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This research is to construct a water balance model to estimate the amount of return flow in an irrigation system. A simple computation framework for the model was established to include various irrigation applications in cropping seasons. The model was able to estimate evapotranspiration, deep percolation into groundwater aquifer, and return flow. Return flow can be split into two parts, which are surface and subsurface return flows. The water balance model was then applied at the irrigation system (rotational block No. 11-2 of five paddy field units) which is operated by the Taoyuan Irrigation Association in Taiwan as an example. Two study cases were simulated, in which one was for using return flow and the other one was for using no return flow. The study period for the model simulations is the first rice cropping term in 2010 which was from February 16 to July 10. As a result, return flows calculated by the model were 27, 27, 34, and 39% of outflows for sandy loam, sandy clay, clay loam, and light clay soil, respectively. Irrigation water at the downstream field unit with use of return flow was supplemented by the upstream field units, and the amount is 5?C8% of irrigation water for using no return flow. Furthermore, it can be seen from the simulations that increases in irrigation water provide increases of return flow. Increases of irrigation water result in slight increases of subsurface return flow, while increases of irrigation water cause nearly none of change in deep percolation.  相似文献   

Puddling and recurring intermittent irrigation, common praxis in wet rice cultivation, modify the soil structure and therewith cause a temporal variation of the infiltration properties. This study attempts to evaluate the temporal variation of the infiltration rates of plough pan (vertical infiltration) and paddy fields’ surrounding bunds (bund infiltration) by analyzing (i) the infiltration rate as a function of time, (ii) the relationship between ponding water depth and infiltration rate, and (iii) the influence of cultivation age on vertical water loss and cross-flow through bunds. Two experimental fields with respective cultivation ages of 30 (A) and 7 (B) years were investigated. The results revealed that the time series of vertical infiltration rate (IR v) was with time consistency and the persistency of the bund infiltration was uncertain. The mean infiltration rate into the plough pan of A and B was 3.34 and 1.01 cm d?1, respectively. A total water depth of 230 and 85 cm would be, respectively, lost in A and B through the plough pan during rice growing season. The correlation coefficient between ponding water depth and IR v was ?0.48 and ?0.81 in A and B, respectively, demonstrating that the dynamic IR v in the old paddy field was less affected by the drying and wetting cycles. It is concluded that rice paddies which have been taken into cultivation since only a few decades may contribute to water losses. Maintenance of equilibrium condition between ponding and drying stages and careful preparation of bunds may reduce water loss.  相似文献   

The effect of controlled irrigation and drainage on N leaching losses from paddy fields was investigated by controlling root zone soil water content and water table depth using a lysimeter equipped with an automatic water table control system. Three treatments that combined irrigation and drainage managements were implemented: controlled irrigation (CI) + controlled water table depth 1 (CWT1), CI + controlled water table depth 2 (CWT2), and flooding irrigation (FI) + actual field water table depth (FWT). Controlled irrigation and drainage had significant environmental effects on the reduction of NH4 +–N and NO3 ?–N leaching losses from paddy fields by decreasing water leakage. The NH4 +–N leaching losses from CI + CWT1 and CI + CWT2 were 3.68 and 4.45 kg ha?1, respectively, which significantly reduced by 59.2 and 50.7 % compared with FI + FWT (9.02 kg ha?1). The NO3 ?–N leaching losses from CI + CWT1 and CI + CWT2 were 0.88 and 0.43 kg ha?1 with a significant reduction of 45.2 and 73.2 %, respectively, compared with FI + FWT (1.61 kg ha?1). The application of CI + CWT1 can be a pollution-controlled water management method of reducing N leaching losses from paddy fields.  相似文献   

The purpose of the article is to investigate the effects of water-saving irrigation on weed infestation and diversity in paddy fields; a two-year field experiment was conducted in Gaoyou Irrigation District, China. The responses of two irrigation treatments, controlled irrigation (CI) and traditional irrigation (TI), were observed and compared. The irrigation water use, yield, weed density, coverage ratio, height, species richness, density, dominant species, Shannon–Wiener index, and Pielou index were examined to analyze the water productivity, weed infestation, and diversity in paddy fields under the two treatments. The results showed that the water conditions were similar before the late tillering stage, and thereafter the CI fields were alternatively dry and wet with shallow standing water and low soil water content, while the TI fields were mostly continuously flooded by deep standing water and high soil water content. Irrigation water use for CI was 46.8% lower than TI. The CI treatment reduced weed density by 38.0%, decreased coverage ratio by 13.8%, and resulted in a 39.0% increase in weed height. Fewer species were found in CI fields than TI fields. The Shannon–Wiener index decreased by 11.5%, and the Pielou index increased by 3.2%. The changed water regime under CI not only impeded the growth of dominant species but also placed the whole weed community at a relatively stable level with reduced weed density. Meanwhile, aquatic weeds were well controlled; however, semi-aquatic weeds became the dominant species. In general, CI effectively reduced the risk of weed outbreaks, and weed diversity also decreased when it reduced irrigation water use.  相似文献   

The widely adopted alternate wetting and drying (AWD) irrigation for rice production is increasingly needed to quantify the different water outflows and nitrogen leaching losses. We investigated the effects of AWD on percolation, water productivity, nitrogen leaching losses, and nitrogen productivity through in situ experiments. Results show that AWD reduced irrigation water without a significant impact on grain yields and increased the mean water productivity by 16.9 % compared with continuously flood irrigation (CFI). The mean nitrogen productivity of 135 kg ha?1 N level was 22.2 % higher than that of 180 kg ha?1 N level, although grain yields substantially increased because of nitrogen fertilization application. The percolation was also reduced by 15.3 % in 2007 and 8.3 % in 2008 compared to CFI. However, the cumulative percolation of the first 5 days after irrigation in AWD plots is significantly larger than that in CFI plots. The NH4 +–N and TN leaching losses of AWD and CFI had no significant variations while the NO3 ?–N leaching losses were increased caused by AWD. The total NH4 +–N, NO3 ?–N, and TN leaching losses of AWD in the first 3 days after irrigation were higher than that of contemporaneous CFI. The results indicate that the bypass or preferential flow and strengthened nitrification–denitrification nitrogen transformation processes because of alternate wetting and drying potentially decrease the water saving effectiveness and increase the NO3 ?–N loading to the groundwater.  相似文献   

Improving irrigation performance is a crucial issue for agriculture and irrigation development in the Lower Mekong River Basin to secure food production for people’s livelihoods. Irrigation efficiency is the most important indicator to determine the performance of an irrigation scheme. This study looks at water management practices and irrigation efficiency in three pilot sites in the Lower Mekong River Basin: the Numhoum scheme in Laos, the Huay Luang scheme in Thailand, and the Komping Pouy scheme in Cambodia. Irrigation efficiency and water productivity were analyzed using a water balance approach at the irrigation scheme level and results in the pilot areas show efficiencies that are definitely higher using this approach than by using the classical concept. Lower water productivity was observed at pilot schemes in areas of single cropping and higher productivity in areas where multiple agricultural activities were practiced. Strict and active water management is required to control and save water to meet agricultural demand and have sufficient water to expand cultivation areas while avoiding shortages. Promoting multiple uses of water for various agricultural activities in command area will increase water productivity.
Hiroshi OkudairaEmail:

Recent water shortages in reservoirs have caused such problems as insufficient water and fallow rice fields in Southern Taiwan; therefore, comparing irrigation water requirements and crop production of paddy fields using a technique that differs from the conventional flood irrigation method is important. Field experiments for the second paddy field with four irrigation schedules and two repeated treatments were conducted at the HsuehChia Experiment Station, ChiaNan Irrigation Association, Taiwan. Experimental results demonstrate that irrigation water requirements for the comparison method, and 7-, 10- and 15-day irrigation schedules were 1248, 993, 848, and 718 mm, respectively. Compared to the conventional method of flooding fields at a 7-day interval, the 10- and 15-day irrigation schedules reduced water requirements by 14.6 and 27.3 %, respectively; however, crop yields decreased by 7 and 15 %, respectively. Based on the results, it was recommended that the ChaiNan Irrigation Association could adopt 10 days irrigation schedule and plant drought-enduring paddy to save irrigation water requirements for the water resource scarcity in southern Taiwan. The CROPWAT model was utilized to simulate the on-farm water balance with a 10-day irrigation schedule for the second paddy field. A comparison of net irrigation water requirements with the 10-day irrigation schedule from model and field experiment were 818 and 848 mm, respectively, and the error was 3.54 %.  相似文献   

Paddy and water environment are closely related to each other in Asia. Developing agriculture by way of construction of farmland irrigation works has long been the principal objective of policies in Taiwan. Owing to significant temporal and spatial difference in rainfalls, natural river runoff has hardly corresponded with irrigation requirements. The cultivation of rice paddies and upland crops are practiced according to the state of the water sources, and cultivation patterns and irrigation systems are framed by placing the same importance on the role of irrigation and drainage management. In this article, the characteristics of paddy irrigation in Taiwan, distinguishable from the western arid farming, have been categorized and will be reviewed in terms of irrigation development, agricultural water utilization, equitable distribution management, farmland consolidation, and the Irrigation Association with its role as that of a public juridical body.Dr. Tsai is the Chief of Irrigation and Engineering Division, Council of Agriculture (COA), Executive Yuan, Taiwan, R.O.C, and also serves as the president of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineers (CSAE), the Vice-President of the International Society of Paddy and Water Environment Engineering, the vice-president of International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) Chinese Taipei Committee, Managing Supervisor of Chinese Water Resources Management Society. He has an M.Sc. diploma in agricultural engineering from the National Taiwan University and in 1990 he received his Ph.D. degree in natural science and technology from Okayama University, Japan.  相似文献   

Paddy fields converted into winter wheat fields in Hokkaido, Japan, receive extremely high snowfall, creating a risk of flood damage to crops in spring due to waterlogging of snowmelt runoff and poor drainage. Meanwhile, in June there is relatively little rainfall, and a lack of moisture inhibits winter wheat growth. Therefore, we developed a method involving a series of 30-cm-deep ditches in agricultural fields to be used for drainage during the flood-prone period and for furrow irrigation during the dry period using water drawn from the canals that feed the paddy fields. The ditches are called ‘hybrid ditches’ as they are able to perform both drainage and irrigation functions. In this study, we investigated the optimal construction timing and spacing for hybrid ditches. We also evaluated their ability to improve the drainage and irrigation of winter wheat. We found that the optimal timing for digging hybrid ditches is immediately after sowing, and the inter-ditch spacing for irrigation should be 15 m or less. The hybrid ditches promoted increased soil temperature and healthy development of wheat plants by improving drainage during the flood-prone period. In addition, water was successfully supplied via the hybrid ditches to irrigate the fields in June. Under experimental conditions in which rainfall was excluded, grain yield was 10% higher and percent protein content was more than 1% point greater in the irrigated plot compared with the non-irrigated plot. Grain yield was also observed to increase by 3–29% in demonstration tests conducted at local farms. From these results, we conclude that hybrid ditches are capable of improving the growth and yield of winter wheat by improving drainage and providing irrigation in converted paddy fields in Hokkaido.  相似文献   

Liu  Bo  Cui  Yuanlai  Shi  Yuanzhi  Cai  Xueliang  Luo  Yufeng  Zhang  Lei 《Paddy and Water Environment》2019,17(4):725-739
Paddy and Water Environment - Evapotranspiration from paddy fields under alternate wetting and drying (AWD) irrigation was measured using lysimeters (ETL) and eddy covariance (ETec) during the late...  相似文献   

Nie  Tangzhe  Chen  Peng  Zhang  Zhongxue  Qi  Zhijuan  Zhao  Jian  Jiang  Lili  Lin  Yanyu 《Paddy and Water Environment》2020,18(1):111-120
Paddy and Water Environment - Irrigation methods and rice straw incorporation (RSI) are two major factors influencing CH4 emissions from paddy fields. However, their effects have never been studied...  相似文献   

Traditional weed management, such as tillage and irrigation, has led to an enhanced maintenance of wetland plant species in fallow paddy fields. Recent herbicide usage and improvements in irrigation and drainage systems however have caused habitat loss of these species, especially in fields on open lowlands. We conducted experiments in three fallow paddy fields situated on the alluvial Echigo Plain in central Japan with an aim to restore the habitat of native wetland plant species. The three experimental fields were managed under different irrigation regimes, (1) perennially flooded with water, (2) intermittent irrigation, and (3) temporary irrigation. Half the area of each experimental field was tilled before irrigation. Detrended correspondence analysis revealed obvious floristic differences between experimental and control fields with no irrigation. The proportion of wetland plant species in the experimental fields increased corresponding to the irrigation period, ranging 60–86%, and was relatively greater than that in control fields. In the experimental fields, differences in both tillage and irrigation affected the occurrence of plant species. Tillage restricted the occurrence of many non-wetland plant species, and had a positive effect on the establishment of several annual wetland plant species. In addition, a longer duration of irrigation is not necessarily suitable for the occurrence of all wetland plant species. We concluded that fallow paddy fields provide a possible habitat for the restoration of native wetland plant species through appropriate tillage and irrigation.  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - Aqua-agriculture reservoirs have been used as one of the main resources for supplying water to paddy fields, particularly under water shortage conditions. In this...  相似文献   

Paddy rice is the staple food in Taiwan, where rice farming always plays an important role in agricultural activities. The paddy fields and irrigation activities hold diversified functions, such as production, eco-environmental and living-associated functions. This paper is to provide information regarding the potential magnitude and monetary value of seven functions of paddy fields in Taiwan, including flood mitigation, fostering water resources, preventing soil erosion, purifying water, cooling air temperature, refreshing atmosphere and recreation. For quantification of the above values, replacement cost method (RCM), contingent valuation method (CVM), and the travel cost method (TCM) are adopted. In addition, the ratio of monetary value and their rice production commodity value (R) was also estimated. The results indicated that the flood mitigation function had a monetary value of US$ 389 million each year, and the ratio to the rice production value R was estimated at 37%. Water resource fostering function was US$ 501 million and R at 47%; soil erosion reduction function was US$ 433 million and R at 41%; water quality purification function was US$ 3 million and R at 0.3%; cooling air temperature function was US$ 961 million and R at 91%; refreshing air function was US$ 196 million and R at 19%, health and recreation function was US$ 987 million and R at 93%, respectively. Due to the significant importance of these externalities, it is recommended that the government should properly take into account the multifunctionalities in policy making to ensure sustainable development of agriculture.  相似文献   

A field experiment was performed at two Korean research sites to evaluate water and nutrient behavior in paddy rice culture operations for 2 years. One site was irrigated with groundwater, whereas the other site was irrigated with surface water. Both sites received average annual rainfall of about 1,300 mm, and about 70–80% of it was concentrated during July–September coinciding with rice growing season. Although most of the nutrient outflow was attributed to plant uptake, nutrient loss by surface drainage was substantial. The simplified computer model, PADDIMOD, was developed to simulate water and nutrient behaviors in the paddy rice field. The model predicts daily ponded water depth, surface drainage, and nutrient concentrations. It was formulated with a few equations and simplified assumptions, but its application and a model fitness test indicated that the simulation results reasonably matched the observed data. It is a simple and practical planning model that could be used to evaluate nutrient loading from paddy rice fields alone or in combination with other complex watershed models. Further validation might be required for general application of the PADDIMOD to the simulation of paddy rice fields with various agricultural environments.  相似文献   

In Japan, a developed country in Asia, the Land Improvement Act systems have worked as a measure of social capital accumulation as well as an adjective law in implementing irrigation projects since 1949. This paper illustrates the status and problems in applying the concept of social capital to agricultural and rural development policy systems in developing countries, EU and Japan. The results obtained are summarized as follows: (1) it is desirable that governments formulate public policies that are appropriate for correcting inefficiencies in resource distribution for accumulating social capital, so that the governments play a significant role in developing and supporting social capital; (2) the effect of policies in the areas, where government-supported land improvement projects have been implemented, has been improved, subsequent to which the efficient use of the national budget allocated for the projects has been improved, while the projects significantly contribute to the national land conservation and social stability by continuously promoting minimum social capital accumulation nationwide. In addition, Japan and countries in the Asian monsoon region, which hold the five elements in common that constitute the characteristics of rice field irrigation in humid climates, should take over the advantages of the land improvement project system while learning from the success achieved by the LEADER+ programme in Europe, where society precedes Asian countries concerning the problems of decline in the birth rate, and expansion of an aging society.
Kazumi YamaokaEmail:

Increasing water productivity for paddy irrigation in China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper introduces the research on practices to increase water productivity for paddy irrigation in China and summarizes the experience on implementation of the alternate wetting and drying (AWD) irrigation technique. The widespread adoption of the AWD practice on 40% of the rice growing area provides an opportunity for China to produce more food in the water-surplus south where it is wet and the traditional based paddy field agriculture is dominant. Physical and institutional measures leading to increasing water and land productivity in rice-based systems are discussed. Research studies show that AWD practice does not reduce rice yield, but does increase the productivity of water. Water use and thus water charges can be reduced. However, experience shows that demonstrations and training are needed to encourage farmer adoption. Furthermore, there are a range of complementary policies and practices, such as volumetric pricing or farm pond development, which provide incentives for adoption of AWD. Finally, there remain many scientific issues to be addressed. Application of the AWD technique in some regions is still very difficult because of both bio-physical and socio-economic problems. In conclusion, the widespread adoption of AWD is only a first step in the continuing effort to find practices that will increase water productivity for paddy irrigation in China.Dr. Yuanhua Li was a Professor and Dean in Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering from 1996 to 2000. After that, he has been a Professor and Deputy Director General of the National Centre for Irrigation and Drainage Development, Ministry of Water Resources, China. He has been doing research on irrigation principally for paddy since 1982.Dr. Randolph Barker is an agricultural economist and Professor Emeritus Cornell University. From 1966 to 1978 he served as head of the Economics Department, International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines and from 1995 to 2004 was principal researcher, International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

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