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作者依据在本馆图书采购工作中的体会,论述了图书采购中存在的问题,并提出了如何购进适合民族特色的朝鲜族图书,以充实自己馆藏特色的建议。  相似文献   

高校对于学生公寓家具类等的采购工作较为重视。本文结合近些年来高校学生公寓家具的采购状况,简要论述了一些家具企业的现状以及学生公寓家具采购中存在的一些问题,并提出了应该重视与解决的方案。  相似文献   

庞燕  邹爱辉 《森林工程》2015,(3):159-163
信息技术的日渐成熟鞭策家具行业在电子商务平台的快速发展。采购是企业降低成本的源泉,采购模式的分析是家具企业战略决策的重要内容。本文首先回顾家具采购的现状,分析传统采购流程的繁琐性和价格的不透明性等缺点,阐述家具行业在电子商务平台的三种采购模式,即全球化采购、网上招标以及电子化集中采购模式;并从成本和效率等方面总结各模式的优点。分析电子商务环境下三种家具采购模式遇到的问题,提出提升品牌竞争力、采购流程重组与加强信息安全建设等策略,为今后家具行业的发展提供了宝贵的意见。根据采购主体划分,预测在电子商务的影响下,未来的家具采购发展趋势,对家具企业具有重要的理论借鉴意义。  相似文献   

系统地分析了铁路物资的特点和当前的铁路物资采购现状,以铁路物资采购为研究对象,对比了当前两种主要的物资采购方式:招标采购和网下询价采购存在的问题和不足,阐述了铁路行业开展网上采购的意义,针对当前开展网上采购存在的困难和问题,提出了网上采购系统的构建和推进网上采购工作的建议。  相似文献   

采购是各个企业所共有的职能,是企业经营的起始环节,将为企业创造价值。成本分析与控制是企业采购管理的工作重点之一,本文将按照供应价格分析,采购成本分析和降低采购成本三个层次来阐述采购成本分析的内容。  相似文献   

近几年来,我国的高等教育事业有了较快的发展。随着改革的深入,高校的办学规模不断扩大,办学条件得到明显改善,国家投入和高校自筹投入基建项目、物资、设备采购的资金越来越多,许多高校基建工程项目、物资、设备招投标采购工作也同时进入了快车道。但有些高校因资金监督管理不到位,缺乏有效的监督机制和手段,出现的违法、违纪案件明显增加。这一问题应引起有关部门的高度重视。高校的各级领导干部和纪检、监察、审计部门,对高校基建项目、物资、设备招标采购的各环节要加大监督检查工作的力度,同时要加强党风和廉政建设,建立健全规章制度,…  相似文献   

本文通过对广州大学城园林绿化甲供苗招标采购工作流程的介绍及分析,总结出一些经验和针对实施过程中出现的问题提出一些解决的对策。  相似文献   

实施天然林保护工程以来,内蒙古大兴安岭林区森工企业生产单位任务量逐年调减、收入降低,严重阻碍了林区经济发展。新形势下,森工企业确立了"以保护培育、发展森林资源求生存,以综合利用、  相似文献   

荷兰林产品绿色采购政策与实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
荷兰是较早开始探索和制定林产品绿色采购政策的国家之一。文中分析荷兰林产品绿色采购政策出台的背景、主要内容及政策实施所带来的影响, 并有针对性地提出政策借鉴, 希望能对今后我国林产品绿色采购政策的制定和完善提供参考。  相似文献   

法国木材公共采购政策及启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
尽管林业非常发达, 法国仍然实施木材公共采购这一世界森林保护领域的新兴工具。文中回顾了法国木材公共采购政策出台的背景, 对其政策目标和内容进行了具体分析, 认为这一政策措施为保障我国木材可持续供给提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

The consumption of the pine needles and the stripping of bark by sheep grazing annual pastures in three open stands of P. radiata and one of P. pinaster were measured. The P. radiata were four years old and the densities were 250, 500 and 750 trees ha-1. The P. pinaster included two, three and four year-old trees and the density was 440 trees ha–1.Needles were eaten immediately after the sheep were admitted and this continued throughout the year. Within ten weeks of the start of winter grazing, sheep stocked at 7–10 ha–1 had eaten about half of the accessible needles on both species where densities were less than500 trees ha–1. The estimated consumption was about 260 g sheep–1 day–1 for the P. radiata. Bark stripping then commenced and continued throughout spring and summer on most plots. In some plots at low tree density, bark was stripped from more than 35% of the trees. In denser stands, needle consumption per tree was less and bark was stripped from less than 5% of the trees.Bark damage was most common on the smaller trees, and severity of stripping was negatively correlated with tree size. Of all the trees with bark damage, 22% of the P. pinaster and 14% of the P. radiata had more than half of the stem circumference stripped. A number of these will probably suffer both stem distortion and growth retardation, and some may die.Methods of reducing the incidence of bark damage are discussed.  相似文献   

福建桉树人工林材积表和蓄积量表编制的研究   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
通过对桉树人工林83块标准地和164株样木进行调查,选择V=aDbHc和V=aDb方程并进行多方程拟合对比,编制桉树人工林二元材积表和一元材积表,结果表明:该表可在森林调查中应用,且误差小,能满足林业生产上的精度要求。同时为提高林分蓄积量的测定效率,选择林分平均高和断面积为辅助变量,建立桉树人工林林分蓄积量预估模型,该模型经检验适用,可用于林业生产实践。  相似文献   

Excel数据透视表功能强大,尤其在数据多、属性信息量大的统计任务中,数据透视表报表布局设计与自动统计汇总功能快捷高效。文章以Excel数据透视表在建水公益林区划界定报表统计任务中的应用为例,抛砖引玉,介绍数据透视表创建及布局设计操作方法,以减轻劳动强度、提高工作效率和准确率。  相似文献   

随着我国正式成为WTO的一员,工程招投标的相关法律、法规日益完善,招标投标市场的运作必然将朝着更为规范化的方向发展,政府行政主管部门从过程参与或直接操作,逐步转变为过程监督已是大势所趋.本文中作者将结合自己从事招标的经验谈谈对招标运作过程中存在的问题及对策的思考,借以抛砖引玉,共同提高招标工作的水平.  相似文献   

可行性研究是建设前期工作的重要步骤,是编制建设项目设计任务书的依据,是基本建设管理中的一项重要基础工作,是保证建设项目以最小的投资换取最佳经济效果的科学方法。  相似文献   

在低等级公路的外业测量中,如需现场定线一次完成外业测量任务,必会涉及到很多繁琐计算,利用CASIO计算器程序则会使复杂的计算简单化,从而大大提高了工作效率.  相似文献   


Oaks (Quercus sp.) account for nearly one-third of the sawtimber harvest in Wisconsin. As trees age, their ability to respond to thinning is reduced; therefore, the objective of this study was to determine whether thinning previously unthinned oak stands of advanced age (≥ 60 yr) would achieve biological, financial, and operational objectives. During 2014, we conducted an inventory of 25 oak stands in northern Wisconsin. Fifteen received their first thinning 8–14 yr ago at ages 60–78 yr and 10 had never been thinned. Stand-level volume growth, logging costs, and net present values were estimated for each site. The age and site index of the thinned and unthinned sites were not significantly different (p > .10). Thinned and unthinned sites grew comparable net volumes per ha (5.09 and 5.90 m3, respectively); however, because this growth was concentrated on fewer trees, the trees on the thinned sites responded vigorously to thinning. As age at first thinning increased, growth response was reduced (p = .067); however, thinning still increased the growth of residual trees. Thinned sites had higher net present values compared to unthinned sites (p < .01) and logging costs were 10.6% lower (p = 0.06). Overall, for stands between 60 and 78 years old, thinning was beneficial financially, operationally, and biologically.  相似文献   

详细介绍了冬季备料工作的各个程序,阐明紧抓备料工作对影响工程的两大因素"质量、进度"起着决定性因素;并从管理者的实际工作角度,论述了备料工作的重要性及客观性。  相似文献   

A number of complaints, regarding the presence of resin-infiltrated splits in seasoned boards produced from Pinus elliottii sawlogs supplied from certain stands in State Forests, led to an investigation to determine the incidence of the defect and to find possible causes.

This paper deals mainly with the study of the first aspect. In the investigation two samples of stems were selected by a semi-random method from one mature stand, being clearfelled, in Entabeni State Forest (Northern Transvaal) and from three stands receiving, or due to receive, their fifth thinning. The clearfelling and thinning had produced logs containing heart shakes and this had given rise to the complaints.

During log preparation it was attempted to prepare as much as possible of the stem length into the longest sawlogs, working as closely as possible to the maximum limits for sweep and knots allowed by the departmental log specifications. This attempt resulted in the preparation of some logs containing slightly more than the permissible defects. Observations were made on stump surfaces of the orientation of shakes, and on log ends of their occurrence higher up in the stem, in an attempt to find a link between shake orientation and the known direction of strong winds, and to determine the height in the stem to which shakes extended from the stump. The orientation study produced no definite proof that wind was responsible, although there were strong indications.

This was followed by sowings up the logs mainly into structural timber, kiln seasoning and grading in two ways, viz A ignoring the resin-infiltrated checks and splits but taking all other defects pertinent to the relevant grades into consideration, and B taking all defects, including the checks and splits into consideration (Table 4). During the grading further measurements were taken on boards containing splits, to determine to what heights in the stem the shakes extended.

From the grading results, total and graded yields of sawn timber were computed, the differences in yields between the two grading procedures being a measure of the incidence and seriousness of the shake defect. Within log classes, (see footnote to Table 2) the yields obtained separately for each 2 cm top U.B. diameter class into which the logs had been segregated prior to sawing, were weighted according to the percentage size distributions of the logs yielded by the clearfelling and thinning operations in the relevant compartments, to obtain a weighted average for the log class.

The heights to which shakes were present in the stems of the two samples are shown in Table 3(a) while their incidence in logs of the various size classes are shown in Table 3(b). It is seen that shakes were more frequent and serious in the larger logs.

The presence of shake in the log samples, taken as a whole, caused only minimal yield losses (Table 4) but had the effect of somewhat reducing average board length (Table 5). However, sawn and graded yields are still excellent and the species should not be discriminated against in afforestation, because of the sporadic occurrence of the defect.

The yield figures should be of some value to sawmillers processing both normal and shake-containing logs of this species.  相似文献   

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