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通过计算分析, 对甘肃省2001-2010年间牲畜粪便对环境造成的影响和牲畜未来的发展空间做了评价。结果显示, 甘肃省牲畜粪便总量呈现不断增加的趋势, 不同地区的粪便排放量差异较大;全省牲畜粪便已经逼近每公顷耕地的承受限额, 部分市州耕地土壤已受到污染;牲畜粪便对水体的影响日益增大, 各市州影响不尽相同。牲畜粪便污染物对水体污染较大的是TN、TP, 而COD的影响很小;牲畜粪便预警分析表明, 牲畜粪便对全省环境总体影响不严重, 但各市区影响相差悬殊;对不同地区养殖空间的分析结果表明, 嘉峪关、威武等地牲畜养殖量已超载, 甘南、定西等地还有较大的发展空间。  相似文献   

任继周 《草业科学》2003,20(11):61-62
光明日报2003年6月9日的网页上,有这样一个标题:《贺兰山的岩羊多得使人愁》,是该报记者庄电一的一则通讯,令人关注。  相似文献   

Appropriate management of livestock in riparian areas can help ensure that these ecosystems are maintained. We evaluated how one indicator of livestock grazing in riparian areas, streambank alteration, was affected by choices related to protocols and personnel used for these assessments. We found that although streambank alteration protocols were generally repeatable among observers, results were affected by factors not directly related to grazing intensity, including 1) training, 2) professional background, 3) location and intensity of measurements, and 4) the protocol used. Training reduced estimates of alteration and observer variability. Rangeland professionals had higher estimates of streambank alteration than seasonal technicians. Rapid assessments of alteration were correlated with more intensive estimates; however, the relationship was not 1∶1. Different protocols resulted in different alterations estimates when alterations at the same locations were estimated. Given the large number of monitoring programs, personnel, and methods used to assess streambank alteration, we suggest more thought be given on how to standardize monitoring efforts so results consistently reflect the true amount of alteration at a site. We also remind managers that no protocol can be implemented without some error. Managers should therefore be careful when taking action based on a single evaluation—especially when the result is near a management standard or threshold. When these concerns are addressed, indicators such as streambank alteration can help ensure management decisions maintain both sustainable allotments and landscapes.  相似文献   

A comprehensive understanding of multipaddock, rotational grazing management on rangelands has been slow to develop, and the contribution of adaptive management (Briske et al. 2011) and sufficient scale (Teague and Barnes 2017) have been identified as key omissions. We designed an experiment to compare responses of vegetation and cattle in an adaptively managed, multipaddock, rotational system with that of a season-long, continuous system at scales comparable with those of a working ranch. We hypothesized that 1) year-long rest periods in the adaptively managed, rotational pastures would increase the density and productivity of perennial C3 graminoids compared with continuously grazed pastures and 2) adaptive management, supported with detailed monitoring data, would result in similar cattle performance in the rotational as in the continuously grazed pastures. However, we found little supporting evidence for grazing management effects on C3 graminoid abundance or production under either above-average or below-average precipitation conditions during the 5-yr experiment. Furthermore, adaptive rotational grazing resulted in a 12–16% reduction in total cattle weight gain relative to continuous grazing each year. Our work shows that the implementation of adaptive management by a stakeholder group provided with detailed vegetation and animal monitoring data was unable to fully mitigate the adverse consequences of high stock density on animal weight gain. Under adaptive rotational grazing, C3 perennial grass productivity and stocking rate both increased following above-average precipitation. But when adaptive rotational management was directly compared with continuous grazing with the same increase in stocking rate, continuous grazing achieved similar vegetation outcomes with greater cattle weight gains. We suggest that managers in semiarid rangelands strive to maintain cattle at stock densities low enough to allow for maximal cattle growth rates, while still providing spatiotemporal variability in grazing distribution to enhance rangeland heterogeneity and long-term sustainability of forage production.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the influence of supplemental protein concentration on the intake and utilization of dormant range forage by beef cattle. In Exp. 1,97 pregnant Hereford x Angus cows (avg wt = 454 kg) were assigned randomly to three isocaloric treatment supplements: 1) low protein (LP), 13% CP; 2) moderate protein (MP), 25% CP; and 3) high protein (HP), 39% CP. In Exp. 2, 15 ruminally and 12 esophageally cannulated steers (avg wt = 319 and 355 kg, respectively) were assigned randomly to LP, MP and HP treatments and were used in a 22-d winter grazing trial to evaluate forage intake and utilization characteristics. In Exp. 1, cow body condition (BC) and BW changes responded in linear (P less than .01) and quadratic (P less than .01) fashions to increasing protein concentration, with MP and HP displaying the least BC and BW loss from trial initiation (d 1) through d 84. From d 84 to calving (avg calving date = d 120), only the HP supplement continued to be effective in minimizing BC loss (P less than .01). Calf birth weight tended (P = .17) to increase in a linear fashion to increasing supplemental protein concentration, but calf ADG and cow reproductive efficiency were unaffected (P greater than .10). In Exp. 2, forage OM intake responded in a quadratic fashion (P less than .10), with the MP treatment having the highest NDF digestibility and ruminal OM fill. In conclusion, beef cow BC and BW losses during the winter grazing period were minimized with increasing supplemental CP concentration. Intake and utilization of dormant forage by steers were improved with moderate (26%) levels of CP in the supplement.  相似文献   

Because of concerns about the impact of grazing management on surface water quality, a 3-yr study was conducted to determine grazing management and microclimate impacts on cattle distribution relative to a pasture stream and shade. Three treatments, continuous stocking with unrestricted stream access (CSU), continuous stocking with restricted stream access (CSR), and rotational stocking (RS), were evaluated on six 12.1-ha cool-season grass pastures stocked with 15 fall-calving Angus cows (Bos taurus L.) from mid-May through mid-October of each year. On 2 d · mo?1 from May through September of each year, a trained observer in each pasture recorded cattle position and activity every 10 min from 0600 to 1800 hours. In years 2 and 3, position of one cow per pasture was recorded with a Global Positioning System (GPS) collar at 10-min intervals 24 h · d?1 for 2 wk · mo?1 from May through September. In week 2 of collar deployment in May, July, and September, cattle had access to off-stream water. Ambient temperature, black globe temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed were recorded at 10-min intervals and temperature humidity (THI), black globe temperature humidity (BGTHI), and heat load (HLI) indices were calculated. Based on GPS collars, mean percentage of time cows in CSU pastures were in the stream (1.1%) and streamside zone (10.5%) were greater (P < 0.05) than cows in CSR (0.2% and 1.8%) or RS (0.1% and 1.5%) pastures. Based on GPS collar data, off-stream water did not affect the percentage of time cattle in CSU or CSR pastures spent in the stream. Probabilities that cattle in CSU and CSR pastures were in the stream or riparian zones increased (P < 0.05) as ambient temperature, black globe temperature, THI, BGTHI, and HLI increased. Rotational stocking and restricted stream access were effective strategies to decrease the amount of time cattle spent in or near a pasture stream.  相似文献   

Managed grazing is the most extensive land use worldwide. Information about the spatio-temporal distribution of livestock is critical for grassland ecosystem management. However, no direct and cost-effective method exists to monitor livestock distribution under natural conditions. We proposed a practical method that uses unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and tested it at a typical household pasture on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. We monitored and analyzed the hourly spatial distribution of each yak (Bos mutus). We found that (1) yak information extracted by our independently developed software was sufficiently accurate (P > 0.05); (2) yak density (frequency/area/period) decreased with increasing distance from campsites in the early growing season, while the pattern reversed in the late growing season; (3) dispersion index (DI, m2/yak) of the yak herd exhibited a tendency to decrease in the morning and then to increase in the afternoon within a day; from June to September DI decreased in both the morning and afternoon, but was similar at noon. The monitoring method we developed in this study characterized the spatial distribution of the whole yak herd dynamically with high frequency, resolution, and efficiency. We conclude that this method is suitable for long-term monitoring of animal behavior, and for studying relationship between the distribution of pastoral livestock and resource availability, which will be beneficial for grassland sustainable management.  相似文献   

Six ruminally and eight bifistulated (ruminal and esophageal) Hereford x Angus heifers were used to determine effects of pregnancy and early lactation on forage intake and utilization under grazing conditions. Three ruminally and three bifistulated heifers were bred (pregnant/lactating; P/L; average calving date was February 11, 1989); remaining heifers served as controls (C). The experiment consisted of three periods (P1 = average of 55 d before parturition; P2 = average of 12 d before parturition; P3 = average of 26 d after parturition). All heifers grazed the same 24-ha Flint Hills range pasture. Dehydrated alfalfa pellets were supplemented at .5% BW/heifer daily prepartum and at .8% BW/heifer daily postpartum. Treatment x period interactions were noted (P less than .10) for forage OM intake, ruminal capacity, indigestible ADF (IADF) fill, and grazing time but not for OM digestibility or IADF passage rate (P greater than .10). In P1 and P3, P/L heifers had greater (P less than .10) forage OM intake than C heifers, whereas no differences were noted (P greater than .10) in P2. Pregnant/lactating heifers spent less time (P less than .10) grazing than did controls in P2 and more time (P less than .10) than controls in P3. Ruminal IADF fill and ruminal capacity, as measured by water fill, tended (P = .14 and .16, respectively) to differ between the two groups in P2. Digestibility of OM was unaffected (P greater than .10) by physiological status, whereas IADF passage rate was greater (P less than .10) in P/L heifers. Only minor differences were noted for the chemical composition of diets selected by the two groups. Ruminal fermentation patterns shifted only slightly; the largest effects were in P3, when P/L heifers had greater (P less than .10) propionate and less (P less than .10) acetate (mol/100 mol) than C heifers. In summary, during the period just before parturition, differences in forage OM intake between P/L and C heifers disappeared, and ruminal fill and capacity tended to be lower for P/L heifers. Intake was 16% greater for P/L than for C heifers during the early postpartum period. Organic matter digestibility was not influenced by physiological status, even though IADF passage rates were greater for P/L heifers.  相似文献   

麦后复种油菜是保粮增草的有效途径   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
陈源娥 《草业科学》2006,23(7):60-62
畜牧业的迅速发展使现有草场生产压力不断加大,农田土壤肥力不断下降,为保证粮食安全、增加牧草产量以及培肥地力,通过绿肥油菜Brassica napus适宜种植区不同前作、不同绿肥饲草种植产量试验、营养成分含量对比等研究和示范推广,在取得显著的经济、社会和生态效益的同时,也为今后西北地区的农牧业发展提供了技术依托和科技支撑。  相似文献   

The distribution of livestock across heterogeneous landscapes is often uneven, which has important implications for vegetation dynamics and how rangeland managers achieve desired outcomes from these landscapes. Here, we use data from widely available digital elevation models to classify a landscape in the shortgrass steppe with subtle topographic variation using two different approaches: topographic wetness index (TWI) and topographic position classes (TPCs) derived from topographic position indices. We used global positioning system collars to track the grazing locations of cattle within replicate pastures and fit generalized linear mixed models to their locations to quantify the influence of topography on grazing distribution. In addition, we examine the influence of the presence of saline vegetation communities on cattle use of lowlands. The resulting models indicate that TPC more effectively predicts grazing distribution than TWI and that the patterns are strongest in the second half of the growing season (August ? October). Model performance was improved with the inclusion of saline vegetation communities, although the magnitude of cattle grazing time in these communities was not consistent across multiple pastures. These models, in combination with local knowledge, can be used by managers to predict and manage livestock distribution even in landscapes with relatively subtle topographic variability.  相似文献   

The objectives of this research were to determine the influence of protein supplementation frequency on cow performance, grazing time, distance traveled, maximum distance from water, cow distribution, DMI, DM digestibility, harvest efficiency, percentage of supplementation events frequented, and CV for supplement intake for cows grazing low-quality forage. One hundred twenty pregnant (60 +/- 45 d) Angus x Hereford cows (467 +/- 4 kg BW) were used in a 3 x 3 Latin square design for one 84-d period in each of three consecutive years. Cows were stratified by age, BCS, and BW and assigned randomly to one of three 810-ha pastures. Treatments included an unsupplemented control (CON) and supplementation every day (D; 0.91 kg, DM basis) or once every 6 d (6D; 5.46 kg, DM basis) with cottonseed meal (CSM; 43% CP, DM basis). Four cows from each treatment (each year) were fitted with global positioning system collars to estimate grazing time, distance traveled, maximum distance from water, cow distribution, and percentage of supplementation events frequented. Collared cows were dosed with intraruminal n-alkane controlled-release devices on d 28 for estimation of DMI, DM digestibility, and harvest efficiency. Additionally, Cr2O3 was incorporated into CSM on d 36 at 3% of DM for use as a digesta flow marker to estimate the CV for supplement intake. Cow BW and BCS change were greater (P < or = 0.03) for supplemented treatments compared with CON. No BW or BCS differences (P > or = 0.14) were noted between D and 6D. Grazing time was greater (P = 0.04) for CON compared with supplemented treatments, with no difference (P = 0.26) due to supplementation frequency. Distance traveled, maximum distance from water, cow distribution, DMI, DM digestibility, and harvest efficiency were not affected (P > or = 0.16) by protein supplementation or supplementation frequency. The percentage of supplementation events frequented and the CV for supplement intake were not affected (P > or = 0.58) by supplementation frequency. Results suggest that providing protein daily or once every 6 d to cows grazing low-quality forage increases BW and BCS gain, while decreasing grazing time. Additionally, protein supplementation and supplementation frequency may have little to no effect on cow distribution, DMI, and harvest efficiency in the northern Great Basin.  相似文献   

Grazing management is important for sustaining the productivity and health of rangelands. However, the effects of grazing management on herbage growth and species composition in the tropical savannas of northern Australia are not well known. In this eight-year study the influences of utilization rate and resting pastures from grazing on vegetation dynamics were measured at three sites in northeast Queensland, Australia. The sites had high, medium, and low soil fertility, and there were two land condition classes (States I and II) at each site. Severe drought occurred during the first four years, but above-average rainfall was received in the second half of the study. High utilization rates reduced biomass, perennial grass basal area, and ground cover. The reduction in biomass was due to both higher consumption and decreased primary production. State I condition plots at the high and medium soil fertility sites were initially dominated by decreaser perennial grasses, but these declined at all utilization levels, particularly the high rate. They were largely replaced by exotic perennial grasses. At the low fertility site there were no exotic grasses, and the decreaser grasses increased in all treatments, with the increases greatest in plots with low utilization or medium utilization plus resting. In the State II condition plots at the high and medium fertility sites, low or moderate utilization, led to an increase in both decreaser and exotic perennial grasses; with high utilization the decreaser perennial grasses declined and were replaced largely by exotic perennial grasses. This study clearly demonstrated that either conservative stocking with year-round grazing or a grazing system that includes some wet-season resting will help maintain land in a desirable state or help facilitate the transition from a less desirable ecological state to one more desirable for pastoral production and rangeland condition.  相似文献   

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