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详述微量元素锌在动物体内的吸收、排泄和机体对其吸收利用的多种影响因素,综合比较不同锌源生物学效价的多种评定方法及锌生物学效价的研究现状,同时概述了锌对动物免疫器官和免疫功能的影响。  相似文献   

The American Society of Animal Science has recently focused its attention on a variety of contentious issues in animal agriculture. This paper deals with critique, a philosophical approach to analyzing and understanding issues. This method has been employed by various contemporary philosophers. For example, feminist theorists have used this approach to critically analyze sexual harassment. Critique involves a critical analysis of the discourse (ideas or language) and practices that define the social reality in which we live. How we think about the world and how we behave in it determines how we humans interact with each other as well as with the rest of nature. This social structure is associated with power structures that benefit some individuals and harm others. In this paper, I demonstrate how critique can be used to better understand the social reality of animal agriculture. By analyzing certain popular texts in this field, I show that a "mechanical view of nature" is dominant in animal agriculture and argue that such a view contributes to a social reality that can be harmful to some humans and other animals. I conclude that various contentious issues can be better addressed when we engage in a critical analysis of this conceptual framework and base our analysis on the experiences of many different people, including those who have been harmed by our current system of animal agriculture.  相似文献   

People who work in the animal industries are faced with questions and criticisms about a variety of contentious issues, including animal management practices, ethics, diversity in animal agriculture, and animal welfare. Formulating responses to these questions requires a critical evaluation of our own work and open discussion of these controversial issues. Effective debate on these issues can be accomplished only with input from philosophers and social scientists skilled in such discussions, in addition to animal scientists. Therefore, animal scientists must engage in discussions of controversial issues among themselves and with entities outside agriculture. Furthermore, we must accept responsibility for the application of research results and any potential negative consequences. Because society is increasingly concerned with issues of animal welfare and the effects of new technologies, we should increase communications and transparency with the public. Increased diversity of race and gender will increase the ability of animal agriculture to connect with our stakeholders and to communicate the relevance of our work to society. Animal scientists need a professional ethic that espouses a higher level of understanding and commitment to philosophical discussions of contentious issues.  相似文献   

螺旋藻在动物畜牧业中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
螺旋藻历史悠久,富含各种营养物质和生物活性物质,是单细胞蛋白(SCP)的一个重要来源,其中丰富的氨基酸、维生素和矿物质,增加了其作为SCP的价值。因此,对螺旋藻的开发利用具有非常美好的前景。螺旋藻开辟了饲料新资源,随着其生产规模的不断扩大、培养技术的不断改进,有望成为新的经济增长点,为我们带来显著的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

硫的营养作用及在养殖业的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1硫在体内的分布大多数动物的含硫量按活体质量计算是0.16%~0.28%,且随年龄而增加,这大概是由于肌肉蛋白质的合成加强,以及硫在毛发和羽毛中的积累。硫元素分布在动物体内的各个细胞中,主要以有机硫的形式存在于蛋氨酸、胱氨酸和半胱氨酸中。此外,还存在于生物素、硫氨素以及黏  相似文献   

动物微生态制剂是指运用微生态原理研制的含有大量有益微生物的活菌制剂。其具有在动物体内无残留、无污染、无毒无副作用,可以提高宿主健康水平和免疫力的特性,因此又称“促生素”和“益生素”。在新的时期有望成为抗生素最有潜力的替代品。  相似文献   

一畜牧业发展总体状况 1 畜禽饲养量与产品产量明显增加 我国主要畜禽饲养总规模多年位居世界第一,畜产品产量持续上升,目前人均肉蛋奶消费量已经达到中等发达国家水平,肉类产品结构趋于合理,畜产品进出口贸易量显著增加,见表1、表2、表3、表4、图1、图2。  相似文献   

国内外益生菌生产应用现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自192 9年英国的Fleming发现抗生素以来,人类的生产、生活有了极大的改观。但从本世纪5 0年代起,随着抗生素作为饲料添加剂被广泛应用,其种种弊端也逐渐被人们所认识。比如导致动物胃肠道正常菌群失调、产生耐药性、药物残留和降低畜产品品质等。绿色添加剂益生菌(probiotics)的研究开发随之引起各国的重视。益生菌又称活菌剂、生菌剂、益生素,为“一种可通过改变肠道菌群而对动物施加有利影响的活的微生物饲料添加剂(Fuller ,1989)”。该制剂避免了抗生素长期使用的毒副作用及耐药性或抗药性问题,可防治微生态平衡失调。同时它促进畜禽生…  相似文献   

M. Marie   《Livestock Science》2006,103(3):203-207
This paper introduces this volume dedicated to ethics in animal agriculture, in which moral responsibility of the actors of the animal production chain and relations between science, production and the society are analysed. Ethical concepts and their evolution through the ages, and ethical issues arising across different modes of production are presented. The diversity of viewpoints and interests of the stakeholders (farmers, technicians, scientists, consumers and citizens), relative to their values, cultures, and production conditions, is emphasized. The processes by which norms can be built while taking into account this diversity and societal objectives are illustrated at the levels of the profession, the country, Europe or the world. Ethics in animal production is a condition of the acceptability of the products, but also of the animal production sector as a whole.  相似文献   

抗菌肽及其在畜牧业中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
抗菌肽是动物防御体系的一个重要组成部分 ,是阳离子型活性肽。目前发现抗菌肽或类似抗菌肽的小分子肽类广泛存在于昆虫、两栖类、水产动物、哺乳动物及植物中 ,这种内源性抗菌肽经诱导而合成 ,在机体抵抗病原的入侵方面起着重要的作用。具有相对分子质量小 ,热稳定性好 ,无免疫原性 ,抗菌谱广等特点。  相似文献   

目前,世界经济正进入绿色的低碳经济时代,以高效益、低排放为核心的低碳革命浪潮正扑面而来,它不仅是本世纪人类最大规模的环境革命,也是经济发展能力的深刻变革.低碳经济的挑战.本质上是对核心竞争力和战略资源权利的挑战,预示着新一轮全球经济的大转型的来临.  相似文献   

Animal welfare, animal rights and agriculture   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The past decade has witnessed a major revolution in social concern with animals. Philosophically, this revolution entails a significant revision in traditional ways of conceiving our moral obligations to other creatures. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the social and conceptual basis for what is widely termed "animal rights." The agricultural community has mistakenly tended to dismiss this new thinking as fringe and emotionally based. In actuality, it is a natural extension of earlier social thought. The case of new laws regulating biomedical research illustrates the rapidity of social change in this area, as do recent developments in European regulation of agriculture. The relevance of this new moral thought to what has hitherto been understood purely in economic terms must be assimilated by the American agricultural community before the agricultural community can respond appropriately and non-reactively.  相似文献   

黄霉素及其提高动物生产性能作用   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
1 概述 黄霉素(Flavomycin),又称Bambermycins(斑伯霉素BM)、Flavophospolipol(黄磷脂醇素FV)和Moeno-mycin A(默诺霉素A),是由Lindnetr等人于1955年从灰绿链霉素菌S.bambergiensis(斑伯氏链丝菌)的发酵产物中分离的磷酸多糖类抗生素。黄霉素最先由德国赫斯特公司(Hoechst AG)注册的专用于动物  相似文献   

饲料添加剂糖萜素研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
1 概述随着人们对动物营养生理和各类生长因子作用机理研究的进一步深入 ,一些有代表性的抗生素替代品诸如益生素、寡糖、酶制剂、中草药、糖萜素等不断被开发出来 ,它们都不同程度地克服了抗生素的缺陷 ,特别是糖萜素 ,作为获得国家绿色发展中心认证的全国唯一AA级纯天然绿色饲料添加剂 ,更有广阔的发展前景。早在西汉时代 ,中国就有中草药添加于饲料中 ,以促进动物生长、增重和防治疾病的文字记载 ,近年来中草药饲料添加剂研究非常活跃。然而由于中草药添加剂因成分复杂、效果不稳定等原因 ,迄今尚未有一种真正有效的天然产品 ,其抗病促…  相似文献   

蚯蚓可消除畜禽废弃物公害,可为养殖业提供优质蛋白质原料和治疗多种畜禽疾病,有利于建立农业良性结构,实现农牧结合。因此,以蚯蚓为链条的生态循环农业是促进现代农牧业发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

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