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金融海啸形势下我国林产工业的发展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
阐述全球金融海啸对我国经济的影响,分析我国的经济形势,结合我国林业产业的现状,提出我国企业应对金融海啸、实现由大做强的发展策略。 相似文献
全球禁塑政策与竹产业发展机遇 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
面对塑料对地球环境造成的严重污染,世界各国和国际组织纷纷出台禁塑政策,文章梳理了世界各地的禁塑政策,指出了政策存在的不足:偏政策性的指导多,具体的可行性操作指导少;禁止塑料制品的使用,缺乏可替代性技术的研发;重禁令轻宣传,未能真正改变人们对塑料的态度。在全球禁塑令的推动下,寻找环保的塑料替代品成为当前急需解决的主要任务。竹子因具有生长快、易再生、绿色、低碳以及使用后可以迅速完全自然降解等优良特性,从众多的替代材料中脱颖而出。大力发展竹制品以减少塑料的使用,可减少塑料对环境的污染。 相似文献
Lloyd C. Irland 《Journal of Sustainable Forestry》2013,32(3):189-223
ABSTRACT Forest policies are failing in large areas of the world. In too many nations, forest area is declining, timber revenues are not capturing actual economic values, management plans—where they exist at all—are ignored, and ecologically significant areas are being degraded. In many places, public lands and even national parks cannot be protected against encroachment. Bitter local controversies over forest tenure and use rights persist. In many places, the underlying preconditions for sustainability do not exist in the face of state weakness and failure, corruption, and war. States generally recognized as failed or fragile encompass 15% of the world's forest. A cross tab of forest area (2005) against the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index shows that nearly half of the world's forest is in nations with what TI calls “rampant” corruption. This includes several major nations with extensive forests and important biodiversity hotspots. An encouraging upsurge of willingness to face this issue has occurred in the development community. But uprooting corruption and fixing state failure is easier said than done. Considering this fact, the outlook for more than half of the world's forest area—important to indigenous and forest-dependent people, and containing critical reserves of biodiversity—is grim. 相似文献
《Journal of Sustainable Forestry》2013,32(2):15-44
Abstract In many countries of Africa and Asia, timber production is dominated by concession contracts in public forests. In the neo-tropics, however, timber production occurs on both public and private lands; a mixture that moves countries of the neo-tropics towards the complex systems of forestry sectors in the developed world. Therefore, much of the forest taxation and public forest management literature that currently exists is pertinent to new forest policy decisions in developing countries. Unfortunately, the similarities between forest policies in the neo-tropics and those of developed countries have largely been ignored. This paper begins the process of bridging that gap to show how existing literature is important to the design of timber concessions and accompanying policy instrument design. Although the principles we discuss here apply in any mixed harvest forest economy, we use Brazil as an example because it is in the process of adopting a system of timber concessions in national forests. In our discussion, we suggest that concessions are not a perfect substitute for private forestry in the neo-tropics; concession and other instrument policies must be designed jointly; and because concession policies and government revenue objectives may be linked, the expansion of concessions must be carefully monitored. 相似文献
Augusta Molnar Denyse Gomes Romier Sousa Natalia Vidal Rene Forster Hojer Luis Alfonso Arguelles 《Journal of Sustainable Forestry》2013,32(1-2):87-121
ABSTRACT A significant shift has taken place in global forest tenure, with a doubling of the forest area under community ownership (or administration over the past 15 years). There is every indication that communal tenure will double again over the next 15 years. Recognition of traditional and indigenous peoples' collective rights over forest lands has important implications for forest-rich countries—both developed and developing. Combined with dramatic changes in the structure of the forest industry and globalizing markets, this shift creates new opportunities and challenges for low-income forest producers and community enterprises to leave poverty and diversify livelihoods. The challenge for policy makers and governments is to reform outdated regulatory and incentive frameworks to support these enterprises. This article presents findings on three types of responses from communities to the new opportunities created by the tenure shift and looks specifically at community timber enterprise cases from Mexico and Brazil; recommending actions by communities, policy makers, and private sector. Changes in international and domestic forest product demand, consolidation of commodity wood sectors, new corporate responsibility commitments, and the emergence of ecosystem service markets all affect community markets. One response has been the emergence of socially-integrated, timber and non-timber based enterprises. Another has been the expansion of self-financed community conservation. A third response has been new models of collaboration between companies and communities. 相似文献
国有林场面临的挑战及发展对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
启动生态公益林建设,景宁林业总场将有50%林地规划为生态益林,将减少林场木材采伐量,减少了林场的主收入,给林场生态带来严重影响。同时,由于全社会和政府的重视,采取有关政策,利用自身优势,给林场发展带来新的希望,再现第2次创业机遇。 相似文献
气候变化的影响多被认为是负面的,甚至是毁灭性的,然而对林业生产也存在着正面作用。文中借助3个例子来说明降雨量和气温的变化可能对林木生长潜势的影响,以及在气候变化和发展森林资源中如何予以善用。气温升高和降雨量增加,在一定范围内能够提高森林生态系统的林木生长量,特别在生长明显受温湿度约束的温带、寒温带、高海拔、干旱和半干旱地区;改变各地区引种树木的种植分布,扩大生长快、效益好树木的种植范围;改变树木受温湿度所制约的边缘分布区,使其逐步变成适生区或种植区。可以利用现有气候、生物地理、引种、遗传改良等知识,结合进一步的系统试验研究,在林业实践中把气候变化变成机遇,提高森林生态系统的生产力。 相似文献
中国竹产业发展的机遇与挑战 总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0
我国现代化发展已经到了环境优先和可持续性发展的后工业化时期,给竹产业的发展带来了前所未有的机遇。但目前竹产业的发展处于困难时期,遇到了多方面的挑战。文章通过充分借鉴林产品成熟的经验和方法,从新竹加工单元和工艺、竹工机械、竹木建筑结构、竹产品的标准与认证、金融推动竹产业升级等几个方面论述了发展竹产业的路径,以期推动我国竹产业的升级和进步。 相似文献
中国国家森林城市发展现状存在问题和发展对策 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
森林城市建设已经上升为中国国家战略,着力开展森林城市建设已经成为生态文明建设的重要内容。概述了中国国家森林城市的发展现状和发展历程,把中国国家森林城市发展划分为起步探索、规范推进和蓬勃发展3个阶段;梳理了中国国家森林城市建设和发展过程中存在的问题和面临的挑战,并分别从管理层、建设层和规划研究层提出了相应的对策和建议,目的是为推动中国国家森林城市的健康持续发展提供参考。 相似文献
Forest policy evolution was presented firstly in order to understand the background of forest policy development in China. The recent changes of forest policy were introduced in details, including forest policies on improving biodiversity conservation and securing national ecological safety, restoring key ecosystems, promoting sustainable forest management (SFM), clarifying forest land tenure and protecting farmer’s right on forest and forest land management, promoting healthy forestry industry development and strengthening international cooperation. In addition, it was presented that the evolution of policies in other related sectors and their impacts on forests and forestry, such as bio-energy plantation establishment plan, timber saving and substituting policy, environmental impact assessment (EIA) policy and climate change policy. The features of forest policies in China were analyzed and recommendations were given to ensure the effectiveness of forest policies in the end. 相似文献
自2020年9月以来,习近平总书记在多个国际重要场合发表重要讲话,向国际社会郑重宣布中国二氧化碳排放力争于2030年前达到峰值,努力争取2060年前实现碳中和,2030年森林蓄积量将比2005年增加60亿m3.目前,全球已有54个国家实现了碳达峰,且越来越多的国家正在将碳中和转化为国家发展战略.文中梳理了碳达峰、碳中和... 相似文献
The article introduces the background and summarises main research findings of the research articles in this special issue.
The focus is on the key issues relevant for forest-based entrepreneurship development in small-scale forestry in relation
to both wood and non-wood forest products and services (NWFP&S). The article draws special attention to changing forest ownership,
changing owners’ motives and values, and the evolving role of forest owners’ associations in Europe. The paper draws attention
to the finding that many small-scale forest owners do not treat their forest as an income-generating asset. The ownership
of the forests may be more important as symbolic capital than as a source of income. This is quite opposite to the traditional
wood production model that for instance most of the Forest Owners Association’s still follow. In relation to NWFP&S, the taxonomy
and indicators for NWFP&S are discussed and some conclusions from studies on forest recreation innovation and NWFP&S marketing
are presented. The NWFP&S sector is traditionally product-oriented, which is strategically peculiar because the long distances
from rural production areas to the customers would suggest highest orientation on marketing. Also surprising is the low level
of segmentation in the sector.
B. SleeEmail: |
全球变化背景下土地退化防治的挑战与创新发展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
人类对今日之地球气候、环境和生命系统的影响已接近或超过自然变化的强度和速率, 亟需探索全球变化背景下土地退化综合防治的创新理论和途径, 构建地球系统良性互动循环体系, 促进全球可持续发展的进程。文中侧重分析全球变化背景下土地退化防治面临的新挑战, 探讨土地退化防治的新思路, 分享中国土地退化防治的新经验, 旨在力推将土地退化防治与应对气候变化、保护生物多样性、消除贫困和实现千年发展目标有机链接, 以推进绿色发展, 建设美丽地球。 相似文献
Ewald Rametsteiner 《Small-Scale Forestry》2009,8(2):143-158
In recent decades the concept of ‘governance’ as interdependent coordination of actors as well as the normative concept of
‘good governance’ have increasingly influenced international forest policy, to varying degrees. Using the three dimensions
of multi-actor, multi-sector and multi-level governance to analyse key aspects of governance in the follow-up of global policy
after the UNCED conference in 1992, this paper shows that ‘multi-actor governance’ has received considerable attention in
international forest policy, mainly through promoting national forest programs. Global forest policy initiatives were less
able to develop concepts to address and improve ‘multi-sector governance’ and ‘multi-level governance’, although these two
dimensions of governance are particularly relevant for local levels. A number of major international forest policy initiatives,
both public and private, have also focused on improving various dimensions of ‘good governance’. A review of the degree to
which these international governmental initiatives have been transposed and applied at the local or regional level reveals
a major gap between concepts and forest policy initiatives developed and promoted at international and national levels and
their application at the regional and local levels. This calls for better concepts addressing in particular the ‘multi-level’
dimension of governance in order to improve connectivity between these levels. A range of governance change approaches can
be applied, including adjusting modes of interaction, instruments and institutions.
Ewald RametsteinerEmail: |
石灰岩喀斯特地貌在东南亚地区的经济活动中具重要的地位,其生物多样性保育与文化遗产价值更是弥足珍贵.越南的喀斯特地区正好是当中的写照,区内观光景点林立,亦有不少世界遗产地区、植物多样性的全球中心及多个具有国际保育重要价值的地点.尽管喀斯特生态系统在越南的保护区系统内占一定数量,可是一连串活动如采矿、土地开垦、基建发展,都对水文或栖息地做成严重干扰;另外野生动物的偷猎及非法砍伐等各种消耗森林资源的活动,都日益威胁整个喀斯特生态系统.因此,喀斯特地区已成为野生动植物保护国际(FFI)的重点保育对象.下文将会略谈越南喀斯特生态系统现正面临的威胁,继而介绍现时FFI在四个主题领域上利用的若干保育手法:(1)景观地貌层面上的管理;(2)社区参与保育;(3)生态旅游及保育关系(4)从文化着手的保育方法. 相似文献