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为探明新选育杂交稻父本品系稻米品质性状的变化规律,以‘C两优343’、‘天优华占’、‘金优207’3个组合为对照,对新选育的83个杂交稻父本品系和超市购买的9个高档商品米的品质进行了比较分析。结果表明:新选育杂交稻父本品系的糙米率、垩白粒率、长宽比、胶稠度以及食味综合评分整体表现较好;与国家优质米标准的12个指标相比,所有指标达到国家三级优质米标准的品系有6个。与高档商品米比较,新选育杂交稻父本品系的垩白粒率、垩白度分别低于高档商品米有22个和45个,高于高档商品米分别有61个和38个,新选育杂交稻父本品系垩白粒率、垩白度的变异系数均小于高档商品米;直链淀粉含量低于高档商品米,但其变异系数高于高档商品米。分析结果表明,新选育杂交稻父本品系垩白粒率和垩白度较高的品系个数占总数的百分比分别为69.3%和43.2%,其优质达标率较低,仅25.0%和51.1%,降低其垩白粒率和垩白度是今后水稻稻米品质改良的重点。  相似文献   

Resistance to breakage is a desirable trait of the rice kernel. Many factors, such as the genetics of the cultivar, the plant growth environment and the conditions of the milling process, will affect kernel breakage. Although many papers have discussed the factors that may affect and improve rice milling quality, few have related the grain-filling process to head rice, the unbroken polished kernels obtained after milling. The objectives of this paper were: (i) to characterize the interrelationships amongst grain filling and grain structural characteristics; (ii) to determine whether the grain-filling process and grain characteristics affect head rice, and (iii) to suggest a pathway through which grain characteristics can influence head rice recovery. An analysis of the interrelationships amongst all grain characteristics suggested that variables of grain structure (size, volume and per cent hull) have a decisive influence on the grain-filling process (rate and duration of grain filling). The grain-filling process will affect final grain traits such as weight and density, which in turn will have a direct impact on head rice. In addition, non-uniformity, whether expressed in terms of variable grain size and shape or grain filling and maturity, has a detrimental effect on rice milling quality. The implication of these findings is that rice breeders need to pay more attention to selecting plant types that have a high degree of uniformity of grain characteristics on the panicle, and to those traits (such as greater grain size, weight and density) that have a positive impact on yield and milling quality.  相似文献   

Youki Itoh  Yoshio Sano 《Euphytica》2006,150(1-2):87-95
Previously, we reported that phyllochron of rice greatly fluctuated in the course of development under natural conditions. The present study was carried out to examine the phyllochron dynamics using the five near-isogenic lines (NILs) for heading time and the recurrent parent. The change of phyllochron was investigated under four different controlled conditions regarding daylength and temperature. Growth duration (days to heading) showed a large variation among different growth regimes as well as genotypes. Changes of phyllochron were evaluated in the genotypes by using a quartic polynomial regression that was well fitted to the change of phyllochron in the present controlled environments as previously observed under natural conditions. Phyllochron began to drastically increase after around the 5th phytomer order and decreased with the progress of reproductive development in similar manners under different environments. The pattern of phyllochron change varied from a flat to non-flat shape. The shape of the equation was affected by genotypes as well as daylengths and temperatures. In addition, the shape was closely related to the growth duration (days to heading) of the genotype, suggesting that the phyllochron might internally increase depending on the genotype controlling the heading date. Therefore, the present results showed that the sufficient examination of phyllochron dynamics is necessary for understanding a variation in the heading date of rice.  相似文献   

高温干旱对水稻产量、品质及剑叶生理特性影响研究综述   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
高温往往伴随着干旱,在众多影响粮食产量的因素中,高温和干旱被认为是主要的环境胁迫因子。受全球气候变暖影响,大范围持续性干旱成为农业生产的最严重威胁。复合胁迫通常会出现协同效应或拮抗效应,而水稻对高温干旱复合胁迫响应的独特机理尚未明确。为此,分析了高温以及干旱单因子对水稻产量、品质及剑叶生理特性的影响,并归纳了高温干旱双因子对水稻的双重胁迫效应,以往研究表明水稻响应高温干旱双重胁迫的方式可能存在2种表现:一是当2种胁迫同时出现,水稻生理会受到严重影响,伤害甚至会比2个单一因子伤害相加严重;二是当2种胁迫先后出现时,水稻会经过一个适应逆境过程,从而减低后续胁迫的伤害。  相似文献   

广亲和籼稻不育系选育方法的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了选育广亲和不育系,除了要达到保持胞质雄性不育标准外,还应重视广亲和性和配合力的选育。为此,本研究设计了三者同步鉴定,选育的方法。广亲和性遗传分析表明:Dular、Bellemont、L202与Pecos之间控制广亲和性的主基因为非等位。目前已初步在协青早/Dular、珍灿97/Bellemont和V20/L202^2中获得广亲和胞质雄性不育系。  相似文献   

以野败型细胞质的水稻雄性不育系珍汕97A及其保持系珍汕97B的总DNA为模板,从100个引物中筛选到OPA12对珍汕97A能扩增出一条1600 bp的特异带.用OPA12扩增野败型细胞质的龙特浦A及其保持系龙特浦B、矮败型细胞质的协青早A及其保持系协青早B、恢复系明恢63、珍汕97A/明恢63的F1和F2个体的总DNA,不育系、F1和F2所有调查个体都有16  相似文献   

The effects of panicle type and source‐sink relation on the variation in grain weight (GW) and quality within a panicle were investigated using four japonica (Oryza sativa L.) varieties differing in grain density and two source‐sink adjusting treatments. There were significant differences in GW and filling grain percentage (FGP) among superior and inferior grains for compact‐panicle varieties (Xiushui 994 and Xiushui 63), while not for loose‐panicle ones (Xiushui 11 and Chunjiang 15). The floret‐removal treatment significantly improved the development of inferior florets and reduced the differences in FGP and GW between superior and inferior grains for the compact‐panicle variety, while leaf‐deleting treatment reduced FGP and GW of both superior and inferior grains. For the loose‐panicle varieties, the two treatments had little effect. The difference in chalky grain percentage (CGP) and amylose content (AC) between the two kinds of florets was larger in compact‐panicle varieties than in loose‐panicle ones. Both floret‐removal and leaf‐deleting treatments caused the changes in CGP and AC of superior or inferior grains for compact‐panicle varieties, but not for loose‐panicle ones. The difference in starch content (SC) between superior and inferior grains was much larger for Xiushui 994 than for Xiushui 11, and the two varieties differed in the response of SC to the change of source‐sink relation. The differences in AGP‐glucose pyrophosphorylase (ADPG‐Ppase), starch branching enzyme (SBE) and soluble starch synthase (SSS) activities between the two kinds of grains were basically same for the two varieties, with superior being higher than inferior ones at early filling stage and smaller at later stage. In floret‐removal treatment, the activities of ADPG‐PPase, SSS, and SBE in superior grains of Xiushui 994 decreased at early filling stage and increased at middle or later stages. Meanwhile, the activities of SSS and SBE in both kinds of grains at early filling stage, and of ADPG‐PPase and granule‐bound starch synthase (GBSS) in inferior grains over the whole stage were increased. In leaf‐deleting treatment, the activities of ADPG‐PPase and SBE at early filling stage and GBSS at later filling stage were reduced in superior grains, while SSS activity at middle filling stage and SBE activity at later stage were increased.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis for Al tolerance was performed in rice using a mapping population of 98 BC1F10 lines (backcross inbred lines: BILs), derived from a cross of Al-tolerant cultivar of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Nipponbare) and Al-sensitive cultivar (cv. Kasalath). Three characters related to Al tolerance, including root elongation under non-stress conditions (CRE), root elongation under Al stress (SRE) and the relative root elongation (RRE) under Al stress versus non-stress conditions, were evaluated for the BILs and the parents at seedling stage. A total of seven QTLs for the three traits were identified. Among them, three putative QTLs for CRE (qCRE-6, qCRE-8 and qCRE-9) were mapped on chromosomes 6, 8 and 9, respectively. One QTL for SRE (qSRE-4) was identified on chromosome 4. Three QTLs (qRRE-5, qRRE-9 and qRRE-10) for RRE were detected on chromosomes 5, 9, 10 and accounted for 9.7–11.8% of total phenotypic variation. Interestingly, the QTL qRRE-5 appears to be syntenic with the genomic region carrying a major Al tolerance gene on chromosome 6 of maize. Another QTL, qRRE-9, appears to be similar among different rice populations, while qRRE-10 is unique in the BIL population. The common QTLs for CRE and RRE indicate that candidate genes conferring Al tolerance in the rice chromosome 9 may be associated with root growth rates. The existence of QTLs for Al tolerance was confirmed in substitution lines for corresponding chromosomal segments. These results also provide the possibilities of enhancing Al tolerance in rice through using marker-assisted selection (MAS) and pyramiding QTLs.  相似文献   

杂交粳稻亲本米质性状优异配合力的标记基因型鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
杂交粳稻米质整体水平不如常规粳稻也是限制杂交粳稻广泛种植的原因之一。本研究选用115个SSR引物扩增6个粳稻BT型不育系和12个恢复系的标记基因型,并分析72个F1组合谷粒长、谷粒宽、糙米率、精米率、整精米率、垩白米率、垩白度、糊化温度、胶稠度和直链淀粉含量10个米质性状的配合力,结合亲本SSR分子标记数据和性状配合力数据筛选了10个米质性状优异配合力的标记基因型。结果共鉴定出30个SSR标记基因型与亲本10个米质性状配合力显著相关,其中25个与亲本米质性状不良配合力相关,5个与优异配合力相关。标记基因型RM263-175/180和RM444-230/240可以使F1整精米率分别提高3.2%和2.5%。RM3-120/150可以使F1谷粒长缩短2.4%,RM444-180/240可以使F1谷粒宽增加2.1%。RM428-273/294可以使F1植株上的杂交稻米直链淀粉含量减少7.0%。有8个标记基因型同时也影响产量性状配合力。RM3-120/150同时可以使F1的每穗总粒数和每穗实粒数分别增加15.9%和10.9%。RM1211-150/160可使F1的糙米率和精米率分别减少0.9%和1.1%,同时使F1的每穗总粒数和每穗实粒数分别增加21.8.%和20.4%。RM23-150/160可使F1的垩白米粒率和垩白度分别增加44.1%和45.7%,同时使F1的单株日产量和每穗总粒数分别增加11.2%和11.6%。这些结果可用于指导亲本米质性状和产量性状配合力的分子标记辅助改良以及未来杂交粳稻组合配置中的亲本选配。  相似文献   

Summary The genetic dissection of morphological traits can helpful to evaluate their potential values as markers for rice genetic improvement. In this study, a RI population derived from a cross from Zhenshan97 and IRAT109 was used to dissect the genetic bases of seven morphological traits such as leaf sheath color (LSC), grain apiculus color (GAC), grain hairiness density (GHD), grain awn length (GAL), ratio of leaf length to width (RLW), leaf erectness (LER) and natural leaf rolling status (NLR). Totally, 26 main-effect QTLs and 22 epistatic QTLs were detected. Of them, 11 main-effect and 3 epistatic QTLs expressed environmental interactions. GAC controlled by a single gene could be regarded as the most useful marker. LSC controlled by two major interacted main-effect QTLs, but with no environmental interaction, is suitable to become morphological marker. LSC will be a very efficient morphological marker for identification of hybrid plants at rice seedling stage when the two major QTLs are introduced into male sterile line and restorer line separately. GHD controlled by a major QTL and a few minor QTLs with comparative low QEIs could also be used as marker. The traits GAL, NLR, RLW and LER, which were controlled by a number of minor effect QTLs and affected by environmental conditions could not be used as marker. But the QTLs with large effects, such as nrl8, can be targeted for corresponding trait improvement through marker-aided selection in rice breeding.  相似文献   

水稻胞质不育的恢复基因分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
滕利生  申宗坦 《作物学报》1996,22(2):142-146
以结实率为育性指标,研究了粳稻恢复系C57和ZH157对BT型、WA型胞质雄性不育恢复性的遗传。C57和ZH157分别有恢复BT型雄性不育的一对显性和一对不完全显性的恢复基因Rf1RF1和Rf2Rf2;对WA型雄性不育,C57和ZH157则分别具有一对不完全显性恢复基因Rf4Rf4和一对显性恢复基因Rf3Rf3,等位性测验证明,Rf1与Rf2、Rf3与Rf4是独立遗传的。C57的Rf1与恢复系台中  相似文献   

旨在了解有色糙米随着发芽时间的延长,人体利用率高的游离氨基酸含量及组分配比变化特点。选取红米(BP480)、黑米(BP602)和白米(BP015, CK)的糙米材料,进行发芽处理,在发芽后9个不同时间点(24、30、36、42、48、60、72、84、96 h)对γ-氨基丁酸及其他17种氨基酸进行检测,分析γ-氨基丁酸、必需氨基酸、限制氨基酸、风味氨基酸的动态变化。结果表明有色米(红米、黑米)和白米大部分游离氨基酸(包括γ-氨基丁酸)含量呈持续增长趋势,发芽96 h达到最大值,并且必需氨基酸所占总游离氨基酸含量的百分比不断升高,红米从20.3%升到48.0%,黑米从19.2%升到48.1%,白米从16.6%升到49.2%。苏氨酸成为含量最高的游离氨基酸。发芽可以改善糙米游离氨基酸的组成特性,显著提高糙米蛋白成分的利用率。  相似文献   

酯酶同工酶鉴定杂交水稻品种及其亲本纯度的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陶芳  张文明  姚大年 《种子》2007,26(2):28-32
研究了两种不同的电泳缓冲系统及染色方法对水稻酯酶同工酶的鉴定效果.结果表明:Tris-HCl系统的分辩率比Tris-citric系统的高.分析了杂交水稻不同发育时期材料、不同取材部位酯酶同工酶的表达.结果表明:3~4 d芽龄的幼苗为最适宜的鉴定时期,取材部位不影响标记酶带的表达.应用该方法对供试材料的酶谱类型进行了划分:①偏亲型(汕优559、协优57、协优559、65002);②互补型(特优559、特优多C 1号);③杂合型(汕优63、协优63、特优63).其中互补型在种子真实性和纯度鉴定中具有一定利用价值.用互补型对生产用种进行检测,并与相应的大田鉴定结果进行回归分析,表明田检纯度和酶谱纯度呈极显著正相关.  相似文献   

Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology - Even though there are abundant rice genetic resources, only a fraction is used in breeding programs leading to a narrow genetic base for improved...  相似文献   

Time course of grain filling pattern in two rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars, grown under normal and low light intensities, was studied. The number of spikelets, partially filled grains and high density grains were monitored at a 5 day interval during grain filling period from uniform panicles tagged at anthesis. The low light tolerant cultivar Swarnaprabha had more high density grains and less partially filled grains throughout the grain filling period and at harvest compared to cultivar Ratna under both normal and low light intensities. Further, the opening of spikelets in two flushes in Swarnaprabha seemed to result in a more efficient resource allocation and hence better yield as compared to Ratna, in which the opening of spikelets was in a single flush on day 10.  相似文献   

粳稻食味品质改良研究现状与展望   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
徐铨  唐亮  徐凡   《作物学报》2013,39(6):961-968
进入21世纪,我国北方特别是东北粳稻面积不断扩大,单产明显提高,品质稳定改善,改良食味品质是今后重要研究内容。本文主要从食味品质鉴定方法,稻米淀粉种类和含量及分子结构、蛋白质种类和含量、其他物质含量与食味品质的关系,饭粒表面和内部超微结构与食味品质的关系,食味品质相关性状遗传分析与育种应用等方面介绍了日本粳稻食味品质研究现状,认为结合东北粳稻实际深入开展食味品质育种、栽培和生物技术等应用基础研究,充分利用籼稻二次枝梗粒偏向穗轴上部分布、穗颈大维管束数和一次枝梗数多等有利基因,同时减少对食味品质的不良影响,是今后北方尤其是东北籼粳稻杂交优质高产育种的重要研究课题。  相似文献   

马协不育花药药隔ATPase超微结构定位   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
马协可育花药单核期和二核期药隔维管束薄壁细胞核、 筛分子质膜、 胞间连丝及其转运物、 药隔薄壁细胞液泡膜、 胞间隙及淀粉粒表面具有ATPase活性。 马协不育花药单核期维管束薄壁细胞核变形, 核内有弥散的异染色质, 随后异染色质团转移到核边缘, 并表现出减少的趋势; ATPase主要定位于核异染色质、 线粒体、 液泡、 质  相似文献   

籼稻米粒延伸性的遗传研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
采用包括遗传主效应和基因型与环境互作效应的三倍体遗传模型,分析了两环境下籼稻米粒延伸性的遗传基础。结果表明,米粒延伸性及其相关性状(米粒长和饭粒长),主要受制于遗传主效应,但也受到基因型与环境互作效应的控制。在遗传主效应中又以种子基因加性效应为主,其次是母体植株的基因效应。米粒长和饭粒长的狭义遗传率都  相似文献   

为研究两系杂交旱稻优质育种中最佳的亲本选配。以两系不育系‘绿102S’、‘绿旱1S’为母本,耐旱中籼稻鉴定材料‘13NJ103’、‘13NJ108’、‘13NJ113’和‘13NJ114’为父本,采用不完全双列设计研究8个杂交旱稻组合的长宽比、垩白度、垩白粒率、直链淀粉、糊化温度、胶稠度6个主要米质性状的差异性、配合力和遗传力。结果表明,以长宽比为评判标准,母本‘绿旱1S’的米质达到1级标准,‘绿102S’达到2级标准,父本均为2级标准,杂交后代除了A1B3外,其他组合均为2级标准;以垩白度和垩白率比为评判标准,亲本只有‘绿旱1S’、‘13NJ103’和‘13NJ114’米质达到2级标准,且它们的杂交后代米质也达到2级标准;以直链淀粉为评判标准,所有亲本米质本均达到2级标准,并且后代A1B3达到1级标准。以相同母本与不同父本进行杂交,得到后代的长宽比绝大多数介于双亲之间,以相同父本‘13NJ108’与不同母本分进行杂交,得到后代的垩白粒率均达到100%,表现出超低亲分离现象,其他米质性状表现规律不一致;各米质性状的配合力方差均达到极显著水平;‘绿旱1S’、‘13NJ113’和‘13NJ114’在改良米质外观品质上具有一定的价值,‘绿102S’、‘13NJ113’和‘13NJ114’在改良米质蒸煮品质上具有一定的价值。遗传力结果表明,长宽比、直链淀粉含量和碱消值受基因型效应影响较大,受环境影响较小,而垩白度、垩白粒率和胶稠度受基因型效应影响较小,受环境影响较大。  相似文献   

A field experiment was performed to study the effect of zinc and iron supply on grain yield in four promising varieties of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) viz. IR-20, Jaya, Pusa 2–21, and IET-1444. Three doses of ZnSO4 or FeSO4 (0, 20 or 40 kg ha−1) along with all possible combinations were investigated. The varietal differences were significant in grain yield ha−1. The grain yield increased with the dose of zinc and Jaya but not significantly in IR-20. The increase in grain yield was more significant and dose dependent in IET-1444 than in Jaya in response to iron application.  相似文献   

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