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解鹏  李佳  吴东波 《畜牧与兽医》2006,38(12):29-31
利用饲养试验和代谢试验方法,研究玉米-豆粕型日粮中添加植酸酶时不同磷水平和钙磷比对生长肥育猪生产性能的影响。试验选用162头20kg左右的杜长大三元杂交猪进行2×3(磷水平×钙磷比)因子饲养试验,研究磷水平、钙磷比对猪生产性能的影响及磷水平×钙磷比互作效应,试验分2个阶段进行,前期为生长期体重为20~60kg,后期为肥育期体重为为60~100kg。将试验猪随机分配到6个处理中,每个处理设3个重复(3个栏),每个重复9头猪,公母各半。日粮磷水平在前期为0.4%和0.5%,后期为0.3%和0.4%;钙磷比例全程均为1∶1、1.3∶1和1.6∶1。试验基础日粮由玉米、豆粕、鱼粉、米糠组成,预混料中添加了植酸酶(活性为5000U,添加量为100g/d)。结果表明添加植酸酶日粮磷水平和钙磷比对猪生长期和肥育期的平均日增重和料重比无显著影响(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

日粮不同磷水平和钙磷比对生长肥育猪生产性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
162头生长肥育猪,通过2×3析因子安排分组,完全随机区组设计,随机分配到6处理组中,每个处理3个重复。两因子分别为日粮磷水平和钙磷比,磷的2个水平分别为生长期0.4%,0.5%;肥育期0.3%,0.4%。钙磷比分别为1∶1,1.3∶1,1.6∶1。试验结果表明,日粮中不同磷水平和钙磷比对生长肥育猪的平均日增重、平均日耗料和料重比无显著影响(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

日粮不同磷水平和钙磷比例对香猪钙磷代谢的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
36 头香猪生长阶段去势公猪,通过3 ×3 交叉分组设计,随机分配到9 个处理中,每个处理4个重复,每个重复1 头猪。试验两个因子中日粮磷3 个水平分别为0 .3 % 、0 .6 % 和0 .9 % ,日粮钙磷比的3 个水平为1 1 、1 .25 1 和1 .5 1 。试验基础日粮由玉米、豆粕、血粉和苜蓿粉组成,各处理日粮磷水平和钙磷比用分析纯CaCO3 、Na2HPO4 和CaHPO4 调配。两期钙磷代谢试验结果表明,提高日粮磷水平线性增加香猪钙磷采食量、粪钙磷和尿磷(P< 0 .01) ,0 .6 % 的日粮磷水平在两期试验中表现出最高的磷存留量和磷表观利用率。随日粮钙磷比增加,钙的采食量、粪钙磷和尿钙逐渐增加(P< 0 .01) ,而尿磷逐渐减少(P< 0 .01) 。在体重7kg 时,当钙磷比为1 .25 1 时,钙的表观消化率和表观利用率显著高于1 1组(P< 0 .05) 。在体重17kg 时,钙磷的存留量、钙的表观利用率和磷的表观消化率在日粮钙磷比1 1 时表现最大值(P< 0 .01) ,并且日粮磷和钙磷比互作效应显著影响粪钙磷、尿磷、钙磷存留量、磷的表观消化率和钙磷表观利用率(P< 0 .01)  相似文献   

罗佳捷  肖淑华  张彬  王洁 《养猪》2015,(3):49-51
为研究不同能量和可消化赖氨酸水平对PIC肥育猪生产性能的影响,试验1于2014年12月30日至2015年1月24日进行,选取127日龄PIC肥育猪40头,均重为78 kg左右,随机均分为A、B、C、D 4组,饲粮可消化赖氨酸水平均为0.70%,代谢能水平分别为12.51、12.64、12.76和12.89 MJ/kg,粗蛋白质、钙和有效磷水平分别为15.0%、0.61%和0.17%;试验2于2015年1月16日至2月10日进行,选取123日龄PIC肥育猪40头,均重为74 kg左右,随机均分为E、F、G、H 4组,饲粮可消化赖氨酸水平均为0.85%,代谢能水平分别为12.51、12.64、12.76和12.89 MJ/kg,粗蛋白质、钙和有效磷水平分别为16.0%、0.61%和0.17%。预试期均为3 d,试验期均为26 d。结果表明,在试验1中,A组猪的平均日增重比其余3组分别提高22.09%(P<0.05)、7.14%(P>0.05)和14.13%(P>0.05);在试验2中,H组猪的平均日增重比其余3组分别高出8.25%(P>0.05)、8.25%(P>0.05)和2.94%(P>0.05)。分别以可消化赖氨酸和代谢能水平作为单因子进行综合考虑,75~100 kg体重阶段PIC肥育猪最适宜的可消化赖氨酸和代谢能水平分别为0.85%和12.76 MJ/kg。  相似文献   

吴东  钱坤  陈丽园  周芬  徐雅芫 《养猪》2013,(6):9-11
为探讨不同磷水平饲粮添加植酸酶对猪生长性能及磷、钙代谢的影响,选择健康、体重均匀且平均体重约41 kg的40头杜长大三元杂种生长猪,根据体重和性别分成4组,每组10头、公母各半,设10个重复,每个重复1头猪,分生长(41~60 kg)和肥育(60~90 kg)两个阶段饲养:对照组饲粮分别含总磷0.55%和0.50%、有效磷0.28%和0.24%;低磷加酶1组饲粮分别含总磷0.50%和0.47%、有效磷0.23%和0.21%,添加植酸酶750 FTU/kg饲粮;低磷加酶2组饲粮分别含总磷0.45%和0.44%、有效磷0.18%和0.18%,添加植酸酶750 FTU/kg饲粮;低磷加酶3组饲粮分别含总磷0.40%和0.40%、有效磷0.13%和0.14%,添加植酸酶750 FTU/kg饲粮。预试期7 d,正试期66 d。结果表明:①生长性能,试验全期,与对照组相比,低磷加酶1组、2组和3组日增重都有一定程度的提高(P〉0.05),料重比分别降低4.81%(P〉0.05)、8.65%(P〉0.05)和13.14%(P〈0.05)。②血清生化指标,肥育阶段,血清钙含量低磷加酶1组、3组与对照组均差异显著(P〈0.05),血清磷含量、碱性磷酸酶活性各组差异均不显著(P〉0.05)。③磷、钙排泄量,生长阶段,与对照组相比,低磷加酶1组、2组和3组磷排泄量降低19.06%~26.09%(P〈0.01),钙排泄量均有一定程度的提高;肥育阶段,与对照组相比,低磷加酶2组和3组磷排泄量分别降低29.70%(P〈0.01)和31.68%(P〈0.01),低磷加酶1组、2组和3组钙排泄量分别降低2.13%(P〉0.05)、30.18%(P〈0.01)和28.96%(P〈0.01)。综上所述,生长肥育猪饲粮无机磷(磷酸氢钙)添加水平降低,直至全部不加,在添加植酸酶(750 FTU/kg饲粮)的条件下,生长性能没有降低,日增重和饲料转化率有提高的趋势,磷排泄量显著降低。  相似文献   

日粮不同有效磷水平对蛋雏鸡生长及组织钙磷含量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择 96只 1日龄健康的罗曼商品蛋鸡 ,随机分成 4个组 ,分别饲喂含有效磷为 0 1 1 %、0 2 %、0 4 %和 0 6 %的日粮。试验 30天。结果表明 ,低磷、高磷日粮显著降低增重和耗料量 (P <0 0 5) ;低磷日粮 ( 0 1 1 % )可导致雏鸡磷缺乏症及高死亡率 ,以生长迟缓、胸骨弯曲为早期的临床指征 ;试验至 1 0天 ,2、3组ACP活性显著高于 1、4组 (P <0 0 5)。试验至 30天 ,低磷日粮显著降低血浆磷含量(P <0 0 5)。试验至 1 0、2 0天 ,低磷日粮显著降低胫骨磷含量 (P <0 0 5)。血浆、胫骨磷水平可作为雏鸡磷缺乏症的早期实验室诊断指标。低磷日粮显著降低肾脏和胫骨钙含量 (P <0 0 5) ,表明低磷日粮对钙的代谢有不利的影响  相似文献   

文章旨在研究日粮降低粗蛋白质、钙和磷水平,同时添加苯甲酸对仔猪生长性能、钙磷代谢的影响。试验采用2×2多因素试验设计,选择平均体重接近12 kg的保育猪500头,分为4组,每组5个重复,每个重复25头猪。试验日粮共4个,即低水平日粮(低蛋白、低钙磷)组,高水平日粮组(高蛋白、高钙磷),低水平日粮+15 g/kg苯甲酸组,高水平日粮+15 g/kg苯甲酸组。低水平日粮组较高水平日粮组显著降低了仔猪的生长速度(P <0.05),使25 kg阶段仔猪的采食量显著降低了13%(P <0.05)。低水平日粮添加苯甲酸较较高水平日粮组显著降低了25和40 kg猪尿液pH(P <0.05)。低水平组显著降低了钙、磷摄入量及粪中钙磷含量(P <0.05)。日粮添加苯甲酸可以显著降低尿钙排泄量和提高尿磷排泄量(P <0.05)。低水平日粮显著提高了血清钙水平及碱性磷酸酶活性(P <0.05)。低水平日粮组显著降低了血清磷水平(P <0.05),而高水平日粮+苯甲酸组较高水平日粮组显著提高了血清碱性磷酸酶活力和血清磷水平(P <0.05)。日粮添加苯甲酸可以影响磷的消化率,提供仔猪生长早期血清碱性磷酸酶活力,对生长后期猪的骨矿化无显著影响。  相似文献   

试验研究了不同磷酸氢钙添加水平的大麦型饲粮在添加植酸酶及非淀粉多糖酶类条件下,对生长猪生长性能及粪磷排泄量的影响.选择(33.4±2.33) kg的杜长大杂种仔猪108头,随机分成3组,分别饲喂如下3种磷水平饲粮:总磷0.39%(磷酸氢钙6 kg/t);总磷0.33%(磷酸氢钙3 kg/t);总磷0.29%(不添加磷酸氢钙).每组3个重复,每个重复12头猪.结果表明,本试验条件下,植酸磷含量较高的大麦型生长猪饲粮,添加植酸酶等酶制剂后,少量添加或完全不添加磷酸氢钙对生长猪的生长性能没有显著影响(P>0.05),试验猪采食每千克低磷酸氢钙水平饲粮或不添加磷酸氢钙饲粮之粪磷排泄量减少13.25%~22.29%.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that the requirement for Ca expressed as a ratio between standardized total tract digestible (STTD) Ca and STTD P obtained in short-term experiments may be applied to pigs fed diets without or with microbial phytase from 11 to 130 kg. In a 5-phase program, 160 pigs (body weight: 11.2 ± 1.8 kg) were randomly allotted to 32 pens and 4 corn–soybean meal-based diets in a 2 × 2 factorial design with 2 diet formulation principles (total Ca or STTD Ca), and 2 phytase inclusion levels (0 or 500 units/kg of feed) assuming phytase released 0.11% STTD P and 0.16% total Ca. The STTD Ca:STTD P ratios were 1.40:1, 1.35:1, 1.25:1, 1.18:1, and 1.10:1 for phases 1 to 5, and STTD P was at the requirement. Weights of pigs and feed left in feeders were recorded at the end of each phase. At the conclusion of phase 1 (day 24), 1 pig per pen was euthanized and a blood sample and the right femur were collected. At the end of phases 2 to 5, a blood sample was collected from the same pig in each pen. At the conclusion of the experiment (day 126), the right femur of 1 pig per pen was collected and carcass characteristics from this pig were measured. No interactions were observed between diet formulation principle and phytase inclusion for growth performance in any phase and no differences among treatments were observed for overall growth performance. Plasma Ca and P and bone ash at the end of phase 1 were also not influenced by dietary treatments. However, on day 126, pigs fed nonphytase diets formulated based on total Ca had greater bone ash than pigs fed STTD Ca-based diets, but if phytase was used, no differences were observed between the 2 formulation principles (interaction P < 0.05). At the end of phases 2 and 3, pigs fed diets without phytase had greater (P < 0.05) plasma P than pigs fed diets with phytase, but no differences were observed at the end of phases 4 and 5. A negative quadratic effect (P < 0.05) of phase (2 to 5) on the concentration of plasma Ca was observed, whereas plasma P increased (quadratic; P < 0.05) from phases 2 to 5. However, there was no interaction or effect of diet formulation principle or phytase inclusion on any carcass characteristics measured. In conclusion, STTD Ca to STTD P ratios can be used in diet formulation for growing-finishing pigs without affecting growth performance or carcass characteristics and phytase inclusion ameliorates bone resorption caused by low dietary Ca and P.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that formulating diets for pigs based on a ratio between standardized total tract digestible (STTD) Ca and STTD P instead of total Ca and STTD P does not decrease Ca retention, but increases P utilization. Forty barrows (59.4 ± 3.8 kg) were individually housed in metabolism crates and allotted to four corn-soybean meal-based diets in a randomized complete block design with two blocks and five pigs per diet in each block. Diets were formulated using a 2 × 2 factorial design with two diet formulation principles (total Ca or STTD Ca) and two inclusion levels of microbial phytase (0 or 500 units per kg of feed). Phytase was assumed to release 0.11% STTD P and 0.16% total Ca. Diets were formulated based on requirements for total Ca and STTD P or a ratio between STTD Ca and STTD P of 1.25:1. Diets were fed for 11 d and fecal and urine samples were collected from feed provided from day 6 to day 10. Interactions (P < 0.05) between diet formulation principle and phytase level were observed for Ca intake, Ca in feces, Ca absorbed, Ca retained, P digestibility, P absorbed, and P in urine. Phytase increased (P < 0.05) the digestibility of Ca in both total Ca and STTD Ca diets. Without phytase, Ca intake, Ca in feces, and Ca absorbed was greater (P < 0.05) from pigs fed total Ca diets than from pigs fed STTD Ca diets, but P absorbed, P digestibility, and P in urine was greater (P < 0.05) from pigs fed STTD Ca diets than from pigs fed total Ca diets. However, in the presence of phytase, no differences between diet formulation principles were observed in these variables. Regardless of phytase, Ca in urine was lower (P < 0.05) from pigs fed STTD Ca diets than from pigs fed total Ca diets. There were no differences in Ca retention between pigs fed STTD Ca diets and total Ca diets, but pigs fed total Ca diets retained less (P < 0.05) Ca if diets contained phytase. No differences in P retention were observed between diet formulation principles, but pigs fed non-phytase diets retained more (P < 0.05) P than pigs fed diets with phytase. In conclusion, because diets formulated based on STTD Ca contain less Ca than total Ca diets, pigs fed STTD Ca diets excreted less Ca in urine, but retention of Ca was not affected. Formulating non-phytase diets based on STTD Ca instead of total Ca increased P absorption, which confirms the detrimental effect of excess Ca on P digestibility. However, P retention was not improved if pigs were fed STTD Ca diets.  相似文献   

文章旨在探讨日粮添加不同水平的纤维素对猪生长性能、养分表观消化率和磷损失的影响.试验将平均初始体重为(48.68±0.29)kg的320头生长猪随机分为4组(T1~T4),每组4个重复,每个重复20头.各组饲喂不同纤维素水平的无磷日粮,纤维素水平分别为0、30、60和90?g/kg,试验共开展21?d.结果:不同纤维日...  相似文献   

文章旨在探讨植酸酶对饲喂低水平钙磷日粮肉鸡生长性能和养分表观消化率的影响.试验将平均初始体重为(61.56±0.66)g的1日龄肉鸡随机分为4组,每组4个重复,每个重复38只.对照组饲喂正常钙磷水平的玉米豆粕型日粮,T1~T3组饲喂低钙磷水平的玉米豆粕型日粮+0、1000和1500?FIU/kg植酸酶,试验分为1~21...  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to compare the excretion of water-soluble phosphorus (P) of starter, grower, and finisher pigs fed corn-soybean meal-based P-deficient basal diet containing no added inorganic P (B), P-adequate diet (the basal diet with added dicalcium phosphate; B + P), the basal diet plus 500 units of microbial phytase/kg (B + 500), or the basal diet plus 1000 units of microbial phytase/kg (B + 1000). There were 6 barrows per diet, in a randomized complete block design, with an average initial body weight of 10.4, 20.0, or 51.1 kg for each of starter, grower, and finisher pigs in the three phosphorus balance experiments, respectively. In the experiments, the addition of dicalcium phosphate or phytase to the basal diet increased ( P  < 0.05) the digestibility and retention of P, and there were linear reductions ( P  < 0.05) in water-soluble P excretion as a result of supplementing the basal diet with phytase. In the starter pig experiment, phytase addition at 500 or 1000 units/kg reduced ( P  < 0.05) water-soluble P excretion by 28 or 42%, respectively when compared with the B + P diet. In the grower pig experiment, adding phytase at 500 or 1000 units/kg reduced ( P  < 0.05) water-soluble P excretion by 24 or 34%, respectively when compared with the B + P diet. The use of phytase at 500 or 1000 units/kg reduced ( P  < 0.05) water-soluble P excretion by 11 or 30%, respectively in the finisher pig experiment. The proportion of water-soluble phosphorus in total phosphorus was not affected by dietary treatment in any of the three experiments. In conclusion, adding phytase at 1000 units/kg to a corn-soybean meal-based P-deficient diet basal diet containing no added inorganic P compared with B + P diet reduced the daily excretion of water-soluble P in starter, grower, and finisher pigs by 42, 34, and 30%, respectively.  相似文献   

文章旨在研究不同能量水平日粮添加抗氧化剂对仔猪生长性能和肉质的影响。试验选择360头体重一致的仔猪(杜洛克和长白各半),随机分为6组,每组3个重复,每个重复20头猪。试验共设计6种日粮,其中对照组饲喂基础日粮,处理组分别在日粮中添加100、0、200、200和200 g/kg草粉,其中最后两个处理组分别添加200 mg/kgα-生育酚和儿茶素。试验由断奶开展到出栏。杜洛克猪肌肉pH45min显著高于长白猪(P <0.05),与对照组相比,处理1组和处理3组显著降低背膘深度(P <0.05)。杜洛克猪较长白猪显著提高了肌间脂肪和灰分含量(P <0.05),而长白猪较杜洛克猪显著提高了肌肉水分含量(P <0.05),处理5组较处理2组显著提高了肌肉灰分含量(P <0.05)。杜洛克猪较长白猪显著提高了肌肉C16:1和C18:1含量(P <0.05)。饲喂处理2和5组日粮的长白猪较对照组显著降低了肌肉MDA含量(P <0.05)。综上所述:日粮添加抗氧化及限饲提高长白猪肌肉瘦肉率和多不饱和脂肪酸含量。低能日粮可以改善背膘厚度和肌间脂肪水平,同时增加肌肉的氧化稳定性。  相似文献   

Sufficient supply of pigs with calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) is essential for animal health and welfare during the growth period. However, the P content in animal manure is considered as a cause of massive environmental problems in soil and aquatic ecosystems. To complement previous findings, the objective of this study is the investigation of effects of a reduced and increased Ca and P supplementation on bone mineralization and bone structure compared with the current dietary recommendation. Another aim is to find possible serum markers that would allow the assessment of adequacy of P supply for bone health during growth. The result validated that the recommended Ca and P supply is sufficient, without the addition of microbial phytases. However, addition of P has no further beneficial effects on bone stability, while P supplementation below the recommended level affects bone development and growth performance. Reduced P levels have consequences for cancellous bone density and trabecular architecture. Further fine-tuning of the P supply in conjunction with an appropriate Ca supply will contribute to a reduction in P waste and associated environmental impact while maintaining animal health and welfare.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the growth performance and bone mineral content (BMC) of nursery pigs in response to increasing total calcium (Ca) to available phosphorus (aP) ratios in diets containing phytase (250 FTU/kg; Natuphos E, BASF, Florham Park, NJ). A total of 480 nursery pigs (body weight (BW) = 5.7 ± 0.6 kg) with 10 pigs per pen and 7 pens per treatment (6 pens fed 2.75:1 diet) were allotted to seven treatments consisting of increasing ratios of calcium to available phosphorus (Ca:aP): 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, and 2.75. From day −7 to 0, pigs were fed a common diet. They were then fed the treatment diets during two experimental phases from day 1 to 14 and 15 to 28, respectively. Available P was formulated to 0.33% and 0.27% (approximately 90% of requirement) in dietary phases 1 and 2, respectively. BW, average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI), and gain-to-feed ratio (G:F) were determined. BMC of the femur was measured on day 28 on one pig per pen using dual x-ray absorptiometry. Data were analyzed as a linear mixed model using PROC MIXED (SAS, 9.3). Orthogonal polynomial contrasts were used to determine the linear and quadratic effects of increasing the Ca:aP. Over the 28-d experimental period, increasing Ca:aP resulted in a linear decrease in ADG (353, 338, 328, 304, 317, 291, and 280 g/d; P < 0.01), ADFI (539, 528, 528, 500, 533, 512, and 489 g/d; P < 0.05), and G:F (0.68, 0.66, 0.64, 0.62, 0.61, 0.59, and 0.58; P < 0.01). Increasing Ca:aP also resulted in decreased BW on days 14 and 28 (P < 0.01). The BMC of the femur decreased with increasing Ca:aP (6.2, 6.3, 5.7, 5.9, 5.5, 5.6, and 5.3 g; P < 0.05). Regression analysis explained the impact of Ca:aP as follows on ADG (ADG [g/d] = 339 − 36x; r2 = 0.81), G:F (G:F = 0.61 – 0.03x; r2 = 0.72), and BMC (BMC [g] = 6.4 – 0.27x; r2 = 0.43), where x is the Ca:aP. In conclusion, all outcomes indicated that any level of calcium above the minimum used in this experiment impaired growth performance and skeletal development. Further research using even lower levels of dietary Ca is warranted.  相似文献   

文章旨在研究不同钙水平日粮添加复合酸化剂对断奶仔猪生长性能、血液和骨中矿物质含量的影响.试验选择初始体重为(7.50±0.08)kg的25 d断奶仔猪600头,随机分为4组,每组5个重复,每个重复30头.试验日粮采用2×2因子设计,即钙水平分别为0.75%和0.55%,复合酸化剂添加水平为3 g/kg和0 g/kg,试...  相似文献   

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