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A 7-month-old sexually intact female Vietnamese pot-bellied pig was evaluated because of constipation. On abdominal palpation, a hard tubular structure was palpated in the middle of the abdomen. Abdominal radiography revealed loops of intestine that were markedly distended with ingesta, consistent with obstructive intestinal disease. On exploratory celiotomy, a massively distended cecum and spiral colon were found. A subtotal colectomy, with a side-to-side ileocolonic anastomosis, was performed. The cause of the megacolon was not discovered. The pig did well following surgery and eventually defecated normally following an initial period of diarrhea. To our knowledge, this is the first report of therapeutic removal of a substantial portion of the large intestine in swine. Our decisions concerning the pig of this report were based largely on our knowledge of megacolon in cats. The outcome for this pig indicates that subtotal colectomy along with removal of the cecum and ileocecal valve can be used to successfully treat idiopathic megacolon in Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs.  相似文献   

Surgical management of idiopathic megacolon is described in 2 cats by a rectal pull-through with subtotal colectomy performed outside of the abdomen. This newly described technique facilitates access to the rectum for suturing an anastamosis without the need for pubic osteotomy and with minimal risk of abdominal contamination.  相似文献   

Objectives : To evaluate the long‐term results of subtotal colectomy for acquired hypertrophic megacolon in the dog. Methods : Eight dogs with acquired hypertrophic megacolon underwent subtotal colectomy with preservation of the ileocolic junction. Long‐term follow‐up was obtained by clinical records and telephone interviews with the owners. Results : Eight large‐breed dogs (age range: 6 to 12 years; mean age: 10·75 years) were enrolled. The use of bone meal, low levels of exercise, chronic constipation with dyschesia and tenesmus refractory to medical management were factors predisposing dogs to acquired hypertrophic megacolon. The diagnosis was confirmed in all animals by abdominal palpation, plain radiography and postoperative histopathological findings. There were no intraoperative complications. One dog died as a result of septic peritonitis. The clinical conditions (that is, resolution of obstipation and stool consistency) of the remaining seven dogs were improved at discharge; all animals returned to normal defecation in five to 10 weeks (mean: 7·3 weeks) and were alive 11 to 48 months (mean: 40·5 months) after surgery. Clinical Significance : Predominantly bony diet and/or low levels of physical activity may predispose dogs to acquired hypertrophic megacolon. Our results emphasise the long‐term effectiveness of subtotal colectomy with preservation of the ileocolic junction in this condition.  相似文献   

Chronic constipation, nonresponsive to medical management and associated with idiopathic megacolon, was diagnosed in 38 cats from 1979 to 1985. All cats were treated by subtotal colectomy and enterocolostomy, in which the ileum or distal portion of the jejunum was joined to a 2- to 4-cm segment of distal portion of the colon preserved to accommodate an end-to-end anastomosis. After surgery, cats usually were depressed and anorectic, had tenesmus, and passed liquid tarry feces. In 37 cats 1 week to 3 months after surgery, character of the feces changed from diarrhea to soft semiformed or formed feces. One cat had severe diarrhea that was nonresponsive to diet change and pharmacologic treatment; the diarrhea resolved after 4.5 months. One cat developed a stricture of the enterocolostomy, which was relieved by 3 balloon catheter dilatations. All cats regained normal appetite, did not lose weight, and were not incontinent. Three cats had sporadic episodes of constipation and were easily treated. Results of histologic examination of the resected portion of colon in 23 cats were inconclusive.  相似文献   

From 1984 to 1991, 22 cats with megacolon underwent colectomy by end-to-end anastomosis of the distal colon to either the proximal colon (preserving the ileocolic junction in 14 cats) or to the distal small intestine (excising the ileocolic junction in eight cats). During the postoperative adaptive period, the two groups showed similar stool consistency, and the presence of either anorexia, lethargy, weight loss or diarrhoea with faecal incontinence. During the long term post-operative adaptive period, no significant difference in recurrent constipation was found between the two groups. The overall constipation rate after colectomy was 45 per cent (10 cats), and because of constipation recurrence 18 per cent (four cats) were euthanased, and 18 per cent (four cats) required further surgery. Long term following colectomy, those cats which under-went excision of the ileocolic junction had significantly looser stools than those cats in which the ileocolic junction was preserved. The preservation of the ileocolic junction during colectomy is therefore recommended.  相似文献   

The case records of 4 cats and 1 dog with megacolon and constipation were reviewed to study the history, clinical signs, pathologic changes, and longterm results of surgical treatment. The 4 cats had idiopathic megacolon. The dog had megacolon secondary to dietary indiscretion. All animals had radiographic evidence of a large colon, which was confirmed by exploratory coeliotomy. Two of the cats and the dog had an intraoperative finding of megacecum as well. Subtotal colectomy was performed in all cases, with the ileocolic valve being removed in 3 of these cases. End-to-side anastomosis was used to restore the integrity of the bowel. All animals were treated successfully with this surgical technique, as judged by clinical response and owner satisfaction. Histologically, there were no consistent lesions to explain the cause of this disease in the cats.  相似文献   

Concentrations of total, free, and esterified carnitine were determined in plasma, liver, and skeletal muscle from cats with idiopathic hepatic lipidosis and compared with values from healthy cats. The mean concentrations of plasma, liver, and skeletal muscle total carnitine; plasma and skeletal muscle free carnitine; and plasma and liver esterified carnitine were greater (P less than 0.05) in cats with idiopathic hepatic lipidosis than in control cats. The mean for the ratio of free/total carnitine in plasma and liver was lower (P less than 0.05) in cats with idiopathic hepatic lipidosis than in control cats. These data suggest that carnitine deficiency does not contribute to the pathogenesis of feline idiopathic hepatic lipidosis.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old, female neutered Labrador retriever was presented with a micro-invasive differentiated papillar adenocarcinoma at the colorectal junction. A colorectal end-to-end anastomosis stapler device was used to perform resection and anastomosis using a transanal technique. A rectovaginal fistula was diagnosed two days later. An exploratory laparotomy was conducted and the fistula was identified and closed. Early dehiscence of the colon was also suspected and another colorectal anastomosis was performed using a manual technique. Comparison to a conventional manual technique of intestinal surgery showed that the use of an automatic staple device was quicker and easier. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of a rectovaginal fistula occurring after end-to-end anastomosis stapler colorectal resection-anastomosis in the dog. To minimise the risk of this potential complication associated with the limited surgical visibility, adequate tissue retraction and inspection of the anastomosis site are essential.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to investigate the prevalence of food sensitivity in cats with chronic idiopathic gastrointestinal problems, to identify the food ingredients responsible, and to characterize the clinical features. Seventy cats that presented for chronic gastrointestinal signs underwent diagnostic investigation. Fifty-five cats had idiopathic problems and were entered into the study. Diagnosis of food sensitivity was made by dietary elimination-challenge studies by using commercial selected-protein diets as the elimination diet. Sixteen (29%) of the 55 cats with chronic idiopathic gastrointestinal problems were diagnosed as food sensitive. The clinical signs of another 11 cats (20%) resolved on the elimination diet but did not recur after challenge with their previous diet. The foods or food ingredients responsible for the clinical signs were dietary staples. Fifty percent of affected cats were sensitive to more than 1 food ingredient. The clinical feature most suggestive of food sensitivity was concurrent occurrence of gastrointestinal and dermatological signs. Weight loss occurred in 11 of the affected cats, and large-bowel diarrhea was more common than small-bowel diarrhea. Assay of serum antigen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) had limited value as a screening test, and gastroscopic food sensitivity testing was not helpful. In conclusion, adverse reactions to dietary staples were common in this population of cats, and they responded well to selected-protein diets. Diagnosis requires dietary elimination-challenge trials and cannot be made on the basis of clinical signs, routine clinicopathological data, serum antigen-specific IgE assay, gastroscopic food sensitivity testing, or gastrointestinal biopsy.  相似文献   

Although feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC) distresses of many cats, its pathogenesis is unknown and the diagnosis is challenging. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are metabolized into various lipid mediators. Lipid mediators such as prostaglandins (PGs) modulate inflammation and many of them are excreted into the urine. Thus, the investigation of the urinary lipid profile may reveal pathogenesis and help diagnosis of FIC. We collected urine samples from five FIC cats by spontaneous urination and analyzed 158 types of lipid mediators in urines using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The urinary levels of PUFAs were higher in FIC compared to those of the healthy group. The excretions of a major inflammatory mediator, PGD2, were less in FIC. Other well-known inflammatory mediators such as PGE2, PGI2, and their metabolites did not show a difference. In contrast, the levels of PGF and its 2 metabolites and PGF were higher in FIC. These results may provide new insights into the future management of cat FIC.  相似文献   

Many cats have one or two episodes of constipation without further recurrence, although others progress to complete colonic failure. Middle-aged male cats are particularly at risk for the clinical continuum of constipation, obstipation, and dilated megacolon. Pelvic canal stenosis and nerve injury are minor causes in the development of this syndrome. In most affected cats, the underlying pathogenesis appears to involve colonic smooth muscle dysfunction. In this group of cats, it is not yet clear whether this disorder represents a primary or secondary (resulting from long-standing constipation and colonic distension) abnormality. Many cats with mild to moderate constipation respond to conservative medical management (e.g., dietary fiber supplementation, emollient or hyperosmotic laxatives, colonic prokinetic agents). Indeed, early use of colonic prokinetic agents is likely to prevent the progression of constipation of obstipation and dilated megacolon in many cats. Some cats may become refractory to these therapies, however, as they progress through moderate or recurrent constipation to obstipation and dilated megacolon. These cats eventually require colectomy. Cats have a generally favorable prognosis for recovery following colectomy, although mild to moderate diarrhea may persist for 4 to 6 weeks postoperatively in some cases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of stress in cats with feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC) by evaluating bladder permeability, sympathetic nervous system function, and urine cortisol:creatinine (C:Cr) ratios during periods of stress and after environmental enrichment. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 13 cats with FIC and 12 healthy cats. PROCEDURE: Cats subjected to an acute-onset moderate stressor for 8 days received IV injections of fluorescein. Serum fluorescein concentrations were determined and compared with those of controls to evaluate bladder permeability, and urine C:Cr ratios were compared to evaluate function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Plasma catecholamine concentrations were analyzed in a subset of cats. After 8 days of moderate stress, cats were moved to an enriched environment, and tests were repeated after 21 days. RESULTS: Serum fluorescein concentrations were significantly higher in cats with FIC at all time points. In the cats in which plasma catecholamine concentrations were determined, concentrations of dihydroxyphenylalanine, norepinephrine, and dihyroxyphenylglycol were significantly higher in cats with FIC at all time points, whereas no differences in urine C:Cr ratio between groups were observed. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Cats with FIC appeared to have altered bladder permeability, most notably during the period of initial stress. The increase in plasma dihydroxyphenylalanine concentration suggests that there may be stress-induced increase in the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase, which catalyzes the rate-limiting step in catecholamine synthesis. In contrast, no effects of stress on C:Cr ratios were observed, which suggests there was dissociation between the sympathetic nervous system and HPA-axis responses to stress.  相似文献   

Feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC) is the most common cause of feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD). This retrospective, case-controlled study evaluated possible risk factors associated with FIC and compared different clinical presentations in 64 cats with FIC. Several risk factors known to be involved in FLUTD were identified as playing a role in FIC. Of the stressful situations considered, most did not occur with increased frequency in cats with FIC compared to controls, except for a house move. The presence of pyuria, haematuria and an increased urine protein:creatinine ratio were significantly higher in obstructed males compared with non-obstructed males. An obstruction was significantly more likely in cats with struvite crystalluria compared with cats without struvite crystalluria. These findings suggest that urethral plugs might be an important cause or contributing factor of obstruction in FIC. Episodes of FIC seem to occur mainly in susceptible cats in combination with a deficient environment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare 3 techniques for ureteroneocystostomy in cats. STUDY DESIGN: Experimental surgical study. ANIMALS: Fifteen adult cats. METHODS: Cats (15) had ureteroneocystostomy with ureteronephrectomy of the contralateral kidney: 5 cats had an intravesical mucosal apposition technique (modified Leadbetter-Politano; intravesical-MA group), 5 cats had extravesical ureteroneocystostomy (modified Lich Gregoir) using a simple continuous suture pattern (extravesical-SC group) and 5 cats had an extravesical technique using a simple interrupted suture pattern (extravesical-SI group). Renal function was evaluated by measuring serum creatinine concentration. Ultrasonographic assessment of the kidney and ureteroneocystostomy site was performed the day after surgery, twice weekly for 3 weeks and once weekly for the remainder of the study. Cats were euthanatized 50 days after surgery. The kidney and ureter removed at surgery, the remaining kidney, ureter, ureteroneocystostomy site, and bladder were examined histologically. RESULTS: Two extravesical-SC cats were euthanatized because of azotemia and uroabdomen, and 1 died acutely at day 4 for unknown reasons. In the intravesical-MA and extravesical-SI cats, the serum creatinine concentration increased after surgery, peaking at a mean (+/-SD) of 9.4+/-2.4 mg/dL and 4.9+/-3.3 mg/dL on day 3, and decreasing to 3.4+/-5.7 mg/dL and 1.5+/-0.4 mg/dL on day 7, respectively. The extravesical-SI technique was associated with consistently lower serum creatinine concentrations for the first week after surgery compared with the other techniques. The mean serum creatinine concentration was within the reference range in cats in the intravesical-MA and extravesical-SI groups by days 10 and 5, respectively. Renal pelvic dilatation occurred in all cats but resolved more rapidly in cats after extravesical techniques. There was no significant difference in serum creatinine concentrations or renal pelvic dilation between the intravesical-MA and extravesical-SI techniques. Bladder mass height at the anastomosis site was significantly larger and persisted for longer with intravesical-MA technique. CONCLUSION: An extravesical-SI technique is seemingly the choice for ureteroneocystostomy in cats with undilated ureters. Renal pelvic dilation on ultrasound examination should be expected after ureteroneocystostomy in cats. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: An extravesical ureteroneocystostomy technique using a simple interrupted pattern for anastomosis should be considered in cats undergoing renal transplantation.  相似文献   

To control intra-operative haemorrhage, fibrin glues are preferred by many surgeons because of their biological advantages and convenience of application. Manufacturers have developed a few kinds of fibrin glues with a little difference in their composition. This study was to compare the effectiveness of two commercially available fibrin glues; Greenplast (Green Cross P. D. Company, Yongin, Korea) and Tisseel (Baxter-Immuno AG, Vienna, Austria). They were applied experimentally to several kinds of surgery in dogs - renal vessel anastomosis, partial splenectomy, intestinal anastomosis and incision skin wound - and evaluated for their haemostatic and adhesive effects. When the two glues were applied in renal vessel anastomosis, the amount of haemorrhage in artery and vein decreased significantly. They also decreased the haemorrhage in partial splenectomy. At 10 min after application of the glues to an incision skin wound, the tensile strengths developed were significantly higher than that of control. The present study indicates that two-component fibrin glues have a haemostatic effect as a mechanical barrier in renal vessel anastomosis and an adhesive effect in the early stage of incision skin wound closure, and the two glues have similar effects with no complications.  相似文献   

Review of idiopathic feline vestibular syndrome in 75 cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Idiopathic feline vestibular syndrome, a peripheral vestibular deficit of unknown cause, was diagnosed in 75 cats at the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital from July 1975 to October 1984. Review of the medical records of these cats indicated that the syndrome was seen in more cats in July and August (P less than 0.001) than in other months. Clinical signs included head tilt, ataxia, rolling, rotatory or horizontal nystagmus, and occasional vomiting.  相似文献   

Interstitial lung diseases are a heterogeneous group of disorders with a variety of causes. In veterinary medicine, such lung diseases with a prominent fibrotic component of unknown etiology are often called idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). In human medicine, this term is reserved for a distinct disease entity with specific histologic findings labeled as usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP). We identified 23 cats displaying histologic criteria of UIP The purpose of this retrospective study is to describe the presentation and response to therapy of these cats to better define this disease entity. All but 2 cats were middle aged to older (median 8.7 years), with no apparent sex or breed predisposition. Complaints included respiratory distress (n = 18) and cough (13). Duration of signs was less than 6 months in 17 cats. Physical-examination abnormalities included tachypnea, inspiratory or mixed inspiratory and expiratory effort, and adventitial lung sounds. No consistent hematologic or biochemical abnormalities, parasites, or positive serologic results for feline retroviruses, heartworms, or toxoplasmosis were present. Radiographic changes included dense patchy or diffuse interstitial, bronchiolar, and alveolar infiltrates. Analysis of bronchial lavage fluid revealed mild neutrophilic inflammation (n = 6) with no consistent pathogen growth. Clinical condition of 5 cats worsened after lavage. Coincident pulmonary neoplasia was identified in 6 cats. Response to therapy (corticosteroids, antibiotics, bronchodilators, and diuretics) was poor, and most cats died within days to months. Cats with histologic changes compatible with UIP had signs that mimicked many of the clinical findings of human IPF, and treatment response was similarly unrewarding.  相似文献   

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