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本文概述了新型生物功能性蛋白源(Biological Functionaliw Protein)的概念、特点及作用机制、在畜牧业生产中的应用及其应用前景。  相似文献   

饲料桑粉对生长育肥猪的营养价值评定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取健康、胎次一致的杜长大三元杂交去势公猪6头,采用全收粪法进行消化试验,测定生长育肥猪对饲料桑粉的各常规营养成分的表观消化率和消化能,确定饲料桑粉对生长育肥猪的营养价值。结果表明,饲料桑粉的总能、总能表观消化率和表观消化能分别为15.70MJ/kg、68.04%和10.66MJ/kg;粗蛋白质含量、表观消化率和可消化粗蛋白质分别为20.04%,76.49%,15.33%;粗脂肪含量、表观消化率和可消化粗脂肪分别为3.55%,29.77%,1.06%;粗纤维含量、表观消化率和可消化粗纤维分别为17.18%,31.52%,5.41%;无氮浸出物含量、表观消化率和可消化无氮浸出物分别为36.64%,81.91%,33.08%。结果提示,饲料桑粉是一种营养价值较高的饲料资源。  相似文献   

一品多用,物超所值,内在价值和使用效果均明显好于同比例的进口优质鱼粉,接近或达到进口优质鱼粉与酶制剂、益生素,小肽等添加剂的合理配置效果。  相似文献   

<正>酵母及其衍生物对水产动物生长、免疫、抗病、抗应激和水环境改善等诸方面特有的功能和作用已多次在相关的研究和实践中得到证实。但酵母源饲料在水产动物中的消化率目前还未见报道,而草鱼作为我国传统的"四大家鱼"之一,在我国淡水养殖中占有举足轻重的地位,试验主要研究草鱼对3种酵母源饲料的表观消化率、蛋白质消化率和氨基酸消化率,以期为酵母源饲料在草鱼养殖中及水产动物养殖中的使用提供基础资料。  相似文献   

生物E蛋白6065是一类高蛋白且富含营养微生态、免疫微生态、多种消化酶、菌体寡糖等多种营养物质的生物活性蛋白饲料。为探讨本产品在生猪日粮中的饲养效果,选取杜长大三元杂交仔猪34头,分三组,试验组设一个重复组,分为试验一组和试验二组,各11头,对照组12头。对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组饲喂2%优质发酵生物E蛋白6065替代4%的优质豆粕,正式试验期27天。饲养试验结果表明:在饲料成本没有增加的情况下,试验组获得了较对照组更好的生长性能,日增重为610克、对照组日增重为570克,平均日增重增加了7%;降低料肉比0.35;综合效益每千克增重成本降低了0.773元;并提高了猪只免疫力,取得了很好的经济效益。  相似文献   

最近,山东宝来利来生物工程股份有限公司推出了一种新型生物功能性饲料蛋白源——生物E蛋白,在养殖业和饲料业引起了人们的高度关注。这种生物科技产品研发的原由和目的何在?有哪些技术创新和特定功能?能不能给处于徘徊低迷发展中的养殖业和饲料业带来新的技术性突破?  相似文献   

用国家标准规定的GB系列测定方法 ,测出青霉素菌体蛋白粗蛋白、水分、钙、总磷含量分别为 :41%、11%、1.44%、1.11%。用氨基酸自动分析仪测得的五种主要限制性氨基酸Lys、Met、Cys、Thr、Trp的含量分别为 ,青霉素 1.84、0 .5 6、0 .62、1.78、0 .5 0 ,菜粕1.79、0 .61、0 .79、1.60、1.49。用Sibbald的TME测定法 ,选 18只健康的体重在 1.8~ 2 .0kg的红公鸡 ,各用 6只公鸡分别强饲青霉素菌体蛋白和菜粕 ,并设 6只公鸡作空白对照收集内源排出物 ,测定代谢能水平和全部氨基酸消化率。原料和排泄物全部用氧弹式测热器测定 ,得到青霉素菌体蛋白和菜粕表观代谢能水平分别为9.95、7.66MJ/kg ;真代谢能水平分别为 10 .72、8.43MJ/kg上述 5种氨基酸的表观消化率依次为青霉素 88.4%、90 .7%、61.9%、80 .4%、91.4%,菜粕 79.8%、90 1%、67.6%、79.3 %、89.8%;真消化率依次为青霉素 89.3 %、91.8%、63 .6%、81.6%、91.9,菜 %粕 80 .7%、91.1%、68.9%、80 .5 %、90 .3 %。结果表明 ,青霉素菌体蛋白是一种比较好的蛋白质饲料  相似文献   

复合益微饲料对猪日粮养分消化率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用酵母、乳酸菌、根霉等有益微生物接种于以稻草粉为主的基料上,通过发酵培养扩大得到复合有益微生物活菌饲料,然后添加入猪日粮中,结果表明:可使日粮养分消化率明显提高,分别使干物质提高9.1%(69.0%:59.9%)、粗蛋白质提高1.8%(72.8% 71.0%)、粗脂肪提高5.2%(90.3%:85.1%)、粗纤维提高27.7%(32.8%:5.1%)、能量提高7.5%(70.2%:62.7%)。  相似文献   

前不久,一种新型生物功能性饲料蛋白源——生物E蛋白产品由宝来利来公司开发研制成功。 生物E蛋白作为一种饲料蛋白源,富含微生态制剂、酶制剂、活性肽等多种生物活性成分和必需氨基酸,可为动物提供优质蛋白,并有促进动物生长、维持动物健康和提高饲料转化率的作用。宝来利来公司自1999年起就在国家科技部、国家计委、国家经贸委的资助下对生物E蛋白展开了深入研究,并于2001年5月推出第一代试制品。在随后的两年内,宝来利来公司在中国28个省(市)进行了近上  相似文献   

Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) is the causative agent of classical swine fever (CSF), which causes significant economic losses to the pig industry worldwide. The E2 glycoprotein of CSFV is the main target for neutralizing antibodies. This study was aimed to develop a recombinant human adenovirus type 5 expressing the CSFV E2 gene (rAdV-E2) and evaluate its efficacy in rabbits and pigs. The results showed that the rabbits and the pigs immunized with the rAdV-E2 developed high-level CSFV-specific neutralizing antibodies. The rAdV-E2-immunized rabbits were protected from fever induced by infection with C-strain, which is pathogenic to the rabbit, and the rAdV-E2-immunized pigs were protected from lethal challenge with highly virulent Shimen strain. This indicates that the recombinant adenovirus can be an attractive candidate vaccine for preventing CSF.  相似文献   

Nutritional value of quality protein maize for starter and finisher swine.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Growth trials with starter (n = 120, 6.8 kg initially, 28 d of age, Exp. 1) and finisher (n = 70, 59 kg initially, Exp. 2) pigs were conducted to compare quality protein maize (QPM, .40% lysine) and normal corn (.31% lysine) in simple corn-based diets containing the same levels of soybean meal. In Exp. 1, pig performance was similar (P greater than .10) on all diets, regardless of the level of soybean meal, suggesting that QPM and normal corn have similar feeding value in lysine-adequate (.99 to 1.11%) diets. In Exp. 2, less soybean meal was needed in QPM than in normal corn diets to maximize performance; increasing soybean meal from 10.8 to 13.8% improved rate (P less than .05) and efficiency (P less than .01) of gain of pigs fed normal corn diets but had no effect on performance of pigs fed QPM diets. A QPM-based diet containing 6% soybean meal and supplemental lysine and tryptophan failed to maximize feed efficiency, but growth rate was equal to that obtained on the normal corn diet with 13.8% soybean meal. The apparent fecal digestibility of GE and ileal digestibility of N were similar for QPM and normal corn, but apparent ileal digestibility of most essential amino acids was slightly higher for QPM (Exp. 3). Experiment 4 compared apparent digestibilities of QPM, conventional opaque-2 corn and two high-protein corns. Digestibilities differed (P less than .05) among the corns, but the absolute differences were small and were likely due to differences in amino acid content of the corns.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

One hundred thirty-nine pigs, with an average initial weight of 15.9 kg, were used in three trials to evaluate plasma alkaline phosphatase (AP) as a criterion for estimating available P in feedstuffs for swine. The first two trials were designed to determine the effect of adding graded levels of P (as KH2PO4) to a basal diet on the AP response pattern and degree of linear fit with time. Plasma AP increased (P less than .05) with time and, when regressed on the concentration of total P (.26 to .50%), provided the best linear fit by d 14 (r = -.996). This high degree of fit was maintained through d 21 (r = -.983). The poor correlation observed at 7 d (r = -.828) indicated that the AP pattern was not fully established, whereas departure from the close association by 28 d (r = -.913) may be related to a decline in the magnitude of P deficiency with increasing weight. In a third trial, available P was determined in high moisture corn (HMC, 24.6% moisture) using both AP and bone breaking strength (BKS) as response criteria. A standard curve was established by supplementing the basal diet (.26% P, .65% Ca) with graded levels of KH2PO4. High moisture corn was substituted for dextrose on an equal dry matter basis. Blood samples were acquired on d 14 and 21 for AP analysis and pigs were killed on d 28 for determination of metatarsal BKS. Phosphorus from HMC was determined (slope-ratio technique) to be 41.3% available using BKS as the criterion (KH2PO4, r = .961; HMC, r = .994) and 43.8% when AP at 14 d was used (KH2PO4, r = -.988; HMC, r = -.999). The data indicate that AP is a sensitive index potentially useful in P availability studies.  相似文献   

马铃薯蛋白粉在仔猪上的营养价值评定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择体重为(16±1.66)kg PIC仔猪18头,在测定马铃薯蛋白粉(PPM)养分、氨基酸含量的基础上进行消化代谢试验。以PPM和豆粕(SBM)分别作为唯一蛋白源配制半纯合日粮,采用无氮日粮法测定两者猪回肠末端氨基酸的表观消化率和真消化率。结果表明:PPM含消化能18.84MJ/kg,可消化粗蛋白质74.08%,蛋白质生物学效价76.87%,均显著高于豆粕。同时,PPM中大部分氨基酸,尤其是Glu、Lys、Pro等的含量、表观消化率或真消化率显著或极显著高于豆粕,回肠真可消化Glu、Lys、Pro的含量分别为20.67%、5.58%、8.16%,分别比豆粕高194.92%、110.34%、94.87%。可见,PPM的能量和蛋白质氨基酸营养价值明显优于豆粕。  相似文献   

以可溶性重组E2蛋白作为抗原,建立了猪瘟病毒(CSFV)血清抗体间接ELISA诊断方法(rE2-ELISA).将猪瘟疫苗毒株E2基因主要抗原区(A-D)基因克隆到表达栽体pGEX-6p-1上,转化E.coli,降低诱导温度至20℃,获得48 000大小E2融合蛋白,部分目的蛋白以可溶性形式表达.Western blotting试验证实,E2融合蛋白可以和CSFV阳性血清发生特异性结合.亲和层析纯化后的E2融合蛋白作为抗原,建立了检测CSFV血清抗体的间接rE2-ELISA方法.该方法的特异性试验结果表明,与PRRSV、PCV2、PPV和PRV阳性血清之间不存在交叉反应;用rE2-ELISA和国外同类试剂盒(CSF-Ab-Kit)检测142份田问血清样品,2种试剂盒的阳性检测率分别为83.81%和88.73%.因此,rE2-ELISA猪瘟抗体检测试剂盒具有良好的敏感性和特异性,适合应用在大规模的CSFV血清抗体的检测工作中.  相似文献   

Reference is made to work undertaken by Stehle (1983) on rapid semiquantitative determination of urinary protein in pigs for slaughter to identify premortal strain and stress, with additional studies being conducted into the suitability of the method. The investigations performed for this study covered urinary protein samples from 59 living and 762 slaughtered pigs. The Biophan E paper strip test was applied to groups of animals, and, when compared to high-accuracy laboratory determination of urinary protein, it provided sufficiently accurate information on the presence of stress-related proteinuria. Its accuracy, however, proved to be insufficient, when individual animals were examined. The number of clearly stressed slaughter pigs was unexpectedly high, although the same animals had been rated clinically inconspicuous prior to slaughter. Brief rest period resulted in significant rise of stress. The Biophan E paper strip test was found to be suitable for instantaneous determination of stress and strain on pigs for slaughter.  相似文献   

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