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To evaluate the use of an experimental colloid model for teaching veterinary anesthesia residents ultrasound-guided technique for nerve blockade.

Study design

Prospective, blinded and randomized.


Colloid models were constructed for practice in ultrasound-guided needle location. Nine veterinary anesthesia residents with no prior experience of ultrasound-guided technique for nerve blocks were randomly divided into three groups. Each group received theoretical orientation. Two groups were assigned to practical training using the experimental model: group 1 (G1) received 2 hours of training and group 2 (G2) received 1 hour of training prior to testing with specific tasks. Group 3 (G3) received no practical training. During testing, the time required for task completion (e.g., display of structures and positioning a needle) and the number of failures were recorded.


The average times to completion of the tasks and the number of technical failures were: G1, 47 seconds and 1 failure; G2, 68 seconds and 2 failures; G3, 187 seconds and 7 failures.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

In residents with no prior experience of ultrasound-guided needle placement, using an experimental colloid model and a longer training period was associated with increased accuracy and decreased time to task completion. Based on the results of this study, training with an experimental model can be recommended to improve the speed and accuracy of needle manipulation using ultrasound in clinicians with no prior experience of ultrasound-guided technique.  相似文献   

Aim Topical cyclosporine has been widely used in the treatment of canine keratoconjunctivitis sicca without apparent documented clinical side effects. Thus the finding of reduced lymphocyte proliferation in animals treated with the drug at a concentration of 2% was both surprising and concerning. This study aimed to repeat the previous study and to compare the systemic effects of 2% cyclosporine in corn oil and 0.2% topical cyclosporine ointment (Optimmune, Intervet‐Schering Plough, Welwyn, UK). Methods Twenty dogs treated with Optimmune or with topical 2% cyclosporine in corn oil where previous treatment with Optimmune had failed were included in this study. Blood samples were taken at the time of first evaluation and at 1, 3 and 6 months of treatment to provide a biochemical and hematological health evaluation of the dogs and at each examination to measure circulating levels of cyclosporine and to obtain a lymphocyte population with which to determine a mitogen stimulation index (MSI) on treatment with phytohaemagglutinin‐P (PHA) and conconavlin A (con‐A). Levels of circulating cyclosporine were measured with an enzyme‐multiplied immunoassay method and also the more sensitive quantification technique of mass spectroscopy (MS). Results No blood samples contained over 15 ng/ml cyclosporine, the lower limit of detection using the radioimmunoassay or the enzyme‐multiplied immunoassay technique. Positive control samples taken from dogs treated with oral cyclosporine for anal furunculosis showed measurable levels in blood, demonstrating that the technique worked. Mean MSI values at 0, 1, 3 and 6 months of treatment were 10.2, 11.4, 11.6, and 10.5 for dogs treated with 0.2% cyclosporine and 10.4, 11.9, 11.7, and 12.9 for dogs treated with 2% cyclosporine. Mitogen stimulation index values were not statistically different between the first examination and any subsequent examination time‐point. Conclusions The findings of the study contradict those of the previous studies. No change in lymphocyte stimulation index was noted, neither were significant blood levels of cyclosporine documented after topical administration of either 0.2% or 2% cyclosporine. This study shows that topical cyclosporine is safe to use in the canine eye in line with the drug’s safety record in this therapeutic regime over the past 20 years since its first use.  相似文献   

Full-fat field cricket meal (FCP) is an alternative protein ingredient in livestock production; however, the effects of replacing conventional protein sources with FCP in nursery diets have not been determined. In this study, the effects of the partial replacement of either fish meal or soybean meal with FCP on weaning pigs were evaluated, including the analyses of growth performance, nutrient utilization, intestinal morphology,
immunity, oxidative stress, and fecal microbial counts. A total of 100 crossbred weaning pigs [(Landrace × Large White) × Duroc] were allotted to one of the following five treatments with five replicates (four pigs/pen) and fed for 28 d postweaning. Treatments were 1) a corn-soybean meal (SBM)-based diet with 5% fish meal (Positive control; PC), 2) a corn-SBM-based diet without fish meal (Negative control; NC), 3) field crickets replacing fishmeal on a total Lys basis (FCP1), 4) field crickets replacing fishmeal on a kg/kg basis (FCP2), and 5) field crickets replacing fish meal and soybean meal (FCP3). The piglets on FCP1 had a higher body weight on days 14 and 28, and an increased average daily gain over the experimental period than NC (P < 0.05); FCP2 and FCP3 were similar to the FCP1 treatment. The incidence of diarrhea was lower under an FCP-supplemented diet than under the NC diet throughout the study (P < 0.05). Pigs fed FCP1 and FCP2 had a higher digestibility of crude
protein (P = 0.041), and all FCP groups increased crude fat digestibility (P = 0.024). FCP1 and FCP2 also increased jejunal villus height
(P = 0.009), whereas the increase in jejunal villus-to-crypt ratios (P = 0.019) was greater in pigs fed the FCP2 diet than those fed the NC diet. Furthermore, FCP2 supplementation increased serum immunoglobulin A levels on days 14 and 28, including reduced serum interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor alpha levels (P < 0.05). Pigs fed an FCP2 diet had reduced malondialdehyde levels than those fed a PC diet, while pigs fed an FCP2 diet had higher superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase levels, and more fecal Lactobacillus spp. than those fed an NC diet (P < 0.05). These results support the use of FCP as an alternative protein ingredient with beneficial effects on growth performance, intestinal morphology, antioxidant capacity, and intestinal microbiota. In particular, FCP can be used as a partial substitute for fish meal and soybean meal without detrimental effects on weaning pigs.  相似文献   

Effects of NaHCO3 and MgO buffer addition on intake and digestive utilization of a pasture were studied in wethers allowed a restricted time of access to forage. Twelve wethers housed in metabolic cages and fed fresh forage (predominantly Lotus corniculatus) ad libitum for 6 h/d were randomly assigned to one of the following treatments: a control forage without buffer (C) or a forage plus buffer composed of a mixture of 750 g/kg NaHCO3 and 250 g/kg MgO at 20 g/kg dry matter intake (B). Feeding behaviour, feed and water intake and digestibility, urine output, Na urine elimination, kinetics of passage, ruminal pH and ammonia concentration, N balance and ruminal microbial N synthesis were determined in vivo, and the ruminal liquor activity was evaluated in vitro by fermentation of wheat straw. Addition of buffer increased total water intake (p = 0.05), Na urinary output (p = 0.01), purine derivative excretion in urine (p = 0.05) and tended to decrease mean total retention time in the digestive tract (p = 0.09). However, buffer addition increased ruminal pH (p < 0.001) and tended to decrease the ammonia concentration (p = 0.05). That use of buffer decreased ruminal activity was evidenced by a lower volume of gas produced in vitro (p = 0.01) possibly due to a lower microbial concentration in rumen liquor. The higher rumen dilution rate, likely due to a higher water intake, seems to have been the key driver of the actions of buffer supplementation on the rumen environment. Moreover, addition of NaHCO3 led to an increased urinary Na excretion, which should be considered due to its likely negative environmental impacts.  相似文献   

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