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One intact and two splenectomized Holstein calves were infected intravenously with a Mexican strain of Babesia bovis and killed following the onset of severe clinical disease. A light and electron microscopic study was conducted on selected tissues to examine the relationship between parasitized erythrocytes and microvascular endothelial cells. The pattern and degree of specific organ sequestration of parasitized erythrocytes was assessed and correlated to lesions. Red blood cells infected with Babesia bovis exhibited stellate membrane protrusions. This morphological change appeared to mediate erythrocyte sequestration in the microvascular and capillary beds of the brain, kidney, and adrenal gland by an as yet unknown mechanism(s).  相似文献   

Bovine babesiosis is a tick-borne disease caused by Babesia spp. haemoprotozoans. The disease is of great importance at tick enzootic unstable areas and hampers cattle production in several developing countries. The available immunisation alternatives are pre-immunition and attenuated vaccines. Despite being efficient and protective, they are unsafe as they use cattle blood cells as inoculum and may potentially spread other diseases. Another alternative to help in babesiosis control would be the identification of genetically resistant cattle to Babesia bovis infection. The objective of this work was to phenotype cattle based on primary response against B. bovis infection. Two-hundred and forty half-sib Hereford and Aberdeen Angus heifers (120 animals from each breed), 12-18-month-old na?ve cattle, originated from a tick-free area in Southern Brazil, were used in the experiment. Animals were monitored following an inoculation with 1x10(7)B. bovis parasitised erythrocytes. Results showed three different phenotypes: 1-'susceptible', animals with babesiosis clinical signs that received treatment to avoid death; 2-'intermediate', animals with clinical signs: parasitaemia, >or=21.5% reduction in packed cell volume (PCV) and increase in body temperature when compared to their pre-challenge physiological parameters, no specific treatment was needed as animals self recovered from the disease, and 3-'resistant', animals without clinical signs that showed B. bovis presence in blood smears, <21.5% PCV reductions, with little or no increase in body temperature and no need for babesiosis treatment. The frequencies of each phenotype were: 45.4, 26.7, and 27.9%, respectively, demonstrating the existence of phenotypic variation for B. bovis in Bos taurus cattle.  相似文献   

Two cases of Babesia bovis, a parasite associated with the tick Boophilus microplus, are reported for the first time from the central part of Zambia. It is concluded that infected B. microplus ticks are occasionally introduced into central Zambia by tick-infested cattle from the north-eastern part of the country where B. bovis is endemic. The spread of B. microplus in Southern Africa in a westward direction is discussed and related to the epidemiology of bovine babesiosis in Zambia.  相似文献   


Two cases of Babesia bovis, a parasite associated with the tick Boophilus microplus, are reported for the first time from the central part of Zambia. It is concluded that infected B. microplus ticks are occasionally introduced into central Zambia by tick‐infested cattle from the north‐eastern part of the country where B. bovis is endemic. The spread of B. microplus in Southern Africa in a westward direction is discussed and related to the epidemiology of bovine babesiosis in Zambia.  相似文献   

Twenty-four yearling Hereford (Bos taurus) cattle were vaccinated against Babesia bovis using either live parasites or non-living antigens obtained from the supernatant of in vitro cultures. A single dose of live parasites was given subcutaneously, while the non-living supernatant antigen (NLSA) was combined with saponin and 2 doses given, 2 weeks apart. Following vaccination with live parasites, serum antibodies remained at high levels for 6 months, but the lymphocyte transformation response was low and lasted only 10-18 days. In contrast, NLSA vaccination was followed, after 21-28 days, by a peak of serum antibodies which then slowly declined. The lymphocyte transformation response in these animals was much higher and persisted for 6 months. Following heterologous challenge all unvaccinated cattle had severe reactions and required treatment to prevent death. Cattle vaccinated with live parasites had mild reactions with only 1 of the 12 requiring treatment. Cattle vaccinated with NLSA were only partially protected and 6 of the 12 required treatment.  相似文献   

Host sialic acid (SA) has recently been suggested to play an important role in erythrocyte (RBC) infection by Babesia spp. The present study attempted to further determine the specific type of SAs important in the RBC invasion. Bovine RBC was found to bear abundant alpha2-3-linked SA residues but not alpha2-6-linked SA in nature, confirmed by flow cytometric analysis of the neuraminidase (Nm)-treated RBCs. Lectin-blot analyses revealed the removal of alpha2-3-linked SAs from the 97-, 33-, and 31-kDa bands by the Nm treatment. Addition of the Nm-treated RBCs into an in vitro culture of B. bovis resulted in a decreased population of the parasitized RBCs. The thin smear samples from the cultures were then observed under a confocal laser scanning microscope after staining with the alpha2-3-linked SA-specific lectin: a selective invasion of B. bovis was found only in the intact RBCs bearing the SAs, but not in the desialylated RBCs. Furthermore, a significant reduction of the parasitized RBCs was also observed in the culture supplemented with exogenous 3'-sialyllactose containing the alpha2-3-linked SAs. However, the complete inhibition of parasite proliferation was not achieved in the culture. These findings indicate that while the alpha2-3-linked SA-dependent pathway is needed for highly efficient invasion of host RBCs by B. bovis, there might also be other potential alternative pathways.  相似文献   

A stabilate prepared from Babesia bovis-infected Boophilus microplus ticks was used to infect intact adult cattle. Whole sera and immunoglobulin fractions from representative sera were tested by complement fixation (CF), indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA), and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) assays. The last test utilized 51Cr-labeled chicken erythrocytes coated with Babesia bovis antigen as targets. Mononuclear cell preparations, obtained from peripheral blood of normal donors and consisting of lymphocytes with 2--6% large monocytes, were used as the source of effector cells. Antibody activity was detected by all tests between 14 and 16 days following infection. Specific IgM and IgG1 were reactive in both CF and IFA tests, although the development of high titers was attributable to IgG, alone. The ADCC activity was restricted to IgG1 fractions and was greater in those sera or fractions with greater CF activity. No activity was demonstrated in IgG2 fractions by any test used.  相似文献   

A total of 719 serum samples collected from clinically healthy cattle from eight provinces located in different districts of South Africa were examined by the indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the standard indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) to determine the serological prevalence of Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina. The results showed that 35.3% and 39.7% of cattle were positive for B. bovis and 30% and 36.5% were positive for B. bigemina antibodies on ELISA and IFAT, respectively. Mixed infections were detected in 18.2% and 26.3% of the samples using ELISA and IFAT, respectively. Consequently, the ELISAs with recombinant B. bovis spherical body protein-4 (BbSBP-4) and B. bigemina C-terminal rhoptry-associated protein-1 (BbigRAP-1/CT) were proven to be highly reliable in the serological diagnoses of bovine babesiosis in South African cattle, as evidenced by the significant concordance rates when the results were compared to those of IFAT. Moreover, the serological prevalence was significantly different among the tested provinces, in which the ranges exhibited between 15% and 73% for B. bovis infection and between 13% and 54% for B. bigemina infection. High sero-positive rates were present in Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal provinces, while the lowest rate was in the North West province. Our data provide important information regarding the current seroprevalence of bovine babesiosis in South Africa, which might be beneficial in developing rational strategies for disease control and management.  相似文献   

Differences in protein expression in midgut tissue of uninfected and Babesia bovis-infected southern cattle ticks, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, were investigated in an effort to establish a proteome database containing proteins involved in successful pathogen transmission. The electrophoretic separation of midgut membrane proteins was greatly improved by using liquid-phase isoelectric focusing combined with one-dimensional or two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis. A selection of differentially expressed proteins were subjected to analysis by capillary-HPLC-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS/MS). Among the identified Babesia-affected tick midgut proteins were six proteins that are implicated in signaling processes, including three Ca(2+)-binding proteins, a guanine nucleotide-binding protein, a protein with signal peptide activity and a translocon-associated receptor protein. Up-regulation of five metabolic enzymes indicated parasite-induced changes in electron and proton transport, protein processing and retinoic acid metabolism. Among the down-regulated proteins were a molecular chaperone, a cytoskeletal protein and a multifunctional protein of the prohibitin family. Identification of these proteins may provide new insights into the molecular interactions between B. bovis and its tick vector, and could lead to identification of anti-tick and transmission-blocking vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

自然感染的牛巴贝西虫(Babesiaboris)通常用来制作活疫苗和进行寄生虫的生物学研究,上述两个目的需要纯的B.boris,不能混有其他的血液寄生虫,但是B.boris的分布范围和其他的以节肢动物为媒介的血液寄生虫(包括牛泰勒焦虫(Theileria buffeli)、  相似文献   

A virulent strain of Babesia bovis was adapted to grow in erythrocyte culture in the presence of equine serum and in lieu of bovine serum. Four splenectomized calves inoculated with the adapted strain, 429, developed hematologic signs of infection and a low grade fever, but remained free of central nervous system (CNS) signs and recovered. All of six control animals inoculated with a virulent strain reacted severely and five showed CNS signs and died. The calves injected with the attenuated strain were solidly immune when challenged with the virulent strain at 44 or 78 days after vaccination.  相似文献   

牛巴贝斯虫巢式PCR诊断方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据GenBank发表的XJ-MSA-2c核苷酸序列(登录号:EU328267)设计的2对特异性引物MS-1、MS-2、MS-3以及MS-4,建立牛巴贝斯虫病巢式PCR快速检测方法。在特异性检测试验中,仅从MSA-2c质粒样本中扩增出622、350bp2条目的片段,与预期片段大小相符,而作为对照样本的双芽巴贝斯虫、牛环形泰勒虫、东方巴贝斯虫基因组DNA均无此扩增目的条带出现。第1次和第2次扩增的敏感性分别为1.75、1.75×10-2μg/L。在对46份全血的DNA样本巢式PCR和显微镜检测中,阳性检出率分别为34.8%(16/46)和23.9%(11/46)。结果表明,所建立的巢式PCR方法准确、敏感、特异,作为牛巴贝斯虫病的快速检测和小范围的流行病学调查,具有重要的临床意义。  相似文献   

The diagnosis of acute babesiosis by direct examination of blood smears has some limitations and the indirect serological methods currently in use are designed for detection of IgG, which may not be detectable at an early stage of infection. There is a need, therefore, for rapid and reliable procedures to diagnose acute infections. An ELISA system using a crude antigenic preparation of Babesia bovis was standardized for the detection of IgM antibodies. Optimal dilutions of the antigen, using positive and negative reference sera, were determined by checkerboard titrations. Serum samples of cattle imported from tick-free areas collected before and during an immunization process were used to validate the tests. The specificity was 94% and sensitivity 100%. Specific IgM antibodies against B. bovis first appeared on the 11th day post-inoculation (p.i.) in animals infested with Boophilus microplus ticks and on the 19th day p.i. in animals which had been inoculated with infected blood. Antibody titers decreased after Day 33; however, all animals remained positive until the end of the experiment (124 days).  相似文献   

快速检测牛巴贝斯焦虫LAMP方法的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高牛巴贝斯焦虫(Babesia bovis)病检出率,本研究采用环介导等温扩增技术(LAMP)建立一种快速、灵敏、特异的检测B.bovis的方法。根据GenBank中登录的B.bovis细胞色素b基因(cyt b)序列,设计4条LAMP引物,优化反应体系条件,在Bst DNA聚合酶的作用下,62℃反应60min,加入EvaGreen后,肉眼观测。结果表明,该LAMP检测体系特异性强,与双芽巴贝斯焦虫(B.bigemina)DNA等不发生交叉反应;敏感性高,最小检测值为0.014fg(相当于1.58×10-3虫体的拷贝数),为一般PCR方法的1000倍。该方法具有简单、快速、低成本的特点,可用于B.bovis病的现场快速检测。  相似文献   

Bovine babesiosis is responsible for serious economic losses in Uruguay. Haemovaccines play an important role in disease prevention, but concern has been raised about their use. It is feared that the attenuated Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina vaccine strains may be transmitted by the local tick vector Boophilus microplus, and that reversion to virulence could occur. We therefore investigated the possibility that these strains could be transmitted via the transovarial route in ticks using a Babesia species-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. DNA was extracted from the developmental stages of the tick vector that had fed on calves immunized with the haemovaccine. It was possible to detect Babesia DNA not only in adult ticks, but also in their eggs and larvae. In addition, it was shown that calves infested with larvae derived from eggs laid by ticks fed on acutely infected calves, were positive for Babesia using PCR. Caution should therefore be shown with the distribution of the haemovaccine in marginal areas. It is still advisable that suitable tick control measures be used to prevent transovarial transmission and the potential risk of attenuated Babesia reverting to virulence.  相似文献   

Plasma and whole blood from splenectomized calves infected with B. bovis were assayed by fluorimetric techniques for histamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), noradrenaline and dopamine levels. In addition PCV, thrombocyte and parasite counts were also undertaken. Plasma histamine levels rose till day 4 post-infection (p.i.) and were still elevated on day 7 p.i. Wholw blood histamine levels were significantly higher on days 1, 4 and 6 p.i. Plasma 5-HT levels rose to peak levels on day 3 p.i. and were still significantly elevated on day 7 p.i. Whole blood 5-HT levels were significantly higher on days 1 and 2 p.i. but fell to subnormal levels terminally. Dopamine and noradrenaline levels for both whole blood and plasma were unaltered during the disease process. Thrombocyte levels initially rose, reaching maximum values on day 3 p.i. The level fell continuously below normal from day 4 to 7 p.i. The PCV fell continuously from day 1 p.i. The experimental animals suffered a severe and fatal syndrome, all dying 7 days p.i.  相似文献   

Various combinations of human serum (from blood of groups A and Rhesus positive) with bovine serum, i.e. 20% + 20% (Medium I), 30% + 10% (II), 40% + 0% (III) and 0% + 40% (IV) and Medium-199 (60%) were used in the propagation of Babesia bovis. Babesia bovis stabilate revived by inoculation in a bovine calf was used at a level of 6% parasitized erythrocytes (PPE). The medium was replenished every 24 h. The medium changed from bright red to dark-coffee color every 24 h. The increase in PPE was maximal between 24 and 48 h. It was also observed that the increase in PPE was significantly higher in a 1:2 dilution compared with a 1:1 dilution. The increase in PPE was highest in Medium I with a 50% replacement of bovine with human serum. However, the parasites could not be subcultured and maintained continuously. Fifty percent replacement was thus optimal for the human-bovine serum combination in a microaerophilous stationary phase (MASP) system. The results indicate that B. bovis can also multiply in a human/bovine serum MASP culture system at least for a period of 48 h, and this is consistent with the zoonotic nature of Babesia species.  相似文献   

为建立牛巴贝斯虫(B.bovis)的TaqMan实时荧光PCR检测方法,本研究根据GenBank中B.bovis的18S rRNA基因保守序列,设计引物和TaqMan探针,通过优化反应体系,建立检测B.bovis的实时荧光PCR方法.试验结果表明:实时荧光PCR对靶基因的最低检测值为1.31×101 copies/μL,比常规PCR的敏感性高1 000倍;而且与牛的其他血液原虫无交叉反应;组内及组间重复性试验的变异系数均小于3%,具有良好的重复性;在23份被检样品中,实时荧光PCR和常规PCR的检出率分别为52.17%和30.43%.该检测方法的建立为B.bovis的检测提供了一种快速、敏感、特异的技术手段.  相似文献   

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