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Degenerative lumbosacral stenosis in 18 dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eighteen dogs with degenerative lumbosacral stenosis were presented to the University of Queensland Small Animal Clinic (UQSAC) over a three-year period. Presenting clinical signs included lumbosacral pain (89 per cent), hindlimb paresis and proprioceptive deficits (56 per cent), lameness (49 per cent), flaccid tails (22 per cent), and urinary dysfunction (16 per cent). All 18 dogs were treated by decompressive laminectomy. Two dogs were also treated by a pin fixation-fusion technique. The major compressive lesion was a type II disc protrusion (72 per cent). Seventeen dogs (94 per cent) showed improvement postoperatively with minimal complications. Confirmation of diagnosis is difficult in that many aged dogs without clinical signs show radiographic signs compatible with stenosis.  相似文献   

Nomenclature, incidence, etiology, pathogenesis and morphological appearance of primary and secondary osteoarthrosis (osteoarthritis) are discussed. Differences and similarities between osteoarthrosis in man and the dog are mentioned. Primary osteoarthrosis occurs in the dog but secondary osteoarthrosis seems to be more frequent. In the dog hip dysplasia, Legg-Perthes' disease, osteochondritis dissecans of the shoulder and ununited anconeal process are conditions which, among others, give rise to osteoarthrosis. Changes in the knee caused by instability after rupture of the cruciate ligaments are not those of true osteoarthrosis. There is only minimal involvement of the joint cartilage in spite of osteophyte formation, thickening of the synovium and derangement of the menisci. Clinical signs in degenerative joint disease are usually insidious in onset. For a varying period of time they are as a rule not very conspicuous. In more advanced cases the cljnical manifestations are pain, limitation of movement and muscle atrophy. The underlying changes are cartilage destruction, subchondral sclerosis, osteophytes and thickening of the synovium. In very advanced cases in man there is even attrition of bone, which clinically leads to instability and subluxation. In human coxarthrosis cyst formations are frequently seen. Etiology and pathogenesis are obscure, or only partly understood, and in animals diagnosis is sometimes difficult. There is often poor correlation between severity of radiographic changes and clinical signs. Résumé. On examine la nomenclature, l'incidence, l'étiologie, la pathogénie et l'aspect morphologique de l'ostéo-arthrose (ostéo-arthrite) primaire et secondaire. On mentionne les différences et similitudes entre I'ostéo-arthrose rencontrée chez l'homme et chez le chien. L'ostéo-arthrose primaire se rencontre chez le chien, mais les cas d'ostéo-arthrose secondaire sont plus fréquents. Chez le chien, la dysplasie de la hanche, la maladie de Legg-Perthes, l'ostéochondrite disséquante de l'épaule et I'apophyse anconée disloquée sont des états qui, entre autres, engendrent l'ostéo-arthrose. Des transformations du genou, causées par une instabilité après rupture des ligaments croisés, ne sont pas celles de I'ostéo-arthrose proprement dite. Le rôle du cartilage articulaire n'est que minime, malgré l'apparition d'ostéophytes, l'épaississement des membranes synoviales et les troubles des ménisqua. Les signes cliniques des maladies articulaires dégéntratives sont généralement insidieux au départ. Pendant une période de temps variable, ils ne sont d'ordinaire pas très marqués. Pour les cas plus graves, les manifestations cliniques sont la douleur, la restriction des mouvements et l'atrophie musculaire. Les transformations qui sont à base de ces manifestations comprennent: destruction du cartilage, sclérose sous-cartilagineuse, ostéophytes et épaississement des membranes synoviales. Si chez l'homme, l'etat est très grave, on assiste même à l'attrition des os, qui, du point de vue clinique, mène à I'instabilité et la subluxation. En cas de coxarthrose chez l'homme, on observe fréquemment la formation de kystes. On ne connaît pas bien et ne comprend que partiellement l'étiologie et la pathogénie de ces maladies et, chez les animaux, le diagnostic est beaucoup plus difficile à établir. Très souvent on n'obtient pas de bonne corrélation entre I'importance des changements radiographiques et les signes cliniques. Zusammenfassung. Nomenklatur, Häufigkeit, Ätiologie, Pathogenese und morphologisches Aussehen von primärer und sekundärer Osteoarthrosis (Osteoarthritis) werden besprochen. Unterschiede und Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Osteoarthrosis des Menschen und des Hundes werden erwähnt. Primäre Osteoarthrosis tritt beim Hund auf, jedoch scheint die sekundäre Osteoarthrosis häufiger zu sein. Beim Hund sind Hüftendysplasie, Legg-Perthessche Krankheit, Osteochondritis dissecans der Schulter und unvereinigte anconeale Prozesse Zustände, die unter anderem zu Osteoarthrosis führen. Verändemngen am Knie, die durch Instabilität nach Ruptur der Kreuzbänder verursacht werden, sind nicht die echter Osteoarthrosis. Der Gelenkknorpel ist nur minimal betroffen, trotz Osteophytenbildung, Verdickung der Synovia und Meniskusverlagerung. Klinische Zeichen degenerativer Gelenkerkrankungen sind gewöhnlich anfangs mehrdeutig. In der Regel sind sie unterschiedlich lange nicht sehr auffällig. In fortgeschritteneren Fällen sind die klinischen Merkmale Schmerz, Bewegungsbehinderung und Muskelatrophie. Die zugrundeliegenden Veränderungen sind Knorpelzerstörung, subchondrale Sklerose, Osteophyten und eine Verdickung der Synovia. In sehr fortgeschrittenen Fällen beim Menschen tritt selbst Knochenabnutzung auf, die klinisch zu Instabilität und Subluxation führt. Bei Coxarthrosis des Menschen wird häufig Zystenbildung beobachtet. Ätiologie und Pathogenese sind dunkel oder nur teilweise aufgeklärt, und bei Tieren ist die Diagnose viel schwieriger. Oft besteht eine schlechte Korrelation zwischen der Schwere der radiographischen Verändemngen und den klinischen Zeichen.  相似文献   

Lateral spinal decompression was performed in 39 dogs. Twenty-seven (67-5 per cent) showed significant neurological improvement within 72 hours of surgery. All 36 dogs included in the long term follow up walked or were pain free in an average time of two to two-and-a-half weeks.  相似文献   

A review of 20 consecutive cases of intercondylar humeral fracture in dogs referred to Glasgow University Veterinary School (GUVS) was made. The majority of fractures followed apparently minimal trauma to adult animals. All cases were managed by open reduction and internal fixation. Some aspects of the authors preferred surgical technique are discussed. Long term outcome was assessed by owner questionnaire and, or, examination at GUVS. Satisfactory results were seen in 64 per cent of cases with follow up.  相似文献   

Fractures of the lateral fabella were recorded in seven medium or large breed dogs. Six dogs had unilateral fractures and one had bilateral fractures. The fractures appeared to occur spontaneously, without external trauma. Four fractures were managed conservatively and four were treated by surgical removal of the fracture fragments. Both treatments were successful in resolving the lameness.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if endoscopic-assisted foraminotomy significantly increased the area of the L7-S1 intervertebral foramen and if, over 12 weeks, stenosis would occur. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, experimental study. ANIMAL POPULATION: Six clinically normal, 22-29 kg, adult dogs. METHODS: Using endoscopic assistance, unilateral L7-S1 foraminotomy was performed. Computed tomography of L7-S1 was performed preoperatively, immediately postoperatively, and at 12 weeks. Parasagittal foramen area (PFA) measurements were obtained at the entry, middle, and exit zones of the treated and control foramen for each period. Objective and subjective data were compared among dogs by time period and treatment status. RESULTS: Endoscopic-assisted foraminotomy resulted in a significant increase in the mean PFA of the entry and middle zones immediately postoperatively. The exit zone was not significantly larger at any time. The foramen remained significantly larger at 12 weeks only in the middle zone; however, some decrease in the surgically created foramen enlargement occurred at all 3 levels. The procedure was well tolerated but dogs did have transient, mild delay of functional return postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: Endoscopic-assisted foraminotomy in dogs can be performed for certain foraminal regions, allowing enhanced visibility of the spinal canal. The foramen can be surgically enlarged at the entry and middle zones using this technique; however, some reduction of the foraminal enlargement occurs by 12 weeks. The clinical implications of this reduction cannot be determined from this study. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Endoscopic-assisted foraminotomy could be used to improve intraoperative visualization in dogs with foraminal stenosis as a component of degenerative lumbosacral stenosis.  相似文献   

Osteomyelitis in the dog: a review of 67 cases   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The clinicopathologic aspects of bacterial osteomyelitis in 67 dogs were compared. The femur, humerus, metacarpals, metatarsals, and phalanges were the bones most commonly affected. In most dogs, the infection was attributed to repair of fracture by open reduction. Staphylocuccus spp and Streptococcus spp were the organisms most frequently isolated. Most dogs had chronic osteomyelitis at the time of initial examination.  相似文献   

In a retrospective study of 29 dogs with congenital pulmonic stenosis, we evaluated the clinical, radiographic, angiocardiographic, and cardiac catheterization data. Eighteen dogs had no clinical signs of disease and were referred for evaluation of a previously detected cardiac murmur, 5 dogs had congestive right-sided heart failure, and 5 dogs were examined for exercise intolerance or syncope. Dogs with heart failure tended to be older than dogs without clinical signs of heart failure (19.3 months vs 12 months). All dogs had radiographic or electrocardiographic evidence of right ventricular enlargement. Poststenotic dilatation of the main pulmonary artery and apparent pulmonary undercirculation were observed frequently on survey radiographs. Isolated pulmonic valve dysplasia, representing a range of angiographic pulmonic valve abnormalities, was evident in 88% of the available 26 angiographic studies, whereas subvalvular stenosis was uncommon and observed in only 2 dogs. Muscular hypertrophy of the right ventricular infundibulum and supraventricular crest were observed in 96% and 25% of the angiocardiograms, respectively. Poststenotic dilatation of the main pulmonary artery was observed in every dog. A ratio between the width of the main pulmonary artery and the valve annulus was useful in identifying pulmonic stenosis and distinguishing this anomaly from other congenital malformations. The degree of poststenotic dilatation did not appear to be related to the severity of the systolic pressure gradient, which ranged from 20 to 228 mm of Hg (mean, 93 mm of Hg).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Eight cases of canine atrial fibrillation encountered in small animal practice are reported. Details are included of age, sex and breed, history and clinical signs, thoracic radiography, electrocardiography, clinical pathology, treatment and survival periods.  相似文献   

Cardiac hemangiosarcoma in the dog: a review of 38 cases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During the period 1975 to 1984, a histopathologic diagnosis of primary cardiac hemangiosarcoma was made in 38 dogs at Angell Memorial Animal Hospital. The diagnosis was confirmed by exploratory thoracotomy in 16 cases and at necropsy in 22 cases. At the time of exploratory thoracotomy, 7 dogs were euthanatized because of nonresectability of the primary tumor and/or gross metastatic disease. In 9 dogs, the tumor was resected by removing part of the right atrium. Complications included atrial and ventricular arrhythmias, anemia, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and pneumonia. Prolonged and multiple hospitalizations were a common feature of the postoperative period. Adjuvant therapy was not utilized in any case. The mean survival time was 4 months (2 days to 8 months).  相似文献   

The case histories of 123 dogs with pelvic fractures are reviewed. Eighty–seven dogs were treated conservatively and 28 surgically; the management and results of treatment in each group are described and compared.  相似文献   

Pelvic fractures in the dog: a review of 123 cases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Ischaemic heart disease in the dog: a review of 65 cases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sixty-five dogs are reviewed with histopathologically confirmed intramural arteriosclerosis. Clinical data (clinical signs, electrocardiographic findings and ultrasound parameters) on these animals were collected from nine small animal clinics in Sweden: 16 dogs had died suddenly, with few or no previous clinical signs; 13 dogs died or were euthanased during or shortly after general anaesthesia or sedation; 30 dogs developed acute (14) or chronic (16) congestive heart failure; and six dogs died or were euthanased for causes unrelated to cardiac disease. Electrocardiography of 23 of the dogs revealed several types of arrhythmias, with atrial fibrillation and sinus tachycardia being most commonly detected. Ultrasonographic examinations of 24 dogs found a relatively high number (19) with decreased indices of contractility. Dogs that had died suddenly and in relation to general anaesthesia or sedation had a higher incidence (25 of 29) of purely arteriosclerotic changes in the myocardial vessels, whereas just over half the dogs with congestive heart failure (16 of 30) had other concomitant heart lesions (in most cases endocardiosis). The incidence of myocardial infarcts was high (51 of 65 cases). It is postulated that arteriosclerosis in the dog may be an important reason for sudden death and death during general anaesthesia. Coronary arterial disease should also be a consideration in the clinical evaluation of dilated cardiomyopathy and may contribute to the decreased myocardial contractility when it is present in dogs with mitral regurgitation.  相似文献   

The clinical and pathological features of testicular torsion in 13 dogs are reviewed. The affected gonads were intra-abdominal in 11 animals, and inguinal and scrotal respectively in two others. In most cases, the torsion appeared to result from neoplastic enlargement of the testis.  相似文献   

Two hundred consecutive referred cases of keratoconjunctivitis sicca in the dog were examined over a 9 year period. The clinical signs are described and the cases discussed in sections relating to the aetiology and in particular, the age and sex incidence in the West Highland White Terrier. The suitability of this animal as a model for Sjögrens syndrome in man is discussed.  相似文献   

Rectal neoplasia in the dog: a clinicopathological review of 31 cases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A clinicopathological review was made of 31 cases of canine rectal neoplasia. The adenomatous polyp was the commonest tumour and had the best prognosis. With the exception of adenocarcinomas the results of surgical excision of malignant neoplasms, including two cases of rectal lymphosarcoma, were encouraging.  相似文献   

In the dog, creatine kinase (CK) is mostly present in the skeletal muscles, myocardium, brain and intestine. The MM isoenzyme predominates in muscles and myocardium. In plasma, reference values depend on the technique used and CK-MB accounts for about 30–45% of total CK activity. Sex has no influence on plasma CK activity, which is higher in young dogs than in adults. Plasma CK is elevated after physical exercise. After its release from the cells, CK reaches the plasma mostly via the lymphatic route and then remains in the plasma compartment. It is rapidly cleared with a half-life of about 2 hours. Muscle diseases are the main source of plasma CK elevations: inherited myopathies, malignant hyperthermia, hypothyroidism, vitamin E-selenium deficiency, prolonged decubitus, intramuscular injections, surgery, etc. Plasma CK is also increased in experimental myocardial infarction, for which the dog is an interesting model, allowing quantification of the damage by measuring the total CK activity released.Abbreviations ADP adenosine diphosphate - ATP adenosine triphosphate - CK creatine kinase - DGKC Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Chemie - IM intramuscular - IV intravenous - K m Michaelis constant - poly(A) polyadenylate - RNA ribonucleic acid - mRNA messenger RNA  相似文献   

Transitional lumbosacral vertebral anomalies have for some time been suggested as a possible cause of cauda equina syndrome (especially in the German shepherd dog [GSD]), a condition recently thought to be inherited. The frequency of this condition within a large clinical population and the radiographic features used in its detection are reported. In a group of 143 patients, the sexes were similarly represented and the GSD was greatly overrepresented. The anomaly is characterised by separation of the first sacral segment that was identified on the lateral view by the presence of a radiolucent disc space between what are normally the first and second sacral segments. On the ventrodorsal view, the anomaly was characterised by separation of the spinous processes between what are normally the first and second sacral segments. In the presence of the transitional segment, the nature of the sacroiliac joint at the level of the anomalous segment varies from a strong ilial attachment, with the presence of a wing-like lateral process, to a weakened ilial attachment because of the presence of a lateral process, shaped as that seen on a lumbar segment. These patterns were present unilaterally or bilaterally and result in symmetrical or asymmetrical patterns. The effect of the weakening of the sacroiliac attachment was thought to result in premature disc degeneration, which, together with spinal canal stenosis, resulted in potential compression of the overlying spinal nerves and creation of a cauda equina syndrome. The condition is thought to have clinical significance and should be selected against in breeding, especially in the GSD.  相似文献   

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