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Zusammenfassung Es wird eine Schnellmethode zur Rauchh?rteprüfung von Kiefernarten beschrieben, die vom Terminaltrieb abgetrennte, in Pillengl?ser gesteckte einj?hrige Kurztriebe verwendet. Die Nadeln reagieren auf akute SO2-Immissionen kloneinheitlich und weitgehend in übereinstimmung mit der Mutterpflanze. Bei den Kurztrieben lassen sich endogene, vom Mutterbaum abh?ngige Differenzen in der Austrocknungsgeschwindigkeit nachweisen, die aber ohne wesentlichen Einflu? auf ihre Reaktion gegenüber SO2 bleiben, sofern die Expositionsdauer kurzgehalten wird. Die entwickelte Methode ist schneller, wirtschaftlicher und auch zuverl?ssiger als Rauchh?rteprüfungen mit eingetopften Pflanzen. Sie testet lediglich die Reaktion auf akute Begasungen.
Summary A short-time technique of testing pines for resistance against SO2-emissions has been developed, using one-year-old needle fascicles, put into water-filled glass vials. Against actual SO2-exposure, fascicles of the same tree react uniformly, and their reaction is very similiar to that of the parent tree. Besides, needle fascicles show endogenous clonal variation in the rate of drying out. This, however, does not influence the reaction against SO2, provided the time of exposure is kept short. The new technique is quicker, accurate, and more economical than SO2-tests with potted seedlings or graftings, but it only tests the reaction against short time-high doses exposure to SO2.

Durchgeführt mit finanzieller Unterstützung der Landesanstalt für Immissions- und Bodennutzungsschutz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen in Essen.  相似文献   

The influence of a SO2-fumigation on the 14CO2-fixation pattern of beeches (Fagus sylvatica L.) under field conditions. The influence of a fumigation with a low SO2 concentration on the metabolism of beech leaves (Fagus sylvatica L.) was investigated. Changes due to SO2 were observed in the sulfur content, the 14CO2-uptake and the 14CO2-fixation pattern. The use of these parameters for the indication of air pollution effects on plants is discussed.  相似文献   

Influence of continuous fumigation by low levels of SO2 on the phenolic contents and phenoloxidase activities in leaves of forest trees. Potted clonal trees of Norway spruce, black alder and English birch were continuously exposed to low levels of So2 in fumigation chambers. The phenolic content of the Norway spruce needles was increased consiberably over the controls months before the trees showed any symptoms of damage to the naked eye. Fumigated black alder had a significant higher phenoloxidase activity in the leaves; but this increase only occurred two weeks before the development of necroses. In English birch neither the phenolic content nor the phenoloxidase activity was changed against the unfumigated controls during the course of the experiment.  相似文献   

The detection of hidden F-injury of forest trees by a simple colorimetric determination of peroxidase actívity . The paper describes a simple routine method for determining colorimetrically peroxidase activity (p. a.) in foliage of forest tree species, including conifers. The effect of factors such as foliage age, F Content, external F dust, necrosis etc. on p. a. is investigated. Analyses of plants exposed at different distances to F exhalates of an aluminum plant show that with decreasing distance F content and p. a. increase. P. a. thus is an indicator of air pollution effects on tree physiology even in the range where no visible symptoms of injury occur.  相似文献   

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