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以位于长江三峡库区的重庆缙云山针阔混交林为研究对象,利用美国LI-COR公司生产的LI-8100开路式土壤碳通量测量系统对林地有凋落物和无凋落物两种土壤呼吸速率进行了观测。结果表明:(1)有无凋落物对土壤温度、土壤含水量均无影响;(2)有凋落物和无凋落物土壤呼吸的昼夜变化都呈现为单峰曲线,下午14:00左右达到峰值,并且无凋落物土壤呼吸速率小于有凋落物土壤呼吸速率;(3)有凋落物和无凋落物土壤呼吸季节变化趋势都表现为双峰型,峰值分别出现在7月和9月;(4)针阔混交林通过土壤呼吸释放的CO2量达到24.05 t/hm2,其中由凋落物释放的CO2达到5.09 t/hm2,占总CO2释放量的21.16%,说明凋落物对土壤呼吸影响显著。  相似文献   

The short-term effects of clearfelling a Pinus radiata D. Don. stand in Catalonia (NE Spain) under Mediterranean conditions were assessed. Harvesting had little effect on the surface soil distribution and accumulation. However, after clearfelling the range of soil temperatures increased, the moisture content of the L layer decreased, and the decomposition of brown needles was retarded (mass loss rate for the first year of the incubation 0.47 year−1 vs. 0.29 year−1). Green needles incorporated as a result of harvesting operations showed the same rates of mass loss as brown needles. Brown needles released substantial amounts of all major nutrients, especially at the beginning of the incubation. In both clearfelled and undisturbed stands, this sudden nutrient flush may have important implications in the nutrient economy of the vegetation. In contrast, green needles behaved as a sink of nitrogen and calcium, therefore representing a temporary reservoir after clearfelling.  相似文献   

To clarify the mechanism by which overstory trees shade understory saplings, we investigated the relationships among light conditions of the saplings (measured as indirect site factor; ISF and direct site factor; DSF), the calculated competition effects of overstory trees on the saplings (W), and relative height growth rate of the saplings (RHGR). We calculated several W values in order to find a W value which can express the light conditions as appropriately as possible, and the results indicated that W explained only 21.9%–24.7% of the total variance of light conditions in the cases where W gave the best fit. In this study, W was calculated based on the basal areas of overstory trees. However, it is known that canopy structure also affects the light regimes in the forest understory, and this might yield the possible errors even within W representing the shading effects most adequately. Therefore, although W significantly represents the shading effect from overstory trees, a great proportion of the variance remained without being explained by W. RHGR was negatively correlated with W, and the W value which had the most adequate explanation of the shading effect also showed the best negative correlation with RHGR. This provides the evidence that the competitive effect of overstory trees on sapling growth is mediated by the shading effect, indicating that competition for light clearly exists within this forest. Such competition for light may closely relate to the well-known phenomenon of gap regeneration in subalpine forests in central Japan.  相似文献   

Some saplings and shrubs growing in the understory of temperate deciduous forests extend their periods of leaf display beyond that of the overstory, resulting in periods when understory radiation, and hence productivity, are not limited by the overstory canopy. To assess the importance of the duration of leaf display on the productivity of understory and overstory trees of deciduous forests in the north eastern United States, we applied the simulation model, BIOME-BGC with climate data for Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA and mean ecophysiological data for species of deciduous, temperate forests. Extension of the overstory leaf display period increased overstory leaf area index (LAI) by only 3 to 4% and productivity by only 2 to 4%. In contrast, extending the growing season of the understory relative to the overstory by one week in both spring and fall, increased understory LAI by 35% and productivity by 32%. A 2-week extension of the growing period in both spring and fall increased understory LAI by 53% and productivity by 55%.  相似文献   

Currently, the aim of modern forest management is not only timber production but also the protection of biodiversity. The initial effects of clear-cut logging on forest understory vegetation, soil and the diversity of litter beetles have been studied. We examined unstudied effects of clear-cutting disturbance on understory vascular plant species abundance, forest soils, and understory vegetation nutrients as well as beetle diversity one year after clear-cutting. Substantial changes in the prominence values and above-ground mass of forest-related vascular plant and moss species were detected. Clear-cuttings resulted in fast appearance of new light-loving plant species. The significant decrease in understory plant biomass influenced the reduction of nutrient pools in clear-cut areas after one year. The clear-cut logging negatively influenced the richness of species and the number of individuals of stenobiontic forest-related beetles in the forest litter. However, forest clear-cuttings were beneficial for eurytopic and open land species.  相似文献   

The first 2 years of post-burn vegetation succession of 11–13-year-old rehabilitated bauxite mines in Western Australia is compared to the native jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest using the techniques of ordination (CANOCOTM) and classification (TWINSPANTM). Analyses of understorey species density and cover values showed consistent patterns of composition and abundance between the native jarrah forest and the rehabilitated areas, both before and after burning. These patterns resulted from the intentional establishment of high densities of legume species in the initial rehabilitation process and proliferation of high densities of seeding species and non-native eucalypt seedlings following burning of the rehabilitated areas, features not characteristic of native jarrah forest. Burnt sites showed larger changes in species abundance and composition than unburnt control sites as indicated by their relative shift of position in the ordination hyper-space. This shift in position was generally less for sites burnt in spring than sites burnt in autumn. The first two divisions of the site classifications separated the unburnt sites and early spring post-burn sites from the forest and the remainder of the post-burn sites. The species classification showed that each of these groups was associated with a specific suite of species. Pit age (i.e. 11, 12 or 13 years-old at time of burning) was an important determinant of species composition in both the ordinations and classifications. Although species densities recovered more rapidly than live plant cover in the rehabilitated areas following burning, the vegetation of these rehabilitated sites exhibited little evidence of returning to their pre-fire species composition and abundance after 2 years. However, the high species similarity (75–79%) between the pre-burn (including species only present as seed in the topsoil) and post-burn vegetation indicates the importance of the initial floristic composition in determining the potential direction of the post-fire succession.  相似文献   



Understanding the variability of vegetation distribution and its determinants is a central issue for addressing the effects of edges on ecological processes. Recent studies have revealed inconsistencies in the patterns of responses to edge effects that raise important questions about their determinants. We investigated the edge effect response patterns by adapting a recently proposed continuous approach to the case of small forest fragments in southwestern France.


We surveyed forest understory vegetation (composition, species richness, and percent cover) and abiotic variables (soil temperature, moisture, pH, and canopy openness) along 28 transects across hard forest edges. We tested five statistical models to describe the response pattern of each variable (1) over all transects and (2) per transect. We then compared the response patterns as a function of the attributes of the edge (orientation, topography, and adjacent land cover) and forest patch size.


Over all transects, a general decreasing trend was observed for all variables as the distance from the edge increased. In the individual transects, we evidenced a large variability in the response patterns that was not related to edge attributes or to patch size.


It is difficult to assess the depth of edge influence in highly fragmented forests and to identify the determinants of edge effects. We recommend that care should be taken with studies using pool of transects, and that further studies should be carried out including situations with neutral patterns, in order to gain a broader understanding of edge effects on vegetation.  相似文献   

Forest harvesting is one of the most significant disturbances affecting forest plant composition and structure in eastern North American forests, yet few studies have quantified the landscape-scale effects of widespread, low-intensity harvests by non-industrial private forest owners. Using spatially explicit data on all harvests over the last 20 years, we sampled the vegetation at 126 sites throughout central and western Massachusetts, one-third of which had not been harvested, and two-thirds of which had been harvested once since 1984. Seedling and sapling densities increased with increasing harvest intensity, but decreased to levels similar to unharvested sites by year 20 for all but the most intensive harvests. The composition of understory trees appears to be only slightly changed by harvesting, and was strongly correlated with adult tree composition. Regeneration was dominated by Betula lenta followed by Pinus strobus; Quercus spp. exhibited little sapling recruitment, even in Quercus-dominated stands. Total vascular plant species richness increased substantially with harvesting on low C:N sites (i.e., rich soils), but was only slightly increased on high C:N sites. While harvesting was associated with a statistically significant change in vascular plant composition, non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed that climate (temperature, precipitation) and C:N ratios were the major correlates of composition. Overall, the compositional impacts of harvesting were minor, perhaps because of the low-intensity of harvesting. However, our results support observations from elsewhere in the northeastern U.S. of limited oak regeneration on both harvested and unharvested sites. In addition, our results suggest that increased harvest intensity may be expected to alter forest composition, particularly on rich sites where invasive species may increase as a result of harvesting.  相似文献   

森林植被层作为水文环境要素,对降水、蒸散和径流等水文通量在空间上的分布特征有着重要的影响作用。国内外对于森林植被对水文通量的空间分布的影响,在垂直方向上分层次进行水文通量变化过程的研究,在水平方向上按照林地与非林地的对比,森林植被类型之间的对比,甚至同一树冠的不同部位的对比等,进行了细致的研究。以森林植被对这3种水文通量要素空间分布的作用为基础,系统概述了近年有关的研究成果,并结合国内外研究的动向,指出将来可能着重研究的方向。  相似文献   

The short-term effects of forest overstory reduction and slash mulching on ground vegetation were analysed in a Mediterranean Aleppo pine reforested woodland on degraded agricultural land in south-east Spain. This sort of practice is becoming common in the Mediterranean basin to guard against forest fires, but very few attempts have been made to analyse its effect upon biodiversity. The data concerning floristic richness and above-ground biomass of species were measured as dependent variables in 0.5 × 0.5 m quadrats in an overstory reduction versus control area (treatment factor) during the spring of 2006. The data were analysed by ANCOVA, in which slash-mulch weight was introduced as covariate. Relationships between dependent variables and slash-mulch weight were examined using linear regression, and variations in floristic composition were ascertained by means of principal component analysis (PCA). A total of 32 ruderal herbaceous species were recorded, none of which was exotic. In spite of some methodological constraints (i.e. low number of samples and data from a non-replicated case study), the results of our study point to the conclusion that most of these species were found more frequently in the overstory-reduction treatment compared to the control area, and that only a few species clearly preferred the control treatment. In general, overstory reduction led to a significant increase both in floristic richness and above-ground biomass. Slash mulching, on the other hand, encouraged the appearance of a greater quantity of above-ground biomass (in different ways depending upon treatment), although species richness did not improve, even to the extent of declining in the control area. On the basis of our findings, overstory reduction seems to increase species richness and productivity in dense Mediterranean afforestations on degraded agricultural land, at least in the short-term. Large quantities of mulch accompanied by high tree density would seem not to favour species richness.  相似文献   

In designing agroforestry systems, the combination of tree genotype (orspecies) and pasture species and the spatial arrangement of trees are importantconsiderations. The spatial variation of fine root length density (FRLD) ofthree radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) genotypes,referred to here as clone 3, clone 4 and seedlings, was studied in athree-year-old temperate silvopastoral experiment. The genotypes were plantedwith three understorey types: ryegrass (Lolium perenne)mixed with clovers (Trifolium spp), lucerne(Medicago sativa), and control (bare ground). Also fineroot distribution of both tree and pasture species with soil depth and inrelation to tree row (0.9 m north or south of and within the rippedtree row) was studied. Greater FRLD was found in clonal than in seedling treesin the bare ground treatment but not in the two pasture treatments, and in the0–0.1 m but not in the 0.1–0.2 or 0.2–0.3m soil layers. Clonal trees had a greater ability to develop a moreextensive root system, especially in the 0–0.1 m soil layer,but that advantage disappeared when they were planted with pasture species sincecompetition from the pasture species was most severe in the 0–10cm layer. The FRLD of lucerne was greater than that ofryegrass/clovers, consistent with the greater aboveground biomass production oflucerne. Pasture species FRLD was greater on the south (wetter) than on thenorth side of the ripline or in the ripline. The interception of prevailingsoutherly rain-bearing wind by tree crowns resulted in the south side beingwetter than the north side. Results indicated that production and distributionof fine roots of both tree and pasture species responded to changes in themicroclimate. We suggest that to optimize pasture/tree biomass productionplanting trees in the north-south direction is better than in the east-westdirection at the studied site. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Seasonal and spatial variability of litterfall and NO3 and NH4+ leaching from the litter layer and 5-cm soil depth were investigated along a slope in a tropical dry evergreen forest in northeastern Thailand. Using ion exchange resin and buried bag methods, the vertical flux and transformation of inorganic nitrogen (N) were observed during four periods (dry, early wet, middle wet, and late wet seasons) at 15 subplots in a 180-m × 40-m rectangular plot on the slope. Annual N input via litterfall and inorganic N leached from the litter layer and from 5-cm depth soil were 12.5, 6.9, and 3.7 g N m−2 year−1, respectively, whereas net mineralization and the inorganic N pool in 0–5-cm soil were 7.1 g N m−2 year−1 and 1.4 g N m−2, respectively. During the early wet season (90 days), we observed 82% and 74% of annual NO3 leaching from the litter layer and 5-cm soil depth, respectively. Higher N input via leaf litterfall in the dry season and via precipitation in the early wet season may have led to higher NO3 leaching rate from litter and surface soil layers during the early wet season. Large spatial variability in both NO3 vertical flux and litterfall was also observed within stands. Small-scale spatial patterns of total N input via litterfall were significantly correlated with NO3 leaching rate from the surface soil layer. In tropical dry evergreen forests, litterfall variability may be crucial to the remarkable seasonal changes and spatial variation in annual NO3 vertical flux in surface soil layers.  相似文献   

The interaction between understorey plants and trees in a young silvopastoral system was studied in a sub-humid Mediterranean environment with cold winters in northern Greece. The experimental design was a split-split plot with three replications and included: three understorey treatments (grass, legume and control), two tree species (Acer pseudoplatanus and Pinus sylvestris) and two spacings (2.5×2.5 m and 3.5×3.5 m). The competition between herbaceous plants and trees resulted in significant differentiation in tree growth while their spacing did not produce any significant differences. The influence of trees on herbage yield either by plant species or spacing was not significant. During the early stages of establishment, a significant positive correlation was observed between sycamore growth and soil moisture, leaf weight, leaf area and leaf number as well as nitrogen and potassium concentration in leaves. Six years after planting the height increase of the sycamore trees was largest in the control treatment (415%), lowest in the grass treatment (134%) and intermediate (192%) in the legume treatment. Much higher was the increase obtained for the diameter, 161%, 207% and 536% respectively for the grass, legume and control treatments. The Scots pine trees grew faster than sycamore over the course of the experiment. Height increased by 397%, 351% and 400% and diameter by 518%, 443% and 683% respectively for the grass, legume and control treatments. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

吴俊民  吴保国 《林业研究》2000,11(2):103-105
lntroductionConcerningthemechanismoftheinteractionbe-tWeentreespeciesinthelarch(LafisgmelinI)-ash(PraxiPusmandShuFbe)mixedforest,wehavestudiedtheaIIelopathiceff6ctsoftheIarchvolatilematter,litterandrootsecretion.onthegroWthofash.TheobtainedresultsshowedclearIythatthelarchvoIatiIematt6rplayedaninhibitivepart,andboththeIarchIitt6randrootsecretionpIayedanobviousfystimuIatingpaFtontheashgroWth(Wu2oooa,2ooob,2oooc).Thispapermakesastudyofanotherallelo-pathicway(Ieaching)betWeenlarchandash.T…  相似文献   

选择秋季(9月中旬)典型晴朗天气,用自然沉降法采样,牛肉膏蛋白胨琼脂培养基培养,对校园的异龄针阔混交林群落抑菌作用进行日变化的测定,以探索混交林绿化模式的抑菌效果。结果表明,异龄针阔混交林群落能显著抑制空气中细菌含量,上午7:15~下午6:00,空气中菌落数量最大达1 400个/m3,抑菌效果达37%~78%。1d中抑菌有3个较明显的峰值,分别出现在10:00、12:00和15:00,抑菌率分别为51%,78%和64%,以12时抑菌率最高。  相似文献   

This study evaluated impacts of Coriaria nepalensis Wall.colonization on soil characteristics,vegetation structure and composition,regeneration status and expected future compositional changes,biomass and carbon stock in tree species of a mixed conifer forest of Central Himalaya.Three sites(1 ha each in an old landslide area)differing in Coriaria density(low:20 individuals ha-1;medium:120 indiv.ha-1;high:190 indiv.ha-1)were used to enumerate the tree species.A total of 9 tree species and 2830 individuals were recorded from the three study sites that represented a gradient of Coriaria density.Number of species varied from 3 to 7 and the individuals from 690 to 1270 per site with lowest numbers at low Coriaria density and highest at medium Coriaria density.The number of seedlings increased with increasing Coriaria density,and the sites were unique in their seedling composition,indicating marked temporal dynamics.Site wise regeneration analysis showed that regeneration was poor at the site with low Coriaria density and good at the high-density site where many species emerged as seedlings.These results indicate that the ameliorative effects of Coriaria in terms of soil buildup,and accumulation of nutrients and organic matter helped more species to colonize the area.This facilitative ability of Coriaria can be used to restore degraded forest ecosystems of Indian Central Himalaya.  相似文献   

辽东山区天然次生林枯落物层的水文生态功能   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
枯枝落叶层在森林水功能中具有十分重要的意义,通过对辽宁东部山区天然次生林枯落物层对降雨拦蓄特征、对降雨的分配情况及自身的技术规律研究,结果表明,辽东林区枯落物层最大拦蓄量30.1-53.3t/hm^2,有效拦蓄量相当于1.58-3.89mm的降水,降雨截留率为21%,大气降水中的6.3%-14.5%通过枯落物蒸发散失,同时建立了枯落物层大量平衡方程。  相似文献   

John M. Lhotka 《New Forests》2013,44(3):311-325
This paper is an assessment of the effect of gap size on stand structure and species composition 48 years following treatment in a mixed broadleaf upland forest. Established in 1960, the study tests three circular openings, 15.2 m (0.02 ha), 45.7 m (0.16 ha), and 76.2 m (0.46 ha). Forty-eight years following treatment (2008) basal area, top height, and quadratic mean diameter were significantly lower in 15.2 m openings. Maple (Acer spp.) species had the highest mean importance value across treatments (0.40). Trends suggest that species composition of dominant and codominant trees among opening sizes may have been influenced by shade tolerance adaptations of the species groups present. Whereas 15.2 m openings were dominated by shade tolerant maple species, 45.7 and 76.2 m openings produced a mixture of commercial species including shade intolerant species such as yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.), trees of intermediate shade tolerance like oak (Quercus spp.), and shade tolerant maple. Data further suggest the density of overstory oak was highest in the intermediate opening size (45.7 m), while yellow-poplar increased in the larger opening sizes. Evaluation of species shifts between 1981 and 2008 showed that relative basal area of maple increased across all treatments. Relative basal areas from 45.7 to 76.2 m openings suggest declines in yellow-poplar and other non-commercial species were balanced by increases in oak and maple.  相似文献   

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