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The cestode fauna of the darkspotted numbfish, Narcine maculata (Shaw) (Torpediniformes: Narcinidae), from Malaysian Bomrneo was examined for the first time. This work resulted in the discovery of a new genus and two new species of Anteroporidae (Lecanicephalidea). Sesquipedalapex comicus gen. n., sp. n. was erected on the basis of the peculiarities of its scolex, in particular its possession of an extremely long apical modification of the scolex proper, which readily distinguishes it from the other genus in the family. The genus is also distinct in its possession of acetabula that are in the form of suckers, rather than bothridiate in form. This species was found to deeply embed its elongate apical structure for much of its length within the intestinal mucosa, provoking a papilliform expansion of the outer wall of the spiral intestine at the site of attachment. The second new species, Anteropora klosmamorphis sp. n., is readily distinguished from its congeners on the basis of testis number and bothridial shape. Both new species are hyperapolytic. The diagnosis of Anteroporidae is amended to accommodate both new taxa. This increases the total number of genera in the family to two, and the total number of species to five.  相似文献   

Three new species of diphyllidean cestodes are described from stingrays of the genus Pastinachus from the Indian and Pacific Oceans. All three new species differ from all but 10 of the 36 valid species of Echinobothrium van Beneden, 1849 in that they bear lateral hooklets arranged in a continuous band across each lateral surface of the rostellum joining the groups of dorsal and ventral apical hooks, rather than arranged in distinct dorsal and ventral groups, on each side of the apical hooks. Echinobothrium nataliae sp. n. ex Pastinachus solocirostris off Borneo differs from other relatives in the following combination of characters: number of spines in each column on the cephalic peduncle, number of lateral hooklets and number of apical hooks. Echinobothrium reginae sp. n. ex Pastinachus cf. sephen off Madagascar differs from all congeners in the following combination of characters: number of hooklets and number of spines on the cephalic peduncle. Echinobothrium vojtai sp. n. from an undescribed species of Pastinachus off Borneo differs from its congeners in the following combination of characters: number of hooklets, number of apical hooks and number of spines in each column on the cephalic peduncle. The hook formula was modified to accommodate species with lateral hooklets arranged in a continuous band as follows: {(LH) AH(A)/AH(B)}, where (LH) is the total number of lateral hooklets in a band. A table of all nominal species of Echinobothrium, showing their taxonomic status, type host and locality, number of peduncle spines in a column and hook formula, is presented. Macrobothridium djeddensis and Macrobothridium sinensis are transferred to Echinobothrium. In addition, Echinobothrium deeghai is considered as a species inquirenda.  相似文献   

Two new species ofrhabdochonid nematodes are described from the intestine of freshwater fishes in Chiang Mai Province, northern Thailand: Rhabdochona (Rhabdochona) pseudomysti sp. n. from the catfish Pseudomystus siamensis (Regan) (Bagridae, Siluriformes) in the Fang Brook, a tributary of the Kok River (the Mekong River basin), Fang District and Rhabdochona (Globochona) thaiensis sp. n. from the cyprinid Mystacoleucus marginatus (Valenciennes) (Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes) in the Ping River (the Chao Phraya River basin), Muang District. Rhabdochona pseudomysti is mainly characterized by simple, leaf-like oval deirids (a unique feature among Rhabdochona spp.), a prostom with 14 anterior teeth, the presence of basal prostomal teeth, the length ratio of the muscular and glandular portions of oesophagus (1:2.1-2.6), an unusually long left spicule (1.10-1.22 mm), length ratio of spicules (1:11.5-14.7), arrangement of genital papillae, and conspicuously elevated vulval lips. Rhabdochona thaiensis differs from other representatives of the subgenus Globochona Moravec, 1972 possessing caudal projections on the tail tip in that it has only 2 claw-shaped projections located ventrally on the tail tip of both males and females; the species is mainly characterized by the presence of distinct pseudolabia, 8 anterior prostomal teeth, absence of basal teeth, bifurcated deirids, length ratio of the muscular and glandular portions of oesophagus (1:11.3-11.9), conspicuously short (135-141 microm) left spicule, arrangement of genital papillae, and somewhat elevated vulval lips. Fully developed eggs of R. pseudomysti and R. thaiensis remain unknown. These are the first nominal species of Rhabdochona reported from Thailand.  相似文献   

As part of a metazoan parasite survey of elasmobranchs from Malaysian Borneo, specimens of Rhoptrobothrium Shipley et Hornell, 1906 were collected from the eagle rays Aetomylaeus maculatus (Gray) and Aetomylaeus niehofii (Bloch et Schneider). The type species is redescribed from its type host, and a neotype specimen is designated. In addition, three new species of Rhoptrobothrium are described: R. chongi sp. n., R. gambangi sp. n. and R. limae sp. n. Rhoptrobothrium myliobatidis conspicuously differs from the three new species in its lack of a secondary areola; R. limae is distinguished from R. chongi and R. gambangi based on its greater total length; R. chongi possesses conspicuously stalked remi, while R. gambangi possesses short remi, often folded anteriorly. Rhoptrobothrium is somewhat unusual among tetraphyllideans in its possession of a "metascolex," a character it shares with other taxa in the Thysanocephalinae (i.e., Myzocephalus Shipley et Hornell, 1906, Myzophyllobothrium Shipley et Hornell, 1906 and Thysanocephalum Linton, 1889). The morphology of the "metascolex" of Rhoptrobothrium is investigated and new terminology is suggested to standardise the names given to structures constituting a metascolex. As a result, Rhoptrobothrium is considered to possess cephalic peduncle extensions, termed remi. In Rhoptrobothrium, each remus bears, at its distal end, a primary areola, and, in the case of the three new species, also a secondary areola proximal to the primary areola. Myzocephalus and Myzophyllobothrium are tentatively considered to possess remi; the configuration of the "metascolex" of Thysanocephalum, however, is not considered homologous to the condition in the other three genera currently placed in the Thysanocephalinae.  相似文献   

The type species (Spiniloculus mavensis Southwell, 1925) of the previously monotypic tetraphyllidean genus Spiniloculus Southwell, 1925 is redescribed from the type material from Moreton Bay, Australia. As a consequence the identity of this species is definitively resolved. Three new species in the genus, all collected from Chiloscyllium punctatum Müller et Henle (brownbanded bambooshark), in Borneo, are described. Spiniloculus calhouni sp. n. conspicuously differs from all three of its congeners in its possession of post-poral testes. Spiniloculus fylerae sp. n. and Spiniloculus paigeae sp. n. differ from their two other congeners in that they are relatively small worms (4-6.5 and 2.2-5 mm in total length, respectively) with fewer than 30 proglottids. They can be distinguished from one another in that, while the vitelline follicles are interrupted at the level of its ovary in S. fylerae, this is not the case in S. paigeae. Furthermore, whereas the cirrus sac of the former species is pyriform, it is elongate-oval in the latter species. This brings the total number of species in the genus to four, and lends support to the suggestion that the original identity of the type host of S. mavensis as Mustelus sp. was in error. This work also extends the range of the genus to include the island of Borneo. A key to the species of Spiniloculus is provided. Morphological data generated here, using both light and scanning electron microscopy, support the suggested close affinities between Spiniloculus and Yorkeria Southwell, 1927, both of which parasitize bamboosharks.  相似文献   

Two new species of coccidian parasites are described from African reptiles. Oocysts of Eimeria foulshami sp. n. from the plated lizard Gerrhosaurus major bottegoi Del Prato of Sudan are ellipsoidal, 24.1 x 14.9 (23-26.5 x 14-17.8) microm with a bilayered, colourless oocyst wall and lack polar granules. The ellipsoidal sporocysts average 8.6 x 4.6 (7-10.6 x 4.4-7) microm and possess a prominent, globular, sporocyst residuum. Oocysts of Caryospora regentensis sp. n. from the Eastern green mamba Dendroaspis augusticeps Smith, 1849 [corrected] of Kenya are spherical to subspherical, 16.8 x 16.4 (16-17.6 x 15-17.2) microm with a bilayered oocyst wall and a single polar granule. The ellipsoidal sporocysts average 13.0 x 10.3 (10.2-14 x 9.2-11) microm and possess a Stieda and substieda body and a prominent globular sporocyst residuum. Oocysts of Caryospora legeri Hoare, 1933 are reported from a hissing sand snake, Psammophis sibilans sibilans L. from Nigeria, representing a new geographical record. The oocysts are slightly larger than the type, but otherwise identical. Caryospora psammophi Bray, 1960 and C. hermae Bray, 1960 from Psammophis sibilans phillipsi, oocysts of which are morphologically similar to and overlap in dimensions with C. legeri Hoare, 1933, are synonymised with the latter species. Eimeria samiae Iskander et Tadros, 1979 is emended to E. samyadeli to reflect the gender of the person the species was named after and because E. sani is preoccupied. In addition to these findings, Eimeria bohemi Modry, Slapeta et Koudela, 2000 and oocysts of an unidentified spherical Eimieria sp. are reported from Chamaeleo dilepis dilepis Leach from Cameroon.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the scolex hook morphology of five species of tapeworms of the genus Triaenophorus Rudolphi, 1793 (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea), parasites of pikes (Esox lucius L. and E. reichertii Dybowski) in the Palaearctic Region, was carried out. Measurements of scolex hooks of 81 plerocercoids and 492 adults from different hosts and regions were compared using basic statistics and forward stepwise linear discriminant analysis. The shape of the scolex and that of tridental hooks were found to be suitable only for differentiation of the taxa with a similar shape of hooks, i.e. Triaenophorus nodulosus (Pallas, 1781) from T. amurensis Kuperman, 1968, and T. crassus Forel, 1868 from T. meridionalis Kuperman, 1968 and T. orientalis Kuperman, 1968, respectively. In contrast, discriminant analysis did not enable reliable separation of specimens of individual taxa of these two morphological groups due to high intraspecific variability and overlaps between species. This was reflected in low classification efficiencies (average 83%) of all species of the T. crassus group, whereas all T. amurensis specimens were misidentified as T. nodulosus. The new data also considerably enlarge (up to twofold) the size range of the species described by Kuperman in 1968, which invalidates suitability of the most important discriminant characteristic, the width of the basal plate, for delimitation of Triaenophorus species. Based on the present data, all Kuperman's taxa are considered to represent only distinct geographical populations of T. nodulosus and T. crassus. As a result, T. anmurensis is synonymized with T. nodulosus, whereas T. orientalis is considered to be a synonym of T. crassus. Previous synonymisation of T. ineridionalis with T. crassus, first proposed by Dubinina (1987), is also accepted.  相似文献   

The examination of the type series of Ophiotaenia Gallardi (Johnston, 1911) (syn. Proteocephalus gallardi Johnston, 1911) revealed that it is a mixture of two species of different genera. Lectotype of Ophiotaenia gallardi is designated and the species is redescribed on the basis of it, conspecific paralectotypes and additional materials. The remaining part of the type series belongs to Vandiermenia gen. n. (Acanthotaeniinae), with V Beveridgei sp. n. as the type- and only species. The new genus differs from all other acanthotaeniine genera, i.e. Rostellotaenia Freze, 1963, Acanthotaenia von Linstow, 1903 and Kapsulotaenia Freze, 1963, by the presence of cortical uterine stem and paramuscular vitelline follicles, particular structure of the internal longitudinal musculature (absent laterally and more developed than in the three above-mentioned genera) and testes limited in two fields separated medially. Type series of Ophiotaenia mjobergi (Nybelin, 1917) (syn. Crepidobothrium mjobergi Nybelin, 1917), O. amphiboluri (Nybelin, 1917) (syn. Crepidobothrium amphiboluri Nybelin, 1917), O. striata (Johnston, 1914) (syn. Acanthotaenia striata Johnston, 1914) and O. longmani Johnston, 1916 are revised and compared with Ophiotaenia gallardi. Australotaenia hylae (Johnston, 1912) comb. n. is proposed for Ophiotaenia hylae Johnston, 1912. Australotaenia gen. n. differs from the remaining genera of the subfamily Acanthotaeniinae by (1) the Type 2 of the formation of the uterus (sensu de Chambrier et al. 2004) (all the other acanthotaeniines have the Type 1 of uterine development), (2) the cortical position of the uterine stem (all the other genera have medullary uterine stem) and (3) the morphology of the internal longitudinal musculature, which is composed of few well-developed bundles of fibres (in contrast to the other genera). The new genus also differs from ?by eggs not in clusters, the presence of two testicular fields (versus one in Vandiermenia) and the structure of the longitudinal internal musculature with only 8-10 bundles (versus formed by numerous bundles and with the presence of secondary muscles in Vandiermenia). Ophiotaenia sp. sensu de Chambrier (2004), a parasite of Litoria moorei, is described as Australotaenia grobeli sp. n., which can be distinguished from Australotaenia hylae by the smaller number of testes (46-76 versus 74-106), greater cirrus-sac length/width of proglottis ratio (27-33% versus 17-19%) and the smaller ovary width/proglottis width ratio (55-63% versus 68-71%).  相似文献   

The histochemical distribution of alkaline phosphatase (AIP), acid phosphatase (AcP) and nonspecific esterase (NE) has been determined in polycephalic larvae of the species Multiceps multiceps Leske, 1870 and M. endothoracicus Kirschenblat, 1948. In the scolex anlages of both species, an activity of these enzymes has been determined in sites associated with growth and with the transport of metabolites. In a young larva of M. multiceps, the activity of AIP, AcP and NE was strong in the entire proliferating bladder wall surrounding groups of scoleces, but absent in the remaining part of the bladder wall outside the area of these scolex groups. In young larvae of M. endothoracicus, AlP and NE activity was highest in the modified bladder wall forming a verrucose mound, and at the site of the opening of the invaginated canal. No activity of these enzymes was demonstrated in mature and aging larvae.  相似文献   

Bothriocephalidean tapeworms parasitic in the blackfish, Centrolophus niger (Gmelin) (Perciformes: Centrolophidae), are redescribed on the basis of the evaluation of freshly collected specimens and museum material. This evaluation enabled us to supplement species diagnoses by new morphological characters of potential use for phylogenetic analyses, including the data from scanning electron microscopical observations, and to provide a key to identification of the following four species occurring in this fish: Amphicotyle heteropleura (Diesing, 1850); Milanella familiaris Kuchta et Scholz, 2008 (both Triaenophoridae); Bothriocotyle solinosomum Ariola, 1900; and Echinophallus wageneri (Monticelli, 1890) (both Echinophallidae). Large spiniform microtriches were observed on the surface of the posterodorsal margin of segments of B. solinosomum, E. wageneri and M. familiaris. The invalidity of Atelemerus Guiart, 1935, first proposed by Bray et al. (1994), is supported by the present data and its type species, A. acanthodes Guiart, 1935, is newly synonymised with E. wageneri.  相似文献   

本文记述中国盲蝽科一新记录种  相似文献   

The following new species of phytoseiid mites were collected on various plants in Israel and described:Anthoseius jordanis spec. nov.;Typhloctonus carmeli spec. nov.;T. montforti spec. nov.; andAmblyseius sharonensis spec. nov.  相似文献   

A new species of Taeniacanthidae (Copepoda, Cyclopoida), Taeniacanthus kiemae sp. n., is described based on adult female and male specimens collected from the branchial cavity wall of Marilyna meraukensis (de Beaufort) and M. darwinii (Castelnau) (Teleostei, Tetraodontidae) caught in Australian waters. The new species differs from its congeners by having the following combination of characters in the adult female: (1) maxilla armed with a stout terminal process and two small elements; (2) multiple rows of spinules on the large pectinate process of the antenna; (3) an extremely long and thin maxilliped claw; (4) second exopodal segment of leg 1 with eight setae; (5) third exopodal segment of leg 3 with three spines and four setae; (6) third exopodal segment of leg 4 with three spines and two setae; and (7) each spine on the free exopodal segment of leg 5 with a subterminal flagellum. Taeniacanthus kiemae is the second copepod species reported from M. meraukensis and M. darwinii and the first taeniacanthid species reported from pufferfishes in Australia.  相似文献   

Arostrilepis beringiensis (Kontrimavichus et Smirnova, 1991) is redescribed on the basis of its type specimens from Lemmus trimucronatus (Richardson) and material from the collections of the Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Novosibirsk from the lemmings Myopus schisticolor (Lilljeborg) and Lemmus sibiricus (Kerr) from the Asian part of Russia. Specimens previously identified as Arostrilepis horrida (Linstow, 1901) from voles are revised and newly collected materials are addressed. Two new species of the genus Arostrilepis Mas-Coma et Tenora, 1997, A. intermedia sp. n. from red-backed voles (Myodes Pallas) from the Asian part of Russia and A. janickii sp. n. from Europe, are described. These species are clearly distinguished from congeners by form and size of the cirrus and its armature as well as the type of arrangement for the testes, position of the cirrus-sac with regard to poral ventral osmoregulatory canals, and host specificity.  相似文献   

A new species,Tamarixia sheebae, is described and illustrated.Tamarixia sheebae differs fromT. bicolor Mercet andT. radiata Waterston in having the apex of gaster tilted upwards. It emerged from leaf galls ofTerminalia arjuna (Roxb.) Wright & Arn. (Combretaceae), a tree with many medicinal properties in addition to its timber value.  相似文献   

本文于2013年和2014年在北京市的农业植物疫情监测点,利用黑光灯诱集到大量蛾类昆虫。经对部分诱集昆虫制作标本并进行种类鉴定,发现中国新记录蛾类昆虫4种,包括夜蛾科3种及草螟科1种:鉴定为帕委夜蛾Athetis pallidipennis Sugi、蒲裳夜蛾Catocala puella Leech、蒙逸夜蛾Caradrina montana Bremer、边薄翅螟Evergestis limbata(Linnaeus)。该4种昆虫在北京的发现为中国昆虫分类学研究增加了新材料。  相似文献   

A survey of proteocephalidean cestodes found in the firewood catfish Sorubimichthys planiceps (Spix et Agassiz) from the Amazon River is provided. The following taxa parasitic in S. planiceps are redescribed on the basis of their type specimens and material collected recently in the Amazon River, near the type localities in Brazil, and in Iquitos, Peru: Monticellia lenha Woodland, 1933; Nomimoscolex lenha (Woodland, 1933) (syn. Proteocephalus lenha Woodland, 1933); and Monticellia megacephala Woodland, 1934, for which a new genus, Lenhataenia, is proposed, with L. megacephala (Woodland, 1934) comb. n. as its type and only species. The new genus is a member of the Monticelliinae, i.e. has all genital organs in the cortex, and is most similar to Chambriella in possessing biloculate suckers and lacking a metascolex. It differs in the morphology of the cirrus-sac that contains a strongly coiled, thick-walled internal sperm duct (vas deferens) and a muscular cirrus of the appearance typical of most proteocephalideans, whereas that of Chambriella is sigmoid, with voluminous, tightly sinuous thick-walled internal sperm duct. In addition, Lenhataenia possesses a well developed internal musculature, whereas the internal musculature of Chambriella is weakly developed, formed by a low number of muscle fibres. The scolex morphology and distribution of microtriches of Peltidocotyle lenha (Woodland, 1933) (syn. Othinoscolex lenha Woodland, 1933 and Othinoscolex myzofer Woodland, 1933), Chambriella sp. and Choanoscolex sp. are described using scanning electron microscopy. The two latter taxa may be new for science and are reported from S. planiceps for the first time.  相似文献   

Ophiotaenia georgievi sp. n. (Proteocephalidea: Proteocephalinae) is described from the intestine of endemic colubrid snake Leioheterodon geayi Mocquard (Colubridae) from Antananarivo in Madagascar. The new species is the first species of Ophiotaenia La Rue, 1911 reported from Madagascar. It differs from all Ophiotaenia species parasitic in African snakes in the possession of a three-layered embryophore of eggs (other African species have two-layered embryophore). Furthermore, O. georgievi can be distinguished by the number of testes (92-140), width of the scolex (225-235 jm), total body length (57 mm), cirrus-sac length/proglottis width ratio (19-32%), and number of lateral uterine diverticula (23-28 on each side). Ophiotaenia georgievi represents the second proteocephalidean cestode reported from Madagascar, the first one being Deblocktaenia ventosaloculata (Deblock, Rosé et Broussart, 1962), a parasite from Ithycyphus miniatus. A list of Ophiotaenia species parasitic in venomous and non-venomous snakes is provided and possible existence of other new congeneric species in snakes from Madagascar is discussed.  相似文献   

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