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犬外伤性气胸是由尖锐的物体刺伤胸壁或肺,导致胸膜腔开放后,空气随创口自由进入,使患侧胸膜腔负压消失。该病在临床上较为少见,笔者曾遇见多例犬殴打咬伤胸壁,导致气胸。其中西施犬1例;北京犬1例;鹿犬3例,5例中肋骨均有不同程度的骨折和血胸。现将一典型病例介绍如下。  相似文献   

犬睾丸炎在临床上很少碰到,本人在市联站动物诊所曾治疗过两例,取得了较满意的效果.现把治疗过程总结如下: 例一:德国牧羊犬1头,雄性,8月龄,体重25kg.户主述:不知什么原因,只看见该犬睾丸肿大,不食已有3天.全身检查,其它地方没有特别症状,只见睾丸肿大有原来的5倍左右,触摸阴囊,感觉发热,因疼痛拒绝检查.保定后检查看见睾丸肿胀,指压下陷,睾丸有一创口,创口流出脓性分泌物.体温高达40.7℃,根据以上症状诊断为犬睾丸炎.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我县狗肉市场呈购销两旺的繁荣景象,调动了农民的养狗积极性。然而一些疾病困绕着他们,如犬胃肠炎,笔者在兽医门诊中时常诊治该病,现将治疗体会报道如下:1典型病例2001年12月,我镇养狗专业户张某,饲养的一群肉犬共36只,饲养50多天时有12只发生以腹泻、呕吐为主要症状的疾病。前来求诊。2临床症状病犬主要表现呕吐、腹泻,粪便先呈灰黄色液状,后带血液水样,恶腥臭;体温为39℃~39.5℃,2只体温分别升高至40℃和40.3℃,精神沉郁、食欲明显减少或废绝,腹泻几天后即出现严重脱水、呼吸困难…  相似文献   

1临床检查病犬精神状态一般。口舌黏膜、眼结膜苍白,心律齐,P:112次/min,双肺无明显异常,R:32次/min,体温39℃,胃腹腔无压痛及包块。2实验室检查WBC:2150万个/mm3(正常值为1700~7500个/mm3),RBC:245万个/mm3(正常值550~850万个/mm3),血涂片新甲基蓝超活体染色,红细胞内或边缘有明显的小球状物。膀胱导尿,尿液呈红色,尿涂片瑞氏染色无红细胞。3诊断根据病史,结合临床症状和实验室检查结果,诊断为犬洋葱中毒。4治疗由于该犬发生严重溶血性贫血,因此采用输血、抗氧化、…  相似文献   

犬膈痉挛是由于膈神经受到各种因素的刺激而引起膈神经兴奋度增高,使膈肌发生强烈痉挛性收缩的一种病症.临床以上胸部呈现有节律地震颤,收缩,精神不安等为主要特征.该病多见于大家畜,小动物发病较少,且零星散发.近来笔者遇患该病宠物犬3例,均已治愈,现举1例如下:  相似文献   

犬口腔炎群众欲称口疮.从2000年以来居民养宠物犬逐步增加,犬的各类病在临床上也就多起来,特别是犬的口腔炎在临床病例中占了一定比例,现将诊治情况报告如下.  相似文献   

患犬为6岁龄白色京叭母犬,消瘦,被毛枯燥无光,拱背缩腹,出现尿频,排尿疼痛,有时血尿,头频频回顾后躯,频频作排尿姿势,尿液呈线状或滴状,排尿时间延长,腹围增大。触诊腹部敏感、疼痛,膀胱膨胀,指压不动。  相似文献   

犬膀胱破裂的诊断与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犬膀胱破裂是因直接的外力作用及病理性因素引起的一种疾病 ,如不及时确诊治疗 ,可引起尿毒症死亡。我院自 2 0 0 1年 2月至 2 0 0 1年 1 1月收到膀胱破裂犬 4例 ,经临床及时治疗收到良好效果。1 病因  ( 1 )直接钝性外力作用于膀胱导致膀胱破裂 (汽车撞伤 ,主人踢打 ,摔伤 ,  相似文献   

阴道脱出是母犬常见的生殖系统疾病,多发于发情期较长的母犬,这类疾病虽然发生的少,但只要发生,必须及时治疗或者采取相应的方法,否则严重者可能会导致动物死亡.对一例犬阴道脱出病例首先使用生理性绝育并对脱出物进行复位,但一周后脱出物未能复位,最终施行阴道切除术,预后良好.  相似文献   

2008年10月,诸暨某养犬户饲养的杂交比特犬,4岁,雄性,体重25kg,狩猎时与体重150kg的野猪撕斗时被野猪獠牙挑破前胸。左前肱二头肌纵向撕裂,左胸第5肋骨横向骨折,斜口破损10cm以上,左侧肺叶部分裸露胸外。4h后送院诊治。  相似文献   



Published information describing the clinical features and outcome for dogs with epiglottic retroversion (ER) is limited.


To describe clinical features, comorbidities, outcome of surgical versus medical treatment and long‐term follow‐up for dogs with ER. We hypothesized that dogs with ER would have upper airway comorbidities and that surgical management (epiglottopexy or subtotal epiglottectomy) would improve long‐term outcome compared to medical management alone.


Twenty‐four client‐owned dogs.


Retrospective review of medical records to identify dogs with ER that underwent surgical or medical management of ER.


Dogs with ER commonly were middle‐aged to older, small breed, spayed females with body condition score (BCS) ≥6/9. Stridor and dyspnea were the most common presenting signs. Concurrent or historical upper airway disorders were documented in 79.1% of cases. At last evaluation, 52.6% of dogs that underwent surgical management, and 60% of dogs that received medical management alone, had decreased severity of presenting clinical signs. In dogs that underwent surgical management for ER, the incidence of respiratory crisis decreased from 62.5% before surgery to 25% after surgical treatment. The overall calculated Kaplan–Meier median survival time was 875 days.

Conclusion and clinical importance

Our study indicated that a long‐term survival of at least 2 years can be expected in dogs diagnosed with epiglottic retroversion. The necessity of surgical management cannot be determined based on this data, but dogs with no concurrent upper airway disorders may benefit from a permanent epiglottopexy to alleviate negative inspiratory pressures.  相似文献   

Objective— To report and compare the clinical diagnosis, surgical treatment, histopathologic changes, and outcomes of dogs with mineralized and nonmineralized supraspinatus tendinopathy (ST).
Study Design— Case series.
Animals— Dogs (n=24) with ST.
Methods— Medical records (1995–2006) of dogs with ST that had surgical treatment were reviewed. Results of clinical examination, diagnostic imaging, surgery, histopathology of resected tendon tissue, and outcome were compared between dogs with mineralized and nonmineralized ST.
Results— There were 15 dogs with mineralized ST and 9 with nonmineralized ST. Chronic, unilateral, intermittent or waxing-waning lameness, and pain elicited on palpation of the cranial aspect of the shoulder were the most consistent findings. On ultrasonographic or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of 35 shoulders, enlargement of the supraspinatus tendon (54%), increased fluid content (63%), and medial displacement of the biceps tendon (60%) were observed. Eleven of 12 dogs with bilateral abnormalities only had unilateral lameness. Surgery was performed in 30 shoulders. Resected tendon specimens had myxomatous degeneration and/or cartilaginous metaplasia in 11 of 13 dogs in the mineralized group and all 9 dogs in the nonmineralized group. Functional outcome after surgery was poor in 3 dogs and good-to-excellent in 16.
Conclusions— Mineralized and nonmineralized ST have many similarities. Although lameness is usually unilateral, the supraspinatus tendon may be affected bilaterally.
Clinical Relevance— Ultrasonography and MRI are good imaging techniques for detection of ST especially the nonmineralized form. Surgical treatment results in good recovery of limb function. Nonmineralized ST is a recently described disorder in dogs and evaluation of more cases is necessary to determine outcome after surgical or medical treatment.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was done of 26 cases of metaldehyde and 30 cases of methiocarb toxicity in dogs. Physical signs and treatment protocols are described for four stages of toxicity: asymptomatic exposure; initial toxicity; convulsions; and post-convulsions.
Diazepam-ketamine combination was used as the primaty anesthetic agent in all cases requiring general anesthesia, and proved effective. Metaldehyde cases required a significantly higher number of sedative and anesthetic doses (p < 0.001). Pentobarbitone was not used. There were no incidents of respiratory or cardiac arrest at the time of anesthesia induction.
Emetics, gastric Iavage, and rectal enemas were productive in removing the molluscicide from the gastrointestinal tract. Ninety percent of the methiocarb patients and 69% of the metaldehyde patients were fit for discharge in 12 hours or less, though there was a wide variation. Both metaldehyde and methiocarb groups had a high survival rate, 100% and 93%, respectively.  相似文献   

Two dogs developed metacarpal pad ulceration subsequent to a motor vehicle accident. Evidence of ulnar nerve damage was found in both dogs. The ulcers were treated successfully by transferring neurovascular island flap grafts from the dorsum of the foot.  相似文献   

犬去势后可消除其性欲和繁殖能力,纠正和消除其不良性行为,使犬性情变得温顺,容易饲养便于管理;肉用犬的生长速度快,肉质细嫩;同时还可以控制其交配行为,有利于良种的繁殖和选育,并可避免某些疾病的发生和传播。  相似文献   

Six dogs were diagnosed with phcochromocyloma and staged according to the World Health Organization's system for tumor classification. Two dogs had benign tumors (Tl, NO, M0) and four dogs had malignant tumors (T2, NO. M 1 or T3, N0, M0). All dogs had adrenalectomy, two dogs had concurrent nephrectomy, and three dogs had concurrent resection of a tumor thrombus from the vena cava. Anesthetic complications occurred in five dogs, including wide variations in heart rate (four dogs), blood pressure (five dogs), and cardiac arrythmias (one dog). One dog died 12 hours after surgery from partial dehiscence of the suture line and hemorrhage from the vena cava, and one dog died 6 days after surgery during general anesthesia for treatment of laryngeal paralysis. Four dogs survived from 3 to 23 months (median, 15 months). One dog remained hypertensive after surgery. Benign and malignant pheochromocytomas seem to be amenable to surgical resection. © Copyright 1994 by The American College of Veterinary Surgeons  相似文献   

Abstract— The literature on food allergy in dogs and cats is reviewed and 33 cases in dogs and 10 cases in cats, seen in Aquitaine, France, are described. Clinical aspects, diagnosis and aetiology are emphasised and compared with published data.
Résumé— Cet article fait la synthèse des données bibliographiques concernant l'allergie alimentaire chez le chien et le chat. Puis les auteurs présentent 33 cas de la maladie chez le chien et 10 cas chez le chat, observés en Aquitaine (France). Les aspects cliniques, diagnostiques et étiologiques sont soulignés et comparés aux données de la littérature.
Zusammenfassung— In diesem Artikel wird ein Rückblick über die Futtermittel-allergie bie Hund und Katze in der Literatur gegeben. 33 Fälle dieser Erkrankung bei Hunden und 10 bei Katzen in Aquitanien, Frankreich, werden beschrieben. Klinische Aspekte, Diagnostik und Ätiologie werden herausgestellt und mit den Literaturangaben verglichen.
Resumen  Este artículo presenta una revisión bibliográfica de la alergia alimentaria en el perro y en el gato. A continuación se presentan los datos clinicos de 33 casos de alergia alimentaria en perros y de 10 casos de alergia alimentaria en gatos, diagnosticados en Aquitania, Francia. Se describen los signos clinicos, el diagnóstico y la etiologia y se comparan éstos con los descritos en la bibliografia.  相似文献   

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