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超级稻从广义来说,是在各个主要性状方面如产量、米质、抗性等均显著超过现有品种(组合)的水平;从狭义来说,是指在抗性和米质与对照品种(组合)相仿的基础上,产量有大幅度提高的新品种(组合)。现阶段的超级稻是指狭义的概念,即超高产水稻。随着我国水稻矮化育种和杂种优势利用的深入,在矮化基础上寻求产量的突破需要构建理想的株型并与强杂种优势利用相结合,研究单产大幅提高、品质优良、抗性较强的新型水稻品种这就是超级稻现阶段的特定涵义。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,新的问题或矛盾也产生了,比如我国稻谷的品质和产量的关系,一方面人民生活水平提高对米质有了新的需求,同时;可耕地面积的日益压缩,粮食总产受到很大影响.而稻米的品质与产量呈负相关关系,这使得水稻育种进入了一个新的转型期,它的特点是:优质育种(保持一定的产量前提)和超级稻育种.超级稻育种近年来在中国各水稻产区受到很大关注,它是我国未来水稻育种的主流或者大方向吗?而我国以后水稻杂交育种的重点及品种(或组合)的特点又将如何?笔者拟就此谈谈自己的看法.  相似文献   

超级稻即超高产水稻的简称。我国超级稻育种的第一期、第二期和第三期目标每667平方米分别是700公斤、800公斤和900公斤。通过国内水稻育种和栽培专家的共同努力,在小面积试种条件下第一期、第二期目标均已如期实现。考虑到水稻生育期长短对水稻产量的影响,每公顷每天生产100公斤稻谷的品种(组合)就可以称之为超级稻。主要栽培技术有:  相似文献   

广东省超级稻育种研究进展与展望   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
对国内外超级稻(超高产)育种研究作了回顾,简述了广东省超级稻育种研究取得的进展:育成了10个达到(基本达到)超级稻(准超级稻)产量指标的新品种(组合),并逐步进入生产示范和推广;初步创立了华南超级稻"半矮秆、早长根深"育种模式和华南双季超级稻"动态株型结构"育种模式两种理论。提出广东省今后超级稻育种与应用研究的课题是:提高超级稻品质和综合抗性;加强超高产栽培技术的研究和推广;改进超级稻品种(组合)区域试验的方法,加快超级稻推广。  相似文献   

中国超级稻研究项目启动至今,对促进我国的粮食增产,提升我国水稻育种水平发挥了重要作用。广东省农业科学院自1996年以来,作为中国超级稻研究项目主要发起和承担单位,承担了该项目的华南稻区超级稻选育研究工作。在开创水稻生态育种并取得显著成就的基础上,经过10年攻关,再创华南超级稻育种新辉煌。先后构建出"早长、根深"超级稻株型模式和华南广适应型优质超级稻株型模式;在优质超级晚稻育种和广适型超级稻育种方面率先取得重大突破;先后育成一批达标优质超级稻,主要代表品种有:品质可与泰国优质香米相媲美的优质超级稻品种胜泰1号、我国超级晚稻育种取得突破的先锋品种桂农占和大穗高结实的广适型超级稻品种玉香油占等,这些超级稻正迅速在生产上大面积推广应用,创造了显著的社会经济效益。  相似文献   

1超级稻概念 超级稻包括超级常规稻和超级杂交稻。从广义上说,所谓超级稻应是在各个主要性状方面如产量、米质、抗性等均显著超过现有的品种(组合)水平;从狭义上说,是指在抗性和米质与对照品种(组合)相仿的基础上,产量有大幅度提高的新品种(组合)。  相似文献   

安徽省超级稻研究与应用现状及展望   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
简要回顾了自1996年我国启动超级稻研究以来,安徽省在超级稻新品种选育、栽培技术和推广应用等方面的主要研究进展,对超级稻品种(组合)Ⅲ优98、新两优6号、丰两优4号、丰两优1号、协优9019、K优52、双优4183、70优9号的选育进行了详细的介绍,并指出了在超级稻高产理论和技术研究滞后、超级稻的增产潜力没有得到充分发挥、超级稻育种与生产销售环节脱节3个方面存在的主要问题,提出安徽省应进一步加强超级稻育种攻关、与超级稻相配套的高产栽培技术研究、超级稻的示范推广和科技推广队伍建设等建议。  相似文献   

旱区超级稻再生栽培试验初报   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为应对钦州市秋冬春三季连旱对水稻生产的威胁,在旱区对7个超级稻品种(组合)进行了再生栽培对比试验。结果显示,早稻平均产量以两优培九最高,其次为Y两优1号、新两优6号;晚稻再生稻的平均产量以两优培九最高,其次为中浙优1号、特优航1号;年均产量以两优培九最高,其次是中浙优1号,其他超级稻品种(组合)的年平均产量也比普通杂交稻(对照)的高。综合各参试超级稻的产量结果、田间表现、稻米品质、生长势与再生能力等因素分析,以中浙优1号、两优培九两个品种(组合)最为理想,可作为今后钦州市超级稻再生栽培的主推品种(组合)。  相似文献   

现在新闻媒体上报道的超级稻产量实际上是该超级稻品种(组合)的潜力产量,该超级稻品种的潜力产量与农民种植的实际产量有一定差距是客观存在的。事实上,不仅是超级稻,也包括所有的普通水稻,其品种(组合)的潜力产量与农民的实际产量存在20%~30%的产量差距。所以,农民种植的超级稻,每667平方米产量一般在600公斤左右,这是非常正常的产量水平。  相似文献   

高寒山区中稻超级杂交稻品种(组合)比较试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为筛选出适合高寒山区中稻种植的丰产性好、抗逆性强、米质优、熟期适宜的超级杂交稻新组合,2007~2008年在广西三江县对7个超级稻品种(组合)进行了比较试验。结果表明:7个超级杂交稻品种(组合)的产量较高,均达到7662.0kg/ha以上,其中以Ⅱ优航1号的产量最高,达8743.5kg/ha,其余依次为Y两优1号、中浙优1号、中浙优8号、扬两优6号、新两优6号、Q优6号。从产量构成看,7个超级稻品种(组合)均可在高寒山区作中稻种植,但综合参试超级稻品种(组合)的产量结果、田间表现、抗病性、稻米品质、生长势等因素分析,以中浙优1号、中浙优8号、Y两优1号、Ⅱ优航1号4个品种(组合)最为理想,可作为高寒山区中稻主推品种(组合)。  相似文献   

Super rice breeding in China has been very successful over the past 3 decades, and the Chinese government has made great efforts to support breeding and cultivation of both conventional and hybrid super rice. In this review, we focus on the progress in and potential of super rice breeding. After the establishment of the breeding theory and strategy of "generating an ideotype with strong heterosis through inter-subspecies hybridization, by using gene pyramiding to combine elite traits through composite-crossing to breed super rice varieties with both ideotype and strong hybrid vigor", a series of major breakthroughs have been achieved in both conventional and super hybrid rice breeding. A number of new genetic materials with ideotype have been created successfully, and the Ministry of Agriculture of China has approved 156 novel super rice varieties and combinations for commercialization. During the Developing the Super Rice Varieties Program, great attention has also been paid to the integration and demonstration of the rice production technology. Collaboration between industry and university researchers has led to technological innovations and initiation of a demonstration system for super hybrid rice. With widespread cultivation of super rice with higher quality and yield, as well as resistance or tolerance to abiotic or biotic stresses, the yield of rice production per unit has reached a new level. In addition to increased quality and yield, hybrid rice breeding has also led to improvements in many other agronomic traits, such as resistance to pests and diseases, resistance to lodging, and optimized light distribution in population. Achievements in super rice breeding and innovation in rice production have made major contributions to the progress in rice sciences and worldwide food security.  相似文献   

南方稻区的杂交中稻生产是中国水稻生产的重要组成部分,由于育种技术路线正确,中国率先在超级杂交中稻育种上取得了突破性进展。对中国在超级杂交中稻亲本选育、新组合配制、育种技术体系的建立和推广应用上所取得的进展进行了回顾,指出了在广适性组合较少、推广力度不够,影响超级杂交稻的快速发展,以及高产、优质和高抗有机结合的组合少等方面存在的问题,要从拓宽水稻遗传基础,选育广适性组合、发掘特异种质资源,选育综合性状优良的超高产组合、建立轻型化配套栽培技术体系,加强推广力度3个方面去解决存在的问题,并讨论了中国在超级杂交中稻育种中应加快已有研究成果的转化,选育具有广适性、综合性状优良的超级杂交中稻组合,加强第三期超级杂交稻的研究等方面的研究重点。  相似文献   

In this paper, advances and prospects in breeding japonica rice for super high yield in the northern China were analyzed comprehensively in terms of breeding theories, techniques and practices. The author holds that developing and spreading super rice is an important way to enhance the overall yielding ability of japonica rice and attaining immense expansion of rice production. After theories and technical guidelines for super rice breeding were formulated, which involved the creation of new plant morphology and strong hybrid vigor through crossing indica with japonica subspecies, the optimization of combination of desirable traits via multiple crossing or backcrossing, the assemblage of favorable genes and the integration of ideal plant morphology with the utilization of vigor-major breakthroughs have been made in conventional breeding of japonica super rice. A batch of new super rice varieties marked by superior rice quality and high disease resistance, such as Shennong 265, Shennong 606, and Jijing 88, etc., have been developed and released. In comparison with the advancement in conventional breeding ef super rice, progress in hybrid japonica super rice breeding is slower because of climatic and ecological constraint in northern China. Therefore, solving the contradictions between vigor and growth duration, between yield and rice quality, and boosting vastly seed production are still serious challenges for breeders of hybrid japonica rice. Physiological and genetic problems in japonica super rice breeding are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

This article reviews the history and progress of hybrid rice development. Hybrid rice research was initiated back in 1964, and commercialized in 1976. Three-line and two-line system hybrid rice were developed in 1974 and 1995, respectively. Research on super hybrid rice, which was first launched by Ministry of Agriculture, China in 1996, is discussed, and the great progress of super hybrid rice had been achieved with a new yield record by 15.4 t ha–1 in the 6.84 ha demonstration location in Xupu, Hunan Province, China in 2014. And the mechanism of heterosis, the techniques of hybrid seed production and the modern field managements in hybrid rice over the past decades are also discussed. Additionally, this article dealt with the intellectual property protection(IPR) and development of hybrid rice seed industry in China. Major factors that constrain hybrid rice development are analyzed and possible solutions to this problems are proposed. Finally, the authors present methods to further increase production yield, and propose an improvement for breeding super high-yielding hybrid rice based on these methods.  相似文献   

水稻超高产育种研究进展及存在问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自20世纪60-70年代推行矮化育种和杂交水稻选育与推广以来,我国水稻单产水平有了大幅提高。为了增强单位面积土地的产出效能,80年代日本人率先提出水稻超高产育种的概念。我国水稻超高产育种始于90年代中期,并取得了一定的成果。目前超高产水稻育种已经成为稻作科学研究的一个热点。文章综述了水稻超高产育种的理论和方法研究进展:(1)新株型育种理论;(2)理想株型与杂种优势利用相结合是超高产育种的一大方向;(3)籼粳亚种间杂交是超高产育种的主要技术路线;(4)利用野生稻有利基因选育超高产组合。并指出当前水稻超高产育种存在的一些问题:(1)超高产和优质的统一问题;(2)不能实现传统育种方法与现代生物技术的有机结合;(3)超高产与抗性的统一问题。  相似文献   

王海 《江西农业学报》2005,17(4):122-126
作者认为中国杂交水稻的育种技术体系需在解决五大实际问题的基础上加以完善,包括实用不育系选育、双季稻区超级杂交稻组合选育、杂交水稻优质化、杂交水稻的抗逆性和适应性育种、以及长江流域杂交早稻育种。健全杂交水稻种子管理体系,需要规范品种管理,推进国际合作和国际商贸。杂交水稻技术推广体系建设的工作重点是强化配套栽培技术的研究和推广应用。  相似文献   

北方粳型稻超高产育种理论与实践   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:27  
 从育种理论、育种技术及育种实践等方面,综合评述了中国北方粳型稻超高产育种研究进展与前景,认为培育和推广超级稻是继株型育种和杂交稻之后,提高北方粳稻综合生产能力,实现北方水稻生产跨越式发展的重要途径。在“利用籼粳稻杂交创造新株型和强优势,通过复交优化性状组配,聚合有利基因,选育理想株型与优势利用相结合的超级稻”育种理论与技术路线确立之后,北方粳型超级粳稻在常规育种方面已取得重大突破,成功地培育出一批优质抗病的超级稻新品种并已广泛应用于生产,如沈农265、沈农606、吉粳88等。与常规超级稻育种相比,超级杂交粳稻育种研究进展则相对较缓慢。这一方面是由于北方气候与生态条件的限制,另一方面是育种技术相对落后。解决优势与生育期的矛盾、产量与品质的矛盾以及提高制种产量等问题,仍然是北方超级杂交粳稻育种所面临的严峻挑战。本文还讨论了与粳型超级稻育种有关的生理和遗传问题。  相似文献   

Relationship Between Grain Yield and Yield Components in Super Hybrid Rice   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Chinese super hybrid rice breeding project has developed many new varieties with great yield potential.It is controversial which yield component should be emphasized in super hybrid rice production.The present study was conducted to compare super hybrid rice with common hybrid and super inbred rice and analyze contributions of yield components to grain yield of super hybrid rice under experimental conditions,and evaluate relationships between grain yield and yield components of super hybrid rice in farmer's paddy fields.Field experiments were done in Changsha,Guidong,and Nanxian,Hunan Province,China,from 2007 to 2009.Eight super hybrid varieties,one common hybrid variety,and one super inbred variety were grown in each location and year.Rice production investigation was undertaken in high-yielding (Guidong),moderate-yielding (Nanxian),and low-yielding (Ningxiang) regions of Hunan Province,China,in 2009.Grain yield and yield components were measured in both the field experiments and rice production investigation.Super hybrid rice varieties outyielded common hybrid and super inbred varieties across three locations and years.Yield potential has been increased by 11.4% in super hybrid rice varieties compared with common and super inbred varieties.The higher yield of super hybrid varieties was attributed to improvement in panicle size.Panicles per m2 had the highest positive contribution to grain yield with the exception under yield level of 10.0 to 12.0 t ha-1,and was positively related to grain yield in farmer's field at all of the high-,moderate-,and low-yielding regions.Our study suggests that panicle per m2 ought to be emphasized in super hybrid rice production.  相似文献   

中国超级稻育种研究进展与前景   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
综合评述了中国超级稻育种研究进展与前景,认为培育和推广超级稻,是继株型改良和杂交稻育种之后,提高水稻综合生产能力,实现水稻单产水平进一步提高的重要途径。在"利用籼粳稻杂交创造新株型和强优势,通过复交优化性状组配聚合有利基因,选育理想株型与优势利用相结合的超级稻"育种理论与技术路线确立之后,在常规超级稻育种和超级杂交稻育种两方面都已取得重大突破,成功地创造出一批新株型优异种质,培育出一批优质抗病的超级稻新品种和新组合。这些超级稻新品种、新组合已广泛地应用于水稻生产实践,并已取得较好的增产效果。  相似文献   

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