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本刊近期发表的文章认为中国本土的白尾地鸦(Podoces hendersoni)有东扩至青海及甘肃的趋势,然而文章忽略了一点:早期文献认为至少在 19 世纪该鸟种就已经存在于甘肃。白尾地鸦所依赖的浅地下水湿生植物很可能限制了其分布范围。因此,虽然当前全球气候变暖所引发的沙漠地域扩张,使得白尾地鸦的分布范围扩大,但它们可能只集中在植被保护较好的地区。然而,此类比较适合白尾地鸦生存的地区,目前正被黑尾地鸦(P.hendersoni)栖息利用。对这些地区进行深入研究,将更利于了解这两种相互排斥的鸟类。  相似文献   

康国文 《野生动物》2004,25(4):42-42
2002年2月1日,国家邮政局发行了普31邮票(第一组),现在已被人们普遍使用,其中面值为1元的邮票选取了中国特有鸟类白尾地鸦作为邮票图案。  相似文献   

确认了蒙古高原有鸦葱属植物10种;把ScorzoneraikonnikoviiLipsch.etKrasch.和S.manshuricaNakai并入了S.austriacaWilld.;把S.sinensisLipsch.etKrasch.划为S.austriacaWilld的一个变种;对《内蒙古植物志》(第2版,第4册)所描述的一些种的不确切分布进行了更正、补充;《内蒙古植物志》(第2版,第4册)记载的S.muriculataChang应为河西菊属HexiniaH.L.Yang的河西菊H.polydicotoma(Ostenf.)H.L.Yang,该种在内蒙古没有分布;确定了蒙古高原鸦葱属植物的区系地理成分;编制了蒙古高原鸦葱属植物分种检索表。  相似文献   

蒙古高原鸦葱属植物分类和地理分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
确认了蒙古高原有鸦葱属植物10种;把Scorzonera ikonnikouii Lipsch.et Krasch.和S.manshurica Nakai并入了S.austriaca Willd.;把S.sinensis.et Krasch.划为S.austri-aca Willd的一个变种;对《内蒙古植物志》(第2版,第4册)所描述的一些种的不确切分布进行了更正、补充;《内蒙古植物志》(第2版,第4册)记载的S.muriculata Chang应为河西菊属Hexinia H.L.Yang的河西菊H.polydicotoma(Ostenf.)H.L.Yang该种在内蒙古没有分布;确定了蒙古高原鸦葱属植物的区系地理成分;编制了蒙古高原鸦葱属植物分种检索素。  相似文献   

山西芦芽山自然保护区星鸦的繁殖生态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王建萍 《野生动物》2010,31(5):259-261,297
2007~2009年,在山西芦芽山国家级自然保护区对星鸦的繁殖生态进行了研究,结果表明:在本区星鸦主要分布在海拔1 500~2 500 m的针叶林或针阔混交林带;繁殖前3月的种群密度为0.25只/km,繁殖后的8月种群密度为0.43只/km;繁殖期为4~7月,最早产卵期为4月19日,窝卵数为3~5枚,孵化期为17~18 d,孵化率为83.2%,巢内育雏期18~19 d,幼乌离巢率为96%;星鸦的食物主要以昆虫为主,占总食物量的76.7%。  相似文献   

经字  吕楠  方昀  孙悦华 《中国鸟类》2011,2(2):94-100
黑头噪鸦(Perisoreus internigrans)是我国青藏高原高山针叶林的特有鸟类,种群数量稀少,一些基本生活史资料至今依然缺乏.我们于2001-2004年间对该物种在卓尼和九寨沟地区的种群状况和栖息地选择进行了研究.研究表明黑头噪鸦通常以平均3.8只个体构成的“群体”形式活动,平均家域大小为42.0 ha,...  相似文献   

"三江源"地区草地资源现状及持续利用途径   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
王堃  洪绂曾  宗锦耀 《草地学报》2005,13(Z1):28-31,47
"三江源"有"中华水塔"之称,是世界高海拔区生物多样性最丰富最集中的地区,"有高原生物基因库"之称.但由于近年来自然气候变化和人类的过度利用,该区草地生态系统严重受损,生态功能逐渐丧失,已对我国黄河、长江、澜沧江中下游乃至亚洲东部地区的生态安全构成威胁.在对"三江源"区草地资源调查研究和查阅大量有关文献的基础上,本文对"三江源"区草地资源分布、利用现状、存在的主要问题及持续利用途径进行了分析,旨在为"三江源"区的生态环境治理工作提供理论与实践依据.  相似文献   

曹志恒 《草业科学》2003,20(5):49-49
新疆生态地理研究所近期向外界公布一条重要研究成果 :塔克拉玛干沙漠绿洲边缘自然植被不缺水。这一信息澄清了一个在学术界长期占主导地位的模糊认识 ,即干旱区的植被总是处于明显的缺水状态 ,需要通过灌溉来补给水分的平衡。近年来 ,干旱和沙漠化困扰着塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘广大地区 ,过渡带前沿地区植被破坏已经造成严重的流沙灾害、牲畜饲料短缺以及农民燃料匮乏 ,这一问题在国际范围干旱区具有典型性 ,引起国际学术界的广泛关注。从 1 998年开始 ,中外专家在位于塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘的策勒绿洲边缘 ,开展了为期 4年的野外调查和研究工作。…  相似文献   

通过对格姆滩"黑土型"退化草地人工植被群落主要植物种群生态位宽度和生态位重叠的研究.结果表明:在人工调控之下,人工播种的垂穗披碱草及入侵的优良乡土牧草冷地早熟禾、中华羊茅能充分利用群落资源,生态位较宽,相反,阔叶型杂类草生长受到了明显的抑制,生态位宽度较窄.生态位宽度较大的物种,对资源的利用能力较强,分布较广,因而与其它物种间的生态位重叠值也较大.有着相似利用资源能力的物种,生态位重叠值较大.  相似文献   

研究了兰州市2006~2013年土地生态安全的时空差异。主要依据PSR模型建立评价指标体系,运用熵权法与综合评价法对不同时期兰州市及各县区土地生态安全状况进行分析。结果表明:(1)兰州市土地生态安全由2006年的"恶劣"状态转变为2013年的"良好"状态;(2)土地生态压力指数从0.176下降为0.145,土地生态状态与土地生态响应指数分别从0.063、0.160提升到0.295、0.290;(3)区域内空间分布差异较为明显,土地生态状态改善与响应增强主要集中在土地生态压力过大的地方。据此可知,兰州市土地生态结构和功能基本完善,已步入良好阶段,但是各县区土地生态空间分布差异较大。  相似文献   

The black-backed woodpecker (Picoides arcticus) is a species of management concern in California. As part of a study of black-backed woodpecker home range size and foraging ecology, nine birds in Lassen National Forest (Shasta and Lassen Counties, California) were radio-tracked during the 2011 breeding season. One of the marked birds was found dead after being tracked for a 10-wk period in which it successfully nested. A postmortem examination of the dead bird revealed that it was emaciated and autolyzed, with the presumptive cause being numerous spiruroid nematodes of the genus Procyrnea in the gizzard. This first observation of Procyrnea nematodes in a black-backed woodpecker is notable because the Procyrnea infection was considered lethal and because Procyrnea has been implicated in substantial die-offs in other bird species, including woodpeckers.  相似文献   

The ecology of pathogens, and particularly their emergence in multi-host systems, is complex. New approaches are needed to reduce superficial complexities to a level that still allows scientists to analyse underlying and more fundamental processes. One promising approach for simplification is to use an epidemiological-function classification to describe ecological diversity in a way that relates directly to pathogen dynamics. In this article, we develop and apply the epidemiological functional group (EFG) concept to explore the relationships between wild bird communities and avian influenza virus (AIV) in three ecosystems in southern Africa. Using a two year dataset that combined bird counts and bimonthly sampling for AIV, we allocated each bird species to a set of EFGs that captured two overarching epidemiological functions: the capacity of species to maintain AIV in the system, and their potential to introduce the virus. Comparing AIV prevalence between EFGs suggested that the hypothesis that anseriforms (ducks) and charadriiforms (waders) drive AIV epidemiology cannot entirely explain the high prevalence observed in some EFGs. If anseriforms do play an important role in AIV dynamics in each of the three ecosystems, the role of other species in the local maintenance of AIV cannot be ruled out. The EFG concept thus helped us to identify gaps in knowledge and to highlight understudied bird groups that might play a role in AIV epidemiology. In general, the use of EFGs has potential for generating a range of valuable insights in epidemiology, just as functional group approaches have done in ecology.  相似文献   

为了解H9N2亚型禽流感病毒在新疆蛋鸡养殖场的致病性及遗传进化特点,对一株分离自蛋鸡的禽流感病毒A/Chicken/Xinjiang/01/2010(H9N2)进行了致病性及遗传进化分析。结果显示,分离株的MDT为92h,ICPI指数为1.125,IVPI指数为0.14,HA裂解位点处氨基酸序列为335 RSSRGLF342,这些特征均证实该分离株为低致病性AIV。HA基因遗传进化分析表明,该分离株在系统进化树上与A/swine/XJWLMQ/7/09(H9N2)及3株野生鸟类新疆分离株的亲缘关系最为接近,该分离株HA基因属于欧亚谱系的A/chicken/Beijing/94(H9N2)和A/chicken/Hongkong/G9/97(H9N2)的一个分支。  相似文献   

由于种群数量的急剧下降和分布区缩小,黄颊麦鸡(Vanellus gregarius)近期被IUCN提升为极危物种.该物种至今在中国唯一一个发表的记录是1998年见到的迷鸟.我们查阅了一个德国鸟类考察队1876年的报告和历史文献.该报告认为黄颊麦鸡在19世纪下半叶在中国西部的新疆为繁殖鸟.根据当地专家推测,该物种已在新疆绝灭.本文建议开展调查以阐明其现状.  相似文献   

新疆阿勒泰地区草原生态保护和建设措施浅谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿勒泰地区是全国重大牧区之一,也是新疆重要的畜牧业生产基地,草原生态在阿勒泰地区的经济建设中起重要的作用,针对草原生态面临的问题,提出保护和建设措施:加强草地生态置换保护体系建设、草地科学管理、草地资源与生态监测、草地鼠虫害防治、草原生态的宣传等,同时加大生态保护与建设力度,改善生态环境,促进畜牧业发展、牧民增收,实现阿勒泰地区经济发展、生活富裕、生态良好的可持续发展目标.进而为全国草原生态的进一步保护和建设提供依据.  相似文献   

2008年2-10月,开始对迁入北京国际机场地区的夜鹭迁徙动态和繁殖生态进行观察研究。基本弄清本地区夜鹭迁入和迁出及繁殖规律。在夜鹭繁殖生态研究中,我们选择16个繁殖种群,并对276窝夜鹭的繁殖生态习性进行定点、定时的观察研究,尽力找出夜鹭在夜间活动对夜行飞机的影响,为飞机的避让及机场鸟击防灾综合治理工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Avian influenza virus (AIV) is enzootic to wild birds, which are its natural reservoir. The virus exhibits a large degree of genetic diversity and most of the isolated strains are of low pathogenicity to poultry. Although AIV is nearly ubiquitous in wild bird populations, highly pathogenic H5N1 subtypes in poultry have been the focus of most modeling efforts. To better understand viral ecology of AIV, a predictive model should 1) include wild birds, 2) include all isolated subtypes, and 3) cover the host’s natural range, unbounded by artificial country borders. As of this writing, there are few large-scale predictive models of AIV in wild birds. We used the Random Forests algorithm, an ensemble data-mining machine-learning method, to develop a global-scale predictive map of AIV, identify important predictors, and describe the environmental niche of AIV in wild bird populations. The model has an accuracy of 0.79 and identified northern areas as having the highest relative predicted risk of outbreak. The primary niche was described as regions of low annual rainfall and low temperatures. This study is the first global-scale model of low-pathogenicity avian influenza in wild birds and underscores the importance of largely unstudied northern regions in the persistence of AIV.  相似文献   

牧民定居工程的实施对改善牧区生态环境,加快区域经济发展、改善牧民生活发挥了一定的作用.本研究以新疆昌吉市阿什里哈萨克乡为例,运用可持续发展理论,通过理论与实证相结合的方法,对牧民定居工程的生态、经济和社会效益进行分析,阐述了牧民定居工程实施过程中存在的问题及其解决对策.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: West Nile virus (WNV) is an emerging zoonotic pathogen whose geographic spread and incidence in humans, horses and birds has increased significantly in recent years. WNV has long been considered a mild pathogen causing self-limiting outbreaks. This notion has changed as WNV is causing large epidemics with a high impact on human and animal health. This has been particularly noteworthy since its introduction into North America in 1999. There, native bird species have been shown to be highly susceptible to WNV infection and disease with high mortalities. For this reason, the effect of WNV infection in North American bird species has been thoroughly studied by means of experimental inoculations in controlled trials. To a lesser extent, European wild birds have been shown to be affected clinically by WNV infection. Yet experimental studies on European wild bird species are lacking. The red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) is a gallinaceous bird indigenous to the Iberian Peninsula, widely distributed in South Western Europe. It plays a key role in the Mediterranean ecosystem and constitutes an economically important game species. As such it is raised intensively in outdoor facilities. In this work, red-legged partridges were experimentally infected with two recent WNV isolates from the Western Mediterranean area: Morocco/2003 and Spain/2007. All inoculated birds became viremic and showed clinical disease, with mortality rates of 70% and 30%, respectively. These results show that Western Mediterranean WNV variants can be pathogenic for some European bird species, such as the red-legged partridge.  相似文献   

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