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<正>1国内大豆豆粕市场行情综述春节后国内大豆市场购销平淡,价格稳中下跌,行情低迷。近期国际大豆期价震荡回落,国内大豆压榨产品油粕行情亦表现疲软,同时,进口大豆到港量持续增加且成本下降,令国产大豆市  相似文献   

经过前期的大幅上涨之后,受国家大量进口大豆、豆油、豆粕等消息打压,国内豆粕价格近期出现了趋跌走势。据了解,11月27日中共中央政治局召开了由中共中央总书记胡锦涛主持的会议,提出要坚持稳中求进,保持经济持续平稳较快协调发展,把防止经济增长由偏快转为过热、防止价格由结构性上涨演变为明显通货膨胀作为宏观调控的首要任务。  相似文献   

李洲 《畜牧市场》2006,(7):55-55
六月以来,国内豆粕市场仍处在低迷状态,五月的短暂反弹未能持续,随着南方进入梅雨季节,以及国内新的禽流感疫情的出现,豆粕再次回到2100元/吨底线,不过在外盘带动下,进口大豆成本略有增加,近期国内豆粕将会有所回升。  相似文献   

7月以来受美豆大幅反弹等带动,连豆粕走出一波明显的涨势。主力1101合约再度逼近前期高点2950元,一举收复5月以来的全部跌幅。而从连豆粕的影响因素来看,笔者认为期价短期或将震荡调整。  相似文献   

<正>8月以来,国内豆粕现货价格震荡下跌,但处于高位运行阶段,且与7月相比,价格全面上扬。月初豆粕价格跟盘大涨,中上旬均价都在3200元/吨以上,下旬后豆粕价格的调整才比较明显。截至8月25日,均价在3130元/吨附近,仅较月初小幅走低;但与7月2970元/吨的均价相比,涨幅达160元/吨。此次豆粕价格上涨基础不  相似文献   

<正>目前黑龙江地区大豆价格因供应紧缺继续出现上涨,存豆主要集中在中间商手里,面对当前的看涨行情,贸易商惜售心理强烈,此外,近日当地豆粕、豆油价格也出现上涨,豆油价格甚至突破万元,加  相似文献   

王振瑞 《畜牧市场》2006,(10):38-38
一、双节前国内豆粕稳步上涨之势已经确立临近10月份,在国产大豆即将上市之际,豆粕价格出现了异乎寻常的坚挺行情,其稳步上涨之势在国内粕产品市场中“独领风骚”。截至目前,沿海地区豆柏价格已经集中到2130-2170元/吨,在一个月的时间内其涨幅达到130-150元/吨。继7、8月份进口大豆到货量减少之后,9月份到港量进一步下降到170- 180万吨,因原料短缺,9月下旬已经有不少大型油厂被迫停机。另一方面,禽流感的负面影响在继续减  相似文献   

2010年上半年大豆豆粕市场回顾及下半年行情展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王恩慧 《饲料广角》2010,(14):14-18
<正>2010年上半年以来,中国国产大豆市场波澜不惊,表现平平,价格在突破2009年的高位后连续小幅回落,二季度价格跌幅稍有扩大(图1)。总的来看,上半年国产大豆价格要高于2009年同期水平。1-4月,在国家临储大豆3740元/t的最低收购价的政策支撑下,产区国产大豆收购价格  相似文献   

<正>12月份以来,大连豆粕期货高位振荡,主力1405合约围绕3 350元/吨一线振荡整理。从目前看,南美新作大豆产量前景良好使得全球大豆供给压力趋强,但国内进口大豆库存偏低弱化现货供给压力,加之豆粕下游消费仍处于季节性旺季,豆粕短期将维持高位振荡。1南美新作大豆产量前景良好目前南美2013/2014年度大豆播种工作进行顺利,巴西大豆播种已经趋于结束,阿根廷大豆播种仍需时  相似文献   

1大豆进出口动态 大豆恢复3%的进口关税税率,大豆出口关税为零。海关总署公布进口数据显示,中国1月进口大豆408万t;较2009午同期的303万t增长34.5%;国家商务部发布的最新报告显示,2010年2月份中国大豆进口量预计为303万t,低于早先预测的332万t,相比之下去年2月进口326万t。  相似文献   

大豆短空长多   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李杨 《饲料广角》2005,(20):14-16
1大豆市场近期状况概述 今年,CBOT大豆市场过早地进入天气市。从 大豆播种期开始,利用干旱天气不利于大豆生长 的潜在题材,从5月份开始拉高大豆期价,建立 天气升水,至6月22日美豆连续价已达上半年 高点757.4美分。美盘透支炒作天气市导致整个 7月份大豆期价在高位振荡,冲高无力。尽管6、7 月份的干旱天气确实导致了今年的大豆减产,8 月12日美国农业部的月度供需报告也证实了这 一点,但是由于报告结果在市场预期之内,因此 报告出台后对市场的提振作用并不大。相反,真  相似文献   

The research aimed to evaluate the effect of replacing soybean meal with soybean grain on the nutritional parameters and productivity of heifers grazing on Urochloa decumbens in the rainy-dry transition period. Forty crossbred heifers with the initial age and weight of 18 months and 292?±?6.1 kg, respectively, were used. The experimental design was a completely randomized design, with five treatments and eight replications. The evaluated treatments were as follows: SM0.5—supply of 0.5 kg/animal/day of soybean meal supplement; SG0.5—supply of 0.5 kg/animal/day of soybean grain supplement; SM1.0—supply of 1.0 kg/animal/day of soybean meal supplement; SG1.0—supply of 1.0 kg/animal/day of soybean grain supplement; MM—only mineral mix ad libitum. The supplement was isoprotein with 350 g of crude protein/kg of dry matter. Supplementation improved the performance of the heifers and this fact can be verified by the higher average daily gain (ADG) and final BW (fBW) of the supplemented animals (P?<?0.10). The two supplemented treatments with 1 kg/day demonstrated similar performance (P?>?0.10), the same happens for the two treatments receiving 0.5 kg/day (P?>?0.10). However, animals receiving 1 kg/day of supplementation had an ADG and final BW higher than animals receiving 0.5 kg/day (P?<?0.10). Supplementation (P?<?0.10) affected the intake of dry matter (DM), organic matter, crude protein, ether extract, non-fiber carbohydrates, total digestible nutrients, and neutral detergent fiber corrected for ash and protein (apNDF). Supplementation improved DM digestibility and all constituents of the diet (P?<?0.10), except for apNDF (P?>?0.10). In summary, it is concluded that multiple supplementations improve the performance of grazing heifers in the rainy-dry transition period and the total replacement of soybean meal by soybean grain does not alter the performance of the animals.  相似文献   

1. An experiment was conducted to study the possibility of replacing soybean meal (SBM) with sunflower seed meal (SFM) in broiler chick diets. The SBM in broiler starter (317.9 g/kg) and finisher (275.4 g/kg) diets was replaced with SFM at 33, 67 and 100% on an iso-caloric and iso-nitrogenous basis using sunflower oil to balance the energy content of the diets. The metabolisable energy levels used in the diet were considerably less than the recommended levels for broilers. Each experimental diet was fed ad libitum from 2 to 42 d of age to 8 replicates of 5 birds. Parameters studied included amino acid and apparent metabolisable energy contents in food ingredients, body weight, food intake, food efficiency, leg abnormality score, dry matter digestibility, carcase traits, relative weight and length of intestine, fat and protein content in liver and serum biochemical profile. 2. SFM had higher concentrations of calcium, phosphorus, methionine and cystine and lower energy content than SBM. 3. Replacement of SBM with SFM up to 67% in starter and 100% in finisher diets did not affect weight gain. Total and 67% replacement of SBM with SFM depressed food efficiency at 21 and 42 d of age, respectively. Food intake was significantly higher in SFM-based diets than in the SBM reference diet at 21 and 42 d of age, except in groups given SFM100 at 21 d of age. In the latter group, the food intake was similar to that on the SBM reference diet. The digestibility of dry matter decreased with increased levels of SFM in the diet. 4. The relative weights of giblet, liver and abdominal fat, length of intestine, activity of alkaline phosphatase, concentrations of calcium and inorganic phosphorus in serum were not influenced by incorporation of SFM in the broiler diet. 5. The ready to cook yield and liver fat content decreased, while the relative weights of gizzard and intestine and protein content in liver increased, with increasing levels of SFM in the diet. 6. The concentration of HDL cholesterol increased while the concentration of LDL cholesterol decreased with increasing content of SFM (> or =67% of SBM) in diet. The serum protein concentration decreased progressively with increase in dietary SFM. The concentrations of protein and triglycerides in serum were lowest in groups receiving SFM100. 7. Body weight gain was not affected by total replacement of SBM with SFM at 42 d of age. However, considering food efficiency, carcase yields, serum lipid profile and level of supplemental fat in diet, it is concluded that SFM can replace up to two-thirds of soybean, corresponding to inclusion of 345 and 296 g SFM per kg for starter and finisher phases, respectively.  相似文献   

康冰 《饲料广角》2007,(12):12-13
自今年4月份以来大豆市场一直保持上升趋势.市场热衷于关注2007/08年度美国大豆播种面积的数据。由于近两年美国玉米工业消费增加,需要播种面积满足日益增长的工业需求,因此有大量土地转种玉米。此间CBOT大豆曾就美国大豆、玉米播种面积增减幅度进行了炒作。从美国农业部公布报告数字可发现,2007/08年度美国大豆播种面积和产量都较上年度有明显的下降。[第一段]  相似文献   

2009年大豆豆粕市场回顾及2010年行情展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王恩慧 《饲料广角》2010,(3):15-18,28
<正>经过了波澜起伏的2008年,2009年中国大豆、豆粕市场再次回归理性,虽然仍受制于国际大豆市场,但国内一系列政策因素的影响以及行  相似文献   

大豆 截止到6月14日,国内进口大豆价格大幅上涨了70元,目前港口成交约在2020元左右。其原因除了受芝加哥市场强劲反弹带动外,主要是6月6日,国务院颁布《农业转基因生物安全管理条例》后,市场对法规出台后进口大豆较为严格的进口程序表示担忧,在有关细则尚未颁布和机构还未成立的前提下,今后的大豆进口存在诸多不确定因素,本周港口价格上涨反应了贸易商的心态。按照新条例,转基因生物要求加贴标识,今后转基因大豆进口首先要取得安全证书和批准文件,并向检验机构报检后方可入关。美国、巴西和阿根廷作为全球三大大豆生产国家,美国  相似文献   

Rations in which all the protein was supplied by wheat and soybean meal or corn and soybean meal were fed to White Leghorn hens for 252 d. Rations based on wheat‐soybean meal which contained 14% protein supported a high and efficient rate of egg production when supplemented with sufficient lysine and methionine to ensure minimum intakes of 600 and 300 mg per hen‐day, respectively. Similarly, corn‐soybean meal rations which contained 12 to 14% protein and were properly supplemented with methionine and lysine supported satisfactory laying hen performance. Average egg size of hens fed on rations based on wheat was slightly smaller than that of hens fed on corn‐based rations. Lysine supplementation did not alleviate this.

The data re‐emphasise that protein concentration of laying hen rations can be reduced from the commonly used 15.5 and 16.5% levels to 14% without impairing productive performance, provided that rations based on wheat and soybean meal or corn and soybean meal are supplemented judiciously with lysine and/or methionine.  相似文献   

温度和时间对酶水解豆粕效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前动物性蛋白原料价格上涨,导致了对高品质植物性蛋白质需求量的增加。在世界范围内,饲料中的绝大部分蛋白质来自油料种籽和豆科作物等植物性蛋白,豆粕又是应用最广泛的植物饲料蛋白质资源,其蛋白质含量高,除富含蛋氨酸外,其它氨基酸也较平衡,但是由于大豆中存在一些抗营养因  相似文献   

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