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The investigation of protein-protein interactions is important for characterizing protein function. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) has recently gained interest as a relatively easy and inexpensive method to visualize protein-protein interactions in living cells. BiFC uses "split YFP" tags on proteins to detect interactions: If the tagged proteins interact, they may bring the two split fluorophore components together such that they can fold and reconstitute fluorescence. The sites of interaction can be monitored using epifluorescence or confocal microscopy. However, "conventional" BiFC can investigate interactions only between two proteins at a time. There are instances when one may wish to offer a particular "bait" protein to several "prey" proteins simultaneously. Preferential interaction of the bait protein with one of the prey proteins, or different sites of interaction between the bait protein and multiple prey proteins, may thus be observed.  相似文献   



The actin cytoskeleton responds quickly to diverse stimuli and plays numerous roles in cellular signalling, organelle motility and subcellular compartmentation during plant growth and development. Molecular and cell biological tools that can facilitate visualization of actin organization and dynamics in a minimally invasive manner are essential for understanding this fundamental component of the living cell.  相似文献   

茄子是喜温蔬菜:冬春时节,我国北方单靠温室栽培,技术条件要求严格,投入大,成本高,很难满足市场需求,淡,旺季价格差异常达几倍或十几倍。对秋延后栽培的茄子,实施简易气调技术保鲜,自然损耗少、成本低、操作简便,既能有效缓解市场供求矛盾,延长供应期,又能大幅度提高收益,增值增效,深受菜农欢迎,具体技术要点如下:  相似文献   

AIM: To define the gene expression changes of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) in response to norepinephrine (NE). METHODS: The expression adrenergic receptors (AR) were determined by radioligand binding assay in A7r5 cells. Gene expression profiles were identified by cDNA microarray after A7r5 cells were treated with NE for 24 h, and mRNA expressions of α1A-AR and α1B-AR were confirmed by real-time PCR. RESULTS: α1-AR and β-AR existed in A7r5 cells. Seventy-five genes with changed expression in response to NE were screened out. These genes are involved in cell structure, cell/organism defense, metabolism, signal transduction and so on. α1A-, α1B-AR mRNA expression identified by microarray and realtime quantitive PCR displayed similar patterns. CONCLUSIONS: Gene expression profile in response to NE was analyzed comprehensively with the microarray technique. NE induces many kinds of different function genes in A7r5 cells, which may provide a novel insight into the particular role of NE that modulates multiple aspects of biological function in VSMCs.  相似文献   



Progress in plant cell cycle research is highly dependent on reliable methods for detection of cells replicating DNA. Frequency of S-phase cells (cells in DNA synthesis phase) is a basic parameter in studies on the control of cell division cycle and the developmental events of plant cells. Here we extend the microscopy and flow cytometry applications of the recently developed EdU (5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine)-based S-phase assay to various plant species and tissues. We demonstrate that the presented protocols insure the improved preservation of cell and tissue structure and allow significant reduction in assay duration. In comparison with the frequently used detection of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and tritiated-thymidine incorporation, this new methodology offers several advantages as we discuss here.  相似文献   

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