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作物无融合生殖的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作物无融合生殖的研究王黎明(黑龙江省农科院作物育种所150086)一、无融合生殖的概念植物的有性繁殖意味着双受精。当一个精核与卵细胞结合时形成受精卵,产生胚;另一个精核与两个极核结合,产生的三倍体细胞形成胚乳。而有些植物不通过精、卵细胞的融合,直接产...  相似文献   

同源四倍体水稻胚乳发育:极核融合和胚乳细胞化   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
利用激光扫描共聚焦显微术和塑料包埋半薄切片技术观察同源四倍体水稻极核融合及游离核进一步发育的过程,发现同源四倍体水稻约有1/3子房极核融合过程和游离核进一步发育与其二倍体原种的基本一致;2/3子房出现各种异常现象,如极核未受精、受精异常和胚乳游离核发育滞后等。应用荧光增白剂染色对胚乳细胞化过程进行观察,直接观察到胚乳初生壁的出现和形成过程以及不同部位的胚乳细胞壁的形成机理。表明同源四倍体水稻与二倍体水稻胚乳的细胞化过程基本一致,胚乳细胞初始垂周壁来源于珠孔端胚囊壁内突向心游离生长,初始平周壁来源于游离核有丝分裂产生的成膜体,而中间胚乳细胞壁则有些来源于游离核有丝分裂产生的成膜体,有些是自由生长而来。同源四倍体水稻胚乳细胞化过程也出现相当比例的异常现象,如无细胞壁形成、细胞化不同步和产生分枝状的细胞壁等。同源四倍体水稻胚乳发育过程中出现的极核融合、游离核发育和细胞化过程等异常都可能导致同源四倍体水稻的结实率降低。  相似文献   

水稻无融合生殖材料PDER选育的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过离子注入F1代杂交种子,从后代中选育出2个早发生胚水稻品系,开花前1~2d,未经授粉受精,卵细胞能自行分裂成多细胞原胚,发生频率高达26.8%,用显性紫色稻作父本测交,F1代出现一定比例母本类型植株。经细胞胚胎学观察,已证实该材料存在二倍体孢子生殖(Diplospory)和无孢子生殖(Apospory),同时还存在未受精极核分裂成初生胚乳核的现象。  相似文献   

以栽培稻(Oryza sativa)品种L202二倍体(L202 2x)及其同源四倍体(L202 4x)作母本分别与药用野生稻(Oryza officinalis)杂交,比较了两个杂交组合的杂交结实性及影响结实性的杂种胚胎发育细胞学。两个杂交组合所取得的一致结果是:杂交授粉后30 d所有杂交小穗均干枯死亡,不能结实;种间杂交不结实的原因在于受精和杂种胚胎胚乳发育异常。两个杂交组合的受精和杂种胚胎胚乳发育虽然均存在双受精、单受精和未受精类型,但就受精率而言,L202 2x作母本的平均总受精率为59.45%,略高于L202 4x(54.87%); L202 4x的单受精率(24.60%)则高于L202 2x的单受精率(15.30%)。两个杂交组合的杂种胚胎胚乳发育均严重异常,虽然在授粉后1 d形成小的球形胚;到授粉后3 d,胚胎发育停滞并开始解体;至授粉后5 d,只有二倍体杂交组合的极少数胚胎可发育到梨形胚时期,四倍体组合的胚胎则基本全部解体。双受精胚囊内胚乳发育更为异常,在授粉后1 d,游离胚乳核就开始解体退化,到授粉后3 d不能形成细胞化胚乳或细胞化过程异常。与L202 2x作母本的杂交相比,以L202 4x作母本所得杂种胚胎发育更为滞后,且退化严重,形成的游离胚乳核少,解体早,不能进行细胞化。因此,利用同源四倍体栽培稻与药用野生稻杂交获得种间杂种的难度更大。  相似文献   

玉米受精及子粒发育早期是决定穗粒数及粒重的重要时期,也是对环境变化相对较敏感的阶段。受精极核需要经历游离核、细胞化和细胞分化3个阶段形成胚乳,受精卵同样需要一系列的分裂分化形成最终的胚。玉米受精前极易遭受不良环境的影响,导致性器官发育不正常,影响花粉或花丝活力间接影响玉米受精过程。受精过程中的环境胁迫会通过阻碍花粉与花丝的识别、减缓花粉管在花丝中的延伸速率影响受精过程。子粒发育早期主要是受精极核分裂分化形成胚乳、受精卵分裂分化形成胚的过程,该阶段遭受环境胁迫下,胚乳细胞分裂受阻影响子粒库容。研究表明,逆境胁迫条件下,玉米的受精及子粒早期发育过程与碳水化合物的代谢以及激素的合成密切相关。  相似文献   

第三章棉花胚乳和胚胎的发育一、胚乳的发育1.游离核时期的胚乳。胚乳是双受精中一个精核与二个极核结合后(图3—1,A)发育的产物。对海岛棉和陆地棉的研究指出,三核结合后的胚乳核的分裂一般是相当有规律的。用整体分离胚囊的方法观察胚乳的发生,较易说明胚乳的发育过程。平常在  相似文献   

橡胶树双受精作用的研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
采用石蜡切片、苏木精和孚尔根等染色法、对橡胶树的双受精过程作了详细的观察。结果表明:(1)授粉后0.5-1h花粉粒开始在柱头上萌发。随后花粉管沿着花柱的引导组织往下生长,12h后经珠心喙进入胚囊,释放内含物。(2)卵细胞受精过程为:授粉后13-13.5h,精子贴附在卵细胞的质膜上,随后进入卵核,染色质散开和出现雄性核仁。20h后两性核仁融合,形成含一个核仁的受精卵。橡胶树的受精作用属有丝分裂前型。  相似文献   

95203饲用高粱和粒用高粱胚愈伤组织诱导和植株再生──(P.Arti等),CerealResearchCommunications,1994,Vol.22,No.1~2,71~77(英文)在含2.5mg2.4-D/L的改良LS培养基上,在25℃黑暗...  相似文献   

我们对红麻受精作用的进程、受精过程中花粉管生长的途径、形态变化以及胚和胚乳发育的过程进行了观察。结果表明:花粉经人工传粉到柱头,半小时后便开始陆续萌发;授粉后5小时进行双受精作用;授粉后6小时,初生胚乳核开始第一次分裂,此后发育迅速,至第7天便形成胚乳细胞,但很快又开始解体,至第22天时,仅剩少量残留的细胞。合子的分裂,则至少在授粉24小时以后,但胚的发育相当快,授粉后第6天开始器官分化,第22天分化完成,授粉后28天,胚发育成熟。本文对研究的结果在杂交育种和留种中的应用问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

花生的胚和胚乳的发育/吴梅贞,席湘媛∥山东农业大学学报.-1988,19(2).-11~17 本研究在前人观察的基础上,采用了组织化学染色,较全面系统地观察了花生(徐州68-4)胚和胚乳的发育。结果如下:胚发育属紫菀型,发育过程可分为球胚前的原胚、球胚、心形胚、鱼雷形胚、幼胚、扩大生长胚和成熟胚各期。在子叶中淀粉粒积累先于蛋白质的积累。胚乳发育属核型,首次观察到花生胚乳瘤。胚乳细胞化以珠孔端开始,胚乳细胞层次少,最终不充满胚囊腔,种子成熟,胚乳完全消失。作者推测自己观察的材料尚未完全成熟。  相似文献   

茶树受精作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文研究了茶树卵器的结构和受精过程。茶树的卵器由1个卵细胞和2个助细胞组成。有些卵器的助细胞之一在花粉管进入胚囊之前已开始退化,有些卵器的2个助细胞直到受精时仍保持正常的结构。花粉在柱头上萌发后,花粉管通过花柱通道到达珠孔,然后穿过退化的助细胞或助细胞与胚囊壁之间进入胚囊,并释放出2个精子和其它内含物。两个精子分别接近并贴附在卵核和两极核上,两性核的核膜溶解,精核染色质沉入雌核,并随之松解。最终雄性核仁和雌性核仁合并,形成具有单核的合子和初生胚乳核。初生胚乳核随即进行核分裂。通过鉴定两性核仁结合与否和观察  相似文献   

纳豆的保健功效及开发应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用石蜡切片和压片等方法观察热研2号柱花草传粉受精过程花朵形态变化及双受精作用过程。凌晨6时绝大多数花蕾已进行自花授粉,花粉粒在柱头上经过2~3 h后萌发。授粉后2~3 h,花粉管沿子房内壁生长进入胚珠,进行珠孔受精。开花后5~6 h,精卵细胞融合,几乎同一时间精子与极核融合。  相似文献   

By using the laser scanning confocal microscope and plastic (Leica 7022 historesin embedding kit) semi-thin sectioning technique, comparative studies on the development of endosperm were carried out between autotetraploid and diploid rices. About one third of the ovaries in the autotetraploid showed normal endosperm development as those in the diploid. In these ovaries, one of the polar nuclei would fuse with the sperm nucleus, and the primary endosperm nucleus formed and underwent the first division in 4 hours after pollination; the anticlinal wall began to grow centripetally between the free nuclei starting from the wall ingrowths of the embryo sac near the micropylar end, and some of the phragmoplasts formed transformed into periclinal walls. In addition, some of the cell wall situated in the middle of the endosperm appeared to originate from phragmoplasts, whereas others seemed to develop randomly without the obvious formation of phragmoplasts. Cellulose began to accumulate in the wall of aleurone cell layer at 6 days after pollination. The cellulose wall of the cells of the aleurone cell layer appeared to have completely formed within 7 to 8 days after pollination. On the other hand, about two thirds of the ovaries in the autotetraploid showed abnormality in endosperm development with various types, such as non-fertilization, abnormal fertilization, endosperm development-delay and non-synchronization in the development of cellulose wall of cells of the aleurone layer. These abnormalities usually resulted in decreased seed setting in autotetraploid rice.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):446-458

Events during the early development of rice endosperm were studied cyto-histologically. Attempts were made to clarify the sequential changes during the early developmental stages of endosperm to reveal the ultrastructural details of the first-anticlinal wall formation and the subsequent cellularization. Early development of nuclear endosperm rapidly proceeded after anthesis and a large number of free nuclei proliferated until 48 HAA. In a large central cell, phragmoplasts arose as a result of alignment of vesicles appeared between the free nuclei located in the peripheral cytoplasm layer along nucellus. The phragmoplasts initially fused with wall of the nucellus and formed the initials of anticlinal wall. The initial wall grew toward a large central vacuole and reached tonoplast of central vacuole. Thereby, alveolar typed cell compartments ensued. Furthermore, the anticlinal wall continuously arose to form a large number of alveolar typed compartments. The cellularization of compartments including a free nucleus was achieved during 48 to 72 HAA. Microtubules and Golgi apparatus seemed to contribute to cellularization. Lastly, the process forming first-anticlinal wall is followed on a representative diagram and compared with the cellularization in other cereal endosperms.  相似文献   

As maternal parents, diploid (L202-2x) and autotetraploid (L202-4x) of Oryza sativa cv. L202 were crossed with O. officinalis. Embryo development and fertilization in these two crosses were comparatively studied. There were no mature hybrid seeds obtained because all the hybridized spikelets died 30 days after pollination. The main reasons for no seed set were abnormal fertilization and development of the embryos and endosperms in the interspecific hybrids. There were double- fertilization, egg cell single-fertilization and non-fertilization in these crosses. Although 59.45% and 54.87% of hybrid embryos produced in the crosses of L202-2x/O. officinalis and L202-4x/O. officinalis, respectively, hybrid embryos ceased to develop or degenerated and plenty of free endosperm nuclei were in disaggregating state without developing cellular endosperms three days after pollination. Besides, some embryological differences in these two crosses were found, that is, the rate of double-fertilization and total rate of double- and single-fertilization in L202-2x/O. officinalis were higher than those in L202-4x/O. officinalis. The embryo and endosperm of hybrids developed more slowly, and embryos and free endosperm nuclei were more severely degenerated in L202-4x/O. officinalis than in L202-2x/O. officinalis. Five days after pollination, a few of embryos in L202-2x/O. officinalis developed into pear-shaped ones, however, embryos in L202-4x/O. officinalis were all degenerated. Therefore, it is more difficult to obtain interspecific hybrids by wide crosses between autotetraploid of O. sativa and O. officinalis.  相似文献   

不同类型专用小麦品种胚乳发育的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示不同类型专用小麦品种胚乳发育的差异,以强筋小麦皖麦38和弱筋小麦扬麦9号为材料,比较了两者胚乳细胞游离核分裂状况、细胞数目的增殖变化、细胞体积的变化、糊粉层发育、淀粉体和蛋白质体发育等内容,主要结果如下:(1)皖麦38游离核有丝分裂所占比例较大,扬麦9号无丝分裂所占比例较大,且受温度影响较大;(2)胚乳细胞增殖均呈"S"型曲线变化,皖麦38胚乳细胞增殖较快,胚乳体积较大,最终粒重较高;(3)皖麦38胚乳细胞中大淀粉体数目多于扬麦9号,而小淀粉体数目表现却相反;(4)皖麦38与扬麦9号相比较,糊粉层出现时间较晚,而且糊粉层细胞壁较厚,被甲苯胺蓝染色更浓;(5)成熟籽粒中淀粉粒形状有饼形、椭圆形和近圆球形三种。皖麦38胚乳中饼形和椭圆形淀粉粒较多,且相互结合较紧密;扬麦9号饼形和近球形淀粉粒较多,胚乳结构疏松。  相似文献   

The division process of endosperm in rice and its influencing factors were investigated. Total dissection, resin embedding and sectioning under light and transmission electron microscopes were used to observe the division patterns of free nuclei and cytological characters of an endosperm. The various division patterns of free nuclei in rice endosperm included mitosis, amitosis, and the mitosis to amitosis change without an interphase. The division velocity of free nuclei in rice endosperm varied with the internucleus distance. Comparing to a cluster, the division velocity increased when the free nuclei were separated from each other. Moderately higher temperatures also enhanced the proliferation and shortened the division cycle of free nuclei in rice endosperm. To a certain extent, nitrogenous fertilizer applied at the booting stage together with a moderate drought treatment accelerated the division of free nuclei as well.  相似文献   

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