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利用9口滨海型盐碱地型池塘,以乌克兰鳞鲤(Cyprinus carpio)为主养鱼,研究了不同放养密度(400、600、800尾/亩)下池塘能量生态学的变化。结果表明:三个密度组池塘水体光合作用效率差异显著,800尾/亩组显著高于400尾/亩组(P<0.05);在各输入能的转换效率中,光合能毛产转换效率和净产转换效率、鱼种能毛产转换效率和净产转换效率差异显著(P<0.05),800尾/亩组的光合能毛产转换效率和净产转换效率显著高于600尾/亩组,鱼种能毛产转换效率和净产转换效率都显著低于400尾/亩组;三个密度组的综合性生态-经济指标EY值依次为0.65、0.67、0.76,800尾/亩组的综合效益最高。  相似文献   

为改变我国广大盐碱地区池塘长期依靠养鱼、经济效益极低、甚至亏损的局面,并探索中国对虾防病养虾的新途径,1999年日照市水产研究所在棘洪滩水库管理处进行了中国对虾在盐碱地池塘中的养殖试验,现报告如下:一、材料与方法1.养殖池塘选用棘洪滩水库大坝西侧5个总面积24.8亩的盐碱地养鱼池塘,并配有水车式增氧机。2.水源利用棘洪滩水库旁导渗透沟内的水,其比重为1.002~1.003(20℃)。3.苗种来源5月8日采用日照市水产研究所培育的SPF中国对虾苗,暂养至1.8厘米,取40万尾在室内水池中经12天淡…  相似文献   

为改变广大盐碱地地区池塘长期依靠养鱼,经济效益低的现状,并探索中国对虾养殖防病新途径,进行了中国对虾盐碱地池塘养殖试验。经130天试验,无白斑病毒阳性感染,每亩利润超过2300元。  相似文献   

为探索滨海地区荒碱地的高效利用模式,提高"上农下渔"池塘的利用率,促进渔农增产增收,2005年我们在垦利县进行了"上农下渔"池塘养殖罗非鱼试验。同时为深入探讨滨海地区"上农下渔"池塘养殖罗非鱼的高产技术,我们进行了不同规格、不同密度的试验研究。试验从2005年4月10日~10月7日,共养殖180天,  相似文献   

不同养殖结构鱼塘能量生态学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
谷孝鸿 《水产学报》1999,23(1):33-39
本文从养针池生态系统利用能量利用各环节,分析了两种不同养殖结构鱼生态学能量利用效率。主养草食性鱼类,其输入的总补助能,光合能、生物能的转换效率分别为9.86%、6.92%、10.10%;其生产吨鱼总补且能、光合能、生物能分别为46.64GJ、66.46GJ、45.54GJ。而对于主养滤食性鲢、鳙的池塘,其对应的指标 8.3.%、3.75%、8.66%、46.99GJ、105.52GJ、45.73G  相似文献   

在盐碱地池塘中,研究了五种不同鱼鳖混养育成养殖模式,以其成活率、增重率、出池平均规格、饵料系数、饵料成本、每667m2纯利润和投入产出比等指标进行综合评定,结果表明:模式Ⅰ、模式Ⅱ和模式Ⅲ是盐碱地池塘较好的鱼鳖混养育成模式,模式Ⅳ和模式Ⅴ相对较差;在盐碱地池塘中,可采取中华鳖与滤食性鱼类鲢、鳙鱼混养的模式,也可采取中华鳖与鲢鱼、鳙鱼、草鱼一起混养的模式;在本研究条件下,中华鳖的适宜放养密度为4 500~7 500只/hm2,鲢鱼可放养2 250~3 900尾/hm2,鳙鱼可放养450~600尾/hm2,草鱼可放养3 000尾/hm2。  相似文献   

为改变我国广大盐碱地区池塘养鱼经济效益低甚至亏损的局面,探索中国对虾养殖新途径,1999年日照市水产研究所在棘洪滩水库进行了中国对虾养殖试验,报告如下。1材料与方法养殖池塘选用棘洪滩水库大坝西侧5口总面积1.65公顷的盐碱地养鱼池塘,并配有水车式增氧机。水源利用棘洪滩水库旁导渗透沟内的水,其水体密度为1.002~1.00(20℃)。清塘及繁殖基础饵料4月20日池塘进水50厘米,用80克/米3漂白粉(含有效率25%)彻底清毒一星期后,在池塘的一角堆鸡粪,以繁殖基础饵料生物———水蚯蚓、水生昆虫的幼虫等。苗种来源5月8日采用日照市水产研究所培育…  相似文献   

低洼盐碱地池塘合理的养殖结构模式是低洼盐碱地以渔改碱综合利用的核心技术之一,在国家跨越计划项目——沿黄低洼盐碱地以渔改碱综合开发利用试验示范的实施过程中,我们在山东省滨州市滨城区、邹平县,聊城市东昌府区等沿黄地区进行了低洼盐碱地池塘优化结构模式的试验研究,主要设计并进行了10个优化结构放养模式的养殖试验和比较,研究结果如下。  相似文献   

南美白对虾平原盐碱地池塘兑水养殖试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
南美白对虾以其生长速度快、盐度适应范围广、抗病能力强、饲料营养需求低等特点,近几年来在我国广泛推广养殖,是当今世界公认3大优良虾种之一。该虾在内陆平原盐碱池塘进行兑水养殖,至今未见报道。2000年我们首次引进南美白对虾虾苗2万尾,利用盐碱地地下盐水与内陆池塘淡水混合并进行离子调节后作为养殖用水,获得了养殖试验的成功。现报告如下:1材料方法1.1池塘条件   试验选在滨州市农业高科技示范园水产园区内的3号池塘进行。池塘面积2.7亩,有效水深达2.0m。池塘为新挖改造池塘,池内配备ZY1.5G增氧机…  相似文献   

对虾养殖池塘氮磷收支的实验研究   总被引:43,自引:5,他引:43  
齐振雄 《水产学报》1998,22(2):124-128
用六个面积25m^2,不同对虾放养水平,52000,60000,75200尾/hm^2的池塘围隔进行了本实验研究,结果表明,实验中投放的饵料,肥料分别占氮总输入的49.7%~54.5%和47.5%~50.1%,占磷总输入的30.0%~34.7%和65.1%~69.9%。在支出项目中,收获对虾占氮磷总输入百分比分别为9.06%~11.5%和3.02%~3.94%,沉积氮磷量为其主要支出项目,分别占总  相似文献   

盐碱地池塘4种养殖模式的鱼产量及负荷力   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在氯化物型盐碱地池塘中 ,采用围隔实验生态学方法对鲤、草鱼、罗非鱼和淡水白鲳等 4种鱼类混养模式的鱼产量、负荷力和搭配比例进行对比研究。结果表明 ,4种养殖模式中吃食性鱼类的日增重率和收获规格都随其本身放养密度的增大而减小 ,而鲢、鳙的日增重率和收获规格则随吃食性鱼类放养密度的增大而增大 ;吃食性鱼类的日增重率以淡水白鲳最快 ,草鱼生长最慢 ;吃食性鱼类的净产量为鲤模式 (CC) >罗非鱼模式 (TH) >淡水白鲳模式 (FP) >草鱼模式 (GC) ,混养的鲢在各种模式中的产量顺序为CC >GC >TH >FP ,鳙为CC >GC >FP >TH。CC、GC、TH、FP模式的总净产量分别为 4 .0 2~ 6 .5 5、3.0 5~ 5 .2 6、3.4 5~ 5 .86、2 .99~ 5 .34g/ (m2 ·d) ;FP、CC、TH、GC模式的负荷力分别为 0 .6 0 4、0 .4 92、0 .4 37和 0 .4 30kg/m2 。  相似文献   

为探索新型对虾生态养殖模式,于池塘中构建围网开展了凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)-鲻(Mugil cephalus)混养试验。鲻密度依次为0尾(M0,对照组)、250尾(M250)、500尾(M500)和800尾(M800)。结果显示,鲻放养组的饵料系数均比对照组低,但组间差异不显著(P〉0.05)。M250组对虾产值(30.30×10^4元·hm-2)及总产值(31.02×10^4元·hm^-2)为各组最高,M800组对虾产值(20.96×10^4元·hm^-2)及总产值(23.30×10^4元·hm^-2)最低。试验结束后,放养较多鲻的处理组(M500和M800)的总有机碳(TOC)有约20 mg·L^-1幅度的下降,而M0和M250则变动极小,但组间差异不显著(P〉0.05)。养殖末期鲻放养组的亚硝态氮(NO2-N)质量浓度均高于对照组M0,且M250组NO2-N及氨氮(NH4-N)质量分数居于各组最高(P〉0.05)。试验表明,在池塘围网混养少量鲻(M250)时对虾产量最高,而混养较多鲻(M500和M800)时饲料成本较为节约且水质指标较好。采取养殖前期多放鱼,后期适当分鱼以降低密度的措施,可能更有利于虾塘经济与生态效益的提高。  相似文献   

Bacterial community and abiotic environmental parameters in twelve freshwater aquaculture ponds were analysed. According to the major component of stocked animals, the ponds were grouped into four types: black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus, largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides, yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco and pearl mussel Hyriopsis cumingii ponds. Each type of pond was stocked with three species of Chinese carps (silver carp, bighead carp and gibel carp) to form a unique mode of fish polyculture or mussel–fish integrated culture. The bacterial composition was identified using 16S rDNA sequencing. Totally, 3701 and 11 150 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified from the water and sediment samples respectively. The number of OTUs, abundance‐based coverage estimator, Chao1 index and Shannon diversity index were lower in the water column than in the sediment, suggesting that diversity and stability of bacterial community were higher in the sediment. In the water column, Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes dominated at the phylum level, and 26 dominant genera were identified. In the sediment, Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi, Bacteroidetes, Acidobacteria and Nitrospirae dominated at the phylum level, and 25 dominant genera were identified. Bacterial compositions between the ponds with different aquaculture modes were similar at the phylum levels, but varied at the genus levels. The bacterial composition in the ponds was correlated with hardness, ammonia and total nitrogen in the water column. This study indicates that the type of aquaculture mode is a factor regulating the microbial community, which provides an insight towards microbial management through probiotic manipulation in pond culture.  相似文献   

2017、2018年连续2年利用7口0.4 hm2(6亩)对虾养殖池在淡水条件下进行了鲻鱼与南美白对虾混养试验.试验结果:鲻鱼放养规格48~80 g/尾,放养密度为75~225尾/hm2,收获鲻鱼规格为420~520 g/尾.2017年,南美白对虾单养池(对照池)产量为6090 kg/hm2,6口鱼虾混养池产量分别比对...  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to compare rice straw mat and kanchi (bamboo sticks) as substrates in periphyton‐based polyculture systems. The experiment had three treatments: (a) no substrate (control), (b) rice straw as a substrate (3 × 2.7 kg pond?1) and (c) kanchi as a substrate (390 kanchi pond?1). Fingerlings (n=40) of rohu, Labeo rohita (24.5±0.5 g); mrigal, Cirrhinus mrigala (25.1±0.6 g); catla, Catla catla (25.8±0.5 g); common carp, Cyprinus carpio (27.6±0.6 g), and silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (30.4±0.9 g) were stocked at a 3:2:2:2:1 ratio and cultured for 90 days. There were no differences in the number of plankton, periphyton and macro‐zoobenthos among the treatments. The total plate count of bacteria was higher in the rice straw treatment (41 320 million cfu m?2) than that in the kanchi treatment (11 780 million cfu m?2). Growth and the final mean weight of rohu, catla and common carp were higher in the substrate treatments than those in the control. Rice straw and kanchi treatment, respectively, resulted in 38% and 47% higher combined total weight gain over control. Gross margin analysis showed that rice straw treatment resulted in more profit than the control and kanchi treatment. Therefore, rice straw has the potential to be used to increase production in the low‐input rural aquaculture.  相似文献   

Polyculture is commonly practiced in pond aquaculture where several fish species are reared together, creating a multi-output production structure. This study applied a nonparametric data envelopment analysis (DEA) technique for multiple outputs to: (1) measure economic or ‘revenue' efficiency and its technical and allocative components for a sample of Chinese polyculture fish farms; and (2) derive the optimum stocking densities for different fish species. The mean economic efficiency was estimated to be 0.74. Technical inefficiencies accounted for most of the production inefficiencies in Chinese fish farms. On average, farmers should increase grass carp and decrease black carp stocking rates. Smaller farms and those from the developed regions were found to be relatively more technically and economically efficient.  相似文献   

A 55‐day mesocosm experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of commercial microbial products (Novozymes Pond Protect and Novozymes Pond Plus) and extra carbon (glucose) on water quality and bacterial community in a fish polyculture system. A 2 × 2 layout, including four treatments (non‐supplementation of the microbial products or glucose, adding glucose, adding the microbial products and adding the microbial products and glucose in combination), was established. The microbial products and glucose were added on the 40th day, 46th day and 52th day. Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate reduced in the tanks after glucose addition, while adding the microbial products did not significantly affect ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, reactive phosphate, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chemical oxygen demand and total organic carbon. Adding the microbial products and glucose affected relative abundance of some bacterial taxa, but did not reshape bacterial community. Non‐positive interactive effect on water quality and bacterial community was detected between the microbial products and glucose. This study reveals that supplementation of the microbial products did not benefit water quality in the fish polyculture system, and glucose addition could reduce ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.  相似文献   

Raising ducks on fish ponds (fish-duck culture) on a commercial scale is a new practice in Egypt, therefore, a study was undertaken to evaluate this practice from production, carcass composition and economic viewpoints.Five earthern ponds were used in the non-integrated system (no ducks) whereas four earthen ponds, in which each pond was supplied with 125 Pecking ducks per 0.42 ha, were used for the Integrated system. In both systems, each pond was stocked with four species of fish (common carp Cyprinus carpio, silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Grey mullet Mugil cephalus and tilapias Oreochromis niloticusand O. aureus) at the same densities.There were no differences in temperature or pH in any of the ponds but dissolved oxygen levels were lower in integrated ponds concomitant with increasing levels of ammonia, phosphate and nitrate. Water in integrated ponds was richer in natural productivity (phytoplankton and zooplankton) either in species or density when compared with those variables in non-integrated ponds.Fish species reared in integrated ponds exhibited better body weight, food conversion and protein efficiency ratios compared with those of fish species in the non-integrated ponds. Fish yield per 0.42 ha produced from the integrated ponds was significantly higher than that obtained from non-integrated ones. Also, body composition of fish species was affected by the type of farming. Carcass crude protein of grey mullet, silver carp and tilapia was improved in the integrated system. The data on return on sales, return on costs, return on equity, pay-back period and break-even point showed that the integrated system was more profitable than the non-integrated system.  相似文献   

在河蟹青虾混养池塘构建封闭式循环水养殖系统,并对其净化效果和养殖效益进行了初步研究。结果表明:该系统对水体TN、TP、NH4+-N和CODMn的平均净化效率分别为27.33%、56.14%、43.91%和39.59%。经湿地净化后的水质能够达到GB3838-2002地表水Ⅲ类排放标准,平均纯收益达53769元/hm2。  相似文献   

为提高光裸星虫(Sipunculus nudus)养殖的生产性能和经济效益,进行了光裸星虫与不同密度皱肋文蛤(Meretrix lyrata)的混养生产试验。试验以相同密度(25 ind/m2)的光裸星虫与不同密度的皱肋文蛤进行混养,皱肋文蛤的密度分别为150 ind/m2(S1组)、200 ind/m2(S2组)和250 ind/m2(S3组),对照组为单养光裸星虫(C组,25 ind/m2)。结果显示,养殖300 d后,各组间光裸星虫和皱肋文蛤的存活率均无显著差异(P>0.05)。随着混养皱肋文蛤密度的增加,光裸星虫的终末体质量、增重率均呈下降趋势,其中S3组光裸星虫的终末体质量最小,增重率最低,分别比C组低了19.26%和22.24%。不同养殖密度对皱肋文蛤的终末壳长、终末体质量、增重率影响显著,其中S1组皱肋文蛤的终末壳长显著高于S3组(P<0.05),但与S2组差异不显著(P>0.05);S1组文蛤终末体质量、增重率显著高于S2组、S3组(P<0.05),其中S3组的终末体质量最小,增重率最低,分别比S1组低了28.99%和39.19%。随着皱肋文蛤放养密度的增加,光裸星虫的产量和产值均呈下降的趋势,而皱肋文蛤的产量和产值均呈先升后降的趋势,其中S1组经济效益最佳,比单养光裸星虫的对照组提高了35.88%。结果表明,光裸星虫与皱肋文蛤混养效益高于光裸星虫单养,但混养密度过高会导致产品规格小、毛利率和产出投入比降低。以毛利为评价指标,经多元回归分析显示,皱肋文蛤的最佳混养密度为157 ind/m2。  相似文献   

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