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This study was initiated to determine the etiologic and pathogenic significance of an American strain of bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus (strain NADL-MD) in enteritis of neonatal calves (calf scours).

Three colostrum-fed calves from dams exposed intravenously to BVD virus at 6, 16 and 25 days prepartum, respectively, had moderate diarrhea persisting until the eighth day of life. The BVD virus was isolated from all 3 calves and persisted up to 93 days in 1 calf, indicating either that BVD was transmitted in utero or via the dam's milk.

Three specific pathogen free (SPF) calves permitted dams' colostrum for the first 4 feedings and then given milk replacer were exposed orally on the day of birth to BVD virus. One calf died of neonatal enteritis 28 hours post-exposure and at necropsy the BVD virus was isolated from several of its organs. The remaining 2 calves had a mild diarrhea persisting to the eighth day of age.

Two calves permitted dams' colostrum ad lib. for 72 hours, and then weaned, were exposed orally to BVD virus. Both calves had a mild persistent diarrhea and BVD virus was isolated from their blood for 56 days post-exposure.

Of 13 SPF, colostrum-deprived calves exposed orally or intranasally at birth to the BVD virus, 4 had severe diarrhea and died of neonatal enteritis from 38 hours to 13 days postexposure. Isolations of BVD virus were made from several of the organs of the calves at necropsy. All of the 9 surviving calves had a moderate to severe diarrhea frequently persisting for 7 to 10 days, and BVD virus was isolated from the survivors up to 103 days postexposure.

Several strains of Escherichia coli were isolated from calves after the second day of life, but were neither pathogenic for mice, nor serologically related to strains of E. coli usually associated with outbreaks of calf scours. Four colostrum-deprived SPF calves were exposed orally at birth to a strain of E. coli isolated from the intestine of the calf with the most acute symptoms and fatal neonatal enteritis. None of the four calves receiving the E. coli had diarrhea. One calf, however, had respiratory distress and died on day 5.

Two SPF colostrum-deprived control calves had neither diarrhea nor respiratory distress.

The above findings support the conclusion that BVD virus should not be overlooked as a primary cause of the neonatal calf enteritis complex.


鸭肠炎病毒研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
鸭肠炎病毒(Duck enteritis virus,DEV),又名鸭瘟病毒(Duck plague virus,DPV),是能够引起鸭、鹅和天鹅等水禽的一种急性、接触性的传染病.其特征是侵害血管、组织出血、消化道黏膜糜烂、淋巴器官出现病变及实质器官有退行性的病变.鸭肠炎病毒自出现到现在已有80多年的历史,本文简要阐述鸭肠炎病毒的研究进展.  相似文献   

Thirteen specific-pathogen-free pigs were used in an experiment to determine the pathogenicity of IBR virus for pigs. Three pigs were used as controls, eight were exposed to IBR virus by either the intravenous, subcutaneous, intratracheal, or intranasal route, and two pigs served as contact controls. The clinical response consisted of a temperature rise, depression and variable lymphocytosis. The major tissue alterations were interstitial pneumonitis, and peribronchiolitis with round cell aggregates and giant cell formation. IBR virus was not recovered from any of the pigs. A serologic response was detected in only the pig injected intravenously.  相似文献   

The lesions which characterize viral enteritis of mink (VEM) were studied in twenty-six, ten-week-old mink which had been infected by force feeding a tissue suspension containing a Wisconsin strain of mink enteritis virus. The pathogenesis of the lesions was reconstructed from gross and histopathological changes observed in animals which were selected randomly from the group each day for necropsy during the course of the disease.

Alterations were observed in the tissues of all mink examined from post-inoculation day (PID) 4 through 13. The principal macroscopic lesions which consisted of fibrinous enteritis, enlargement and hemorrhage of the spleen and edema of mesenteric and hepatic lymph nodes were most conspicuous on PID 7 and 8. Histopathological changes including necrosis and desquamation of intestinal epithelium, depletion of mature lymphocytes in lymph nodes, thymus and spleen and loss of partly differentiated myeloid and erythroid cells from spleen and bone marrow also reached full development on PID 7 and 8. However, nuclear inclusion bodies which were presumed to be a product of the causative agent and, therefore, of diagnostic significance were most prevalent on PID 3, 4 and 5. The inclusions were observed in mucosal epithelial cells of the intestine, parenchymal cells of the liver and in lymphocyte precursor cells of the spleen, intestinal lymph nodules and masenteric and hepatic lymph nodes.


用猫泛白细胞减少症病毒(FPV)弱毒作为制苗毒种,经CRFK细胞培养15代,使其滴度稳定在10~(5.0)~10~(5.0)TCID_(50)/0.03mL之间.经4代猫体返祖试验证明,该弱毒无返祖现象.10倍免疫剂量的水貂安全试验证明,该弱毒毒力稳定,对水貂无感染性.用FPV弱毒4~15代病毒研制成功的水貂肠炎弱毒疫苗,各项试验证明,该苗安全可靠,免疫剂量为10~(3.0)×1mL,免疫效果好,保护率在95%以上,免疫期6个月以上.  相似文献   

A fatal case of hemorrhagic enteritis in a young dog is described. Hemagglutination and electron microscopic studies support a viral etiology.  相似文献   

Houe, H. and I. Heron: Immune response of calves persistently infected with Bovine Virus Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) to other agents. Acta vet. scand. 1993, 34, 305-310.– The ability of calves persistently infected (PI) with bovine virus diarrhoea virus BVDV to respond immunologically to defined antigens other than BVDV was studied. Five clinically healthy PI calves were studied together with 5 non-PI calves serving as controls. The humoral immune response was tested by measuring the serum antitoxin titre following immunization against tetanus. The cellular immune response was tested by the ability to develop a positive reaction in a cutaneous tuberculin test performed 1 month after immunization against Johne’s disease (paratuberculosis). Finally, a skin-sensitizing agent, dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB), was employed to study whether PI calves would react by hypersensitization following skin exposure to DNCB for 7 consecutive days followed by application of DNCB to a new skin area remote from the area that had first been exposed.The response of PI calves to the various types of antigenic stimuli applied was not significantly different from that of the control calves. Thus, PI calves developed a potent antitoxin response after tetanus immunization, they showed a positive reaction to tuberculin skin test after immunization against paratuberculosis, and were skin sentitized with DNCB.  相似文献   

奶牛冬痢病是一种世界范围内常见的急性肠道传染病,以患病个体排棕色稀便和下痢便血为主要特征,发病突然,传播速度快,可显著降低奶牛产量,给养殖户造成严重的经济损失。对该病要严格预防,一旦发病要早发现,早治疗,切断病原传播途径,防止传染。同时,要加强奶牛场的综合管理。  相似文献   

Six dairy calves, six and one-half to nine months old, were exposed to a strain of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) virus of bovine fetal origin by one of the various routes — nasal, vaginal, preputial or contact. Neither after initial exposure nor following challenge of their immunity did any of these animals manifest the IBR respiratory syndrome, although two of them (inoculated per vagina/prepuce) developed pustular vulvovaginitis or balanoposthitis. Also, one five-day old dairy calf which had received colostrum and milk of its IBR-immune dam, was inoculated intranasally with the same strain of IBR virus. This animal exhibited severe signs of IBR. The virus was recovered from all but three of the seven calves after initial exposure and from all but one animal following challenge of their immunity. Immune responses of these calves resembled those of adult cattle.  相似文献   

将新疆分离的病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)野毒株SHN-98和标准毒株Oregon C-24分别接种无BVDV感染的羔羊和怀孕100天左右的母羊,建立BVDV在绵羊垂直感染的动物模型,应用病毒抗原定位检测的免疫组化染色技术,探求BVDV在实验性感染绵羊经胎盘感染胚胎、羔羊过程中,病毒在感染组织、靶器官、靶细胞中的分布规律。结果表明:BVDV通过母羊的胎盘感染胚胎。BVDV在感染妊娠母羊体内主要分布于心肌、肝、肺、脾、淋巴结、胃肠粘膜、脑神经、子宫粘膜、胎盘等器官组织,其中以胃肠粘膜、脾、淋巴结、脑神经、子宫粘膜、胎盘等器官组织中分布量较多;BVDV在垂直感染胚胎体内主要分布于胸腺、淋巴结、脑、肝、肾、心肌、脾、肺、胃肠粘膜、脐带等器官组织,其中以胸腺、胃肠粘膜、脑神经等器官组织中分布量较多;BVDV在垂直感染羔羊体内主要分布于心、肾、胃肠粘膜、脾、胸腺、淋巴结、大脑、小脑、海马、视丘、视神经、眼球脉络膜等器官组织,其中以胃肠粘膜、大小脑、用、视神经、淋巴结等器官组织中分布较多,在组织分布中,BVDV对上皮细胞、神经胶质细胞、淋巴细胞有较强的亲嗜性,SHN-98和OregonC-24在垂直传播中组织器官的分布无明显差异。  相似文献   

抗CP型、NCP型牛病毒性腹泻病毒高免卵黄抗体的制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用致细胞病变(cytopathic,CP)型牛病毒性腹泻病毒(bovine viral diarrhea virus,BVDV)标准毒和非致细胞病变(noncytopathic,NCP)型新疆优势毒株免疫产蛋鸡,用改良PEG法提取卵黄抗体(IgY),并对提取的IgY采用SDS-PAGE检测纯度,间接ELISA检测免疫后每隔7 d的抗体效价,并测定所得抗体对NCP型BVDV的中和效价。结果表明,用该法提取的IgY纯度较高;间接ELISA结果证明,经过4次免疫后,抗CP型BVDV的效价达到1∶32000,抗NCP型BVDV的效价达到1∶40000,3个月后再次检测,卵黄抗体效价未见明显下降。最后一次免疫14 d的抗体对NCP型BVDV的中和效价达到1×10-3。  相似文献   

为了建立重组鸭瘟病毒技术,构建了鸭瘟病毒转移质粒。在对鸭瘟强毒和弱毒株TK基因进行测序分析后,将鸭瘟病毒TK-UL24DNA片段克隆于pUC18载体中,构建了质粒pTK;将PCR扩增的GFP真核表达盒插入pTK质粒的TK基因内部,获得转移载体质粒pTK-GFP。鸭瘟病毒TK-UL24测序分析表明鸭瘟强、弱毒株TK基因序列完全相同;转移载体携带Pcmv-GFP-SV40pA表达盒,测序验证其序列与源序列一致。pTK-GFP在脂质体介导下,转染鸭胚成纤维细胞和鸭肾细胞,在荧光显微镜下观察绿色荧光蛋白表达情况。质粒转染细胞后,绿色荧光蛋白得到了有效的表达,为进一步开展重组鸭瘟病毒的研究和构建具有遗传标记的鸭瘟疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒tk基因的克隆   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王柳  于力 《中国兽医学报》1995,15(2):116-120
根据牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒LA株的物理图谱及Coper株和LA标tk基因在基因组中的定位,将LA株DNA HindⅢA片段中的SalI-SalI亚片段、BglⅢ-SalI双酶切亚片段分别克隆到载体质粒pBluescriptSK中,筛选出3个重组质粒p^tk-1,Ptk-2和Ptk-3,其外源片段大小分别为2.7kb,1.1kb和1.6kb。经酶切分析及同源核酸探针杂交试验表明,2.7kb SalI-  相似文献   

本试验使用3~6月龄健康易感牛9头(牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒(IBRV)和牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)抗原、抗体均阴性),共分3组,每组3头犊牛。第1组首免肌肉注射IBRV-LNM弱毒疫苗株种毒,接种1周后,每头牛接种BVDV-SM弱毒疫苗株;第2组只接种BVDV-SM弱毒疫苗株种毒,接种时间同第1组;第3组为对照组,接种MDBK细胞培养液。接种BVDV-SM疫苗毒后每周采血至疫苗毒接种后28 d,测定接种后BVDV抗体效价,并采用BVDV-JL检验用强毒进行攻毒试验。结果表明,第1组与第2组试验动物血清中牛病毒性腹泻病毒抗体水平无明显差异,能够抵抗BVDV-JL强毒攻击达到免疫保护的效果,说明牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒IBRV-LNM弱毒疫苗株接种后在牛体内对牛病毒性腹泻病毒BVDV-SM疫苗毒不产生免疫干扰作用。  相似文献   

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