of finer particles delay compared with coarser particles. Ratio of the bedload sediment that deposited during the migration was higher for finer sediments. These behaviors of the mixed size particles were clear during passage of the sediment wave without changes in water discharge. Flashing peak of discharge that caused artificially by opening of the dam gate did not destroy channel bed structure including steps and pools formed by coarser sediments, and only small amount of bedload was mobilized. Both reach scale channel features including steps, pools, and riffles as well as fine scale features (i.e., armour coat) likely increased critical shear stress of particles and decreased bedload rate during our experiment. Extreme sediment supply induced two types of sediment deposition; (1) filling the pools in reach sales and (2) the intrusion of fine particles into the coarser sediment that formed an armour layer. The all grain size fractions can deposit as type (1) when shear stress of stream water is not enough to entrain bedload particles, while deposition type (2) occurs when finer sediment pass over channel bed on which armour coat is well-developed. Deposition of finer sediment into coarser sediment that forms armour coat is affected by grain size distribution of bed surface sediment. Thus, impact of the sediment supply on downstream channel depends on both bedforms and grain size distribution of bed surface sediment over which the supplied sediment pass.  相似文献   

Bulk precipitation, throughfall, and soil water chemistry were studied from November 1983 to November 1984 at two ridge-top Appalachian deciduous forest sites to isolate causes of differing episodic stream acidification. The Fork Mountain site in West Virginia, which exhibited little episodic stream acidification, had lower deposition of H+ and SO inf4 sup2? and greater reductions of H+ in the water circulating through the forest canopy, forest floor, and mineral soil than the Peavine Hill site in Pennsylvania. Greater neutralization at Fork Mountain was linked to higher Ca and Mg carbonate contents in the sandstone and shale soil parent materials. Fork Mountain had greater amounts of exchangeable bases in the organic and mineral soil horizons. Neither site appeared to be accumulating SO inf4 sup2? in the soil, with Peavine Hill losing 56% more than was received in bulk deposition. Anions in soil leachate at Fork Mountain were largely balanced by Ca2+ and Mg2+, while at the Peavine Hill site A1" was the dominant cation. Results suggest that the typically-low carbonate content of sandstone and shale soil parent materials commonly found in Appalachian forests may be a key parameter controlling soil and stream acidification. Data for the one-year period also suggest bulk deposition of H+ was 63% greater at Peavine Hill than Fork Mountain.  相似文献   

Japan’s only native crayfish species Cambaroides japonicus has been declining dramatically in the past few decades. For the purpose of conservation planning, twenty-two coastal streams were surveyed to investigate summer distributions of crayfish in relation to stream and riparian environment. Classification and regression trees were used to predict the occurrence and abundance of crayfish. The classification tree model with stream variables as predictors showed that crayfish would occur in swift or high gradient streams (correct classification rate = 91%). Within those streams, however, crayfish only inhabited depositional microhabitats, in which the areas are limited in availability. Crayfish were not found in gentle, low gradient streams containing abundant depositional microhabitats. This paradoxical distribution pattern was attributed to availability of boulder substrates in swift or high gradient streams. The regression tree model indicated that crayfish abundance was determined primarily by the percentage of boulder substrates and the presence of fish (observed vs. predicted r = 0.64).The classification tree model using only riparian variables indicated that the total woody plant (mainly broadleaf species) density followed by the percentage of early successional species such as alder and willow determined the splits of the tree model (correct classification rate = 95%). A leaf processing experiment on 10 riparian plant species suggested that crayfish preferred high nitrogen (or low C/N) leaves.These results suggest that swift or high gradient fishless streams associated with abundant cover in dense broadleaf forest serve conservation areas for this endangered crayfish, and that consideration of riparian composition may facilitate conservation efforts.  相似文献   

In this study spatial and temporal relations between denitrification rates and groundwater levels were assessed for intensively managed grassland on peat soil where groundwater levels fluctuated between 0 and 1 m below the soil surface. Denitrification rates were measured every 3–4 weeks using the C2H2 inhibition technique for 2 years (2000–2002). Soil samples were taken every 10 cm until the groundwater level was reached. Annual N losses through denitrification averaged 87 kg N ha-1 of which almost 70% originated from soil layers deeper than 20 cm below the soil surface. N losses through denitrification accounted for 16% of the N surplus at farm-level (including mineralization of peat), making it a key-process for the N efficiency of the present dairy farm. Potential denitrification rates exceeded actual denitrification rates at all depths, indicating that organic C was not limiting actual denitrification rates in this soil. The groundwater level appeared to determine the distribution of denitrification rates with depth. Our results were explained by the ample availability of an energy source (degradable C) throughout the soil profile of the peat soil.This revised version was published online November 2003 with corrections to Figure 4 and in February 2004 with corrections to Figure 2.  相似文献   

Sediment transport in the Ribera Salada stream was estimated from continuous suspended and bedload monitoring between 2005 and 2008. The Ribera Salada basin is a mountainous perennial river in the Southern Pyrenees and is representative of the extensive forestry land use in this upland region. Water and sediment fluxes have been analysed with the aim of determining the thresholds, duration, ranges and relative contributions of the two sediment transport modes (suspended and bedload), and their variability in relation to the basin's annual hydrology. The stream's hydrology in the first two sampling years was average in the context of a 10-yr series of the basin, while 2007–2008 can be classified as a wet year. The specific total sediment load during the study period amounted to 12 t km2y1, a low value compared with similar Mediterranean counterparts. The maximum load (31.5 t km2y1) was observed during the wettest year of the monitoring programme. During average years most of the total load (> 90%) was transported in suspension; consequently, suspended sediment transport is more frequent through time. In contrast, bedload occurs sporadically during floods that exceed certain hydraulic thresholds, corresponding to a flow equalled or exceeded 4% of the time, that yields an average shear stress of ∼ 35 N m2. Under such conditions bedload transport becomes relevant and, if the threshold is frequently exceeded as in relatively wet years such as 2007–2008, may constitute the majority of the total sediment load (74%). This paper provides new evidence of the distinct role of sediment transport modes in stable fluvial environments where only sporadic inputs of surplus energy (flow discharge) determine the dominant mode, magnitude and duration of their respective contribution.  相似文献   

The correlation between the content of the clay minerals, mica, montmorillonite or vermiculite, and the logarithmic form pK-12p (Ca + Mg) of the activity ratio (K)/√(Ca + Mg) was highly significant for 23 soils from northern Greece. The correlation was negative with mica and positive with montmorillonite and vermiculite. A free-energy term, ΔF1, necessary to bring the activity ratio of each soil equal to the lowest value encountered, using the concentrations of soluble and exchangeable K and Ca + Mg in the equilibrium systems, was also calculated. The relationship between the content of the three clay minerals and ΔF1 was the same as when pK-12p (Ca + Mg) was used except that the correlation coefficient was greater in all cases, being significant at P0.001 with each of the clay minerals. The regression of ΔF1 on each of the clay mineral contents was also much greater than the corresponding ones with pK-12p (Ca + Mg).  相似文献   


Measurements of gross N transfer in soils have as yet not distinguished between biological or physico-chemical processes. Here, we present a new approach that allows microbially-mediated gross N transfer rates to be estimated in undisturbed soils without adding 15N. It is based on the assumption that in undisturbed soil, the soil microbial growth rate is equal to its death rate. To assess the contribution of biological versus physico-chemical N transfer processes, we combined the new approach with the 15N-pool dilution technique. The relationship between both processes varied with soil C and fine particle contents. Nearly equal rates were observed within the carbon-poor soil (0.35% Corg, low fine particle content), whereas up to 2.5 times higher physico-chemical than biological N transfer rates were measured within the carbon-enriched soil (0.86% Corg, higher fine particle content). Furthermore, microbially-mediated gross N transfer rates increased three-fold after N fertilization compared to the unfertilized control.  相似文献   

Hate of acropetal movement of the xylem stream was measured in the petioles, epicotyls, and hypocotyls of bean plants. Loss of water by intact, transpiring plants was first determined gravimetrically. Next, volume of the functional xylem in various sections of the stems was determined using radioisotope dilution techniques. Rate at which the xylem stream renewed itself to account for the overall water loss of the plant served as the basis for flow rate values.  相似文献   

Sediment transport is monitored by a specially designed instrumentation installed on a steep mountain streams (the Rio Cordon). The variability of bedload rate and yield reflects the variability in flow discharge. Bedload and flow data for `ordinary' (low peak flow floods) and `exceptional' sediment transport events are used to test the range of application of the bedload equations proposed for high gradient streams. Such equations overestimate bedload rate for ordinary events while their reliability increases when used to predict high bedload transport rates like those recorded during the exceptional flood that affected Rio Cordon on September 14, 1994. The best agreement between computed and measured values of cumulated bedload volumes is found by using the Bagnold [Bagnold, R.A., 1956. The flow of cohesionless grains in fluids. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London 249A, 235–297.], Smart and Jaeggi [Smart, J.M., Jaeggi, M.N.R., 1983. Sediment transport on steep slopes. Mitteil. 64, Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, ETH-Zürich, Switzerland, 191 pp.] and Rickenmann [Rickenmann, D., 1991. Hyperconcentrated flow and sediment transport at steep slopes. J. Hydraul. Eng., Zurig 117 (11) 1419–1439.] formulas. The Schoklitsch equation [Schoklitsch, A., 1962. Handbuch des Wasserbaues, 3rd edn. Springer, Wien.] also provides good estimations for instantaneous bedload rates at high-sediment transport intensity and unlimited sediment supply conditions. The formal type of the last equation is still valid and can be calibrated for low intensity bedload rates.  相似文献   

Sunfish (Lepomis auritus and L. macrochirus) were used to monitor polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contamination in a group of small streams flowing into a larger stream/reservoir system. Mean PCB concentrations in sunfish appeared to reflect exposure conditions at the site of capture. Fish from uncontaminated sites 1 to 2 km distant from PCB-contaminated sites did not exhibit PCB contamination, and PCB concentrations in fish downstream from a discrete source decreased at a rate greater than or equal to downstream dilution of the point source. Mean PCB concentrations in fish near the source exhibited relatively large (-40%) fluctuations between semi-annual sampling periods, suggesting that PCB concentrations in sunfish populations may respond rapidly to changes in exposure. Sunfish were not sensitive enough indicators of contamination to use in assessing whether or not problematic levels of contamination may occur in other species. Although the presence of PCB contamination in sunfish can be used to infer that PCBs are elevated in other species, the absence of PCB contamination in sunfish cannot be used to infer that older, fattier fish higher up the food chain are uncontaminated.  相似文献   

The southeastern United States is a center of aquatic species diversity and endemism in North America, but many taxa are imperiled or in decline. Proactive conservation strategies depend on developing sensitive measures of ecological response to environmental degradation early in the process. In the southern Appalachian highlands, much of the region has reforested following extensive logging and agriculture in the last century, but recently exurban development has surged. Patterns of aquatic ecosystem response to these changes were examined in 36 watersheds along a gradient of forest cover from moderately to heavily forested. A linear combination of watershed-scale measures reflecting the extent contemporary forest cover, the trajectory of forest cover change over time, and building and road density were stronger predictors of fish assemblage composition than topographic features. A measure of biotic homogenization relating the abundance of endemic highland fishes to abundance of broad-ranged fishes was sensitive to the gradient of anthropogenic disturbance. Across the watershed disturbance gradient, cosmopolitan species were clear winners as forms unique to the Appalachian highlands were lost. Similar measures of homogenization may be suitable elsewhere for tracking early warning signs of ecosystem stress, particularly in regions with significant endemism. Quantification of the homogenization process in response to urban development and other stressors is a promising avenue for proactive conservation, land use planning, and sustainable development efforts.  相似文献   

Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) nodulation variants of two cultivars ICC 4948 and ICC 5003 were used as trap plants to isolate 385 native rhizobia from CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar farm soil. After authentication and considering growth characteristics, selected 110 rhizobia revealed immense molecular diversity using the profiles of DNA fragments generated by Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with enterobacterial repetitive intergeneric consensus (ERIC) sequences. Low nodulating variants of cvs ICC 4948 and ICC 5003 were able to trap more numbers of rhizobial genotypes, namely seven as compared four to five by high nodulating variants of these cultivars. Overall eight rhizobial genotypes were trapped by the chickpea cultivars. Rhizobial isolates from same nodule or same plants were present in the same or different clusters and few isolates showed 100% similarity also. Based on nodules from a plant, nodulation variant or cultivar, rhizobia could not be differentiated and no exclusive cluster was formed by either rhizobial isolates from low or high nodulating variants of both the cultivars. Two most efficient rhizobial isolates LN 707b and LN 7007 were characterized by amplification and sequencing of 16S rRNA gene. Rhizobial isolate LN 707b showed more than 98% similarity with Mesorhizobium sp SH 2851 and Mesorhizobium mediterraneum. Another isolate LN 7007 showed more than 99% similarity with the sequence of 16S r RNA gene of Mesorhizobium sp STM 398, and M. mediterraneum. So the chickpea rhizobia from Northern Indian subcontinent are proposed to be kept under M. mediterraneum strain LN707b and LN 7007.  相似文献   

Agricultural systems that receive high or low organic matter (OM) inputs would be expected to differ in soil nitrogen (N) transformation rates and fates of ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3). To compare NH4+ availability, competition between nitrifiers and heterotrophic microorganisms for NH4+, and microbial NO3 assimilation in an organic vs. a conventional irrigated cropping system in the California Central Valley, chemical and biological soil assays, 15N isotope pool dilution and 15N tracer techniques were used. Potentially mineralizable N (PMN) and hot minus cold KCl-extracted NH4+ as indicators of soil N supplying capacity were measured five times during the tomato growing season. At mid-season, rates of gross ammonification and gross nitrification after rewetting dry soil were measured in microcosms. Microbial immobilization of NO3 and NH4+ was estimated based on the uptake of 15N and gross consumption rates. Gross ammonification, PMN, and hot minus cold KCl-extracted NH4+ were approximately twice as high in the organically than the conventionally managed soil. Net estimated microbial NO3 assimilation rates were between 32 and 35% of gross nitrification rates in the conventional and between 37 and 46% in the organic system. In both soils, microbes assimilated more NO3 than NH4+. Heterotrophic microbes assimilated less NH4+ than NO3 probably because NH4+ concentrations were low and competition by nitrifiers was apparently strong. The high OM input organic system released NH4+ in a gradual manner and, compared to the low OM input conventional system, supported a more active microbial biomass with greater N demand that was met mainly by NO3 immobilization.  相似文献   

The Miribel canal is a former arm of the Rhône embanked between 1848 and 1857 over a length of 18 km to improve navigation at low discharges. The impact of this was a hydraulic tilting of the long profile characterised by 4 m of degradation upstream and 4-6 m of aggradation of bedload downstream. This phenomenon increased downstream flooding. Since 1937 a diversion dam has controlled upstream water input, thus reducing the transit of the pebble bedload. However, excessive harvesting of sands and gravels occurred between 1970 and 1980, resulting in a general lowering of the river bed and the accompanying water table with ecological consequences in the alluvial plain and for water supply. This development made it all the more necessary to obtain knowledge about the bedload discharges passing through the Miribel canal, and more broadly about the hydraulic conditions as functions of the varying discharge. Calculation of shear stresses and grain size measurements on the lateral bars after several floods in 1989-90 show that movement of bed-material is initiated at a discharge of 440 m3 · s−1 (equalled or exceeded 40 days · year−1), and becomes general at 550 m3 · s−1 (equalled or exceeded 30 days · year−1). Transport discharge is thus relatively frequent and involves distal fluvio-glacial deposits composed of fine-grained materials. Potential transport calculated by the Meyer-Peter formula is around 60,000 t · year−1 for the range of discharges between 440 and 850 m3 · s−1. For these discharge values, the canal experiences a loss of materials without replacement from upstream; for higher rates of discharge, the floodgates let through an unknown quantity of materials which partially make up the loss. Gravel harvesting ceased in 1991 but the diversion dam will have to be operated in a different way in order to increase the input of bedload into the canal.  相似文献   

While much research has been done on predicting the occurrence of waterlogged soils in small catchments, we need to improve our knowledge of the extension of these soils in large catchments. The aim of this study is to analyse the extent of soils with redoximorphic features in the valley bottomland domain as a function of the stream order.This study concerns a 10,000 km2 catchment (River Vilaine, Armorican massif, north-western France) where valley bottomland soils commonly associated with hydromorphic characteristics cover up to 20% of the basin area. To describe the catchment organisation, we used the stream order classification of Strahler to test the behaviour of the topographic index in a large range of landscape morphological settings. Two methods were used to define the extent of the hydromorphic zone (HZ) in each valley bottomland according to stream order: (i) A field study based on mapping the HZ according to the occurrence of redoximorphic features along 60 transects; (ii) a modelling approach linking a DEM-derived topographic index to the digitized stream network of the River Vilaine.In view of the topographic factors, progressive valley widening may represent an enhancing factor of HZ extent. Thus, simple topographic index modelling predicts an increase in waterlogging in high-order channel settings (orders 6–7). By contrast, field mapping suggests that HZ extent remains stable with increasing order and decreases significantly for high-order settings (orders 6–7). Therefore, topographic index modelling appears effective in upper catchment settings (1st, 2nd and 3rd order). On the contrary, modelling efficiency is limited in high-order settings where the indices prove to be inappropriate: in such contexts, interactions between adjacent hillslope and HZ are of secondary importance. Along the longitudinal profile of the catchment, soil material near the streams shifts from having a colluvial origin in low-order to an alluvial origin in high-order settings. In high-order settings, the fine-scale valley bottomland topography and the spatial organisation of deposits control waterlogging duration and possibly play a major role in HZ extent. Finally, the integration of stream order data should considerably improve the efficiency of modelling the spatial distribution of soils over large catchments.  相似文献   

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