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<正>建阳市崇阳溪地处福建省北部,发源于武夷山市,自将口入境,经南林、童游,在城关水南与麻阳溪汇合后,再经回瑶、前流往建瓯,境内河川长约41公里。区内有徐宸溪、麻阳溪、崇雒溪、杨香溪等支流。集雨面积4882公里,2007年最大流量2510m3/s,最小流量9.70m3/s,年平均流量133m3/s,径流量41.87亿立方米。2007年10月,我们承担了省海洋与渔业局下达的《崇阳溪鱼类资源调查与养护》项目,于2007年10月至2013年7月对鱼类产卵场进行走访渔民和野外调查,搜集整理了产卵场的有关资料,为崇阳溪鱼资类源的保护与可持续利用提供科学依据。 相似文献
2011年7月至2013年3月对金沙江下游支流大汶溪进行了6次鱼类资源调查,共设3个采样点,每次调查时间为10~15 d。结果表明,大汶溪共采集到鱼类3目、8科、28属、41种,其中长江上游特有鱼类8种;大汶溪上游以齐口裂腹鱼[Schizothorax(Schizothorax)prenanti]、短体副鳅(Paracobitis potanini)和短须裂腹鱼[Schizothorax(Schizothorax)wangchiachii]为优势种,中游以齐口裂腹鱼、短体副鳅为优势种,下游以鲫(Carassius auratus)、宽鳍鱲(Zacco platypus)、蛇鮈(Saurogobio dabryi)为优势种,不同江段的渔获物组成存在差异;主要捕捞对象齐口裂腹鱼平均体重低于80 g、起捕规格小于10 g,存在过度捕捞现象。大汶溪鱼类多样性指数较高,Shannon-Weiner多样性指数(H)、Wilhm改进指数(H')、Simpson优势度指数(C)、Pielou均匀度指数(E)分别为1.683~2.785、1.116~2.789、0.6597~0.9016、0.2831~0.4762,但整体上低于金沙江绥江段,该江段此4项指数分别为3.230、2.893、0.9421和0.4681。向家坝水电站淹没成库以及过度捕捞对大汶溪鱼类资源形成威胁,需要加强鱼类生态保护措施。 相似文献
李仙江鱼类资源的现状与保护对策 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
2003年5月~2008年4月,对李仙江的鱼类资源进行了调查.共采集鱼类标本7 195号.结合历史记录,李仙江共记录鱼类64种(亚种),分属于6目14科43属,其中6种为外来种.李仙江鱼类区系中种类最多的是鲤形目的鲤科,共24属31种;其次为鲤形目爬鳅科和鲇形目鮡科,各为4属7种.近年考察数据显示,李仙江土著鱼类资源呈下降趋势.为保护李仙江土著鱼类资源,应建立鱼类自然保护区和鱼类人工增殖放流站,加强李仙江流域环境保护、生物多样性监测和渔业管理. 相似文献
广丰县位于赣浙闽三省交界处,全县国土总面积1377.79平方公里,有大小河流十五条.其中主干流丰溪河起源于福建省武夷山脉,最终汇人信江,全长117千米,流域面积24.72平方公里,本流域为亚热带季风气候区.气候温热,四季分明,光照充足,雨量充沛.天然鱼类资源丰富,据记载共有90种鱼类,其中鲤科鱼类最多有57种,占总数的63.33%.现存66种,已采集到的标本有49种.近年来由于拦河建坝,截断鱼类洄游通道,加上酷渔滥捕和化肥、农药的大量施放以及工矿企业排放的污水,造成鱼类生境恶化,部分鱼类已消失,如鲢鱼、鳍鱼等.为尽快保护、增殖本流域鱼类资源,维护渔业生态平衡,近年来对全县天然鱼类资源进行全面详细调查,同时对流域内渔业存在的问题进行研究分析,提出合理的保护对策,这对维护生态平衡,促进渔业生产健康、快速发展具有十分重要的意义. 相似文献
长江鱼类资源的现状与保护对策 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
值中组部院士专家咨询服务团来赣传经送宝和会诊把脉之际,5月6日,江西省农业厅在南昌市举办了"江西省发展现代渔业专题研讨会",中国科学院院士、中科院水生生物研究所研究员曹文宣,中国工程院院士、中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所研究员唐启升,中科院水生生物研究所研究员、博导王丁等应邀莅临并作主题报告。江西省农业厅党委书记毛惠忠、副厅长张忠平出席,副巡视员邓建平主持。曹文宣院士在《长江鱼类资源的现状与保护对策》报告中分析了长江鱼类资源状况及其重要地位,剖析了影响鱼类资源的主要因素,提出了"长江流域禁渔10年"等长江鱼类资源保护对策;唐启升院士在《碳汇渔业与又好又快发展现代渔业》报告中阐述了最新碳汇渔业概念,分析了海洋和淡水渔业发展对低碳经济的重要贡献,解读了现代渔业发展必须走环境友好型养殖业和资源养护型捕捞业的路子;王丁研究员在《长江豚类的现状及其保护》报告中介绍了长江、鄱阳湖江豚资源状况和面临的挑战,分析了影响长江江豚资源的四大人类活动,提出了未来10~15年长江江豚关键保护期的对策建议。现摘登如下,以飨读者。 相似文献
东莞淡水和河口鱼类资源状况调查 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
2005年11月至2009年8月,通过实地调查和采集标本的方法,调查记录了东莞鱼类共计98种,分别隶属于14目34科。其中鲤形目最多,共3科43种,占总数的43.88%;其次为鲈形目和鲇形目,分别占27.55%和9.18%。调查发现,东莞鱼类分布的特点主要为鲌亚科、雅罗鱼亚科、鲿科和鲇科等河道性鱼类主要分布于东江干流;平鳍鳅科、鳅科、野鲮亚科和亚科鱼类等喜流水性鱼类则主要分布于东莞东部及东南部的溪流中;而花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus)、七丝鲚(Coilia grayi)、凤鲚(C.mystus)、花(C lupanodon thrissa)等咸淡水鱼类主要分布于珠江口至石龙一带。调查还显示,东莞的鱼类资源出现了衰退,主要表现为名贵、特色鱼类的减少及鱼类小型化的出现。文章还对东莞鱼类资源衰退的原因及保护对策进行了论述。 相似文献
Temperature influence on the fish assemblage structure in a large lowland river, the lower Oder River, Germany 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
C. Wolter 《Ecology of Freshwater Fish》2007,16(4):493-503
Abstract – Water temperatures were expected to structure river fish assemblages by promoting: (i) offspring's growth and densities in warm years, (ii) spring spawning fish when temperatures increase early and (iii) improved growth and overwintering condition from elongated vegetation periods. Favourable temperature conditions in their first year should improve growth and survival in consecutive years. In the lower Oder River, Germany, fish have been sampled annually, 0+ in July since 1997, and older fish in November since 1998. This data set was analysed to test the hypotheses mentioned above. The water temperature ranged between −0.4 and 25.1 °C during the study period, resulting in substantial variations of the 29 temperature metrics derived from daily means. Cumulative degree-days until catch, in spring and during March, as well as minimum and mean temperatures in March and spring explained 63% of the variability observed. The mean total length of the most frequent 0+ fish differed significantly between years related to temperature. Increased length growth at higher temperatures was a general tendency. Total length and density of 0+ fish were significantly inversely correlated, but the potential influence of temperature on species densities was not significant. The mean fish densities varied not significantly between years. No indication was found that higher total length in the first year of life resulted in an improved growth in subsequent years.
For future research and management it has to be expected that temperature impacts become increasingly significant in regulated river systems. With decreasing hydrodynamics the significance of temperature effects will increase. 相似文献
For future research and management it has to be expected that temperature impacts become increasingly significant in regulated river systems. With decreasing hydrodynamics the significance of temperature effects will increase. 相似文献
Freshwater river mouths in large lakes are centres of biological activity, yet little is understood about the spatial and temporal dynamics of fish communities in these systems. In the Laurentian Great Lakes, we sampled littoral fishes over 3 years in six drowned (i.e., protected) river mouths to: (i) quantify spatial (among river mouths) and temporal (among years) variation, (ii) evaluate associations with environmental conditions and (iii) assess spatial patterns of community similarity. We sampled 6787 fish representing 43 species over the course of the study. Multivariate analyses indicated that variation in fish species composition was more strongly partitioned among river mouths than among years. Fish communities across the six river mouths were partitioned into three groups, a pattern we attribute to variability in anthropogenic disturbance and environmental conditions. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that fish species composition was associated with specific conductivity, vegetation cover, turbidity and pH, suggesting species–environment relationships are similar to those shown for Great Lakes coastal wetlands. Finally, we found a negative relationship between geographic distance and community similarity, suggesting that dispersal and/or environmental gradients play a role in shaping these river mouth fish assemblages. We conclude that Great Lakes drowned river mouths can harbour diverse and spatially variable fish assemblages that are driven by a combination of local and regional factors. 相似文献
福建建溪细鳞鲴国家级水产种质资源保护区的鱼类多样性 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
2011—2013年对福建省建溪细鳞鲴国家级种质资源保护区的4个江段进行了鱼类资源现状调查。共采集到鱼类77种,隶属于4目18科57属。渔获物分析表明,该保护区鱼类以鲤形目鱼类为主,占鱼类总种类比的64.9%;常见种有黄颡鱼(Pseudobagrus fulvidraco)、细鳞鲴(Xenocypris microlepis)、翘嘴鲌(Culter alburnus)、光泽黄颡鱼(Pseudobagrus nitidus)、子陵吻虎鱼(Ctenogobius giurinus)、银(Gnathopogon argentatus)等15种,以杂食性、底层、适应缓流生活的鱼类为主。保护区内的鱼类多样性指数、单船捕捞努力量较低,主要经济鱼类个体出现小型化现象。 相似文献
Body shape variation should play a central role in determining the feeding ability of a fish species. We tested whether variations in feeding resource use of sympatric and closely related fish species could be explained by differences in ecologically relevant metrics, such as body morphology, trophic apparatus or combinations thereof. Fish were sampled at 14 sampling sites from Pelotas River and tributaries, Upper Uruguay, Brazil. The stomach contents of five species of Characidae (Astyanax and Bryconamericus) were analysed by the volumetric method. A geometric morphometric approach was used together with internal morphological traits to predict their patterns of prey use. Significant differences in body depth, snout and caudal peduncle lengths were found. Concomitant pronounced variations were verified to occur among species in structures related to digestion and absorption. Increased numbers of cusps, more pyloric caeca and higher intestinal coefficient values were observed in species that consumed greater proportions of plants. The opposite trends occurred in species that consumed greater proportions of insects. Mixed linear models indicated that the characin species differed significantly in the use of algae, aquatic insects, terrestrial insects, plant remains/seeds and detritus. Dietary differences reflected in low trophic niche overlap. Partial least squares regression results indicated strong correlations between morphological divergences and the corresponding variations in species diet. These outcomes combined confirm that the morphological traits that best enables the exploration of certain resource were an important factor in the resource-related divergence and were the underlying reasons for these species' respective feeding modes. 相似文献