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Mycoplasma species have a global distribution causing serious diseases in cattle worldwide including mastitis, arthritis, pneumonia, otitis media and reproductive disorders. Mycoplasma species are typically highly contagious, are capable of causing severe disease, and are difficult infections to resolve requiring rapid and accurate diagnosis to prevent and control disease outbreaks. This review discusses the development and use of different diagnostic methods to identify Mycoplasma species relevant to cattle, with a particular focus on Mycoplasma bovis. Traditionally, the identification and diagnosis of mycoplasma has been performed via microbial culture. More recently, the use of polymerase chain reaction to detect Mycoplasma species from various bovine samples has increased. Polymerase chain reaction has a higher efficiency, specificity, and sensitivity for laboratory diagnosis when compared with conventional culture‐based methods. Several tools are now available for typing Mycoplasma spp. isolates, allowing for genetic characterization in disease outbreak investigations. Serological diagnosis through the use of indirect ELISA allows the detection of antimycoplasma antibodies in sera and milk, with their use demonstrated on individual animal samples as well as BTM samples. While each testing method has strengths and limitations, their combined use provides complementary information, which when interpreted in conjunction with clinical signs and herd history, facilitates pathogen detection, and characterization of the disease status of cattle populations.  相似文献   

This article describes the signs, hematologic alterations, and methods of diagnosis of digestive disorders that may be treated surgically. The necessity for surgical intervention is analyzed, based on clinical experience and current knowledge. The prognosis for surgical correction of common digestive problems and prognostic indicators for abomasal volvulus are described. Decision analysis for digestive surgery is reviewed, with examples for abomasal displacement and volvulus. Preoperative preparation for abdominal surgery--including facilities, equipment, supportive therapy, and distinction between elective and emergency surgery--is discussed briefly. The four most common surgical approaches for abdominal surgery are reviewed, and their indications noted.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to record and determine intensities, seasonal incidence and distribution of helminth parasites of veterinary importance that occur in cattle, sheep and goats in the northeastern Free State. The study was conducted at Harrismith and Kestell and in Qwa-Qwa from March 2000 to May 2001. Cattle of various breeds (including Bonsmara, Simmentaler and Friesian), Merino sheep and Angora goats were sampled. Faecal samples were analysed using the McMaster and Visser sieve techniques for egg counts and faecal cultures for 3rd-stage nematode larvae identification. Haemonchus and Oesophagostomum were the dominant nematode genera found to be infecting the animals. The socioeconomic status of the farmers in the study area was determined through a questionnaire survey aimed at recording their management strategies. It indicated that 81% of farmers take care of their livestock by feeding them with supplements. The low to moderate faecal egg counts from cattle showed that helminth infections in this region are still under control even though helminthosis seems to be a problem in small-stock, since EPG counts of more than > 1000 were found. Cattle farmers in this region are encouraged to continue with good animal husbandry practices that have ensured that helminth infections rates are kept low. Small-stock farmers are, however, encouraged to control helminth infections in their sheep and goats by anthelmintic treatment.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetic behaviour of fenbendazole in buffalo and cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sanyal, P.K. Pharmacokinetic behaviour of fenbendazole in buffalo and cattle. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 17, 1–4.
Concentrations of fenbendazole and of drug metabolites in plasma were measured in buffalo and cross-bred cattle after single intraruminal administration at two different doses. Plasma concentrations of the parent compound fenbendazole and the two metabolites, viz. oxfendazole and fenbendazole sulfone, were much lower in buffalo compared with cattle, at a dose of 7.5 mg/kg body weight as indicated by lower area under concentration curve and concentration maximum. At a dose of 15 mg/kg body weight there were corresponding increases in plasma metabolite concentrations in cattle. However, buffaloes did not show a similar corresponding increase.  相似文献   

The economics of strategic dipping compared to nil treatment of cattle ticks (Boophilus microplus) on Droughtmaster cattle was assessed using a partial budget analysis. The analysis was based on reported experimental data which showed a bodyweight gain advantage from strategic dipping of 45 kg/head for growing cattle and 35 kg/head for breeding cows. Costs of dipping were calculated using 3 acaricide costs, that is 5.9¢, 20.9¢ and 62.7¢ per head and allowances were made for mustering, maintenance of facilities and annual cost of asset purchase under an intensive farm management system similar to the reported experimental conditions. The net gain of benefits over costs per annum for each acaricide cost was $927, $810 and $483 per 100 breeders and their progeny. Breakeven beef prices at which it was worth dipping were found to be 61¢, 69¢ and 94¢ per kg dressed weight depending on the cost of acaricide used for dipping. All prices and costs are expressed in 1981 dollars of purchasing power.  相似文献   

In this study diagnostic certainty of ultrasonography and rectal palpation concerning the detection of follicles and C.I. was compared by evaluation of the findings obtained with ultrasonography in waterbath and dissection of the ovaries after slaughter. Clinical examinations were performed on a total of 30 cows (transrectally and ultrasonographically, 5.0 mhz, linear) in slaughterhouse. In the laboratory ovaries were evaluated after slaughter both macroscopically and by ultrasonography in waterbath. Diagnostic reliabilities of these methods were compared. No difference between the methods was determined concerning the longitudinal measurements of corpora lutea (19.96 +/- 4.83 mm, 20.41 +/- 5.41 mm, 21.45 +/- 5.26 mm by ultrasonography, waterbath and macroscopy respectively). By means of determining the correct identification of corpora lutea, the error rate was 24.1% and 17.2% for rectal palpation and ultrasonography respectively. The comparison of rectal palpation and macroscopy showed that three small corpora lutea and two corpora lutea with small cavity were determined wrongly as small follicles and two corpora lutea were determined whereas they were not present actually. With ultrasonography four small C.I. could not be detected and one C.I. with cavity was wrongly determined as follicle. It was noticed that follicles bigger than 10 mm (F2 = 10-15 mm, F3 = 16-20 mm) could be determined more accurately by means of ultrasonography than by rectal palpation (with ultrasonography: F2 = 90.48%, F3 = 100.0%; with rectal palpation, F2 = 61.9%, F3 = 200.0%). The correlation of the findings of rectal palpation or ultrasonography and blood progesterone levels was 86.2% and 89.7% respectively. This accordance was 96.6% for progesterone levels and waterbath and macroscopic findings.  相似文献   

Three sheep, three goats and three cattle were dosed orally with 5.0, 7.5 and 10 mg albendazole kg-1 bodyweight, respectively. Blood samples were taken at intervals for 48 hours after administration. The enantiomeric ratio of the metabolite albendazole sulphoxide (SO.ABZ) was determined by liquid chromatography on chiral stationary phases. At To, the plasma concentration ratio (+)SO.ABZ/(-)SO.ABZ was estimated at 3.0 in sheep, 1.5 in goats and 4.0 in cattle. The proportion of the (+) enantiomer then increased linearly as a function of time during the course of the kinetics. In comparison to the area under the curve for total SO.ABZ, the (+) enantiomer represented 86 per cent in sheep, 80 per cent in goats and 91 per cent in cattle. The specific behaviour of the two enantiomers is probably the result of the enantioselectivity of the flavine adenosine dinucleotide and cytochrome P450 dependent enzymatic systems which are involved in the sulphoxidation and the sulphonation of ABZ.  相似文献   

Mastitis is the most prevalent production disease in dairy herds world-wide and is responsible for several production effects. Milk yield and composition can be affected by a more or less severe short-term depression and, in case of no cure, by a long-acting effect, and, sometimes, an overlapping effect to the next lactation. Summary values in the literature for losses of milk production were proposed at 375 kg for a clinical case (5% at the lactation level) and at 0.5 kg per 2-fold increase of crude SCC of a cow. Due to the withdrawal period after treatment, composition changes in milk can almost be neglected in economic calculations. Lethality rate for clinical mastitis is very low on the average, while anticipated culling occurs more frequently after clinical and subclinical mastitis (relative risk between 1.5 and 5.0). The economics of mastitis needs to be addressed at the farm level and, per se, depends on local and regional epidemiological, managerial and economic conditions. To assess the direct economic impact of mastitis, costs (i.e. extra resource use) and losses (i.e. reduced revenues) have to be aggregated. To support decision making for udder health control, it is necessary to use a marginal approach, based on the comparison of the losses avoided and the additional costs of modified plans, compared to the existing ones.  相似文献   

The records of 116 cattle suffering from cardiac disease were examined retrospectively. On the basis of the results of postmortem examinations there were 52 cases of endocarditis, 39 of pericarditis and 25 congenital cardiac defects. The most useful clinical tool for differentiating between these conditions was auscultation of the heart. The cases of pericarditis were characterised by muffled heart sounds, and the cases of endocarditis and congenital cardiac defects were characterised by a cardiac murmur. Endocarditis could be differentiated from congenital cardiac defects by the presence of a jugular pulse, venous distension, oedema, a reduced appetite, pain and polyarthritis, whereas congenital defects were associated with conformational abnormalities. These two conditions could also be differentiated by differences in the plasma sodium concentration, the albumin:globulin ratio, red blood cell count, lymphocyte count and haematocrit. The ability to differentiate between these three groups of cardiac diseases can help the veterinary practitioner in deciding whether treatment, economic salvage (slaughter for human consumption) or disposal (slaughter not for human consumption) is likely to be the best option.  相似文献   

Fenbendazole (FBZ) and thiabendazole (TBZ) were administered intraruminally with a single dose of an indigestible marker, chromium ethylenediaminetetra-acetate (Cr-EDTA), to cattle fitted with gastrointestinal cannulae. The amounts of anthelmintic leaving the rumen, abomasum and terminal ileum in digest a were derived by compartmental analysis of Cr-EDTA concentrations and integration of benzimidazole concentrations.
TBZ was absorbed much more rapidly from the rumen than FBZ and only about 12% of the dose left the rumen in digesta compared with 30% of the FBZ. Approximately 10% and 8% of the TBZ dose appeared at the pylorus and terminal ileum, respectively. Of the above amounts, 9% in the abomasum and practically 100% in the ileum was present as 5-OH-TBZ, indicating that metabolites of absorbed TBZ were recycled to the gastrointestinal tract. Twenty-eight percent and 52% of the FBZ appeared at the pylorus and terminal ileum, respectively, indicating a substantial recycling of absorbed drug to the small intestine. It is suggested that biliary secretion of both TBZ and FBZ and their metabolites may contribute to this recycling.
Maximal concentrations of TBZ occurred in plasma in 4 h compared with about 24 h for FBZ. TBZ and metabolites were excreted in urine much more rapidly than were FBZ and metabolites. In plasma and in each of the gastrointestinal compartments, FBZ persisted much longer than did TBZ. It was concluded that slower absorption and excretion and more extensive recycling to the gastrointestinal tract of FBZ, than of TBZ, contribute markedly to its greater potency against helminths.  相似文献   

One-hundred and thirty-five groups of cattle were observed in a slaughterhouse lairage. Groups of cattle that arrived direct from farms took longer to lie down and spent less time lying down than those that arrived from markets. In 72 groups, the majority of time was spent with no animals in the group lying down. In only 42 groups was the majority of the time spent with greater than one-half of the group lying down. In 97 groups, over three-quarters of the time in the lairage was spent with no cattle in the group moving. The proportion of time that cattle spent moving and lying down was also affected by the sexual composition of the group and also by group size. In cattle direct from farms, moving behaviour was greater in groups containing cattle with horns than in similar groups that did not contain cattle with horns.  相似文献   

主要介绍了矿井火灾决策系统的组成及应用。矿井火灾决策系统能大大节省灾变时期的反应时间,为企业在第一时间采取果断措施尽可能消除或减少火灾损失争取宝贵的时间,对于矿井火灾的防治具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to investigate the physiological, haematological and immunological responses of weanling heifers transported from Ireland to a feedlot in Spain, and of weanling bulls transported from Ireland to a feedlot in Italy. Physiological variables (including interferon-γ production, cortisol, protein, urea, white blood cell numbers and differentials, and acute phase proteins (haptoglobin and fibrinogen) were used to evaluate the welfare status of animals, before, during and after the respective transport journeys. Age-matched control animals were blood sampled for the same measurements at times corresponding to the transported animals that were retained in Ireland. Heifers transported to Spain lost 7.6% of their initial live weight during the sea crossing to France. However, by the time of their arrival in Spain they had regained 3.3% of their initial live weight and had fully recovered to their pre-transport live weight values within 6 days of arriving in Spain. Weanling bulls lost 7.0% of their live weight during the sea crossing from Ireland to France. The live weight loss in control animals ranged from 1% to 2% during the same period. The percentage of time that bulls spent lying was 63.5% for the sea journey and 35.4% for the journey from the French lairage to the Italian feedlot. The average daily gain (kg) of transported animals was greater (P ≤ 0.05) than control animals from day 11 to 38 (Spain) and day 11 to 40 (Italy), respectively. While transient changes in physiological, haematological and immunological variables were found in the transported and control animals relative to baseline levels, the values were within the normal physiological range for the age and weight of animals involved. Physiological measurements made after the road and sea journeys indicated that the 24h rest in the lairage, with hay and water freely available, allowed animals to recover substantially.  相似文献   

The identification of genomic regions including signatures of selection produced by domestication and its subsequent artificial selection processes allows the understanding of the evolution of bovine breeds. Although several studies describe the genomic variability among meat or milk production cattle breeds, there are limited studies orientated towards bovine behavioural features. This study is focused on mapping genomic signatures of selection which may provide insights of differentiation between neutral and selected polymorphisms. Their effects are studied in the Lidia cattle traditionally selected for agonistic behaviour compared with Spanish breeds showing tamed behaviour. Two different approaches, BayeScan and SelEstim, were applied using genotypic 50K SNP BeadChip data. Both procedures detected two genomic regions bearing genes previously related to behavioural traits. The frequencies of the selected allele in these two regions in Lidia breed were opposite to those found in the tamed breeds. In these genomic regions, several putative genes associated with enriched metabolic pathways related to the behavioural development were identified, as neurochondrin gene (NCDN) or glutamate ionotropic receptor kainate type subunit 3 (GRIK3) both located at BTA3 or leucine‐rich repeat and Ig domain containing 2 (LINGO2) and phospholipase A2‐activating protein (PLAA) at BTA8.  相似文献   

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