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Sarcoptes scabiei infestation was identified as the cause of pruritic dermatitis in a donkey in the UK. Treatment with i.m. doramectin and topical selenium sulphide was successful in eliminating clinical signs. Foxes were identified as the possible source of infestation. Sarcoptic mange should be considered as a potential differential diagnosis for pruritic dermatitis in equids in the UK.  相似文献   

Abstract— Humoral antibody responses to experimental Sarcoptes scabiei var. vulpes infection in 10 beagle dogs were demonstrated by an ELISA in three experiments. In the first experiment, four dogs, infected with a relatively high dose of S. scabiei, seroconverted 2 weeks post infection. All four animals showed clinical signs of sarcoptic mange. In the second experiment, six dogs were infected with a relatively low dose of S. scabiei. Three of the dogs developed clinical signs of sarcoptic mange and only in these three were antibodies to S. scabiei demonstrated. Seroconversion occurred 4–5 weeks post infection. The six dogs infected with a low dose of Sarcoptes were re-infected with a relatively low dose of mites 7 weeks after the spontaneous clinical recovery of the three dogs that had exhibited mange following the primary infection. The later three dogs showed a specific antibody response within 1 week and the other three dogs within 2 weeks following the re-infection. Resumen En tres experimentos se demostraron las respuestas humorales de anticuerpos a la infección con Sarcoptes scabiei var. vulpes en 10 perros de la raza Beagle por medio de pruebas ELISA. En el primer experimento cuatro de los perros infectados con una dosis relativamente alta de Sarcoptes, seroconvirtieron 2 semanas despues de la infección. Estos cuatro animales mostraban cuadro clínico de infección. En un segundo experimento seis de los perros se sometieron a una dosis relativamente baja del ácaro. Solo tres de estos perros demostraron cuadro clínico de la infección, y en éstos animales exclusivamente se encontraron anticuerpos de S. scabiei. Cinco o seis semanas después de la infección se produjo la seroconversión de los mismos. Los seis perros infectados con una dosis baja se volvieron a re-infectar con otra dosis relativamente baja siete semanas después de la recuperatión clínica espontánea de los tres perros que habían padecido el cuadro clínico de la sarna, después de la infección previa. Los últimos tres perros produjeron una respuesta de anticuerpos específica en una semana, y los otros tres perros en dos semanas después de la infección.  相似文献   

将从病兔痂皮内收集的疥螨经研磨、冻融、离心后,制成可溶性抗原,作为诊断抗原,建立Dot-ELISA方法检测兔疥螨血清抗体.研究确定了该方法的最佳工作条件.制备的诊断膜片特异性强,不与兔瘟病毒、兔大肠埃希菌、兔附红细胞体等阳性血清反应.膜片具有良好的灵敏性,高免血清作1∶210稀释亦能检出;重复性试验表明该法重复性良好.诊断膜片在4 ℃保存5个月其检测活性不变.结果表明,建立的Dot-ELISA可用于免疥螨抗体的检测.  相似文献   

A pony presented with a severe, chronic dermatitis around the ears, neck and trunk of the body, hind quarters and ventral abdomen. The pony was intensely pruritic as was an in‐contact pony and both owners. A superficial skin scraping demonstrated multiple living mites, identified as Sarcoptes scabiei. Equine pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) was diagnosed as an underlying, potentially immunosuppressive disorder. The pony was treated for Sacroptes scabiei as well as PPID and is doing well 2 months after initial presentation.  相似文献   

将兔疥螨幼虫置于聚苯乙烯小平皿中,分别加入不同浓度的印楝油液体名蜡溶液,以天然除虫菊酯和阿维菌素为阳性对照,蒸馏水和液体石蜡为阴性对照,观察记录不同时间段的螨虫死亡数,以死亡率、半数致死时间(LT50)和半数致死浓度(LC50)为指标评价了印楝油对兔疥螨幼虫的离体杀螨活性。结果显示,未稀释的印楝油能在25min内杀死所有幼螨,其杀螨活性显著强于500g/L的天然除虫菊酯(825min,P〈0.01),而与25g/L的阿维菌素无显著差异(19min,P〉0.05);500、250和125mL/L印楝油对兔疥螨幼虫的LT50分别为1、2、5h;24h的LC50和LC95分别为2.908和12.018mL/L。结果证实,印楝油对兔疥螨幼虫具有较好的离体杀螨活性。  相似文献   

Ivermectin given in a single subcutaneous dose of 300 μg/kg was tested for safety and efficacy against swine hyperkeratotic scabies in a large breeding piggery. Approximately 15% of the adult population was showing severe clinical mange. Skin scrapings were taken from 40 affected animals to provide parasite counts. Eight of 40 animals were used as untreated controls; all test animals were injected subcutaneously on day 0 with Ivermectin. General improvement was noted as early as eight days after treatment. Scratching stopped by day 21 in all treated animals. The results are discussed in regard to a control program for Sarcoptes scabiei infestation in pigs.  相似文献   

Abstract— Sensitisation to the house dust mite, Dermatophagoides farinae , was demonstrated by skin testing and allergen-specific IgG determination in 15 out of 20 dogs in which a definitive diagnosis of sarcoptic mange was made following recovery of Sarcoptes scabiei mites on skin scrapings. After therapy, no dogs exhibited clinical signs of atopic dermatitis. Intradermal skin testing and 40 per cent of specific IgG assays for Dermatophagoides farinae were negative 90–180 DAys after the original diagnosis.
Résumé— Une sensibilisation a l'acarien de la poussière de maison, Dermatophagoides farinae , est demontrée par tests cutanés et dosage d'immunoglobulines IgG specifiques d'allergenes sur 15/20 chiens atteints de gale sarcoptique prouvée par la presence de nombreux sarcoptes aux raclages cutanés. Après traitement, aucun chien n'a présenté des signes cliniques de dermatite atopique. Les tests cutanés intradermiques et 40 plus des posages IgG pour Dermatophagoides farinae sont negatifs 90 à 180 jours après le diagnostic initial. [Prélaud, P., Guaguère, E. Sensitisation to the house dust mite, Dermatophagoides farinae , in dogs with sarcoptic mange (Une sensitisation à l'acarien de la poussière de maison sur les chiens atteints de gale sarcoptique).  相似文献   

Abstract— The first case of a Dermatobia hominis infection in a dog in the The Netherlands is described. The dog was imported from Brazil. The life cycle of the parasite and the therapeutic measures are emphasized.
Zusammenfassung— Beschrieben wird der erste Fall einer Dermatobia hominis —Infektion bei einem Hund in den Niederlanden. Der Hund wurde aus Brasilien eingeführt. Der Lebenszyklus des Parasiten und die therapeutischen Maßriahmen werden behandelt.
Resumen  En el presente artículo se describe el primer caso de infección causada por Dematobia hominis en Holanda. El perro habia sido importado desde Brasil. Se describe la vida del parásito y las medidas terapéuticas.  相似文献   

Cost-effective control of sarcoptic mange requires knowledge of the effects of the disease on production. This paper presents a critical review of the literature on the association between sarcoptic mange and reduced production performance of swine. One of the difficulties in interpreting inconsistent findings among studies is lack of information about the severity of disease, which is likely to vary considerably. Lack of standard methods and failure to quantify disease severity preclude meaningful interpretation of experimental results in commercial production. Three experiments with growing pigs were conducted to evaluate associations between sarcoptic mite infestation and growth rate, and to assess pruritic behaviour and mite-induced lesions at slaughter as indices of mange severity. Sarcoptic mange was associated with increased pruritic behaviour and the presence of papular dermatitis at slaughter. Pruritic behaviour decreased over time despite reinfestation and may be subject to numerous behavioural influences. Growth rate tended to be slower in mange infested pigs, but a significant effect of mange infestation on average daily gain was found in only one trial, in which the severity of skin lesions at slaughter was greatest. These observations suggest that the production effects of mange infestation of growing pigs are variable. Evaluating dermatitis lesions at slaughter may be an objective means for assessing the severity of mange infestation and for relating experimental results to commercial swine production.  相似文献   

Current distribution of sarcoptic mange in wombats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Objective To determine the distribution and prevalence of sarcoptic mange in wombats, particularly the common wombat ( Vombatus ursinus ).
Design Questionnaire survey in two parts.
Procedure Questionnaires were distributed to biologists, rangers, animal carers and naturalists. Part 1 of the questionnaire aimed to determine the present distribution of sarcoptic mange in wombats (103 responses). Part 2 invited respondents to assess the prevalence of sarcoptic mange in wombats over a 3 month period (four responses). Information on wombats from 66 localities was received. Each locality represented an area of about 2500 km2.
Results Mange was observed at 93% of localities surveyed and Sarcoptes scabiei was present in common wombats at 52% of localities. Sarcoptic mange was highly prevalent (22%) in two common wombat populations in Victoria. Anecdotal evidence suggested that mange epizootics are sporadic, cause significant morbidity and mortality and have a substantial effect on local abundance. The respondents did not report sarcoptic mange in either northern hairy-nosed wombats ( Lasiorhinus krefftii ) or southern hairy-nosed wombats ( Lasiorhinus latifrons ).
Conclusions Sarcoptic mange occurs in common wombat populations throughout the range of the common wombat including Tasmania and Flinders Island. While mange epizootics are sporadic, they have the potential to threaten the long-term survival of small, remnant populations.  相似文献   



Canine necrotizing meningoencephalitis (NME) is a fatal, noninfectious inflammatory disease of unknown etiology. NME has been reported only in a small number of dog breeds, which has led to the presumption that it is a breed‐restricted disorder.


Our objective was to describe histopathologically confirmed NME in dog breeds in which the condition has not been reported previously and to provide preliminary evidence that NME affects a wider spectrum of dog breeds than previously reported.


Four dogs with NME.


Archives from 3 institutions and from 1 author''s (BS) collection were reviewed to identify histopathologically confirmed cases of NME in breeds in which the disease has not been reported previously. Age, sex, breed, survival from onset of clinical signs, and histopathologic findings were evaluated.


Necrotizing meningoencephalitis was identified in 4 small dog breeds (Papillon, Shih Tzu, Coton de Tulear, and Brussels Griffon). Median age at clinical evaluation was 2.5 years. Histopathologic abnormalities included 2 or more of the following: lymphoplasmacytic or histiocytic meningoencephalitis or encephalitis, moderate‐to‐severe cerebrocortical necrosis, variable involvement of other anatomic locations within the brain (cerebellum, brainstem), and absence of detectable infectious agents.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Until now, NME has only been described in 5 small dog breeds. We document an additional 4 small breeds previously not shown to develop NME. Our cases further illustrate that NME is not a breed‐restricted disorder and should be considered in the differential diagnosis for dogs with signalment and clinical signs consistent with inflammatory brain disease.  相似文献   

Canine scabies is a challenging disease to diagnose because sarcoptic mites are hard to find on skin scrapings. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a serologic enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) as an aid in the diagnosis of canine scabies. In addition, serum samples were obtained post treatment to determine the duration and persistence of circulating scabies antibodies after resolution of natural infection. Nineteen dogs diagnosed with sarcoptic mange and 38 control dogs were tested. Sixteen scabies-infested dogs showed positive pretreatment ELISA results (84.2% sensitivity). Thirty-four control dogs showed negative ELISA results (89.5% specificity). In the 11 scabies dogs from which multiple post treatment serum samples were obtained, detectable antibodies were not present 1 month after treatment in four cases, but were present for 1-4.5 months post treatment in seven dogs. Our results suggest that this scabies ELISA test is useful in the diagnosis of canine scabies.  相似文献   

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) response tests were performed in 152 Doberman Pinschers. Seventy-nine dogs had cardiomyopathy (46 were in congestive heart failure [CHF] and 33 were not in CHF). Seventy-three dogs were presented for noncardiac problems (15 with skin disease, 21 with neurologic disease, 20 with internal medicine disorders, and 17 with other problems), although some may have had cardiomyopathy. The TSH response test results in the cardiomyopathic group were interpreted as normal or euthyroid-sick in 45 (57%) dogs, abnormal in 23 (29%) dogs, and equivocal in 11 (14%) dogs. The prevalence of hypothyroidism in the CHF and non-CHF cardiomyopathy groups was not different. Among the dogs presented for noncardiac problems, 27 (37%) were assessed as normal or euthyroid-sick, 29 (40%) as hypothyroid, and 17 (23%) as equivocal. No significant differences were found in the prevalence of hypothyroid test results among the subgroups of these dogs. The prevalence of hypothyroidism was not higher in the cardiomyopathic group compared to the other group, and 63 and 49% of cardiomyopathic dogs with or without CHF, respectively, tested as either euthyroid or euthyroid-sick.  相似文献   

Abstract— A case report of a dog with a lymphohistiocytic proliferative disorder of the skin, third eyelids and lymph nodes is presented. Skin biopsies showed a nodular to diffuse cellular proliferation of lymphohistiocytic cells with many cytological features of malignancy. Numerous Reed-Sternberg cells were present. The pathological diagnosis was malignant lymphoma with cytological features of Hodgkin's disease. The dog experienced a spontaneous remission which has lasted for over three years. Résumé— Le cas clinique d'un chien présentant un désordre prolifératif lymphohistiocytaire de la peau, des troisièmes paupières et des ganglions lymphatiques est présenté. Des biopsies de peau ont motré une prolifération de nature nodulaire à diffuse des cellules lymphohistiocytaires avec plusieurs caractères cytologiques de malignité. De nombreuses cellules de Reed-Sternberg étaient présentes. Le diagnostic histologique était celui d'un lymphome malin avec des signes cytologiques de maladie de Hodgkin. Le chien a presénté une rémission spontanée qui a duré plus de 3 ans. Zusammenfassung— Der Fallbericht eines Hundes mit einer lymphohistiozytären, proliferativen Erkrankung von Haut, Nickhäuten und Lymphknoten wird beschrieben. Die Untersuchung von Hautbiopsien erbrachte eine noduläre bis diffuse zelluläre Proliferation der lymphohistiozytären Zellen mit zahlreichen zytologischen Anzeichen für maligne Veränderungen. Zahlreiche Reed-Sternberg-Zellen traten auf. Die pathologische Diagnose lautete “malignes Lymphom mit zytologischen Merkmalen der Hodgkinschen Erkrankung”. Es kam zu einer spontanen Remission, die sich über drei Jahre erstreckte. Resumen Se describe un caso de una enfermedad linfohistiocítica proliferativa que afectaba a la piel, al tercer párpado y a los ganglios linfáticos. Las biopsias cutáneas mostraron una proliferación nodular a difusa de células linfoides con características de malignidad. Se apreciaban numerosas células de Reed-Sternberg. El diagnóstico histopatológico fue linfoma maligno con características citológicas de enfermedad de Hodgkin. El perro sufrió una remisión espontánea que duró más de tres años.  相似文献   

Abstract— Infestation with short-tailed demodectic mites and Demodex canis was diagnosed in an 8-month-old male Chihuahua dog. Skin lesions were characterized by alopecia and scaling on the ventral aspects of the chest, all four limbs, the ventral aspect of the neck and around the eyes. Both Demodex canis and a short-tailed demodectic mite were observed on skin scrapings. After 4 months of amitraz dip treatments, skin scrapings were negative and hair regrowth appeared.
Résumé— Une infestation à Demodex (forme courte) et à Demodex canis est diagnostiquée sur un Chihuahua, mâle de 8 mois. Les lésions cutanées sont caractérisées par une alopécie squameuse du thorax, des quatre membres, du cou et autour des yeux. Les raclages cutanés montrent la présence de Demodex canis et de Demodex sp. (forme courte). Après 4 mois de traitement à l'amitraz, les raclages cutanés sont négatifs et une repousse des poils est observée. [Chen, C. A short-tailed demodectic mite and Demodex canis infestation in a Chihuahua dog (Infestation à Demodex canis et à Demodex (forme courte) chez un Chihuahua).  相似文献   

In a closed pig breeding and finishing herd suffering from sarcoptic mange, two selected groups of pigs were filmed during a period of 10 days before and after treatment. The observation always commenced each hour and lasted for 15 min. Before treatment, observations was done round the clock, after treatment from 8:00 to 22:15.

Before treatment the pens were stocked with 11 (pen A) and 10 (pen B) growing pigs (Large White × Landrace sows; 5 months old) with an average weight of 70 kg examined for sarcoptic mange by skin scrapings and ELISA. The animals had never been treated with an acaricide or endectocide before.

After 10 days, the pigs were treated twice (18 days interval) with Dectomax® 1% solution for pigs (Pfizer, Austria) at a dose of 0.3 mg Doramectin i.m./kg body weight. After treatment, seven pigs were observed in both pens.

Most scratching actions both before (83.1%) and after (94.5%) treatment were of one to 10 s. After treatment, the 10 s-scratching episodes decreased by 67.3% (from 21.2 to 6.9 mean SRE/pig), and the scratching actions of longer than 10 s by 91.7% (from 4.3 to 0.4 mean SRE/pig), such that the latter could be observed only occasionally after treatment.

A distinct increase in scratching activity both before and after treatment could be observed primarily between 10:00 and 15:00. Significant differences of scratching and rubbing activity between before and after treatment could also be seen at midday.

The interpretation of the scratching index values before and after the treatment were carried out according to Cargill et al. [Cargill, C., Davies, P., Carmichael, I., Hooke, F., Moore, M., 1994. Treatment of pigs with doramectin to control sarcoptic mange. Proceedings of the 13th IPVS Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, p. 238] with the maximum and minimal limiting values specified in the literature, and compared with calculations using the method described by Hollanders et al. [Hollanders, W., Harbers, A.H.M., Huige, J.C.M., Monster, P., Rambags, P.G.M., Hendrikx, W.M.L., 1995. Control of Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis with ivermectin: influence on scratching behaviour of fattening pigs and occurence of dermatitis at slaughter. Vet. Parasitol. 58, 117–127].

Depending on the methods used and the limiting values set, 6.7–34.6% of the observations before and 2.0–17.3% of the observations after treatment revealed a “strong evidence of mange” or a “suspicion of mange”. All other observations indicated that the pigs were free from mange.  相似文献   

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