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<正> “药饵诱杀白蚁”在中科院上海昆虫研究所夏凯令教授的指导下,1969年首先在浙江彭公林场用于灭治林地、果园土栖白蚁获得了成功。这一方法的出现,促进了我国白蚁防治手段的变革。自八十年代初以来,我国南方各大城市,乃至县一级的白蚁防治(研究)部门,纷纷开展了与此方法相匹配的“白蚁诱杀剂”的研制。1981年浙江省临安县白蚁防治站主持研制成的以灭治土栖白蚁为主的“灭蚁灵诱饵剂”,已在本县社、队、林场及11个省、市94个单位推广近20余万袋,取得了很好的经济效益和社会效益。如中国林科院亚热带林业研究所受林业部委托,投资30万元,进行“国外黑荆  相似文献   

<正> 用灭蚁灵与诱饵混合,制成“灭蚁灵诱饵剂”防治白蚁是一种省工、省时、方便有效的防治方法。白蚁对诱饵的喜食程度,是诱饵防治效果好坏的关键。因此,选择对白蚁诱食能力强,来源广泛、价格低廉的诱饵,对于推广诱杀法有重要的意义。1981年5-7月,我们在本县临天公社林场以林地野生植物和某些栽培植物为诱饵进行了筛选试验。  相似文献   

用灭蚁灵与诱饵混合,制成“灭蚁灵诱饵剂”防治白蚁(简称“药饵法”),是简便有效的防治方法,深受群众和专业白蚁防治工作者的欢迎。 白蚁对诱饵的喜食程度,是灭蚁灵诱饵剂防治效果好坏的关键。因此,选择对白蚁诱食能力强、来源广泛、价格低廉的诱饵,对药饵法的推广应用有着重要意义。1981年5至7月,我们在本县临天公社林场野外进行了诱饵的筛选试验,现将结果作一报导。  相似文献   

温州市区9个公园的树木受白蚁危害比率为0~56.2%,其中翠微山公园和华盖山公园的树木受害最重。危害树木的白蚁共有2科4属5种,分别为黑翅土白蚁Odontoterms formosanus、黄翅大白蚁Macrotermtes barneyi、台湾乳白蚁Coptotermes formosanus、黄胸散白蚁Reticulitermes flaviceps和黑胸散白蚁R.chinensis。在调查的9个公园内共有29科37属41种树木受到白蚁危害,其中香樟、枫杨、构树、大叶桉、女贞等树木受害最为严重。采用草堆诱杀法及诱饵包诱杀法防治园林树木白蚁效果明显,在华益山公园,树木受害率从防治前的42.3%下降到5%左右。  相似文献   

白蚁是世界五大害虫之一。为害居室建筑、水库堤坝、农林作物、电讯材料、船舶桥梁、文物资料、布匹药材等 ,直接关系到人民生产、生活、财产和安全。近几年来 ,白蚁在湖南各地爆发成灾 ,尤其长沙、湘潭、郴州等地危害严重 ,造成巨大损失。湖南省林业科学院森林资源保护研究所白蚁防治研究中心开发出的高效白蚁毒饵剂 ,曾获1997年湖南省首届林业名优特新产品博览会银奖。在岳阳、常德、长沙、桂林等地进行了大面积推广防治 ,效果显著。它由多种白蚁喜爱的食物、助食剂、药剂按特定比例配合 ,经过特殊的工艺加工制成 ,现已研制开发了多种…  相似文献   

防治园林白蚁施药技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用早晚施药、掩体施药、分群孔内施药和常规施药等4种方法防治园林土栖白蚁并进行交叉对比试验,结果表明:不同施药方法防治土栖白蚁效果差异显著,其中掩体、早晚施药方法最为理想,防治率分别为86.97%和82.42%。传统施药方法(直接喷药、诱杀坑)和“诱饵箱”法防治家白蚁差异不显著。“诱饵箱”法防治园林家白蚁,防治率为90.3%。  相似文献   

采用新饵剂林间诱杀技术在湖北省黄冈、襄阳、恩施、荆门等地,于黑翅土白蚁Odototermes formosanus(Shiraki)活动旺盛期进行诱杀防治。5月中旬—6月下旬工蚁出巢取食为害时进行第1次诱杀,防治效果可达80%,10月上旬—11月中旬第2次诱杀,防治效果达到98%以上。黑翅土白蚁对不同寄主树种的为害由重到轻依次为香樟,马尾松,杉木,槲栎,女贞,檫木,枫香。新饵剂在不同寄主树种上连续2次诱杀黑翅土白蚁,诱杀效果差异不显著。  相似文献   

永修县林科所研制的褐腐木粉毒饵,最近由九江地区科委主持在永修县涂家埠召开了鉴定会。参加会议的有林业科研、生产和教学等有关单位。省科委、南昌市白蚁防治所派代表出席了会议。经专家们现场鉴定和使用单位意见,一致认为“褐腐木粉毒饵”是防治林木白蚁的有效药物,它不但诱杀力强,而且制作容易、原料丰富、成本低廉、使用简便,值得推广。这种毒饵国内尚未见报导,技术、经济效果均达到省内先进水平。  相似文献   

圆唇散白蚁(Reticlleitermes Labralis Hsiaet Fan)在山西省是新记录种,利用扇形嗅觉仪在室内进行了4种植物性诱杀剂对圆唇散白蚁引诱效果的测定研究。结果表明:引诱效果最好的是氟虫胺诱杀管,其次为吡唑类诱杀管,而生物诱杀包和克蚁灵诱杀条对圆唇散白蚁没有引诱效果。  相似文献   

林地土栖白蚁的危害与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在武平危害林木的土栖白蚁主要是黑翅土白蚁、黄翅大白蚁.其分布广泛,危害120多种林木,尤其对新造的幼林危害更甚.近几年武平县林地土栖白蚁的发生和危害呈上升趋势,严重威胁林木生长,为抑制其危害,采用林地上施放白蚁诱杀包,灯光诱杀有翅繁殖蚁,化学药剂防治,人工挖巢灭蚁等方法进行防治,取得了一定的效果.  相似文献   

黑翅土白蚁的食物选择性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过观察黑翅土白蚁的觅食行为,对黑翅土白蚁的食物选择性作了研究。室内结果表明:在6种纯饵料中,小米粉的被食率、泥被面积及泥被覆盖率均最高,其泥被出现时间仅长于松木粉,但两者间无显著差异。在5种添加物中,除15%黑木耳外,15%香菇、10%松花粉、10%白砂糖、15%蜂蜜都能显著提高小米粉对黑翅土白蚁的诱食效果,其中又以10%白砂糖的增效作用最为明显。野外试验结果表明,小米粉 10%白砂糖诱饵对黑翅土白蚁的诱食效果优于小米粉诱饵。可见,小米粉 10%白砂糖是最优化的饵料组合,可作为黑翅土白蚁毒饵中的饵料组分。  相似文献   


Termite bait products that contain chitin synthesis inhibitors (CSIs) protect structures from subterranean termites via colony elimination. A hallmark of CSI baits is their dose-independent lethal time, as workers exposed to a CSI do not die until they initiate the molting process. Due to this mode of action and termite behaviors such as trophallaxis and cannibalism, a relatively small quantity of ingested CSI can spread throughout an entire colony before secondary repellency or avoidance behaviors occur, ultimately resulting in total colony elimination. In the field, only a portion of a subterranean termite colony actively forages upon a CSI bait at any given time, suggesting that only a relatively small proportion of workers may need to feed upon a CSI bait for a colony to be eliminated. In the present study, we used varying proportions of workers from whole four-year-old laboratory-reared Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann) colonies (~?62,500 termites/colony on average) to determine what proportion of workers need to feed upon a CSI bait in order to achieve colony elimination. A range of 0% (control), 0.5%, 1%, 2.5%, and 5% of the total worker population of colonies was allowed to feed on a formulated 0.5% noviflumuron bait for five days before being returned to their colonies. Colony elimination was observed for all 5%-fed and four out of six 2.5%-fed colonies by 107 days after CSI exposure. Our results confirm that only a small subset of the worker population of a colony must feed upon a CSI bait to achieve subterranean termite colony elimination.


对美德维斯维克公司火炬松第3代优良种源的10个家系在福建省永安市引种3 a的生长状况进行调查,结果表明,MWV-439家系综合表现最好,引种第3年平均保存率达到87%,平均胸径为6.5 cm,平均树高为431 cm;白蚂蚁是危害火炬松第3代种源家系保存率的主要虫害。  相似文献   

在棚舍笼养环境下,使用0.05%棉酚饵剂和0.2%莪术醇饵剂对小白鼠的抗生育效果进行了对比试验研究。结果表明:交配前喂饲0.05%棉酚饵剂和0.2%莪术醇饵剂,与对照组相比较,怀胎下降率、平均胎仔下降率分别为20.0%、9.1%和60.0%、37.5%;交配后喂饲0.05%棉酚饵剂和0.2%莪术醇饵剂,与对照组相比较,怀胎下降率、平均胎仔下降率分别为25.0%、28.1%和33.3%、9.1%;两种抗生育剂对小白鼠均有显著的抗生育作用,但以0.2%莪术醇在交配前喂饲效果最佳;两种抗生育剂对小白鼠无毒性反应。  相似文献   

The feasibility of sodium fluoride (NaF) incorporation as a biocide in the manufacture of particleboard was examined. Laboratory-scale particleboards prepared from untreated wood particles were incorporated with NaF powder at target retentions of 1, 1.5 and 3% of the total particle weight. An in-line treatment method was used to introduce the biocide during the blending stage just before adhesive application. Standard static bending and water resistance (water absorption and thickness swelling) tests indicated that embedding of the powder biocide up to the 3% level did not cause any detrimental effects on mechanical and physical properties. The laboratory decay and termite resistance tests showed that even the lower retention levels of 1 and 1.5% NaF were enough to suppress fungal and termite activity and significantly reduce the mass loss and consumption rate values of the specimens when compared to the untreated controls. Spectrophotometric analysis of leachate waters and the mass losses of the leached specimens revealed the tendency of the NaF to be depleted from the composite specimens. Therefore, the tested biocide was found to be appropriate for interior or protected above-ground outdoor exposure conditions.  相似文献   

The Common Vole (Microtus agrestis) and the Redbacked Vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) can cause severe damages in forest plantations. Different application techniques of rodenticides to control these harmful rodents were tested by several institutions of plant protection in the Federal Republic of Germany. The following registered baits were used: A bluestained pectin-wax pellet containing 0.0075% Chlorphacinon (Lepit®-Forstpellet), small flour-plates (Arrex®-M-Köder klein) and sunflower kernels coated with plastique-foil (Arrex®-E-Köder) both incorporated with 2% resp. 3.75% zinc-phosphide. In 1985 disperse spraying versus concentrated offering of the baits in 12 earthenware pipes/ha was tested. The density of mice and voles could be reduced nearly to the same level with both methods. However, the amount of baits needed was much less when bait stations were used. In 1986 a new and save type of bait station (Theyson-Köder-station) was tested, from which non-target animals cannot get baits. The acceptance of the bait station could be improved by aromatic compounds from apples. According to the obtained first results forest plantations can be protected during the whole wintertime against vole-damages by means of bait stations.  相似文献   

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood was treated with quat-silicone micro-emulsion (<40?nm), amino-silicone macro-emulsion (110?nm), alkyl-modified silicone macro-emulsion (740?nm) and solutions of inorganic water glass. Three treatment concentrations of 5, 15 and 30% (w/w) were used for the impregnation of the test specimens. Termite resistance was assessed following a 16-week field trial conducted in northern Queensland, Australia. Two different field sites were chosen for exposure to feeding by Coptotermes acinaciformis (Froggatt) and Mastotermes darwiniensis (Froggatt). Following exposure, the test and feeder specimens were inspected and assessed for termite damage using a visual rating system (from 10 sound to 0 completely destroyed) and individual mass losses. The specimens treated with quat- and amino-silicone emulsions resisted damage by both termite species, even at less than 15% weight percent gains (WPGs). Alkyl-modified silicone macro-emulsion and water glass treatment induced somewhat less resistance to termite damage, but imparted protection at higher WPGs.  相似文献   

氟啶脲饵剂灭杀白蚁效果测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用强迫取食法测定0.1%氟啶脲饵剂对台湾乳白蚁和黄胸散白蚁的毒性,琼脂打孔法测定该饵剂对白蚁的引诱性,白蚁活动处直接施药法测定饵剂在野外灭杀白蚁的效果。结果表明:强迫取食0.1%氟啶脲饵剂的台湾乳白蚁和黄胸散白蚁分别在70 d和55 d内全部死亡,该饵剂对两种白蚁的平均引诱率分别为50.96%和54.44%,但灭杀整巢白蚁的速度较慢,在8—9月施药,需3~8个月才能完成。由此可见,0.1%氟啶脲饵剂对两种白蚁有良好的防治效果。  相似文献   

通过不同林分黑翅土白蚁采食工蚁的饵料筛选结果,分析白蚁取食经历对食物选择的影响。结果表明:来自不同林分的黑翅土白蚁喜食树种最佳为鹅掌楸树皮粉,其工蚁数量、泥被覆盖率和饵料被食率均较高,泥被出现时间在所有饵料中也相对较早。筛选出的辅食饵料最佳比例为15%小米粉和5%蔗糖,高糖分对黑翅土白蚁仅有短暂的诱食作用,一段时间后,高糖分诱食作用减退。白蚁采食工蚁存在取食记忆现象,取食记忆的持续时间与原取食材料在食物资源中的嗜食序列有关。若原取食材料属于食物选择试验中最嗜食物质,取食记忆可持续存在;否则,一定时间后发生食物选择的改变。试验筛选出最佳饵料配方为80%鹅掌楸树皮粉+15%小米粉+5%蔗糖,采食工蚁对不同树种树皮粉的取食选择可能与化学成分有关。  相似文献   

灰木莲容器苗培育基质筛选试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以松皮粉、黄心土、森林表土、火烧土、泥炭5种基质设置6种配比处理开展灰木莲容器苗培育试验,选用苗高、地径、苗木质量指数、容器基质重量等指标进行苗木质量评定,并依据造林效果进行检验。结果表明:不同处理间的苗高、地径和容器基质重量均达到极显著差异,苗木质量指数亦差异显著;处理3(黄心土50%+松皮粉25%+表土25%)的苗木质量和造林效果最好,其次是处理5(黄心土60%+松皮粉25%+火烧土15%)和处理4(黄心土50%+松皮粉50%),处理2(黄心土75%+泥炭25%)最差;建议生产上添加25%.50%的松皮粉作为灰木莲容器育苗基质。  相似文献   

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