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欧盟委员会最近决定除保加利亚和罗马尼亚外,中东欧国家(CEEC)中其余八国将于2004年元月1日以整体形式加入欧盟,但这些国家还需进行必要的入盟谈判。  相似文献   

随着我国家禽产业的规模不断扩大,兽药残留问题也更加严峻。兽药残留对人体与环境危害重大。现对目前禽蛋和禽肉中常见的兽药残留种类及最大残留限量进行综述,探讨了(超)高效液相色谱法、(超)高效液相色谱-质谱法、气相色谱-质谱法和免疫学检测法、分子印迹技术、生物芯片技术、生物传感器检测法在禽蛋和禽肉中的应用价值,以期为兽药残留检测和监管提供依据。  相似文献   



Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli bacteria (ExPEC) exist as commensals in the human intestines and can infect extraintestinal sites and cause septicemia. The transfer of ExPEC from poultry to humans and the role of poultry meat as a source of ExPEC in human disease have been discussed previously. The aim of the present study was to provide insight into the properties of ExPEC in poultry meat products on the Finnish retail market with special attention to their prevalence, virulence and phylogenetic profiles. Furthermore, the isolates were screened for possible ESBL producers and their resistance to nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin was tested.


The presence of ExPEC in 219 marinated and non-marinated raw poultry meat products from retail shops has been analyzed. One E. coli strain per product was analyzed further for phylogenetic groups and possession of ten virulence genes associated with ExPEC bacteria (kpsMT K1, ibeA, astA, iss, irp2, papC, iucD, tsh, vat and cva/cv) using PCR methods. The E. coli strains were also screened phenotypically for the production of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) and the susceptibility of 48 potential ExPEC isolates for nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin was tested.


E. coli was isolated from 207 (94.5%) of 219 poultry meat products. The most common phylogenetic groups were D (50.7%), A (37.7%), and B2 (7.7%). Based on virulence factor gene PCR, 23.2% of the strains were classified as ExPEC. Two ExPEC strains (1%) belonged to [O1] B2 svg+ (specific for virulent subgroup) group, which has been implicated in multiple forms of ExPEC disease. None of the ExPEC strains was resistant to ciprofloxacin or cephalosporins. One isolate (2.1%) showed resistance to nalidixic acid.


Potential ExPEC bacteria were found in 22% of marinated and non-marinated poultry meat products on the Finnish retail market and 0.9% were contaminated with E. coli [O1] B2 svg+ group. Marinades did not have an effect on the survival of ExPEC as strains from marinated and non-marinated meat products were equally often classified as ExPEC. Poultry meat products on the Finnish retail market may have zoonotic potential.  相似文献   

HACCP制度及其在肉和禽加工业中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许益民 《中国家禽》2002,24(16):39-43
危害分析关键控制点的基本原理 动物性食品的微生物污染来源很多,主要来自动物本身,其他来源包括加工用水、工厂设备、加工工人等.  相似文献   

尽管养禽行业因其在动物福利和环境影响方面的问题而受到动物和环境保护等非政府组织的严厉批评,但是家禽行业的每一位成员都坚信他们所在的行业前途非常光明。这二个公众关心的问题不应该被忽视,而应该成为家禽生产者以及本行业所有从业者的激励因子,以促使家禽行业发展成一个受社会公众高度赞赏的、可持续发展的农业行业。当前的能源气候年代(energy climate era)能给予答案吗?  相似文献   

近年来,肉类生产经营渠道增多,货源复杂.上市肉品有的经过严格的屠宰检疫检验,有的未经过任何检查,甚至有些业主或商贩非法收购病死动物,加工后上市出售.为防止未经过检疫肉品上市交易,保障人民身体健康,必须搞好上市肉品的监督检查工作,尤其要防范和杜绝病死畜禽肉上市.  相似文献   

Selenium did not exceed 108 ng/g in muscle after single subcutaneous dosesof 5 mg selenium into weaned lambs. Levels in liverand kidney exceeded 2000 ng/g only during the first day after treatment.  相似文献   

On several occasions in 1987 Australian meat was reported by overseas countries to contain unacceptable levels of pesticide residues. Investigations revealed that the residues were mainly the organochlorine compounds DDT, dieldrin and heptachlor, the concentrations of which exceeded the maximum residue limits. The organochlorines had accumulated in the soil of farms where they were used annually, or more frequently, owing to their long half-life in soils, and grazing animals had accumulated the pesticides in their adipose tissues. Removing the animals to non-contaminated pastures did not reduce the residue levels for some time because their half-lives in the adipose tissues ranged from two to three months. When the problem was recognised action was taken by the Commonwealth Department of Primary Industries and Energy and the relevant Departments of the States and the Northern Territory to identify the affected properties and animals. The affected farms were quarantined and the animals detained until the residue levels were depleted adequately. The use of DDT was banned and dieldrin and heptachlor were permitted to be used only for the control of termites in buildings. Following this action the proportion of samples of beef with residue levels above the permitted limits decreased from 0.42 per cent in 1986/87 to 0.22 per cent in 1987/88.  相似文献   

据欧盟最新的家禽数据显示,虽然欧盟在2009年禽肉产量增长了0.6%,但在2010年预计将下降0.5%. 2009年禽肉进口量和出口量在数量上相差无几,但相关数据表明,如果按价值计算,进口额则显得相对较高,这是因为欧盟出口的禽肉都是低价值的欧盟内部不愿食用的产品,而进口的禽肉绝大部分都是以高于欧盟内部价格进口的高价值的鸡胸肉和火鸡胸肉.  相似文献   

家禽肉质特性研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
随着人们生活水平的提高和畜禽产品的丰富,家禽肉质的问题日益引起人们的关注。本文从常规肉质的物理指标、肉类风味品质特性化学指标、血液生化指标及影响肉质的主要因素等方面进行阐述,以期对开展家禽肉质性状研究提供帮助。  相似文献   

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