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Collective action occurs when people join together to tackle problems of common interest. Collective action can be an effective means of group problem solving, especially among poorer residents of densely populated urban areas or farming systems. Few examples have been documented, however, for the lightly populated rangelands, where pastoralists are better known for their social independence and opportunistic behavior. We were therefore surprised to encounter dynamic women's collective-action groups in small settlements throughout north-central Kenya, a pastoral region characterized by high rates of poverty, few public services, recurrent drought, and ethnic conflict. We wanted to understand why groups were created and how they functioned. We used a semistructured questionnaire to interview representatives from 16 groups in February 2006. Results indicated that most groups had formed since the 1990s. They emerged either spontaneously or after encouragement from local development-agency staff. Founding members were exclusively women who were often illiterate and poor. Groups have elected leaders and are governed under constitutional frameworks with extensive bylaws. Groups form to improve living standards for members, and numerous success stories were noted. Groups undertake activities including microfinance, livelihood diversification, and mitigation of drought effects; they also spearhead and fund community education and health initiatives. A tally of 63 groups created over the previous 25 yr indicated that 2 had collapsed, 47 were thriving, and 14 were failing. Group failure was most attributed to poor leadership and negative interpersonal dynamics among members, but important external threats included drought, poverty, political incitement, illiteracy, and agitation by men. In a region beset by large challenges it is notable that such grassroots innovation can help fortify social, human, and financial capital and this, in turn, can improve risk management and human well-being. Collective action should be recognized as a vital development process in Kenya's rangelands that deserves more policy-level attention.  相似文献   

While there is a general consensus that using dairy technologies, such as improved breeds of dairy cows, can substantially increase farm productivity and income, adoption of such technologies has been generally low in developing countries. The underlying reasons for non-adoption of beneficial technologies in the dairy sector are not fully understood. In this study, we characterised adopters and non-adopters of dairy technologies in Ethiopia and Kenya based on farmers’ resources ownership in order to identify why many farmers in Ethiopia and Kenya have not adopted improved dairy technologies. As compared to non-adopters, farmers who adopt dairy technology own relatively more farm resources. The result signals that differences in resource endowments could lead to divergent technology adoption scenarios. Results show that a higher proportion of sample smallholders in Kenya have adopted dairy technologies than those in Ethiopia. Except for the use of veterinary services, fewer than 10% of sample farmers in Ethiopia have adopted dairy technologies—less than half the number of adopters in Kenya. The higher level of dairy technology adoption in Kenya can be ascribed partly to the long history of dairy development, including improvements in the value chain for the delivery of inputs, services and fluid milk marketing. Interventions that deal with the constraints related to access to farm resources and input and output markets could facilitate uptake of dairy technology in developing countries.  相似文献   

Two questionnaire surveys (2×44) were conducted among pastoral households, using three grazing management systems. The average number of Tropical Livestock Units (250 kg) was 4.0 per member of the household. Milk production was the most important source of revenue (66% of the total) followed by sale of livestock (17%) and transport (16%). High mortality rates were recorded for all livestock. About 27% of the milk was sold fresh or as butter. Sedentary and transhumant grazing management systems showed similar levels of income, but nomads had a 2.6-fold higher overall net income. The average total gross income from the entire herd amounted to US$ 6382 per household per year. The calculated costs were 29% of the gross returns. The contribution to the total gross revenues of camels, cattle and small ruminants was 58%, 25% and 17%, respectively.  相似文献   

王婷  王开丽  豆鹏鹏  黄晶  张旭泽  苗正洲  王堃 《草地学报》2022,30(12):3184-3190
为探究河北坝上地区饲草与作物对水资源的利用程度,本研究在河北省察北管理区种植3种一年生饲草(燕麦Avena sativa L.、箭筈豌豆Vicia sativa L.、玉米Zea mays L.)和4种主要农作物(莜麦Avena chinensis Metzg.、小麦Triticum aestivum L.、胡麻Linum usitatissimum L.、马铃薯Solanum tuberosum L.),通过种植试验比较一年生饲草和农作物水资源利用效率的差异,得出以下结论:一年生饲草产量高于农作物,其平均水分利用率(52.93%)比农作物水分利用率(36.33%)高出16.60%,玉米产量(63.92 t·hm-2)最高,水分利用率最高(141.80%),马铃薯(19.53%)水分利用率最低;一年生饲草水分利用率由植株磷含量、植株钾含量、温度、细胞间CO2浓度、鲜干比共同解释;农作物水分利用率由茎叶比、植物氮含量和细胞间CO2浓度共同解释。  相似文献   

农牧交错带退耕还草对耕作层土壤磷、钾含量的影响   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
在农牧交错带以小麦为对照,研究退耕还草对土壤磷、钾含量的影响。结果表明,退耕还草后,土壤0~20cm速效磷、钾含量均高于小麦地。冰草和无芒雀麦能较好地提高土壤速效磷和速效钾的含量。老芒麦与无芒雀麦混播(3:1)可以明显提高土壤速效磷含量。无芒雀麦与冰草混播(3:1)可以较好地提高土壤速效钾含量。  相似文献   

猪产仔数分子标记效应的比较分析和基因互作的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
比较分析了4个产仔数分子标记(ESR、ESRB、PRLR、FSHRB)及其基因效应,初步探讨了基因间相互作用。初步筛选出有利于产仔数提高的分子标记为ESR基因位点的基因型BB、FSHRB位点的基因型BB、PRLR基因位点的基因型AA、ESRB的基因型AA。不利于产仔数提高的分子标记为ESR基因位点的基因型AA、PRLR基因位点的基因型BB、FSHRB位点的基因型AA、位点ESRB的基因型BB。基因间互作不显著。  相似文献   

草原多维困境的根源性问题是不适当的制度及管理措施。制度演化理论的发展及其在中国农业研究领域的应用促使对草原生态、经济问题的研究开始重视制度视域的探讨,内容多是以新制度经济学理论分析草原产权制度、文化特点,以及探讨草业系统不同界面的适应性管理措施。通过对草原牧区新制度经济学研究和适应性管理研究评述,指出目前研究有待形成系统的研究框架和科学的理论体系,在制度概念辨识上要重视科技进步和利益格局改变所造成的影响;要注重分析制度演化进程和牧区宏观经济背景,对牧区制度演化路径和趋势有清晰认识;进行牧区经济活动和行为机制分析,以提出切实有效的政策建议;找到适当的参数和方法使不同领域、不同界面的研究相衔接。另外,牧区存在不同于农区的典型性、特殊性问题,以此为切入点可进行创新性研究,基于时空异质性以更多的实证分析使多领域研究融合,为解决草原牧区多维困境提供实践性思路。  相似文献   

西北地区草食畜牧业发展现状及趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西北地区地产人稀,草地资源丰富,草食畜牧业发展条件优越。笔者深入探讨了西北地区草食畜牧业的发展现状、优势及面临的问题。并结合国内外畜牧业的发展趋势,针对性地提出了我国西北地区草食畜牧业发展的主要措施。  相似文献   

内蒙古通辽市牧区传统乳制品中乳杆菌的分离鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验从内蒙古通辽市科左后旗和扎鲁特旗牧区自产的乳样中分离到29株乳杆前,并对其进行了鉴定。结果显示.优势菌株植物乳杆菌21株,玉米乳杆菌、干酪乳杆菌、肠孔杆菌、短乳杆菌和嗜酸乳杆菌各1株,另有3株没有鉴定到种。  相似文献   

内蒙古草原牧区范围广阔,包括33个牧业旗县,在内蒙古经济社会发展及生态建设中占有重要地位。建设生态牧区、实现牧区现代化是牧区建设的重要目标。在深入分析内蒙古牧区生态本底和产业发展现状及存在问题的基础上,借鉴国内外畜牧业发展模式和经验,从生态因素制约、种养结合等角度,提出牧区现代化发展思路和建设的指标体系,为内蒙古牧区建设奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

A study was carried out to estimate the prevalence, larval burden and risk factors of ovine and caprine oestrosis from December 2007 to May 2008 on 554 heads of randomly selected sheep and goat slaughtered at Ambo town, Western Shoa, Ethiopia. The results show an overall prevalence of 59.9% with infection rate of 69.8% and 47.3% in sheep and goats respectively. No statistically significant difference in the prevalence was noted with regard to the assumed risk factors like sex, nose color, face color, horned versus polled, origin, and months (p > 0.05). Sheep were nearly twice more likely to be infected as compared to goats (p = 0.0001, odds ratio (OR) = 1.975). Age of the animals was found to be protective (OR = 0.579; 95% confidence interval = 0.393, 0.853; p = 0.006). As compared to very fat animals, poor (p = 0.040, OR = 4.834), medium (p = 0.049, OR = 4.198), and fat (p = 0.022, OR = 5.795) body condition animals are more likely to be infected by Oestrus ovis larvae. Nasal and sinus cavity pathology is positively correlated with the total larval count (r = 0.56, p < 0.0001). Out of a total of 3,770 larvae collected, 57.5% were L1, 30.8% L2, and 11.7% L3 larvae. All the three larval instars were seen throughout the study months. It is concluded that oestrosis is a common problem in the study area and more prevalent in sheep than goats, in adult than young, and in animals with poor body condition.  相似文献   

Camels are important animals for pastoralists in the northeastern, eastern, southeastern and southern parts of Ethiopia. This paper reports on abattoir study of respiratory lesions in 104 adult camels at the Dire Dawa abattoir (88 male and 16 female). The study showed 98% of the examined lungs had one or more lesions. The most common lesions were pulmonary fibrosis (50.00%), pneumoconiosis (34.62%), hydatid cyst (30.80%), pulmonary abscess (3.85%) and parasitic bronchopneumonia (0.96%). The distribution of pneumoconiosis and hydatid cyst varied significantly (p < 0.05) among different lobes, the highest being seen in the caudal lobe. For the different lesions there was no significant (p > 0.05) difference in distribution among male and female camels. Possible explanations for the occurrence of the lesions are discussed. And recommendations forecasted are made.  相似文献   

针对肃南牧区草原退化严重,草场承载能力日益下降,特别是冬春季节草畜供求矛盾突出导致大量牛羊匮乏死亡的实际,试图通过科学的放牧控制和草地载畜量,实现草畜动态平衡。通过冬春季山繁川育和夏秋季牧区放牧育肥,利用不同生态系统间的互补效应,将草地系统同开发新农田系统组装耦合起来,促使草地资源环境生产层次的各个组份具有丰产性和调节弹性,科学保护和合理利用草地资源,化解草地草畜矛盾,提高生产效益。  相似文献   

6种高寒牧区禾本科牧草抗旱性研究与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究选择在高寒地区种植多年的6种禾本科牧草,对其进行种子萌发期和苗期抗旱性试验。用PEG模拟水分胁迫及连续干旱法来研究干旱胁迫对种子发芽率及种子幼苗期生理指标的影响,以此来综合评价六种禾本科牧草的抗旱性强弱。种子萌发期研究结果表明,5%的PEG浓度有效促进种子萌发,高PEG浓度显著抑制种子发芽率。经连续干旱胁迫法处理的苗期牧草,测定其相对含水量、丙二醛含量、可溶性糖含量和叶绿素含量四项生理指标。对两个时期隶属值综合分析可知,六种牧草的抗旱性强弱为:草原看麦娘(Alopecurus pratensis) > 无芒雀麦(Bromus inermis) > 同德短芒披碱草(Elymus breviaristatus) > 同德贫花鹅观草(Roegneria pauciflora) > 大颖草(Roegneria grandiglumis) > 扁穗冰草(Agropyron cristatum)。  相似文献   

基层兽医技术服务队伍是落实动物疫病防治、产地检疫、动物疫情监测等工作的主要力量。加强基层兽医服务体系建设,对于提升动物疫病防控水平、推动畜牧业健康可持续发展、保障畜产品国际声誉、增加农牧民收入、确保公共卫生安全具有十分重要的意义。多年来,天峻县畜牧兽医管理部门把基层兽医服  相似文献   

本标准规定了高寒牧区牛犊腹泻病的诊断和防治。本标准适用于牦牛生产专业合作社,放牧牦牛和动物诊疗单位对牛轮状病毒、大肠杆菌、隐孢子虫及消化功能不全引起的腹泻引起犊牛腹泻病的防治。  相似文献   

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