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微生物降解农药的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
杨明伟  叶非 《植物保护》2010,36(3):26-29
在农药的微生物降解研究中,分离构建一种由天然微生物构成的复合系,将其应用于被污染的环境是消除农药污染的一个有效方法。本文综述了环境中降解农药的微生物种类、微生物降解农药的机理、在自然条件下影响微生物降解农药的因素及农药微生物降解研究方面的新技术和新方法。  相似文献   

浅议提高蔬菜上生物农药使用效率的制约因素及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了蔬菜用生物农药的分类,通过对生物农药在蔬菜上的作用机理分析,指出制约生物农药使用效率的因素:农药的选择、施用条件的控制、施用技术的选用等,并提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

Several problems limit the productivity and acceptance of crop protection, including pesticide overuse, pesticide resistance, poor adoption of integrated pest management (IPM), declining funding for research and extension, and inefficiencies of scale. We discuss the proposition that alternative business models for crop protection can address these problems by incentivizing and benefiting from efficiency of pesticide use. Currently, business models are not linked to the adoption of IPM and are sometimes at odds with IPM practices. We explore a business model based on the provision of pest management adequacy through services rather than the sale of pesticide products. Specifically, we advocate for establishment of crop protection adequacy standards that would allow a market system to maximize efficiency. Changing some of the relationships between agricultural companies and producers from one based on products to one based on services is an idea worthy of debate and evaluation for improving the efficiency of pest management. Contemporary information technology enhancing monitoring and coordination warrants attention in this debate. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

杀虫剂和除草剂的植物修复研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李海涛  叶非 《植物保护》2010,36(1):28-32
随着农药施用量的增加,农药污染土壤给生态环境造成了极大的危害,并引起了人们的普遍关注。传统的修复方法因其价格昂贵而不能普遍采用,植物修复是近年来兴起的一种利用植物积累、吸收、降解等去除土壤、水和沉积物中污染物的新方法。本文主要介绍了植物修复的机制和方式,对近年来杀虫剂和除草剂的植物修复研究进展进行综述,指出了植物修复的不足和今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

The aerial application of pesticides increased rapidly following the end of the Second World War, as, along with the development of a wider range of synthetic pesticides, more planes and pilots became available. It also became clear that new and previously inaccessible areas could be sprayed from the air. By the 1980s there were around 100 planes in the United Kingdom (UK) capable of spraying pesticides. However, increasing environmental pressure brought about the introduction of tougher legislation to control pesticide usage. The Food and Environment Protection Act 1985 and the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986 (as amended) introduced tight controls over the application of pesticides from the air. Aerial application of pesticides has been monitored each year by the UK Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) since 1978, during which time the area treated has decreased significantly. This has been partly as a result of changes in legislation but also due to technological improvements in conventional crop‐protection methods. The area treated from the air in the UK has never risen above 2.5% of the area treated from the ground and in 1998 had fallen to less than 0.04% of the total area treated with pesticides. It is likely that this figure will continue to fall in the future. By 1998, the only pesticides to be sprayed from the air comprised fungicides, herbicides and insecticides. As a group, herbicides comprised the greatest area of treatment and the only target to show an increase in area treated in recent years has been bracken (Pteridium aquilinum (L) Kuhn). © Crown copyright 2000. Reproduced with the permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office.  相似文献   

The paper assesses the usefulness of the concept of ‘concentration addition’ (CA) for describing the joint effect of pesticides on aquatic organisms, based on literature data from 1972 to 1998. For more than 90% of 202 mixtures in 26 studies, CA was found to predict effect concentrations correctly within a factor of two. Although from a theoretical point of view the assumption of CA may be invalid when dealing with mixtures of compounds with dissimilar modes of action, the experimental results have usually been indistinguishable from that predicted by CA. Deviations from CA did occur, but were mostly limited in extent. Upward and downward deviations from CA were of comparable magnitude and frequency, and tended to cancel each other out. The combinations identified as most frequently leading to deviations from CA were those of an organophosphorus ester or a carbamate with either another organophosphorus ester or a synthetic pyrethroid. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

农药是保障粮食安全的重要农业投入品,施用后部分农药会沉积在土壤中,甚至会被作物根部吸收,进入作物体内并累积于可食部位,从而导致潜在农产品质量安全问题。研究表明,土壤中的有机质含量、农药的辛醇-水分配系数和作物脂质含量是影响作物吸收非离子型农药的关键因素,作物各部位的脂质含量是影响该类农药累积的关键因素,借助蒸腾作用向上传递是作物根部吸收传导农药的主要动力。本文重点综述了农药被作物的根部吸收、传递和累积及其主要影响因素,结合植物吸收模型的发展及运用,展望了该领域未来发展方向,为农药归趋及应用风险研究提供参考。  相似文献   

防治西花蓟马药剂筛选试验   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
测定6种药剂在田问对西花蓟马防治效果,结果表明:2.5%菜喜悬浮剂、48%乐斯本乳油和0.3%印楝素乳油处理在施药3天后防效分别达到88.8%、86.0%和90.0%,7天后3种药剂防效为89.1%,91.0%;在大区试验中,筛选出的3种药剂对西花蓟马也有很好的防治效果,表明可以作为蔬菜上西花蓟马重发生时的应急防治药剂。  相似文献   

不同杀虫剂对苹果黄蚜的毒力及复配研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用浸虫法测定不同药剂对苹果黄蚜的毒力,并对不同药剂进行复配,测定复配药剂对苹果黄蚜的毒力和复配效果.结果表明:苹果黄蚜对啶虫脒最敏感,其次是吡虫啉、联苯菊酯、阿维菌素,对高效氯氰菊酯、氰戊菊酯敏感度较低,对马拉硫磷基本无敏感性.不同药剂复配以啶虫脒与阿维菌素配合效果最好,5种不同比例配合均表现为增效作用,其中啶虫脒与阿维菌素质量配比为2∶1时增效作用最明显,其余依次为啶虫脒与阿维菌素(1∶4)和(4∶1)、啶虫脒与高效氯氰菊酯(1∶4)、啶虫脒与氰戊菊酯(1∶4)、啶虫脒与联苯菊酯(1∶2),其共毒系数均高于400.田间试验同样表明:啶虫脒与阿维菌素(2∶1)桶混处理效果明显好于单剂.  相似文献   

人参中18种有机氯农药多残留分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了人参中18种有机氯农药及其异构体残留量的气相色谱分析方法。样品以30mL石油醚-丙酮(1∶ 1,体积比)为提取剂,冰浴超声提取15 min,重复2次,提取液用浓硫酸净化,采用HP-5与DB1701毛细管色谱柱双柱定性分离,气相色谱-电子捕获检测器(GC-ECD)测定。结果表明:该方法在10、50、100 μ g/kg 3个水平下的添加回收率除艾氏剂与苯氟磺胺在62%左右外,其余 分别在75.1%~107.7%、72.1%~98.6%和71.5%~105.4%,相对标准偏差(RSD)分别为2.5%~ 11.3%、2.6%~12.5%和1.1%~11.2%;方法的检出限为3.14 μ g/kg,定量限为10 μ g/kg。  相似文献   

可生物降解的天然高分子材料是目前极具开发潜力的材料之一,在多个领域都有应用。本文综述了这类材料应用于农药的研究现状,重点介绍淀粉、纤维素及其衍生物、甲壳素、壳聚糖、环糊精等材料的应用,并展望了未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

Applying pesticides in mixture can bring about an increased level of performance which can be of benefit to manufacturers who make use of this phenomenon when formulating products. The interactions that occur can also bring about adverse effects on performance and possibly on the safety of the product to users, consumers and the environment. Because of this a product containing a mixture of active substances must be considered by registration authorities. Each discipline in the regulatory process must consider the likelihood of an interaction occurring and, as a result, request and examine the necessary data to support approval for that mixed product. Within the European Community the requirements are laid down in Directives that have been introduced to harmonise the regulatory process across Member States. The requirements of these Directives are described as an example of the regulatory process. © Crown copyright 1999. Reproduced with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office  相似文献   

For over 20 years, the UK Agriculture Departments have monitored the direct effects of pesticides on beneficial insects, mainly honeybees (Apis mellifera, L.) and bumblebees (Bombus terrestris, L.), as part of the Wildlife Incident Investigation Scheme (WIIS). The Central Science Laboratory (CSL) has contributed to WIIS by providing the required laboratory skills for the determination of bee diseases and the expert analytical experience necessary to determine low-level pesticide residues and interpret these results. The results from WIIS form part of the pesticide regulatory process coordinated by the Pesticides Safety Directorate (PSD) and are published each year. This paper has reviewed the data from WIIS over the 10 year period from 1994 to 2003. The overall trend is that suspected poisoning incidents, reported by beekeepers and the general public, have declined from 56 incidents per year to 23 incidents per year. The number of these incidents that have been attributed to pesticide poisoning has also declined, from 25 incidents to five incidents per year. The possible reasons for these changes and the circumstances involved in the bee poisoning incidents are discussed. However, the source of the pesticide in bee poisoning incidents is often uncertain and the likely cause of these incidents and any trends over time are also discussed.  相似文献   

The interaction of 18 pesticides with humus extract was studied by reversed‐phase thin‐layer chromatography and the effect of pH and the concentration of sodium chloride on the interaction was assessed. Interaction of six pesticides with humus extract was confirmed in an aqueous system; the strength of interaction was highly dependent on the chemical structure of the pesticides. No significant interaction was detected under acidic or alkaline conditions. Sodium chloride markedly decreased the strength of interaction, indicating the hydrophilic character of the interactive forces. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The extensive mammalian toxicity studies performed to support the safety of Bacillus thuringiensis-containing pesticides clearly demonstrate that the tested isolates are not toxic or pathogenic. Toxicity studies submitted to the US Environmental Protection Agency to support the registration of B. thuringiensis subspecies have failed to show any significant adverse effects in body weight gain, clinical observations, or upon necropsy. Infectivity/pathogenicity studies have shown that the intact rodent immune system responds as expected to eliminate B. thuringiensis gradually from the body after oral, pulmonary or intravenous challenge. Similar clearance patterns were observed with B. subtilis and B. sphaericus, which also were non-toxic to test animals. The results also indicate that the currently used protocols for toxicity/pathogenicity evaluations of micro-organisms in laboratory animals have provided useful and necessary information for risk assessment. The study results raise the issue, however, of whether some reduced set of toxicily/pathogenicity studies could be required for new B. thuringiensis isolates of already registered subspecies, and whether this reduced data set would also apply to subspecies not yet registered as pesticidal active ingredients.  相似文献   

Registration schemes for plant-protection products require applicants to assess the potential ecological risk of their products using a tiered approach. Standard aquatic ecotoxicity tests are used at lower tiers and clearly defined methodologies are available for assessing the potential environmental risks. Safety factors are incorporated into the assessment process to account for the uncertainties associated with the use of lower-tier single-species ecotoxicity studies. If lower-tier assessments indicate that a substance may pose a risk to the environment, impacts can be assessed using more environmentally realistic conditions through the use of either pond mesocosms, artificial streams or field monitoring studies. Whilst these approaches provide more realistic assessments, the results are difficult to interpret and extrapolation to other systems is problematic. Recently it has been recognised that laboratory approaches that are intermediate between standard aquatic toxicity tests and field/mesocosm studies may provide useful data and help reduce the uncertainties associated with standard single-species tests. However, limited guidance is available on what tests are available and how they can be incorporated into the risk-assessment process. This paper reviews a number of these higher-tier laboratory techniques, including modified exposure studies, species sensitivity studies, population studies and tests with sensitive life stages. Recommendations are provided on how the approaches can be incorporated into the risk-assessment process.  相似文献   

林木白蚁在我国南方林区危害严重。目前,林木白蚁的防治仍以化学防治为主。但化学农药残毒严重,对环境和人类健康已构成极大威胁。利用生物防治以及生物源农药对林木白蚁进行防治具有高效、低毒,与环境兼容的特性,极具发展潜力。本文综述了生物防治以及生物源农药防治林木白蚁的研究现状与进展,并对其目前存在的问题和未来应用前景进行了分析。  相似文献   

有机磷农药在农业生产中广泛应用,用气相色谱法进行农药残留检测容易产生基质效应,影响分析结果的可靠性,为研究用气相色谱法进行农残检测过程中有机磷农药在不同蔬菜中的基质效应,选取瓜类、茄果类、叶菜类3类常见蔬菜和13种有机磷农药进行研究,对影响基质效应的因素采取不同变量法进行分析,得出结论:有机磷农药在叶菜类蔬菜中基质效应最大;含有P=O键农药基质效应更强;基质含量越多基质效应越强,并对在检测如何减少基质效应给出了建议.  相似文献   

为了利用棉蚜抗性种群的适合度代价,指导田间棉蚜种群抗药性治理,笔者采用浸渍法测定并明确了河北省不同地区棉蚜对6种杀虫剂的抗性水平及差异,并组建了河北省不同地区棉蚜的实验种群生命表,以期明确河北省抗性棉蚜种群的适合度变化。结果表明,邯郸棉蚜种群对丁硫克百威(RI=80.5)、氰戊菊酯(RI=28.6)和阿维菌素(RI=108.7)的抗性明显高于保定和沧州地区棉蚜种群。从各地区棉蚜实验种群生命表结果来看,邯郸棉蚜种群净繁殖率(37.9±2.51)和相对适合度(0.78)明显低于室内敏感种群,而保定和沧州棉蚜均与敏感种群没有显著性差异。结合已有棉蚜抗性种群适合度研究结果,笔者认为河北省邯郸棉蚜种群适合度下降可能与其对丁硫克百威或阿维菌素的高抗性有关。因而,针对邯郸棉蚜种群抗药性治理,应暂停使用丁硫克百威和阿维菌素,轮换使用抗性风险较低的吡虫啉、噻虫胺等杀虫剂品种。  相似文献   

Pesticides with N,N‐dimethyl and thiomethyl moieties (aminocarb, methiocarb and fenthion) were irradiated under artificial light (λ > 290 nm) in an amorphous wax phase from Persica laevis DC. The effect of the presence of the wax on the photolysis rate differed in the three pesticides, increasing it in aminocarb, having little effect in methiocarb and slowing it down in fenthion. The presence of the wax affected the qualitative photodegradation behaviour of all the pesticides. The data obtained were compared with those for pirimicarb, which had been studied earlier. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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