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Summary During the nine years from October 1972 to September 1981 African horse sickness (AHS) virus was isolated from 23 suspected cases of the disease in Zimbabwe and complement fixation antibody titres indicative of recent infection were detected in a further 49 horses. The 23 isolations belonged to seven of the nine known serotypes of AHS virus. In response to a questionnaire in 1980 the owners of 20% (1,654/8,000) of the horses in Zimbabwe indicated that they had recorded 207 cases of clinically diagnosed AHS with 107 deaths from 1975 to 1980. Fifty-six cases with 50 deaths had occurred in foals and many of the other cases occurred in horses which had been vaccinated. It was concluded that the immunity induced by vaccine and maternal immunity warranted further investigation.
Peste Equina Africana En Zimbabwe: 1972–1981
Resumen Se aisló virus de peste equina africana de 23 casos sospechosos de la enfermedad en Zimbabwe, detectándose infecciones recientes mediante fijación de complemento, en 49 caballos más. Los 23 aislamientos pertenecían a siete de los nueve serotipos conocidos de la enfermedad. Veinte por ciento de propietarios de equinos que respondieron a una encuesta formulada en 1980 (1654/8000), indicaron que habían reconocido 207 casos de la enfermedad, diagnosticados clínicamente, entre 1975 y 1980. Cincuenta y seis casos con 50 muertes ocurrieron en potros y los demás en caballos que habían sido vacunados. Se concluye, que se necesitan más investigaciones en cuanto a la inmunidad materna y aquella inducida por la vacuna ahora en al mercado.

La Peste Equine Au Zimbabwe: 1972 À 1981
Résumé Durant les neuf ans allant d'octobre 1972 à septembre 1981, le virus de la peste équine a été isolé à partir de 23 cas de maladie suspectée au Zimbabwé, et par la fixation du complément, des titres indicateurs d'une infection récente ont été détectés chez 49 autres chevaux. Les souches isolées appartenant à sept des neuf sérotypes connus du virus. En réponse à un questionnaire de 1980, les propriètaires de 20% (1654/8000) des chevaux du Zimbabwé ont indiqué qu'ils ont recontré 207 cas de peste équine diagnostiquée cliniquement, avec 107 mortalités entre 1975 et 1980. Cinquante-cinq cas, dont 50 mortaliltés, se sont produits chez des poulains, et beaucoup des autres cas ont été observés chez des chevaux qui avaient été vaccinés. Il est conclu que l'immunité engendrée par le vaccin, ainsi que l'immunité maternelle, nécessite d'autres recherches.

The records of confirmed anthrax diagnoses held by the bacteriology department of the Central Veterinary Laboratory, Weybridge, for the years 1963 to 1972 inclusive, were analysed. During this decade, 86 per cent of the 2944 deaths recorded were in cattle and 11 per cent in pigs, correlating significantly with the cattle and pig populations in England and Wales during this period. Also, the country could be separated into high and low prevalence counties for cattle anthrax. Norfolk and Somerset had higher than usual cattle deaths per farm ratios and the reasons for this are explored.  相似文献   

Virus infections of horses at Newmarket, 1972 and 1973   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Mycotoxins in animal feedstuffs in Ontario: 1972 to 1977.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Records of the Toxicology Laboratory, Veterinary Services Branch, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, indicate that 277 of 2,022 specimens of feedstuffs submitted between October 1, 1972 and September 30, 1978 contained one or more mycotoxins. The data indicate that zearalenone is an important mycotoxin in the provincial corn crops and that its incidence fluctuates from year to year. The percentages of specimens containing zearalenone were 16.3 (1972), 4.1 (1973), 5.5 (1974), 22.4 (1975), 9.5 (1976) and 13.0 (1977). Aflatoxins, ochratoxins and T-2 toxin were found in some specimens but their incidence was low.  相似文献   

Medical records of 82 horses with clinical signs of neurologic disease and histologic lesions suggestive of protozoal encephalomyelitis were reviewed. The presence of a protozoan parasite in the CNS was not influenced by prior treatment of the horse with corticosteroids. Prior treatment of horses with trimethoprim-sulfonamide alone or in combination with pyrimethamine resulted in a decreased number of horses in which a protozoan parasite was detected in the CNS at necropsy. The mean age of affected horses was 3.62 +/- 2.78 years, with male and Standardbred horses being overrepresented, compared with that of the hospital population of horses that were studied at the same time.  相似文献   

Medical records of 13 dogs with spinal meningiomas were reviewed. Breed predilections were not found. Males outnumbered females 9 to 4, and most of the dogs were middle-aged. All dogs had motor deficits of various degrees, and approximately half of the dogs had clinical signs of mild to moderate spinal pain. The remainder had histories of clinical signs suggestive of chronic discomfort. There was a prolonged (greater than 3 months) delay between the onset of signs and diagnosis, except in 3 dogs. The neurologic courses usually were progressive. Results of noncontrast spinal radiography were normal in 10 dogs; in 3 dogs, the lamina appeared scalloped. Results of myelography contributed to the correct diagnosis in 10 of 12 dogs; however, in 2 dogs, intradural/extramedullary tumors were thought to be intramedullary lesions. A preponderance of cervical meningiomas was found, accounting for 10 of 13 tumors. Lumbar meningiomas were found in the remaining 3 dogs. Surgery was performed in 9 of the dogs, six of which improved after surgery. Poor results were correlated with tumors that involved spinal cord segments of an intumescence, ventrally located tumors, iatrogenic trauma, and tumor invasion into adjacent neural parenchyma. Four of 13 spinal meningiomas were found to be invasive into the spinal cord itself.  相似文献   

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