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Zusammenfassung und Schlu?folgerungen Der Einflu? einer Kl?rschlammgabe im Ausma? von 220 m3/ha auf die Nettoassimilation (Infrarot-Gasanalyse) und den Chlorophyllgehalt, von vertopften Jungpflanzen der Arten Fichte, Kiefer, L?rche, Douglasie, Buche, Roteiche und Bergahorn wurde im Labor untersucht. Die Arten reagierten unterschiedlich: eine starke Stimulierung der Assimilation (die sich auch in vermehrtem H?henzuwachs ?u?erte) wurde bei der L?rche festgestellt. Auch bei Fichte und Bergahorn war sofort eine anhaltende Steigerung der Assimilation erfa?bar. Bei Buche, Roteiche und Douglasie zeichnete sich erst nach einigen Wochen eine Stimulation der Assimilation ab, die mit erh?htem Chlorophyllgehalt zusammenfiel. Die Kiefer reagierte w?hrend der Versuchsperiode mit einer deutlichen Assimilationsdepression. Bei einer Kl?rschlammausbringung im Walde ist daher mit einer von Art zu Art unterschiedlichen Reaktion (auch negativer Art) zu rechnen. Abschlie?end danke ich den HerrenS. Marjanovic undH. Schwager für gewissenhafte Mithilfe und Betreuung des Versuches.
Summary The effect of an application of industrial sewage sludge (220 m3/ha) on net photosynthesis (infrared gas analysis) and chlorophyll content of potted young spruces, pines, larches, Douglas firs, beeches, Northern red oaks and sycamores was investigated in the laboratory. The species investigated differed, in reaction: larch showed a strong stimulation of net photosynthesis (and of shoot length). Also in spruce and sycamore an immediate and sustained increase of CO2-uptake was detected. Beech, red oak and Douglas fir reacted quickly (but for a few days only) with a stimulation of photosynthesis. Several weeks later photosynthesis tended to increase again, probably due to increased chlorophyll content. Pine reacted with a distinct depression of net CO2-uptake over several weeks. The sewage application in a forest thus will differ in effect with species and may even be negative.

Résumé L’influence d’un épandage de boue d’épuration, à raison de 220 m3 à l’ha, sur l’assimilation nette (infrarouge-analyse des gas) et la teneur en chlorophylle de jeunes épicéas, pins, mélèzes, douglas, hêtres, chênes rouges et érables de montagne en pots a été observée en laboratoire. Les espèces réagirent différemment une forte stimulation de l’assimilation (qui se manifesta aussi dans une augmentation de l’accroissement en hauteur) fut constatée chez le mélèze. Chez l’épicéa et l’érable de montagne, une hausse continue de l’assimilation fut également enregistrée. Pour l’hêtre, le chêne rouge et le douglas, une stimulation de l’assimilation ne se dessina qu’après quelques semaines et co?ncida avec une teneur en chlorophylle accure. Les pins montrèrent une dépression d’assimilation évidente au cours de la période d’essai. Lors d’un épandage en forêt, une réaction différente d’espèce à espèce (aussi d’effet négatif) est donc à prendre en considération.

Trad.:S. Kobert  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to determine the most efficient methods of inoculation to significantly improve nodulation and growth of Acacia senegal and Acacia nilotica, grown under greenhouse conditions. Our results showed that inoculation using dissolved alginate beads containing rhizobia significantly improved the growth of both acacia species better than the growth of plants in other treatments. The experiment with A. nilotica was conducted in two unsterilised soils from different areas. Plants grown in soil from Bel Air were well-nodulated and showed better growth than plants grown in soil from Sangalkam. However, no difference between these soils was shown between the several methods of inoculation and their effect on the nodulation and growth of plants. An interaction between A. senegal and A. nilotica provenances and the effect of inoculation with rhizobia was also demonstrated. Bel Air provenance of A. senegal, Dahra and RIM provenances of A. nilotica grew best of several provenances tested. These results suggest that (1) it may be possible to improve growth and yield of A. senegal and A. nilotica by careful selection of each symbiotic partner; and (2) nursery-grown seedlings of A. senegal and A. nilotica should be inoculated, just after sowing, with dissolved alginate beads containing a mixture of selected rhizobia. Résumé. Lobject de notre travail était de déterminer la méthodologie dinoculation la plus efficace pour améliorer significativement la nodulation et la croissance dAcacia senegal et dAcacia nilotica poussant dans des conditions de serre. Nos résultats ont montré que linoculation utilisant des billes dalginate dissoutes améliorait significativement la croissance des deux espèces dAcacia par rapport à celle des plantes des autres traitements. Lexpérience avec A. nilotica a été faite dans deux types de sol non stériles. Nous avons observé que les plants poussant dans le sol de Bel Air étaient plus nodulés et mieux développés que ceux poussant dans le sol de Sangalkam. Cependant, aucune différence significative entre les deux sols na été mise en évidence en termes deffet des différentes méthodologies dinoculation sur la nodulation et la croissance des plantes. Il a aussi été démontré lexistence dune interaction entre les provenances dA. senegal et dA. nilotica et leffet de linoculation avec rhizobium. Cest ainsi que les provenances Bel Air dA. senegal, Dahra et RIM dA. nilotica ont le mieux poussé parmi les différentes provenances testées. Lensemble de ces résultats suggèrent: (1) il devrait être possible daméliorer la croissance et la production dA. senegal et dA. nilotica par une sélection des deux partenaires symbiotiques; (2) Les jeunes plantules dA. senegal et dA. nilotica produites en pépinière devraient être inoculées juste après le semis avec des billes dalginate dissoutes contenant un cocktail de souches sélectionnées.  相似文献   

Information is lacking on the potential of leguminous fodder trees such as Leucaena leucocephala as a feed resource to supplement the native forages in traditional grazing management systems in the tropics. Two studies were conducted (1) to assess traditional fodder banks’ forage nutritive potential on animal production, and (2) to investigate the effect of Leucaena leucocephala leaf meal (LLM) supplementation on growth of steers grazing standing hay basal forages in the dry season. The traditional forages had low nutritive values indicated by low mean crude protein (CP) of 23 g kg−1 dry matter (DM), and high fibre contents of 717, 546 and 153 g kg−1 DM for neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL), respectively. The forages were poorly degraded in sacco and had low metabolisable energy (ME) (4.2–4.6 MJ kg−1 DM). Mean washing losses A, slowly degradable DM fraction, B, potential degradability, (A+B) and mean 48 h DM degradability (DMD) of grazing land forages were 70, 471, 541 and 326 g kg−1 DM, respectively. In the supplementation study, 16 growing steers (160.8±0.24 kg) were randomly allocated into four groups, in a completely randomized design. Four LLM treatment diets (T1, T2, T3 and T4), with four levels: 0, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 kg DM for control, low, medium and high LLM levels, respectively, were randomly allocated to the animals in the four groups for 70 days (d). LLM supplementation (p<0.05) improved mean weight gain from −0.30 to 0.26 kg steer−1 d−1, for T1 and T4, respectively. Steers on T4 gained (p<0.05) more weight compared to the animals in T1 and T2, though there was no (p>0.05) difference in weight gains between animals on T3 and T4 (0.14 vs. 0.26 kg steer−1 d−1, respectively). Standing hay basal forages alone could not sustain animal productivity during dry seasons unless corrected for protein. Higher levels of LLM supplementation prevented weight losses and improved the performance of grazing steers, a management practice thought appropriate to low income pastoralists in semiarid western Tanzania.  相似文献   

The cutting seedlings ofLiriodendron chinense xtulipifera were treated with the different concentrations of auxin (treatment1: IBA of 50 g·kg−1+NAA of 300 g·kg−1; treatment2; IBA of 100 g·kg−1+NAA of 300 g·kg−1). The biomass nutrient element contents for different organs (root, stem, leaf) of cutting seedling ofLiriodendron chinense xtulipifera were measured by the dry method, Kjeldahl method and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy method. The result showed that the biomass of root, stem, and leaf of the cutting seedling treated with auxin was all remarkably increased. The contents of element C in root, stem and leaf had no significant difference between the control and auxin treatments, while the contents of N, P, K and Ca in stem were much lower than that in leaf and root. Variance analysis showed that for the same organ with different concentration treatment of auxin, the four nutrient elements (N, P, K, and Ca) had no significant difference in contents, while there existed significant or very significant difference in contents of the four nutrient elements in different organs with the same concentration auxin treatment. The N, P, K and Ca contents were very low in cutting seedlings; as a result, additional fertilizer should be applied to the seedlings when they were planted in the field. Foundation item: This paper was supported by Jiangsu Province Science Foundation (BE96350). Biography: ZHANG Xiao-ping, (1972-), female, Ph. Doctor in Nanjing Forestry University. Nanjing 210037, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

In the Bamileke country (West Cameroon), farmers use pole-cutting practice for plantation tree and hedge management. Depending on the species, this practice follows certain rules for gathering, conditioning and planting of pole-cuttings. The main function of the living fences determines the length of the cuttings, the space between them, the hedge structure and its latticing with raffia bamboo. Pole-cutting practice enables farmers to set up pigs, goats and sheep enclosures in the crop fields, as well as to demarcate the family lots. Trees stemming from pole-cutting are pollarded to supply the family group with the majority of their wood product requirements. Pole-cutting practice fulfills the needs of several farmers such as rapid delimitation of land, animal enclosures, firewood, construction wood, timber and cutting production. However, this practice needs a fine hedge management. With decreasing sheep and goat herds and the frequent absence of the farmer, techniques of hedge management are changing.
Résumé En pays Bamiléké, sur les hauts plateaux de l'ouest du Cameroun, les paysans utilisent la technique des macro-boutures pour la gestion de leur parc arboré. L'utilisation du macrobouturage suit un certain nombre de règles pour la récolte des boutures, leur conditionnement et leur plantation, qui dépendent de l'espèce bouturée. La fonction principale de la haie détermine la longueur et l'espacement des boutures, leur organisation et leur palissage avec du bambou raphia. Cette technique contribue à la construction de haies séparant l'espace cultivé des parcs à bétail d'une part, et marquant les limites de leur concession d'autre part. Elle répond utilement à un certain nombre de besoins: marquage rapide de limites foncières; séparation élevage/agriculture; fourniture de la majeures parties des besoins de la famille en produits forestiers par une taille en tétard. Mais elle réquière une gestion fine des haies. Avec la diminution des troupeaux et l'abscence fréquente du chef de famille, les techniques de gestion du parc arboré évoluent.

The above-ground biomass and production, below-ground biomass, nutrient (NPK) accumulation, fine roots and foliar characteristics of a 8-year-old silver birch (Betula pendula) natural stand, growing on abandoned agricultural land in Estonia, were investigated. Total above-ground biomass and current annual production after eight growing seasons was 31.2 and 11.9 t DM ha−1, respectively. The production of stems accounted for 62.4% and below-ground biomass accounted for 19.2% of the total biomass of the stand. Carbon sequestration in tree biomass reaches roughly 17.5 t C ha−1 during the first 8 years. The biomass of the fine roots (d < 2 mm) was 1.7 ± 0.2 t DM ha−1 and 76.2% of it was located in the 20 cm topsoil layer. The leaf area index (LAI) of the birch stand was estimated as 3.7 m2 m−2 and specific leaf area (SLA) 15.0 ± 0.1 m2 kg−1. The impact of the crown layer on SLA was significant as the leaves are markedly thicker in the upper part of the crown compared with the lower part. The short-root specific area (SRA) in the 30 cm topsoil was 182.9 ± 9.5 m2 kg−1, specific root length (SRL), root tissue density (RTD) and the number of short-root tips (>95% ectomycorrhizal) per dry mass unit of short roots were 145.3 ± 8.6 m g−1, 58.6 ± 3.0 kg m−3 and 103.7 ± 5.5 tips mg−1, respectively. In August the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, accumulated in above ground biomass, was 192.6, 25.0 and 56.6 kg ha−1, respectively. The annual flux of N and P retranslocation from the leaves to the other tree parts was 57.2 and 3.7 kg ha−1 yr−1 (55 and 27%), respectively, of which 29.1 kg ha−1 N and 2.8 kg ha−1 P were accumulated in the above-ground part of the stand.  相似文献   

Aldehydes play an important role in atmospheric chemistry and plant direct and indirect defense against environmental stresses.In this study,the emissions of saturated C6-C10 aldehydes from Populus simonii × P.pyramidalis ’Opera 8277’ cuttings were examined by using a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry(GC/MS) technique at three levels of light intensity(400,800 and 1 200 μmol·m-2·s-1).A positive correlation between the emissions of these aldehydes and light intensity was found.Moreover,nordi-hydroguaiaretic acid(NDGA),a special inhibitor of lipoxygenase(LOX),significantly inhibited the emissions of C6-C9 aldehydes at three levels of light intensity,but did not influence the emission of decanal(C10).The emissions of C6-C10 aldehydes in NDGA treated poplar cuttings,exhibited the same positive correlation with light intensity.The results indicated that LOX pathway contributes to the emissions of C6-C9 aldehydes,whereas some pathways regulated by light intensity might be a universal mechanism for emissions of C6-C10 aldehydes.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Odontia bicolor wurde im Harz, in Hessen und bei Bremen als Stammf?uleerreger (Kernf?ule) aus lebenden Fichten (Picea abies) isoliert. Wahrscheinlich dringt der Pilz durch die Wurzeln in die St?mme ein. Amylostereum areolatum, ebenfalls in Harz, in Hessen, bei Bremen, ferner im Schwarzwald aus lebenden stammfaulen Fichten isoliert, dringt durch Wunden in die St?mme ein.
Summary Odontia bicolor and Amylostereum areolatum were isolated from decayed wood of living spruce trees (Picea abies) in several districts in Germany, O. bicolor as the cause of a heart rot, A. areolatum invating the trees through wounds.

Résumé Odontia bicolor, cause d’une pourriture du coeur et Amylostereum areolatum, cause d’une pourriture de lésion, sont isolés en different régions de l’Allemagne de troncs vivants d’épicéa (Picea abies).

The influence of V.A. mycorrhization was studied on two clones of in-vitro micropropagated plantlets ofArgania spinosa, a slow-growing tree of great importance in agroforestry systems in the semi-arid and arid zones of southwestern Morocco. Inoculation increased total shoot length, stem girth and biomass of the plants, when cultivated in controlled conditions with a phosphorus fertilization of 31 mgP·kg–1 added to a substrate already containing 13.5 mg·kg–1 available P (Olsen). The positive effect increased with time and, after 6 months, the above-ground dry matter production was 5 to 6 times higher for inoculated plants. The Relative Mycorrhizal Dependency Index, calculated on total dry matter, reached 77–78% at the end of experiment. Calculated on above-ground dry matter, the R.M.D.I. was 81–83%, placing the argan tree among the plants most dependent on mycorrhizal symbiosis. The root/shoot ratio was markedly (40–50%) reduced by inoculation, demonstrating the higher efficiency of a mycorrhizal root system.
Résumé L'influence de la mycorhization V.A. a été étudiée chez l'arganier (Argania spinosa), arbre à croissance lente très important pour les systèmes agroforestiers des zones arides et semi-arides du Sud-Ouest marocain. Chez les plantules issues de micropropagation in vitro et cultivées en conditions contrôlées sur un substrat contenant 13.5 mgP·kg–1 (Olsen) auquel on rajoute 31 mgP·kg–1 par la fertilisation, l'inoculation accroit la longueur totale des axes, le diamètre au collet et la biomasse des plantes issus de multiplication in vitro. L'effet bénéfique augmente avec le temps et, après 6 mois, la matière sèche des parties aériennes était 5 à 6 fois plus élevée chez les plantes inoculées que chez les témoins non inoculés. L'Indice de Dépendence Mycorhizienne Relative, calculé sur la matière sèche totale, atteint 77–78% à la fin de l'expérience. Calculé sur la matière sèche des seules parties aériennes, l'I.D.M.R. est de 81–83%, situant l'Arganier parmi les plantes les plus dépendantes de la symbiose mycorhizienne. Le rapport racines/parties aériennes est nettement réduit (de 40 à 50%) par l'inoculation, mettant en évidence la meilleure efficacité d'un système racinaire mycorhizé.

Peltophorum dubium seeds provided by Anhembi, SP were scarified in 98% H2SO4 for 15 rain to overcome mechanical dormancy. Seeds were primed in solutions of 0.2% Captan at 10℃ and 27℃, PEG 6000 -1.0 MPa at 10℃ and 27℃, 0.5 mol KNO3, 0.75 Mol KNO3, 1.0 Mol KNO3. Eight treatments including the primed seeds and nonprimed seeds, five replicates with 100 seeds for each treatment, were set to 15-cm-Petri dish with double filter paper moistened with testing solution PEG in refrigerator at 27℃. For the experiments of all the groups, osmotic potential were 0.0, -0.2, -0.4, -0.6, -0.8, -1.0, -1.2, and -1.4 MPa. P. dubium seeds were also set to water stress experiment in rolled paper with PEG solutions from 0.0 to -1.0 MPa.Germination percentage decreased with the increase of PEG concentration. Control group had a better germination percentage than other groups. Germination hardly occurred in PEG -1.4 MPa.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurde die Giftwirknng der α-, β-, γ- und δ-Isomeren des Hexachlorcyclohexans gegenüber Eilarven des Hausbockk?fers (Hylotrupes bajulus L.) und mittelgro?en Larven des Gew?hnlichen Nagek?fers (Anobium punctatum De Geer) bestimmt. Gegenüber beiden Larvenarten erwies sich das λ-Isomere erwartnngsgema? als der bei weitem wirksamste Stoff. Danach folgt, je nach den Versuchsbedingungen um den Faktor 10 bis 20100 schlechter, unerwartet das α-Isomere. Das δ- und noch ausgepr?gter das β-Isomere sind bedeutend weniger wirksam. Der Unterschied gegenüber dem γ-Isomeren liegt für Hausbock-Eilarven in der Gro?enordnung von 1500 und 80000; für Anobien-Larven ist er mit < 500 geringer. Das Ergebnis mit dem α-Isomeren ist beachtenswert.
Summary The toxicity of the α-, β-, γ-, and δ-isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane towards egg-larvae of the Old House Borer (Hylotrupes bajulus L.) and medium-sized larvae of the Common Furniture Beetle (Anobium punctatum De Geer) was determined. As was to be expected, the γ-,isomer proved by far most effective against both species of larvae. Then, unexpectedly, the α-isomer follows, inferior by the factor 10 to 2000 according to the testing conditions. The δ- and, even more distinctly, the β-isomer show a considerably smaller efficiency. The difference to the γ-isomer amounts to a relation of 1500 and 80000 withHylotrupes egg-larvae; it is smaller (<500) withAnobium larvae. The result obtained with the α-isomer is remarkable.

Résumé L'effet toxique des α-, β-, γ-, et δ-isomères du chlorocyclo-hexane contre des ovule-larves desHylotrupes bajulus L. et contre des larves de moyenne grandeur del'Anobium punctatum De Geer fut déterminé. Comme supposé, le γ-isomère était bien la plus efficace substance. Inattendu, le α-isomère, suit, selon les conditions d'essai plus mauvaises du facteur 10 à 2000. Le δ-isomè re et plus distinctement le β-isomère sont efficaces beaucoup moins. La différence entre ces derniers et les γ-isomères est de 1500 et 80000 pour des larves deHylotrupes bajulus L.; elle e'st moindre (< 500) pour des larves del'Anobium punctatum De Geer.

Agroforestry systems can play a major role in the sequestration of carbon (C) because of their higher input of organic material to the soil compared to sole crop agroecosystems. This study quantified C input in a 19-year old tropical alley cropping system with E. poeppigiana (Walp.) O.F Cook in Costa Rica and in a 13-year old hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides × nigra DN-177) alley cropping system in southern Canada. Changes in the level of the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool, residue decomposition rate, residue stabilization efficiency, and the annual rate of accumulation of SOC were also quantified in both systems. Carbon input from tree prunings in Costa Rica was 401 g C m−2 y−1 compared to 117 g C m−2 y−1 from litterfall at the Canadian site. In southern Canada, crop residue input from maize (Zea mays L.) was 212 g C m−2 y−1, 83 g C m−2 y−1 from soybeans (Glycine max L.) and 125 g C m−2 y−1 for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and was not significantly different (p < 0.05) from the sole crop. The average yearly C input from crop residues in Costa Rica was significantly greater (p < 0.05) in the alley crop for maize (134 g C m−2 y−1) and Phaseolus vulgaris L. bean crops (35 g C m−2 y−1) compared to the sole crop. The SOC pool was significantly greater (p < 0.05) in the Costa Rican alley crop (9536 g m−2) compared to its respective sole crop (6143 g m−2) to a 20 cm depth, but no such difference was found for the southern Canadian system. Residue stabilization, defined as the efficiency of the stabilization of added residue (crop residues, tree prunings, litterfall) that is added to the soil C pool, is more efficient in southern Canada (31%) compared to the alley cropping system in Costa Rica (40%). This coincides with a lower organic matter decomposition rate (0.03 y−1) to a 20 cm depth in Canada compared to the Costa Rican system (0.06 y−1). However, the average annual accumulation rate of SOC is greater in Costa Rica (179 g m−2 y−1) and is likely related to the greater input of organic material derived from tree prunings, compared to that in southern Canada (30 g m−2 y−1) to a 20 cm depth.  相似文献   

Softwood shoots were produced from 40 cm long stem segments placed horizontally in flat trays containing sterilized sand under natural light or shade conditions for subsequent rooting and micropropagation studies in teak (Tectona grandis L.). Higher number of shoots (6.17) per log was produced under natural light as compared to shade conditions. Forcing was also better in natural light as compared to shade in terms of shoot length, number of nodes or leaves. For rooting, 2–4 cm long softwood shoots were excised and treated with either indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) or α-naphthyl acetic acid (NAA) at 0, 1000, 2000 or 3000 μmol·L–1 each or with combinations (1000 + 1000, 2000 + 2000 or 3000 + 3000 μmol·L–1) and then placed in flat trays containing autoclaved sand at 25 ± 2ºC in 16 h photoperiod at 35 µmol·m–2·s–1. After 28 days, softwood cuttings treated with IBA + NAA (3000 + 3000 μmol·L–1) had highest rooting percentage (89.3%) with 5.5 mean roots. Shoot apex and nodal explants of softwood cuttings were pretreated with 0.1% (w/v) ascorbic acid, boric acid, activated charcoal, citric acid, glutamine or polyvinylpolypyrollidone (PVP) for 24 h to remove phenolic compounds before surface disinfestation. Glutamine (Gl) and PVP were equally effective resulting in 60% establishment of shoot apices on MS medium supplemented with 10 μmol·L–1 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) + 5 μmol·L–1 NAA. Using shoot apices, highest (42.80) number of multiple shoots with 54.33 mm shoot length were obtained on MS + BAP (8.8 μmol·L–1) + IBA (2 μmol·L–1) after 45 days. Shoots were successfully rooted and acclimatized to greenhouse  相似文献   

Insecticidal seed treatment is an alternative method to spray and granular applications. It can protect the crop right from germination to reproductive stage. Recurrent use of chemical insecticides destabilizes the ecosystem and enhances the development of resistance in pest population. Use of biopesticides like neem oil (NO) is a promising one in this situation. Two field experiments were conducted to test the efficacy of NO as a seed dresser (20 ml kg−1) and the effect was compared with systemic chemical insecticides imidacloprid (7 g kg−1) and carbosulfan (7 g kg−1) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (10 g kg−1). Field studies revealed that the neem oil 60EC (C) (NO 60EC (C)) recorded minimum population of sucking pests Leafhopper—Amrasca biguttula biguttula Ishida and Aphids—Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Cicadellidae and Aphididae), i.e., below the ETL (2 number per leaf) up to 45 days after sowing and provided better yield compared to control. Although the systemic chemical insecticide imidacloprid performed better by recording 11,280 and 11,580 kg ha−1 of marketable fruit yield, NO 60EC (C) also recorded about twofold increase in marketable fruit yield 11,000 and 10,620 kg ha−1, respectively, in 2001 and 2002 experiments. Results of this study suggest that NO could be used as a potential seed dresser for managing sucking pests in okra.  相似文献   

Effects of side chain hydroxyl groups on pyrolytic β-ether cleavage of phenolic model dimers were studied with various deoxygenated dimers under pyrolysis conditions of N2/400°C/1 min. Although phenolic dimer with hydroxyl groups at the C α and C γ positions was much more reactive than the corresponding nonphenolic type, deoxygenation at the C γ -position substantially reduced the reactivity up to the level of the nonphenolic type. These results are discussed with the cleavage mechanism via quinone methide intermediate formation, which is activated through intramolecular hydrogen bonds between C α and C γ hydroxyl groups.  相似文献   

The effects of the warm and dry weather in the southern upper Rhine plain in the southwest of Germany on the carbon balance of the Scots pine forest at the permanent forest meteorological experimental site Hartheim were analysed over a 14-month period. The investigation of the net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide (F NEE) of the Scots pine forest started in the extraordinary hot and dry August 2003. Carbon dioxide fluxes were measured continuously using an eddy covariance system and analysed by use of the EDDYSOFT software package. After determining the temperature dependence of the forest ecosystem respiration and the daytime light dependence of the CO2 exchange, monthly and annual carbon balances of the Scots pine forest were calculated. Mean peak daytime F NEE rates observed in August and September 2003 (−6.5±3.6 μmol m−2 s−1) were drastically lower than in August and September 2004 (−11.8±5.2 μmol m−2 s−1), which did not show pronounced deviations from the mean long-term (1978–2002) climatic conditions. In August 2003, the Hartheim Scots pine forest was a distinct CO2 source (35 g C m−2). The estimates of the annual carbon sink strength of the Scots pine forest ranged between −132 g C m−2 (August 2003–July 2004) and −211 g C m−2 (October 2003–September 2004). The main uncertainty in the determination of the carbon balance of the Hartheim Scots pine forest was introduced by the frequently low turbulence levels, i.e. the friction velocity corrected night-time F NEE fluxes.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted for six years (1981–1986) on sandy loam soil on intercropping hedgerows of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) de Wit. with three field crops viz. maize (Zea mays L), black gram (Vigna mungo L) and cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L Taub.). In treatments 1 and 2 Leucaena hedges were planted as pure crops at close (25 cm × 75 cm) and wide (25 cm × 375 cm) spacings. In treatments 3, 4 and 5 the three field crops were intercropped between the hedgerows of Leucaena at the wide spacing, and in treatments 6, 7 and 8 the field crops were raised as pure crops. Leucaena was topped to 75 cm each time it attained a height of 175 cm. The pure crop of Leucaena at close spacing produced an average, over the six years, of 34 t ha−1a−1 of green fodder and 9.4 t ha−1a−1 of air dry fuelwood. The Leucaena at wide spacing produced 18.9 t ha−1a−1 of green fodder and 6.3 t ha−1a−1 of fuelwood. Intercropping with field crops decreased the yield of green fodder and fuelwood. The yield of all the field crops was less when raised as intercrops than as pure crops. Mean maximum net returns were obtained from intercrops of Leucaena and cluster bean (Rs 3540 ha−1a−1) which were significantly higher than the returns from pure crop of Leucaena at wide spacing but similar to the returns from pure crops of cluster bean. Leucaena with maize (Rs 3273 ha−1a−1) and black gram (Rs 3125 ha−1a−1) gave significantly higher net returns over pure crops of Leucaena at wide spacing, maize and black gram. ICRISAT = International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics- Hyderabad, India. CIAT = Centro International de Agricultura Tropical - Cali - Columbia  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird über das Auftreten der Gammaeule(Phytometra gamma L.) in den Jahren 1959, 1961 und 1962 berichtet. Aufgrund von Fangergebnissen an Insekten-Fanglampen und nach Beobachtungen im Freiland sowie in Zuchtk?figen, werden einige biologische Besonderheiten er?rtert. Als Parasiten traten auf: der PilzTarichium sp., die Raupenfliegen (Tachinen)Voria ruralis Fall.,Platymyia westermanni Zett. sowie eine nicht n?her bestimmte Ichneumonide. über Erfahrungen bei der Bek?mpfung der Gammaeule wird berichtet.
Summary There has been reported on the appearance ofPhytometra gamma L. in 1959, 1961 and 1962. On the evidence of catching results at Insect-light-traps and in consequence of observations in the open air as well as in breeding cages, some biological particularities are argued. As parasites there appeared: the fungusTarichium sp., the „Raupenfliegen” (Tachinen)Voria ruralis Fall.,Platymyia westermanni Zett. and also an Ichneumonide that has not been determined strictly. Concerning the experiences on the control of the common silver moth a report will be given.

Résumé On a rapporté sur l'apparition dePhytometra gamma L. en 1959, 1961 et 1962, En conséquence des reśultats de trappe avec des trappes-lumières pour les insectes et après des observations en plein air, ainsi que dans les cages pour l'élévation, quelques particularités biologiques ont é té discuté. Comme parasites appar?rent: Le champignonTarichium sp., les „Raupenfliegen” (Tachinen)Voria ruralis Fall.,Platymyia westermanni Zett., ainsi qu'une Ichneumonide pas encore déterminée à peu près. Des experiences sur la lutte contre Noctuelle grise seront rapportées.

To clarify the biosynthetic pathway for syringyl lignans, especially syringyl tetrahydronaphthalene lignans and formation of the C2–C7′ linkage, production of (+)-lyoniresinol (LYR) and its predicted intermediates [syringaresinol (SYR), 5,5′-dimethoxylariciresinol (DMLR), and 5,5′-dimethoxysecoisolariciresinol (DMSLR)] in Lyonia ovalifolia var. elliptica was investigated by means of feeding experiments with radiolabeled precursors. Following individual administration of l-[U-14C]phenylalanine (Phe), [8-14C]sinapyl alcohol (SA), and [8,8′-14C]SYR to excised young shoots of L. ovalifolia and their subsequent metabolism, free [14C]lignans and [14C]lignan glycosides were extracted with methanol from stems and leaves and were divided into ethyl acetate-soluble fractions (lignans) and aqueous fractions (lignan glycosides), respectively. Using a combination of xylanase, cellulase, and β-glucosidase, the glycosides were hydrolyzed to liberate [14C]lignans as aglycones. l-[U-14C]Phe was incorporated into (+)-[14C]SYR [stem 0.38%, 8% enantiomeric excess (e.e.)], (−)-[14C]SYR (leaves 2.75%, 72% e.e.), (+)-[14C]DMLR (stem 0.07%, 18% e.e. and leaves 0.009%, 58% e.e.), (−)-[14C]DMSLR (stem 0.03%, 46% e.e. and leaves 0.05%, 20% e.e.), (+)-[14C]LYR (leaves 0.013%, 22% e.e.) and glycosides of (+)-[14C]LYR (stem 0.036%, 50% e.e.) in 24h. Based on the percent incorporation and enantiomeric composition of the lignans, the biosynthetic pathway of (8R,8′R)-(+)-LYR was proposed as follows: a nonselective dehydrogenative dimerization of sinapyl alcohol yields (±)-SYR, which is reduced with low specificity to give (8R,8′R)-(+)-DMLR. This is cyclized to directly give (+)-LYR as well as reduced again to (8R,8′R)-(−)-DMSLR. Although further transformation of (−)-DMSLR also leads to the formation of (+)-LYR, cyclization could be a main pathway for (+)-LYR biosynthesis. This report was presented at the IAWPS 2005 International Symposium on Wood Science and Technology, Yokohama, November 2005  相似文献   

Robinia pseudoacacia stands act as a typical ecological protection forest in hilly semi-arid area of China. Two fields of surface runoff were separately set up inR. pseudoacacia stand and its clearcut area in the western Liaoning Province (18°50’–122°25’ E, 40°24’–42°34’ N) for measuring the characteristics of runoff and sediment as well as soil moisture dynamics. Contractive analysis of the two land types showed that there existed a significant difference in volumes of runoff and sediment between the sites ofR. pseudoacacia stand and its clearcut area. The runoff volume and sediment volume in clearcut are were much bigger than those inR. pseudoacacia stand, with an increase amount of 40%–177% for runoff and 180%–400% for sediment. Hydrograph of surface runoff of typical rainfall showed that the peak value of runoff inR. pseudoacacia stand was decreased by 1.0–2.5×10−3m3·s−1 compared with that in its clearcut area, and the occurring time of peak value of runoff inR. pseudoacacia stand was 10–20 min later than that in its clearcut area. Harmonic analysis of soil moisture dynamics indicated that the soil moisture inR. pseudoacacia stand was 2.3% higher than that in clearcut area, and the soil moisture both inR. pseudoacia stand and its clearcut area could be divided into dry season and humid season and varied periodically with annual raifall precipitation. It was concluded thatR. pseudoacacia stand plays a very important role in storing water, increasing soil moisture, and reducing surface runoff and soil erosion. Foundation item: This paper was supported by Chinese “863” Plan Water-Saving Agriculture (2002AA2Z4321), the Key Knowledge Innovation Project (SCXZY0103), and The “Tenth-five” Plan of Liaoning Province (2001212001). Biography: GAO Peng (1967-), male, Dr. candidate, associate professor of Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Song Funan  相似文献   

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