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Seven cannulated (rumen and duodenal) Angus x Hereford steers (264 +/- 8 kg BW) consuming low-quality forage (5% CP; 61% NDF; 31% ADF) were used to determine the influence of CP degradability and supplementation frequency (SF) on DMI and nutrient digestion. Treatments included an unsupplemented control and degradable intake protein (DIP) or undegradable intake protein (UIP) provided daily, every 3 d, or every 6 d. The DIP treatments (18% UIP) were calculated to provide 100% of the DIP requirement, while the UIP treatments (60% UIP) were provided on an isonitrogenous basis compared with DIP. Forage DMI was not affected by treatment. Total DM and N intake, duodenal N flow, and intestinal N disappearance increased (P < 0.01) with supplementation. Dry matter intake and duodenal N flow responded quadratically (P < 0.04; greatest values on the every-third-day treatments) as SF decreased. However, no differences in N intake or intestinal N disappearance were observed because of CP degradability or SF. Duodenal bacterial N flow and true bacterial N synthesis (g bacterial N/kg of OM truly digested in the rumen) were increased (P < 0.05) with supplementation. Also, duodenal bacterial N flow was greater (P < 0.05) for DIP compared with UIP. Duodenal nonbacterial N flow was increased (P = 0.02) with CP supplementation and for UIP compared with DIP (P < 0.01). Supplemental CP increased (P < 0.01) total tract DM and N digestibility with no difference due to CP degradability or SF. Results suggest CP supplements consisting of 20 to 60% UIP can be effectively used by steers consuming low-quality forage without adversely affecting DMI, nutrient digestibility, or bacterial CP synthesis, even when provided as infrequently as once every 6 d.  相似文献   

This experiment evaluated the influence of protein supplementation frequency (SF) and amount offered on intake, nutrient digestibility, and ruminal fermentation by rumen-fistulated beef steers consuming low-quality [2.9% crude protein (CP); dry matter (DM) basis], cool-season forage. Seven Angus × Hereford steers (300 ± 27 kg) fitted with ruminal cannulas were randomly assigned to 1 of 7 treatments in an incomplete 7 × 4 Latin square. Treatments, in a 2 × 3 factorial design plus a non-supplemented control (CON), consisted of 2 levels of supplemental soybean meal, 100% (F) or 50% (H) of the estimated rumen-degradable protein requirement, provided daily (D), once every 5 d (5D), or once every 10 d (10D). Experimental periods were 30 d and dry matter intake (DMI) was measured from days 19 to 28. On days 21 (all supplements provided) and 30 (only daily supplements provided; day immediately prior to supplementation for 5D and 10D treatments) ruminal fluid was collected for ruminal pH, ammonia-N (NH3), volatile fatty acids (VFA), and determination of ruminal fermentation variables. Forage and total DM, organic matter (OM), and nitrogen (N) intake increased with supplementation (P ≤ 0.04). However, a linear effect of SF × amount of supplement interaction was observed for forage and total DM, OM, and N intake (P ≤ 0.04), with each variable decreasing as SF decreased, but the decrease being greater with F vs. H. Apparent total tract DM, OM, and neutral detergent fiber digestibility was not affected by supplementation or amount of supplement provided (P ≥ 0.10). In contrast, N digestibility increased with supplementation and for F vs. H (P < 0.01). Digestibility of DM, OM, and N increased linearly as SF decreased (P ≤ 0.03). When all supplements were provided, ruminal NH3, total VFA, and molar proportions of all individual VFA increased with supplementation (P ≤ 0.04), whereas acetate:propionate ratio decreased (P < 0.01). When only daily supplements were provided, none of the aforementioned fermentation parameters were affected (P ≥ 0.09). In summary, reducing the amount of supplemental CP provided to ruminants consuming low-quality forages, when supplementation intervals are >5 d, can be a management tool to maintain acceptable levels of DMI, nutrient digestibility, and ruminal fermentation while reducing supplementation cost.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to determine the influence of CP degradability and supplementation frequency (SF) on ruminant performance and N efficiency. Treatments included an unsupplemented control (CON) and degradable intake protein (DIP; 82% of CP) or undegradable intake protein (UIP; 60% of CP) provided daily, every 3 d, or every 6 d. Seven wethers (36+/-1 kg BW) were used in the digestibility study with DIP and UIP treatments formulated to meet CP requirements. Eighty-four Angus x Hereford cows (512+/-42 kg BW) in the last third of gestation were used for the performance study. The DIP treatments were calculated to provide 100% of the DIP requirement and UIP treatments were provided on an isonitrogenous basis compared with DIP. Basal diets consisted of low-quality (5% CP) meadow hay. Forage DMI and N intake by lambs decreased (P < 0.05) linearly as SF decreased. Additionally, DMI, OM intake, N retention, N digestibility, and digested N retained were greater (P < 0.01) for supplemented wethers than for controls with no difference due to crude protein degradability. Nitrogen balance, DMI, and OM intake decreased linearly (P < 0.05) as SF decreased. Plasma urea (PU; mM) was measured over a 6-d period and supplemented lambs had increased (P < 0.01) PU compared with CON. Plasma urea linearly decreased (P < 0.01) as SF decreased. Pre- and postcalving (within 14 d and 24 h of calving, respectively) cow weight and body condition score change were more positive (P < 0.05) for supplemented groups than for controls. Results suggest CP supplements consisting of 20 to 60% UIP can be effectively used by ruminants consuming low-quality forage without adversely affecting N efficiency and animal performance, even when provided as infrequently as once every 6 d.  相似文献   

Five ruminally and duodenally cannulated steers (491 +/- 21 kg BW) were used in an incomplete 5 x 4 Latin square with four 24-d periods to determine the influence of supplemental nonprotein N (NPN) source and supplementation frequency (SF) on the dynamics of ruminal fermentation in steers consuming low-quality grass straw (4% CP). Treatments (TRT) included an unsupplemented control (CON) and a urea or biuret supplement that were placed directly into the rumen at 0700 daily (D) or every other day (2D). The NPN treatments were formulated to provide 90% of the estimated degradable intake protein requirement; therefore, the urea and biuret treatments received the same amount of supplemental N over a 2-d period. Daily TRT were supplemented with CP at 0.04% of BW/d, whereas the 2D TRT were supplemented at 0.08% of BW every other day. Forage was provided at 120% of the previous 5-d average intake in two equal portions at 0715 and 1900. Ruminal fluid was collected 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 24 h after supplementation on a day of and a day before supplementation for all TRT. Ruminal NH3-N increased (P < 0.04) with CP supplementation on the day all supplements were provided and on the day on which only daily supplements were provided compared with the CON. However, an NPN source x SF interaction (P = 0.03) on the day all supplements were provided indicated that NH3-N increased at a greater rate for urea as SF decreased compared with biuret. Ruminal NH3-N on the day only daily supplements were provided was greater (P = 0.02) for D compared with 2D. On the day all supplements were provided, D increased (P = 0.05) ruminal indigestible acid detergent fiber passage rate and ruminal fluid volume compared with 2D. These results suggest that urea or biuret can be used effectively as a supplemental N source by steers consuming low-quality forage without adversely affecting ruminal fermentation, even when provided every other day.  相似文献   

J Anim Sci  张瑜 《饲料广角》2011,(7):29-31,42
4头初始体重为34.5±2.0kg、插有瘤胃瘘管的萨福克阉公羊羔被用来评估瘤胃蛋白降解率和添加频率对饲喂低质饲料的羔羊瘤胃特性的影响。羔羊以成熟皇冠干草(含4.2%CP)为基础日粮,各日粮组分为4组,分别是:1)RDP-D:每天饲喂高的瘤胃降解蛋白质(RDP);2)RDP-A:每隔1d饲喂高的RDP;3)RUP-A:每隔1d饲喂非瘤胃降解蛋白质(RUP);4)MIX-A:每隔1d按照RDP:RUP=1:1的比例来饲喂。结果显示,各处理组的羔羊粗饲料的有机质(OM)、氮(N)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)或酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)的采食量没有显著差异;混合组(MIX-A)的羔羊瘤胃有机质的消化率比其他组的要高(P〈0.001);RUP-A组羔羊的真瘤胃氮消化率较其他处理组的低(P〈0.01);混合组MIX-A瘤胃NDF和ADF的代谢较其他处理组高(P≤0.01)。当在羔羊日粮中添加RUP相对添加RDP-D可以降低其瘤胃氨气浓度,且RUP-A组的羔羊的瘤胃氨气浓度最低。各处理组的瘤胃脲酶活性差异不显著,瘤胃微生物N流量差异不显著,不过RDP-D组的羔羊的瘤胃微生物N合成效率有增加趋势(P=0.004)。隔天饲喂羔羊混合组的日粮可以改善低质粗饲料的消化率,这可能是由于内源性氮循环利用增强导致瘤胃氨气浓度有所下降。  相似文献   

The objectives of this research were to determine the influence of protein supplementation frequency on cow performance, grazing time, distance traveled, maximum distance from water, cow distribution, DMI, DM digestibility, harvest efficiency, percentage of supplementation events frequented, and CV for supplement intake for cows grazing low-quality forage. One hundred twenty pregnant (60 +/- 45 d) Angus x Hereford cows (467 +/- 4 kg BW) were used in a 3 x 3 Latin square design for one 84-d period in each of three consecutive years. Cows were stratified by age, BCS, and BW and assigned randomly to one of three 810-ha pastures. Treatments included an unsupplemented control (CON) and supplementation every day (D; 0.91 kg, DM basis) or once every 6 d (6D; 5.46 kg, DM basis) with cottonseed meal (CSM; 43% CP, DM basis). Four cows from each treatment (each year) were fitted with global positioning system collars to estimate grazing time, distance traveled, maximum distance from water, cow distribution, and percentage of supplementation events frequented. Collared cows were dosed with intraruminal n-alkane controlled-release devices on d 28 for estimation of DMI, DM digestibility, and harvest efficiency. Additionally, Cr2O3 was incorporated into CSM on d 36 at 3% of DM for use as a digesta flow marker to estimate the CV for supplement intake. Cow BW and BCS change were greater (P < or = 0.03) for supplemented treatments compared with CON. No BW or BCS differences (P > or = 0.14) were noted between D and 6D. Grazing time was greater (P = 0.04) for CON compared with supplemented treatments, with no difference (P = 0.26) due to supplementation frequency. Distance traveled, maximum distance from water, cow distribution, DMI, DM digestibility, and harvest efficiency were not affected (P > or = 0.16) by protein supplementation or supplementation frequency. The percentage of supplementation events frequented and the CV for supplement intake were not affected (P > or = 0.58) by supplementation frequency. Results suggest that providing protein daily or once every 6 d to cows grazing low-quality forage increases BW and BCS gain, while decreasing grazing time. Additionally, protein supplementation and supplementation frequency may have little to no effect on cow distribution, DMI, and harvest efficiency in the northern Great Basin.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of frequency and amount of rumen-degradable intake protein (DIP) on urea kinetics in steers consuming prairie hay. Five ruminally and duodenally fistulated steers (366 kg of BW) were used in a 5 x 5 Latin square and provided ad libitum access to low-quality prairie hay (4.7% CP). Casein was provided daily in amounts of 61 and 183 mg of N/kg of BW (61/d and 183/d) and every third day in amounts of 61, 183, and 549 mg of N/kg of BW per supplementation event (61/3d, 183/3d, and 549/3d). Periods were 18-d long with 9 d for adaptation and 9 d for collection. Steers were in metabolism crates for total collection of urine and feces. Jugular infusion of (15)N(15)N-urea followed by determination of urinary enrichment of (15)N(15)N-urea and (14)N(15)N-urea was used to determine urea kinetics. Treatment means were separated to evaluate the effects of increasing DIP supplementation and the effects of frequency at the low (61/d vs. 183/3d) and at the high (183/d vs. 549/3d) amounts of DIP provision. Forage OM and total digestible OM intakes were linearly (P < or = 0.05) increased by increasing DIP provision but were not affected by frequency of supplementation at either the low or high amounts. Production and gut entry of urea linearly (P < or = 0.006) increased with DIP provision and tended to be greater (P < or = 0.07) for 549/3d than 183/d but were not different between 61/d and 183/3d. Microbial N flow to the duodenum was linearly (P < 0.001) increased by increasing DIP provision. Additionally, 183/d resulted in greater (P = 0.05) microbial N flow than 549/3d. Incorporation of recycled urea-N into microbial N linearly (P = 0.04) increased with increasing DIP. Microbial incorporation of recycled urea-N was greater for 549/3d than 183/d, with 42 and 23% of microbial N coming from recycled urea-N, respectively. In contrast, there was no difference due to frequency in the incorporation of recycled urea-N by ruminal microbes at the low level of supplementation (i.e., 61/d vs. 183/3d). This study demonstrates that urea recycling plays a substantial role in the N supply to the rumen and to the animal, particularly in steers supplemented infrequently with high levels of protein.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of increasing amounts of rumen-degradable intake protein (DIP) on urea kinetics in steers consuming prairie hay. Ruminally and duodenally fistulated steers (278 kg of BW) were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square and provided ad libitum access to low-quality prairie hay (4.9% CP). The DIP was provided as casein dosed ruminally once daily in amounts of 0, 59, 118, and 177 mg of N/kg of BW daily. Periods were 13 d long, with 7 d for adaptation and 6 d for collection. Steers were in metabolism crates for total collection of urine and feces. Jugular infusion of (15)N(15)N-urea, followed by determination of urinary enrichment of (15)N(15)N-urea and (14)N(15)N-urea was used to determine urea kinetics. Forage and N intake increased (linear, P < 0.001) with increasing DIP. Retention of N was negative (-2.7 g/d) for steers receiving no DIP and increased linearly (P < 0.001; 11.7, 23.0, and 35.2 g/d for 59, 118, and 177 mg of N/kg of BW daily) with DIP. Urea synthesis was 19.9, 24.8, 42.9, and 50.9 g of urea-N/d for 0, 59, 118, and 177 mg of N/kg of BW daily (linear, P = 0.004). Entry of urea into the gut was 98.9, 98.8, 98.6, and 95.9% of production for 0, 59, 118, and 177 mg of N/kg of BW daily, respectively (quadratic, P = 0.003). The amount of urea-N entering the gastrointestinal tract was greatest for 177 mg of N/kg of BW daily (48.6 g of urea-N/d) and decreased (linear, P = 0.005) to 42.4, 24.5, and 19.8 g of urea-N/d for 118, 59, and 0 mg of N/kg of BW daily. Microbial incorporation of recycled urea-N increased linearly (P = 0.02) from 12.3 g of N/d for 0 mg of N/kg of BW daily to 28.9 g of N/d for 177 mg of N/kg of BW daily. Provision of DIP produced the desired and previously observed increase in forage intake while also increasing N retention. The large percentage of urea synthesis that was recycled to the gut (95.9% even when steers received the greatest amount of DIP) points to the remarkable ability of cattle to conserve N when fed a low-protein diet.  相似文献   

Providing supplements that enhance the efficiency of feed utilization can reduce methane (CH4) emissions from ruminants. Protein supplementation is widely used to increase intake and digestion of low-quality forages, yet little is known about its impact on CH4 emissions. British-cross steers (n = 23; initial body weight [BW] = 344 ± 33.9 kg) were used in a three-period crossover design to evaluate the effect of protein supplementation to beef cattle consuming low-quality forage on ruminal CH4, metabolic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, forage intake, and ruminal fermentation. Steers individually had ad libitum access to low-quality bluestem hay (4.6% crude protein [CP]) and were provided supplemental protein based on (dry matter basis): cottonseed meal (CSM; 0.29% of BW daily; 391 g/d CP), dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS; 0.41% of BW daily 563 g/d CP), or none (CON). Urea was added to DDGS to match rumen degradable protein provided by CSM. Ruminal CH4 and metabolic CO2 fluxes were obtained 2.4 ± 0.4 times per steer daily using an automated open-circuit gas quantification system (GreenFeed emission monitoring system; C-Lock Inc., Rapid City, SD). Forage intake increased (P < 0.01) with protein supplementation; however, no difference in forage intake (P = 0.14) was observed between CSM and DDGS treatments. Flux of CO2 (g/d) was greater (P < 0.01) for steers fed CSM and DDGS than for steers fed CON. Steers supplemented with CSM had greater (P < 0.01) CH4 emissions (211 g/d) than DDGS (197 g/d) both of which were greater (P < 0.01) than CON (175 g/d). Methane emissions as a proportion of gross energy intake (GEI) were lowest (P < 0.01) for DDGS (7.66%), intermediate for CSM (8.46%) steers, and greatest for CON (10.53%). Steers fed DDGS also had the lowest (P < 0.01) ruminal acetate:propionate ratio (3.60), whereas CSM (4.89) was intermediate, and CON (5.64) steers were greatest. This study suggests that the common practice of supplementing protein to cattle consuming low-quality forage decreases greenhouse gas emissions per unit of GEI.  相似文献   

Four multicannulated Holstein steers (initial BW 424 +/- 16 kg) were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square to determine the influence of protein supplementation on forage intake, site and extent of digestion, and nutrient flow in steers consuming dormant bluestem-range forage (2.3% CP). Treatments were 1) control, no supplement; 2) 1.8 kg of low-protein supplement, 12.8% CP (Low-CP); 3) 1.8 kg of moderate-protein supplement, 27.1% CP (Mod-CP); and 4) 2.7 kg of dehydrated alfalfa pellets, 17.5% CP (Dehy). The Dehy supplement was fed to provide the same amount of CP/d as Mod-CP, and all supplements provided similar amounts of ME/d. Forage DMI was increased (P less than .05) by feeding Mod-CP and Dehy. Ruminal OM digestibility was 39% greater (P less than .05) for the Mod-CP and Dehy supplementations than for the Low-CP supplementation and control. Ruminal CP digestibility was negative for all treatments, and control (-326%) was less (P less than .05) than supplemented treatments (average -27%). Total tract OM digestibility was greatest (P less than .10) for steers fed Mod-CP and least for control steers; Low-CP and Dehy steers were intermediate. Total tract NDF digestibility tended (P = .15) to be less with Low-CP than with Mod-CP and Dehy. Duodenal N flow was greater (P less than .05) with Mod-CP and Dehy than with Low-CP and control. In summary, supplementation with Mod-CP increased forage intake, digestion, and duodenal N flow compared with Low-CP or control; however, the response was similar when Mod-CP and Dehy supplements were fed to provide equivalent amounts of CP and ME daily.  相似文献   

Minimal quantities of ruminally degradable protein from supplements may improve supplement use efficiency of ruminants grazing dormant forages. In Exp. 1, N retention, ruminal NH(3), serum urea N, and NDF digestibility were evaluated for 12 ruminally cannulated cows (Bos spp.) in an incomplete Latin Square design with 3 periods of 42 d each. Cows were fed weeping lovegrass [Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees] hay (4.1% CP, 75% NDF, OM basis) at 1.3 % BW/d and offered 1 of 3 sources of CP [urea, cottonseed (Gossypium spp.) meal (CSM); or 50% blood meal and 50% feather meal combination (BFM)] fed to supply 0, 40, 80, or 160 g/d of CP. Beginning on d 22 of supplementation, ruminal contents and serum samples were collected at -2, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, and 48 h relative to the morning offering of hay. On Day 24, feces and urine were collected for 72 h. In Exp. 2, 4 ruminally cannulated steers were used in a replicated 4 by 4 Latin Square to evaluate use of supplements differing in quantity and ruminal CP degradability. Steers were fed 6.8 kg/d chopped sudangrass [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench nothosubsp. drummondii (Steud.) de Wet ex Davidse] hay (3.7% CP, 74% NDF on OM basis) and supplemented with 56 g/d of a salt mineral mix (CON); CON + 28 g/d blood meal + 28 g/d feather meal (BFM); CON + 98 g/d CSM (LCS); or CON + 392 g/d CSM (HCS). Treatments provided 0, 40, 40, or 160 g/d of CP for CON, BFM, LCS, and HCS respectively. In Exp. 1, N use and total tract NDF digestibility were not affected by protein sources or amounts (P ≥ 0.18). Ruminal NH(3) concentrations exhibited a quadratic response over time for UREA (P < 0.05) and was greater with increasing inclusion of urea (P < 0.05); whereas BFM or CSM did not differ (P > 0.05) by amount or across time. In Exp. 2, supplementation had a tendency (P = 0.09) to increase DM disappearance. Supplementation also increased (P < 0.01) serum glucose concentrations; however, no difference (P ≥ 0.28) was found between supplements. Serum urea N and ruminal NH(3) concentrations were increased (P ≤ 0.01) in steers fed HCS. Feeding low quantities of a high-RUP supplement maintained rumen function without negatively affecting DM or NDF digestibility of a low-quality forage diet.  相似文献   

Five steers (491 +/- 21 kg BW) were used in an incomplete 5 x 4 Latin square with four 24-d periods to determine the influence of supplemental non-protein N (NPN) source and supplementation frequency (SF) on nutrient intake and site of digestion in steers consuming low-quality grass straw (4% CP). Treatments (TRT) included an unsupplemented control and a urea- or biuret-containing supplement placed directly into the rumen daily (D) or every other day (2D) at 0700. The NPN treatments were formulated to provide 90% of the estimated degradable intake protein requirement. Daily TRT were supplemented CP at 0.04% of BW/d, whereas the 2D TRT were supplemented at 0.08% of BW every other day. Therefore, all supplemented TRT received the same quantity of supplemental CP over a 2-d period. Forage OM intake was not affected (P > 0.05) by NPN supplementation, NPN source, or SF; however, total OM and N intake were increased (P < 0.01) with CP supplementation. Duodenal flow of N was greater (P = 0.04) with CP supplementation compared with the control. In addition, duodenal bacterial N flow was increased with CP supplementation (P = 0.04) and for biuret compared with urea (P < 0.01). Bacterial efficiency (g bacterial N/kg OM truly digested in the rumen) was greater (P = 0.05) for biuret than for urea. Apparent total-tract N digestibility was increased with NPN supplementation (P < 0.01) but not affected by NPN source or SF. These results suggest that urea or biuret can be used effectively as a supplemental N source by steers consuming low-quality forage.  相似文献   

Six steers (288.6 +/- 2.1 kg of BW) fitted with rumen and duodenal cannulas were used in a crossover design to evaluate intake, rumen fermentation, and site of nutrient digestion of freshly clipped, endophyte-infected (E+) Kentucky 31 tall fescue with or without soybean hull (SH) supplementation at 0.60% of BW (OM basis). Steers were placed in metabolism units within an environmentally controlled room and provided with free-choice access to fresh forage, water, and a vitamin/mineral supplement. The spring growth of E+ tall fescue was harvested daily during the experiment. Supplement was fed at 0700 with approximately 65% of the estimated daily forage. To maintain a fresh forage supply, additional forage was stored in a cooler and fed at 1900. Periods were 21 d with 14 d of adaptation and 7 d of digesta sample collection. Chromic oxide was used as a marker of duodenal digesta flow. Duodenal samples were taken 4 times daily with times shifting by 1 h each day to represent all 24 h of a day. Treatments were considered significant at P < 0.05. Supplementation of SH decreased forage OM intake from 1.64 to 1.41% of BW but increased total OM intake from 1.64 to 2.01% of BW. Apparent percentages (53.1%) and quantities (2,786 g/d) of rumen OM disappearance were not affected by supplementation. Percentages of total tract OM disappearance were not different (70.8%). Percentages of apparent rumen NDF disappearance also were not different (65.6%). Percentages of N disappearance were not different. Supplementation of SH resulted in increased total N (34.1 g/d) and microbial N (17.1 g/d) flowing to the duodenum. Rumen pH (6.5) was not affected, and rumen ammonia concentrations exhibited a time x treatment interaction in which SH decreased ammonia for 12 h after supplementation. Total VFA concentrations (103.9 mM) were unaffected. Liquid dilution rate (12.7%/h) and rumen OM fill (4.3 kg) were not different between treatments. Supplementation of SH at a rate of 0.60% of BW (OM basis) to calves consuming fresh E+ tall fescue decreased forage consumption but resulted in greater total intake, greater flow of N to the duodenum, and increased total tract OM disappearance.  相似文献   

Two metabolism (4 x 4 Latin square design) experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of corn condensed distillers solubles (CCDS) supplementation on intake, ruminal fermentation, site of digestion, and the in situ disappearance rate of forage in beef steers fed low-quality switchgrass hay (Panicum virgatum L.). Experimental periods for both trials consisted of a 9-d diet adaptation and 5 d of collection. In Exp. 1, 4 ruminally and duodenally cannulated steers (561 +/- 53 kg of initial BW) were fed low-quality switchgrass hay (5.1% CP, 40.3% ADF, 7.5% ash; DM basis) and supplemented with CCDS (15.4% CP, 4.2% fat; DM basis). Treatments included 1) no CCDS; 2) 5% CCDS; 3) 10% CCDS; and 4) 15% CCDS (DM basis), which was offered separately from the hay. In Exp. 2, 4 ruminally and duodenally cannulated steers (266.7 +/- 9.5 kg of initial BW) were assigned to treatments similar to Exp. 1, except forage (Panicum virgatum L.; 3.3% CP, 42.5% ADF, 5.9% ash; DM basis) and CCDS (21.6% CP, 17.4% fat; DM basis) were fed as a mixed ration, using a forage mixer to blend the CCDS with the hay. In Exp. 1, ruminal, postruminal, and total tract OM digestibilities were not affected (P = 0.21 to 0.59) by treatment. Crude protein intake and total tract CP digestibility increased linearly with increasing CCDS (P = 0.001 and 0.009, respectively). Microbial CP synthesis tended (P = 0.11) to increase linearly with increasing CCDS, whereas microbial efficiency was not different (P = 0.38). Supplementation of CCDS to low-quality hay-based diets tended to increase total DM and OM intakes (P = 0.11 and 0.13, respectively) without affecting hay DMI (P = 0.70). In Exp. 2, ruminal OM digestion increased linearly (P = 0.003) with increasing CCDS, whereas postruminal and total tract OM digestibilities were not affected (P > or = 0.37) by treatment. Crude protein intake, total tract CP digestibility, and microbial CP synthesis increased (P < or = 0.06) with increasing level of CCDS supplementation, whereas microbial efficiency did not change (P = 0.43). Ruminal digestion of ADF and NDF increased (P = 0.02 and 0.008, respectively) with CCDS supplementation. Based on this data, CCDS used in Exp. 2 was 86.7% rumen degradable protein. The results indicate that CCDS supplementation improves nutrient availability and use of low-quality forages.  相似文献   

An in situ study (Exp. 1) using 4 ruminally cannulated steers (343 ± 11 kg of BW) in a completely randomized design was used to compare ruminal degradation characteristics of low-quality cool-season (C3; Kentucky bluegrass straw; Poa pratensis; 6.3% CP; DM basis) and warm-season (C4; tallgrass prairie; 5.7% CP; DM basis) forage. Four ruminally cannulated steers (252 ± 8 kg of BW; Exp. 2) and 4 wethers (38 ± 1 kg of BW; Exp. 3) were used in two 2 × 2 factorial arrangements of treatments to determine the influence of supplemental CP (CPSupp; soybean meal; 0.09 and 0.19% of BW, CP basis, for steers and lambs, respectively) on nutrient intake and digestion of C3 and C4 forages. Steers and wethers were allotted to separate 4 × 4 Latin squares that ran simultaneously with 20-d periods. In Exp. 1, C3 had a greater A fraction (fraction of total pool disappearing at a rate too rapid to measure) and effective degradability of DM and NDF compared with C4 (P < 0.01). In addition, C3 had a greater (P < 0.01) A fraction and effective degradability of N, whereas the C fraction (fraction of total pool unavailable in the rumen) was less (P < 0.01) than those for C4. Consequently, RDP accounted for 84.7% of total CP in C3 as compared with 66% for C4 (P < 0.01). In Exp. 2, a CPSupp × forage interaction (P < 0.01) was noted for forage and total DMI, with CPSupp increasing intake of C4 by 47% and intake of C3 forage by only 7%. Dry matter digestibility responded similarly, with a CPSupp × forage interaction (P = 0.05; CPSupp increased digestibility by 21% with C4 and by 9% with C3 forage). In addition, CPSupp × forage interactions were noted for ruminal liquid retention time (P = 0.02; CPSupp decreased retention by 3.6 h with C4 and by only 0.6 h with C3 forage) and particulate passage rate (P = 0.02; CPSupp increased passage by 46% with C4 and by 10% with C3 forage). As in Exp. 2, a CPSupp × forage interaction (P = 0.01; CPSupp increased digestibility by 18% with C4 and by 7% with C3 forage) was observed with DM digestibility in Exp. 3. In contrast, only N balance (P < 0.01) and N digestibility (P < 0.01) were affected by CPSupp. These data suggest that intake and digestion of low-quality C3 and C4 forages by ruminants are not similar and, more important, that the physiological response of ruminants to protein supplementation of low-quality forage is dependent on forage type.  相似文献   

Four rumen fistulated wether and beef steers were used to evaluate differences in dry matter digestibility (DMD) between cattle and sheep. They were fed either perennial ryegrass or switchgrass hay at an ad libitum or restricted level for four experimental periods. Significant ruminant species X forage and ruminant species X level of intake (P less than .05) interactions were observed for digestible dry matter. The steers digested the switchgrass 7 percentage units greater than the wethers while ryegrass was digested equally. Digestibility differences between the steers and wethers were 6 percentage units at the ad libitum level of intake and 1 unit at the restricted level of intake. Crude protein digestibility tended to be greater (P less than .10) for sheep with a 7 unit difference for switchgrass and a 3 unit difference for ryegrass. The mean ruminal solids retention time of the digesta was approximately (P less than .01) 50% greater (26.0 vs 17.4 h) in cattle, with no difference in ruminal liquid dilution rate (LD) between animal species. Total ruminal volatile fatty acid concentration differed (P less than .01) with level of intake; however, no influence due to intake on the molar proportion of acetate (P greater than .10) or propionate (P greater than .10) was evident in spite of a difference (P less than .01) in LD. Rumen pH (P less than .05) and osmolality (P less than .01) were affected by both level of intake and forage, with the ryegrass and high level of intake decreasing pH and increasing osmolality.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Fifty-four crossbred steers (275 kg) were assigned randomly to one of three isoenergetic but not isonitrogenous ruminal escape protein (EP) supplements: high ruminal escape protein (HEP), low ruminal escape protein (LEP), or corn. The supplements contained corn, distillers' dried grains with solubles (DDGS), and fish meal. Supplements were fed at approximately 1.5 kg/d; the HEP and LEP supplements provided .25 and .12 kg more EP per day than corn, respectively. These supplements also supplied .20 and .10 kg more CP per day than corn. Fish meal and DDGS provided 66.7 and 33.3% of the supplemental EP, respectively. One-half of the steers in each supplement treatment were implanted once with 36 mg of zeranol. Steers grazed wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) pastures for 73 d (March 1 to May 12). Daily gains (kg/d) increased linearly (P less than .07) as EP increased (HEP, 1.61; LEP, 1.54; corn, 1.47); responses were apparent only during the later periods as forage quality declined. Zeranol implants increased (P less than .02) ADG (kg/d) by 9.7% (1.58 vs 1.44). After grazing, all cattle were fed a finishing ration for 76 d. Pre-feedlot EP level produced a negative linear (P less than .04) response on feedlot ADG (kg/d) (HEP, 1.44; LEP, 1.50; corn, 1.59). Zeranol implantation during the grazing phase did not affect (P greater than .2) performance during the feedlot phase or carcass characteristics other than increased ribeye area (P less than .08). Compensatory feedlot performance negated all weight gain advantages elicited by EP supplementation during the grazing period.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two trials were conducted to evaluate the influence of forage level on the response of feedlot cattle to salinomycin. Diets containing 10, 15 and 20% forage were compared with 0 or 11 mg/kg salinomycin. In trial 1, treatment effects on feedlot performance were evaluated using 108 crossbred steers (295 kg) in a crossover design experiment. There were no salinomycin X forage level interactions (P greater than .20). Weight gain response to salinomycin supplementation averaged 5.4, 5.3 and 6.9%, respectively, for diets containing 10, 15 and 20% forage. Corresponding values for feed conversion response to salinomycin supplementation were 5.1, 3.9 and 5.9%. Averaged across forage level, salinomycin supplementation improved rate of weight gain and feed conversion by 5.9 and 5.2%, respectively (P less than .01). In trial 2, treatment effects on characteristics of ruminal and total tract digestion were evaluated in a 6 X 6 Latin-square design trial involving six crossbred steers (191 kg) with cannulae in the rumen and proximal duodenum. There were no interactions between salinomycin supplementation and forage level on characteristics of ruminal digestion (P greater than .20). Salinomycin supplementation did not influence synthesis of microbial N, ruminal digestion of organic matter, acid detergent fiber and starch, or molar proportions of acetate, propionate and butyrate (P greater than .20). Salinomycin supplementation increased passage of non-ammonia N to the small intestine (5.4%, P less than .10) and increased ruminal escape of feed N (24%, P less than .01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

包被硒对西门塔尔牛瘤胃发酵和尿嘌呤衍生物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用4头装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的西门塔尔阉牛,采用4×4拉丁方设计,研究日粮中添加包被硒(0、0.3、0.6、0.9mg/kg)对瘤胃发酵和尿嘌呤衍生物的影响。结果表明:添加包被硒瘤胃中pH值、VFA、乙酸/丙酸比值均无显著差异(P>0.05);瘤胃氨态氮浓度显著降低(P<0.05);玉米秸秆DM、OM、ADF和NDF有效降解率提高;0.6mg/kg和0.9mg/kg组豆粕DM、OM和CP有效降解率显著高于对照组(P<0.05);0.6mg/kg组和0.9mg/kg组尿囊素、PD显著高于对照组和0.3mg/kg组(P<0.05)。兼顾基础日粮含硒量以及考虑硒的安全剂量,建议以包被硒为硒源时日粮硒添加水平为0.60mg/kg(以干物质计)。  相似文献   

We evaluated the influence of amount and crude protein (CP) supplementation frequency (SF) on nitrogen (N) use by wethers and the performance of late-gestation beef cows. In exp. 1, seven Western whiteface wethers (31.8 ± 1.4 kg) were used in an incomplete 7 × 4 Latin square to evaluate intake and N use. Wethers received one of the seven treatments in a 2 × 3 factorial design containing two levels of supplemental soybean meal offered at a rate of 100% (F) or 50% (H; 50% of F) of the estimated CP requirement daily, once every 5, or once every 10 d, plus a non-supplemented control (CON). Low-quality cool-season forage (4.9 % CP; dry matter [DM] basis) was provided daily for ad libitum intake. Experimental periods lasted 30 d. In exp. 2, 84 Angus × Hereford cows (560 ± 35 kg) were stratified by age, body condition score (BCS), and expected calving date and allocated to 1 of the 21 feedlot pens (three pens per treatment). Pens were randomly assigned to receive the same treatments as in exp. 1 and cows had free access to low-quality cool-season forage (2.9% CP; DM basis). Cow body weight (BW) and BCS were measured every 14 d until calving and within 24 h after calving. In exp. 1, supplementation did not alter total DM and organic matter (OM) intake (P ≥ 0.26), but both parameters linearly decreased as SF decreased (P = 0.02). Supplementation increased DM, OM, and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibility (P ≤ 0.02). Additionally, F feeding linearly increased DM, OM, and NDF digestibility as SF decreased (P ≤ 0.04). Digestibility of N, N balance, and digested N retained were greater with supplementation (P < 0.01), and N digestibility linearly increased as SF decreased (P = 0.01). Mean plasma urea-N concentration was not only greater (P < 0.01) for supplemented vs. CON wethers but also greater (P = 0.03) for F vs. H. In exp. 2, pre-calving BCS change was greater (P = 0.03) for supplemented cows. A linear effect of SF × supplementation rate for pre-calving BCS change was noted (P = 0.05), as F-supplemented cows lost more BCS compared with H as SF decreased. When considering supplementation intervals greater than 5 d, reducing the quantity of supplement provided, compared with daily supplementation, may be a feasible management strategy to maintain acceptable nutrient use and animal performance while reducing supplement and labor costs.  相似文献   

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