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通过现状调查和文献查阅,对高尔夫球场对生态环境的影响进行了总结与分析,提出了我国高尔夫球场建设和管理过程中保护环境的部分措施,以期建立健全高尔夫球场相关生态环境保护、水资源利用、农药化肥合理施用的法律法规,促进高尔夫产业与环境保护、资源合理利用的协调发展。  相似文献   

烟草农药残留限量及消解动态研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农药残留是影响烟叶安全性的重要问题之一.从烟草生产中使用的农药及其残留的降解途径、目前国内外制定的农药残留限量标准和烟草生产、加工和燃吸过程中农药残留消解动态等方面,对近年来取得的研究结果进行了综述,并展望了消除消费者对卷烟抽吸安全性的顾虑,控制卷烟烟气中农药残留,提高烟叶及卷烟吸食安全性的有效措施.  相似文献   

陈宗懋 《中国茶叶》2006,28(6):18-19
近年来,随着国内外市场对茶叶卫生质量安全的日益重视,世界各国相继制定了茶叶中各种农药的残留限量标准,我国各级相关检测单位和茶叶企业也开展了茶叶中农药残留的检测分析。中国工程院院士、中国农业科学院茶叶研究所陈宗懋研究员于上世纪60年代在国内最早开展茶叶中农药残留检测研究,他领导的农产品质量安全检测室在今年5月欧盟组织的10个国家27家实验室的茶叶农残检测技术考核中第一名。为了使各茶叶农药残留检测机构更好地掌握检测技术,提高检测准确度和精确度,编辑部从本期起约请陈宗懋院士撰写“茶叶中农药残留检测技术讲座”,并分期刊出。本讲座将从农药残留毒性与残留分析特点、样品采集、标样配制、样品中残留农药的提取纯化、农药残留检测具体方法、茶叶中农药残留多检出技术及主要农药残留测定实例等方面进行详细介绍。[编者按]  相似文献   

国内外相关研究表明,水稻是喜硅作物,施硅后能提高水稻对稻瘟病、纹枯病等病害的抵抗力;硅本身对水稻又有一定的增产作用,但水稻施硅后,其抗病能力提高程度究竟有多大,对农药的替代作用如何,目前还不是很清楚。本研究旨在探明在水稻上施硅后不施针对病害的农药,硅的抗病和增产作用。  相似文献   

陈宗懋 《中国茶叶》2006,28(6):18-19
近年来,随着国内外市场对茶叶卫生质量安全的日益重视,世界各国相继制定了茶叶中各种农药的残留限量标准,我国各级相关检测单位和茶叶企业也开展了茶叶中农药残留的检测分析。中国工程院院士、中国农业科学院茶叶研究所陈宗懋研究员于上世纪60年代在国内最早开展茶叶中农药残留检测研究,他领导的农产品质量安全检测室在今年5月欧盟组织的10个国家27家实验室的茶叶农残检测技术考核中获第一名。为了使各茶叶农药残留检测机构更好地掌握检测技术,提高检测准确度和精确度,编辑部从本期起约请陈宗懋院士等撰写“茶叶中农药残留检测技术讲座”,并分期刊出。本讲座将从农药残留毒性与残留分析特点、样品采集、标样配制、样品中残留农药的提取纯化、农药残留检测具体方法、茶叶中农药残留多检出技术及主要农药残留测定实例等方面进行详细介绍。  相似文献   

茶叶农药残留检测技术概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从国内外茶叶农残限量动态、样品前处理技术和检测技术等几个方面对目前茶叶农药残留检测技术的研究状况作了系统的介绍。  相似文献   

茶叶中农药残留问题倍受媒体的关注,也逐渐成为公众关心的热点。茶叶农药残留检测是茶叶产品质量安全监管的重要手段和技术基础.研究农药残留的最终目的是通过科学合理使用农药,减少对环境的污染及对人类和生态系统的不良影响,对保障我县茶叶质量安全,打破发达国家的贸易技术壁垒,促进我县茶业健康持续发展,将起到非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

小麦抗倒性研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
倒伏是小麦高产、稳产和优质的重要限制因素之一,也是小麦超高产育种亟待解决的问题。目前,针对小麦倒伏类型、评价方法、相关表型性状、分子基础等已经开展了大量研究,并取得了一定的进展,这些研究成果为进一步改良小麦抗倒性奠定了良好的基础。本文根据国内外相关报道从以上几个方面对小麦抗倒性研究进行综述,分析小麦抗倒性研究存在的问题,并提出未来可能的研究途径和思路,进而为小麦抗倒伏育种提供理论支持。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和人们生活水平的不断提高,人类对纯天然、无污染、无公害、健康营养食品的追求日趋迫切。茶叶是食品,是目前世界无酒精的三大饮料之一,对卫生标准有着严格要求,尤其是对农药残留含量有严格规定。自93年5月1日起,日本政府对进口我茶实行农残法定检测以来,并对茶园使用的28种农药实行最高限量。96年欧共体也开始对进口我茶实行在残检测。之后,美国等茶叶进口国也相继开展此项工作,检测范围之扩大,且要求更加严格。这样,我省和我市茶叶出口将面临着严峻挑战和考验,务必引起各级政府、有关部门和茶区的高度重…  相似文献   

浅谈茶叶病虫害综合防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林新富 《福建茶叶》2009,31(3):32-33
茶叶病虫害自人类发现茶叶有解毒饮用功效并栽培以来.就一直困扰着人们。古代人们多采用人工、物理措施防治病虫。19世纪有机合成农药诞生,才为人类防治植物病虫害发挥了巨大的作用。但随着时间的推移,人们发现单一的有机合成农药防治技术,不仅使病虫产生抗药性,杀伤天敌,而且污染环境,对人类健康造成巨大威胁。上个世纪60年代以后,人类反思有机合成农药的优劣,开始引入生物防治与微生物防治。同时开拓传统的农业、物理防治技术,形成茶叶综合防治的概念。  相似文献   

Abstract A survey of pesticide records of golf courses was conducted to ascertain the incidence of microdochium patch disease, the most important turf grass pathogen in the UK. Disease incidence has remained steady over the last 10 years, but a wide variation was found in the incidence between courses. On average, golf courses suffered more than seven separate attacks of the disease per annum, with two distinct patterns being found. In one, disease was confined to spring and autumn, while in the other, outbreaks occurred with a similar frequency throughout the year. A negative correlation was found to exist between arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal abundance and disease incidence, while addition of AM fungi to a putting green produced some evidence that this resulted in a reduction in pathogen attack. It is concluded that AM fungi may have potential for use in a biocontrol programme against microdochium patch in fine turf.  相似文献   

综述了海南省开展农药风险评估的必要性及优势,必要性包括:海岛本身的脆弱性;海南岛土壤类型复杂;农药对海南环境污染严重;农药对海南水产品、养蜂业影响严重。优势:海南丰富的野生动物资源。  相似文献   

植物源农药的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
植物源农药就其低毒、低残留、与环境和谐、对非靶标生物相对安全等优点,符合现代环保和人们健康的要求而越来越引起人们的高度重视。本文综述植物源农药的资源、植物源农药杀虫剂、杀菌剂和除草剂等的研究进展。  相似文献   

Smallholder vegetable production is expanding rapidly in Zimbabwe both for local sale in urban markets and for export. Pest management practices of 12 small-scale vegetable farmers in two areas of Zimbabwe were surveyed over a five-month period to gather information on crops, pests, diseases and crop protection methods. A range of serious pests and diseases affects non-indigenous vegetables such as Brassicas, tomatoes, onions and cucurbits. Although farmers use some cultural control methods and occasionally botanical pesticides, pest control is predominantly by the use of conventional synthetic pesticides. These are usually applied through lever operated knapsack sprayers although some less orthodox application methods are occasionally used. Results are variable and there are concerns about risks to sprayer operators, consumers and the environment (including natural enemies) due to shortcomings in protective clothing, large deviations from recommended doses and excessive run-off to the soil. Field trials were carried out to evaluate a modified sprayer lance which directs the spray upwards rather than downwards in an attempt to place more of the spray under the leaves where most of the arthropod pests are found. The ‘V lance’ as it is called improved the uniformity of spray coverage on the upper and lower leaf surfaces and is expected to improve efficacy of spraying and/or offer the opportunity to reduce doses or spray frequencies. Farmers who tested the device reported good results and gave constructive feedback for future improvements. The smallholder vegetable sector requires support in the form of improved access to existing pest management information (in an appropriate form) and focused research targeted at the knowledge gaps which currently impede implementation of sustainable IPM.  相似文献   

There have been no previous risk assessment studies on citrus pesticides in Spain. The aim of this work was to estimate the risks caused by worst-case drift scenarios of the principal pesticides used on the crop, assessing possible damage to the environment and human health. A field survey was carried out, characterizing the specific conditions of plant protection product applications to citrus crops in Spain. Six targets were identified as being the most affected by droplet spray drift in Spain, and more broadly in most Mediterranean conditions: aquatic organisms, earthworms, bees, adult bystanders, child bystanders and residents. Three drift estimation models were used to assess the amount of drift at specific distances downwind of a field in order to calculate Risk Indicators. These showed safe conditions for earthworms and residents, but also indicated that some pesticides may pose a risk to aquatic organisms, even with a 20 m buffer zone, and also to bees, and adult and child bystanders. In general, results generated similar consequences of hazard risk independent of the drift prediction model used, indicating that toxicological data are more relevant for predicting risks.  相似文献   

Combined effects on soil microbial activity of nutrient and pesticide management in hybrid rice double annual cropping system were studied. Results of field experiment demonstrated significant changes in soil microbial biomass phospholipid contents, abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and proteolytic bacteria, electron transport system (ETS)/dehydrogenase activity, soil protein contents under different management practices and at various growth stages. Marked depletions in the soil microbial biomass phospholipid contents were found with the advancement of crop growth stages, while the incorporation of fertilizers and/or pesticides also induced slight changes, and the lowest microbial biomass phospholipid content was found with pesticides application alone. A decline in the bacterial abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and proteolytic bacteria was observed during the continuance of crop growth, while the lowest abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and proteolytic bacteria was found with pesticides application alone, which coincided with the decline of soil microbial biomass. A consistent increase in the electron transport system activity was measured during the different crop growth stages of rice. The use of fertilizers (NPK) alone or combined with pesticides increased it, while a decline was noticed with pesticides application alone as compared with the control. The soil protein content was found to be relatively stable with fertilizers and/or pesticides application at various growth stages in both crops undertaken, but notable changes were detected at different growth stages.  相似文献   

Combined effects on soil microbial activity of nutrient and pesticide management in hybrid rice double annual cropping system were studied. Results of field experiment demonstrated significant changes in soil microbial biomass phospholipid contents,abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and proteolytic bacteria, electron transport system (ETS)/dehydrogenase activity, soil protein contents under different management practices and at various growth stages. Marked depletions in the soil microbial biomass phospholipid contents were found with the advancement of crop growth stages, while the incorporation of fertilizers and/or pesticides also induced slight changes, and the lowest microbial biomass phospholipid content was found with pesticides application alone. A decline in the bacterial abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and proteolytic bacteria was observed during the continuance of crop growth, while the lowest abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and proteolytic bacteria was found with pesticides application alone, which coincided with the decline of soil microbial biomass. A consistent increase in the electron transport system activity was measured during the different crop growth stages of rice. The use of fertilizers (NPK) alone or combined with pesticides increased it, while a decline was noticed with pesticides application alone as compared with the control.The soil protein content was found to be relatively stable with fertilizers and/or pesticides application at various growth stages in both crops undertaken, but notable changes were detected at different growth stages.  相似文献   

 田间实验表明在不同的管理方式和不同生长期所研究的土壤参数均发生显著变化。土壤微生物生物量/磷脂含量随水稻生长期延长而显著减少,同时,单独施用肥料或农药和同时施用肥料和农药均导致土壤微生物生物量/磷脂含量发生一定变化,单独施用农药的土壤中土壤微生物生物量/磷脂含量最低。异养型细菌和蛋白质分解菌数量随水稻生长期延长持续减少,单独施用农药的土壤中异养型细菌和蛋白质分解菌数量最少,异养型细菌和蛋白质分解菌数量的变化趋势与土壤微生物生物量/磷脂含量相似。电子运输系统/脱氢酶活度随水稻生长期延长持续增强。与对照相比,单独施用肥料或同施农药和肥料导致土壤中电子运输系统活度增强,而单独施用农药土壤中电子运输系统活度明显下降。单独施用肥料或农药及同时施用肥料和农药处理中,土壤中蛋白质含量相对稳定,但在不同生长期存在较大变化。关键词  相似文献   

植物源农药在水稻上的应用现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要从植物源农药作为杀虫剂、杀菌剂、除草剂在水稻生产中的应用现状及有效物质对水稻病虫草害的作用方式进行了较全面的论述。经过多年的研究表明:植物源药剂与环境有很好的相容性,对稻田天敌、水生动物安全,且能促进水稻生长,提高产量。因此,深入研究植物源农药对水稻病虫草害的作用效果、应用技术以及在稻田的综合利用,对推动我国无公害水稻生产具有巨大的现实意义。  相似文献   

低温对水稻产量、病害、千粒重、结实率等都会产生影响,针对低温冷害提出密切注意天气预报、实行测土配方施肥、合理施药、科学灌溉等技术措施。  相似文献   

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