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Superovulation treatment leaves alternations in the controlling regions of the hypothalamus and in the adjacent ependyme after ovulation. The test ewes were synchronized with Agelin (20 mg chlorsuperlutin in one vaginal sponge) and stimulated (after the removal of the sponges) with 750 IU PMSG + 750 IU HCG and with 1000 IU HCG and 750 IU PMSG + 5 ml Antisergon (goat antiserum against PMSG), administered 68 hours after PMSG (i.e. 40 hours after HCG). The control ewes were in different stages of the ovarial cycle. The experimental ewes were killed 120 to 130 hours after the start of stimulation. Routine histological techniques were used to treat the brain samples; this treatment was followed by assessment under light microscope. The ependyme epithelium of the third cerebral chamber was studied under scanning microscope. Preparations with different FSH:LH ratios had different effects on the nucleus ventromedialis. Antisergon administration influenced the secretion of NPV (prevented persistent stimulation), which was observed after administration of PMSG + HCG. On the surface of the lower part of the third cerebral chamber the administration of Antisergon slowed the formation of the miniblebs. Supraependyme cells disappeared after stimulation for superovulation.  相似文献   

The relation between the prevalence of contagious mastitis with the finding of Streptococcus agalactiae and Staphylococcus aureus and the number of somatic cells in the tank samples of milk was studied on the basis of a clinical and bacteriological examination of 11 129 dairy cows on four large farms, with a capacity of 600 to 1240 animals. A statistically significant correlation was demonstrated between the analyzed characteristics (r = 0.621). The relation was demonstrated at a prevalence up to 25.3%. The number of somatic cells provides a marked indication of prevalence only from 10%. We failed to demonstrate a statistically significant correlation between the prevalence of mastitis with a cultivation finding significant correlation between the prevalence of mastitis with a cultivation finding of Staphylococcus aureus and the number of somatic cells in tank samples of milk (r = 0.054). The results suggest that on large farms it will not be possible to use only the number of somatic cells in tank milk samples as a signal of diagnostic improvement and preventive mastitis-control measures, since a 10% prevalence of these diseases usually excludes the possibility of herd sanitation.  相似文献   

The secretion of luteinizing hormone in ewes of Finnish Landrace during estrus. Acta vet. scand. 1979, 20, 216–223. — Luteinizing hormone immunoreactivity was measured in the venous plasma of four cycling Finnish Landrace sheep during the breeding season in connection with one synchronized estrus and the subsequent one. The ewes were slaughtered after the second estrus to establish the number of ovulations. To determine the LH concentration, a heterologous method of assay was used; this was based on the cross reaction of sheep plasma LH in a human LH radioimmunoassay system.As a result of the investigation, it was found that the peaks of LH were lower during the time of synchronized estrus and that these peaks occurred earlier than in the subsequent estrus. However, the differences were not statistically significant. On account of the limited material, the effect of the occurrence of the LH peak on the number of ovulations could not be established.  相似文献   

泌乳早期发情和乏情奶牛机体代谢和生殖机能的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在某一集约化牛场,随机选取奶牛30头,在奶牛产后发情期(50~90 d)内根据奶牛是否发情将奶牛分为发情组和乏情组。通过对试验奶牛血液生化指标(Glu、BHBA、NEFA)、内分泌指标(FSH、LH、LP、E2、P4)等进行调查和检测。结果显示:当奶牛发情时,机体血浆Glu、FSH、LH、E2和LP浓度高,血浆NEFA、P4浓度低,但乏情时正好相反。当奶牛发情时,血浆leptin与LH、E2呈显著正相关,与P4呈显著负相关,但乏情奶牛未呈现相关性。这些结果提示奶牛乏情与机体能量代谢状况和Ins、Gn、E2、P4、Lp分泌少有关。能量平衡能促进奶牛产后发情,与机体高水平血糖、Lp、FSH、LH、E2和低水平P4、NEFA有关。LP是奶牛泌乳早期发情的一个重要调控因子,在奶牛产后能量平衡、生产性能和繁殖性能之间起到一个平衡纽带的作用。  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - This study was conducted to evaluate the male effect on the manifestation of estrus and feeding behavior of Afshari ewes during their breeding season. The...  相似文献   

垂体是哺乳动物重要的内分泌器官之一,主要通过调控激素合成来调节动物发情。为了研究绵羊垂体系统在发情状态和乏情状态之间的基因表达差异,本研究使用RNA-seq技术分析了发情期和乏情期哈萨克羊垂体前叶的转录组数据。通过比较转录组数据发现:在发情期和乏情期的哈萨克羊垂体中共筛选出了3 211个差异表达的基因,其中包含298个上调的和2 913个下调的基因。利用GO和KEGG富集分析这些差异表达的基因发现:它们被显著地富集在卵母细胞减数分裂和孕酮介导的卵母细胞成熟等调控发情的信号通路上,提示这些基因在调控哈萨克羊发情状态中发挥着不可或缺的作用。本研究丰富了绵羊的转录组资源,为今后深入研究绵羊季节发情机制、提高绵羊繁殖率打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   

The total quantitative changes of ovaries, proportion of atretic and non atretic follicles and changes of tertiary follicles in sheep after administration of increasing doses of PMSG during the anoestrous period were observed. In experimental groups the statistically significant increase of average weight, volume and dimensions of ovaries in comparison with control group were determined biometrically. The average number of tertiary follicles was greater in experimental groups but at the same time we observed a higher proportion of atretic follicles (64% of the total number in the control group; 71-77% in the experimental groups). In the group of sheep administered a dose of 1500 m.u. PMSG we determined a high proportion of luteinized follicles (as much as 21% of the total number of atretic follicles). The total number of small follicles in the so called transient phase in the comparison of experimental and control groups was not changed significantly. In the experimental group an increased incidence of preovulatory follicles and a reduction of tertiary follicle dimensions in the period of follicle cavity formation was determined.  相似文献   

Jugular plasma progesterone was determined for two groups of native Yugoslavian ewes (Pramenka, Groups 1 and 2) and for a group of Romanov ewes (Group 3) from the end of January to late October in 1988. Ewes were pregnant until the end of March (pregnancy progesterone concentrations, 2.84 to 33 ng/mL). From the end of March to the beginning of July, progesterone concentration decreased (0 to .15 ng/mL). From early July to late October, progesterone concentrations increased. Progesterone concentrations were at their nadir near the summer solstice and increased significantly by early July in all three groups. The duration of anestrus was similar in Pramenka and Romanov ewes. In nonpregnant Pramenka ewes, the pattern of changes in plasma progesterone was similar to those seen in pregnant ewes except for an earlier decline with very low concentrations observed after mid-March.  相似文献   

Serum testosterone concentrations in samples collected daily from 6 bitches for at least 60 days before the onset of diestrus were determined by radioimmunoassay. Mean serum concentrations (+/- SEM) of testosterone ranged from 31 +/- 11 to 141 +/- 63 pg/ml during late anestrus. Mean testosterone concentrations during proestrus ranged from 106 +/- 29 to 239 +/- 113 pg/ml, with the highest concentration (526 +/- 225 pg/ml) occurring the day of the preovulatory surge of luteinizing hormone. Although the ovaries may be sites of production during late anestrus, proestrus, estrus, and early diestrus, further investigation is necessary to determine whether testosterone has an important physiologic or endocrinologic function in the bitch (ie, sexual behavior, vaginal hypertrophy, and luteinizing hormone surge).  相似文献   

对中国美利奴羊(新疆军垦型)超细品系乏情季节不同配种公羊对同期发情效果的影响作了对比分析.结果证明,成年公羊配种比周岁公羊好,1060、1063、1073号公羊的效果比1068、1069、1070、3021号公羊好.  相似文献   

The ependyma in the infundibular region of the third cerebral ventricle was studied. Ageline sponges (20 mg per animal) were applied to nine ewes. On the thirteenth day after the removal of sponges, 750 I. U. PMSG was administered intramuscularly to three ewes, 1000 I. U. PMSG to another three, and the remaining three ewes were left without this treatment. Six ewes were the control. After embedding in paraffin, the material obtained from four control sheep and all the test sheep was stained with haematoxylin-eosine, material from another two control animals was impregnated by the method after Golgi-Cox. The ependyma in the infundibular region of anoestric ewes has a single layer and is cubic to cylindrical; it is only in the recessus infundibuli that it forms two to four layers. After the administration of Ageline, or in combination with PMSG, ependyma can be observed to react within the whole infundibular region of the third cerebral ventricle, but the most expressive reaction is recorded in the caudal part of the middle third of infundibulum where a transient type of cells (between ependymal cells and tanycytes) was found in the control animals after impregnation (they have cilia and one to two short and one long processes). After Ageline administration, ependymal cells in the middle third stretch out like in the anoestric period. The administration of 20 mg Ageline and 750 I. U. PMSG gave rise to low digital excrescences, the ependyma is undulated (pseudo-stratified) or contains small deposits of multiplied cells. After the administration of 20 mg Ageline and 1000 I. U. PMSG, the middle third contained, besides subependymal serous infiltrate, also large digital excrescences, probably filled with a serous fluid, and the surface of the subependyma and ependyma is eroded, containing proliferated deposits of ependymal cells of different thickness. Everywhere proliferation occurs, the surface layer of ependymocytes is desquamated into the cerebrospinal fluid. The histological picture described in the present paper probably suggests an increased secretory activity of ependymal cells after the administration of hormonal preparations. It is confirmed by these results that ependyma is involved in the hypothalamo-hypophyseal control of the sexual activity of sheep.  相似文献   

The antiproteolytic activities of the blood plasma (BP) and cervical mucus (CM) determined as trypsin inhibiting activities (TIA) where trypsin served as a model serine protease, were variable after superovulatory stimulations of ewes and after their gamma irradiation (2.45 Gy). TIA's were determined from the reduction in the bovine trypsin hydrolysis of the low-molecular chromogenic substrate N-alpha-tosyl-L-arginyl-p-nitro anilide (TAPA) (Bartík et al., 1974). The inhibition was expressed in per cent when delta A405 = 1.0 for 10-minute incubation at 25 degrees C, pH = 8.05, 0.2 mol/l tris-HCl buffer, was taken as 100%. Student's t-test was used for the statistical evaluation. A hundred ewes of the Merino breed were applied Agelin vaginal tampons (20 mg chlor-superlutin per head) on day 1 for 10 days in the anoestric period (May). A part of these ewes were subjected to whole-body gamma irradiation on days 6 to 11. When the irradiation was completed and the tampons were taken out, the ewes (three to four years old lambing ewes, yearling ewes) were stimulated to superovulations by an administration of 1500 IU serum gonadotropin (SG) or 450 IU follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). These parameters were followed in the subsequent 5-6 days: BP TIA (Figs. 1 and 4), fraction of low-molecular BP (n) TIA (Figs. 2 and 5), CM TIA (Figs. 3 and 6). Fig. 7 shows the average values of the results. The lambing ewes and yearling ewes had various responses to irradiation and superovulatory stimulation. Gamma irradiation eliminated the increase in BP TIA (P < 0.001) in the ewes after stimulations (Fig. 1a, b). The yearling ewes showed nonsignificant changes (ns) as their responses to SG stimulations and gamma irradiation, but the responses on the particular days of the trial were different (Fig. 1c, d--FSH stimulation). Similar changes were observed in the BP nTIA fraction. The changes in the average values of CM TIA were nonsignificant in the lambing ewes, the gamma irradiation reduced CM TIA only after FSH stimulation (P < 0.002). The amount of cervical mucus decreased after stimulations and irradiation, the thickness of ovarian epithelium and muscles was reduced in the particular parts, differently in lambing ewes and in yearling ewes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The changes in volume, weight and the histomorphological changes of the tertiary follicles of ewes were studied after protracted irradiation with 4.8 Gy in the anoestrous period by the morphometric and qualitative histological methods. The trial was performed in May with 21 ewes of the Slovak Merino breed, divided into three groups. The first group (five ewes) was control. The second and third groups (each containing eight ewes) were exposed to gamma-rays for five days, the total dose being 4.8 Gy. Within ten days after the treatment, all the irradiated and control ewes were given Ampicillin Spofa per os at a dose of 250 mg per head/day and Roboran Spofa at a dose of 10 g per head/day. The animals were killed by bleeding on the fifth day of irradiation and on the tenth day after the end of the treatment. After killing, the volume and weight of the ovaries were determined and a common histological method was used to cut these ovaries into 7 microns slices in series 70 microns apart. The slices were stained with haematoxylin-eosine and were evaluated by means of light microscopy. After irradiation the weight of the ovaries was found to decrease significantly; however, ovary volume remained unchanged. The atretic and non-atretic tertiary follicles were subjected to qualitative histological differentiation after Marion et al. (1968) and the number of non-atretic follicles was found to have decreased significantly in the irradiated ewes. The late type of atresia contributes most significantly to an increase in the proportion of atretic tertiary follicles. The administration of vitamins after irradiation reduced the occurrence of atretic changes.  相似文献   

Twelve anestrous adult Greyhound bitches were used to study a regimen for induction of estrus. Once daily, 7 bitches were given diethylstilbestrol (DES; 5 mg, PO) until sanguineous vaginal discharge and vulvar edema were observed (designated as day 1 of proestrus) and for 2 days thereafter. If no response was elicited after 7 days, a doubled DES dose was given for up to an additional 7 days. Luteinizing hormone (5 mg, IM) was given on day 5 of proestrus, and follicle-stimulating hormone (10 mg, IM) was given on days 9 and 11 of proestrus. Bitches were bred once on day 13. Five bitches were used as a control group; they were given candy tablets for 7 days (first day on tablets, treatment day 1) and 0.9% NaCl (1.0 ml, IM) on treatment days 12, 16, and 18. The 7 bitches treated with DES had a mean proestrus period of 7.7 days and a mean estrus period of 5.7 days up to the day of mating. After mating, they had a mean gestation interval of 64 days and delivered a mean of 4 pups/litter. In 5 bitches, initial treatment with 5 mg of DES/day induced proestrus within 7 days; however, in 2 bitches, additional treatment with 10 mg of DES/day was needed for 5 and 6 days, respectively. Serum estradiol-17 beta and progesterone concentrations remained at base line during the period of DES treatment. Concentrations of both hormones increased after injection with luteinizing hormone and remained high for the next 4 days.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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