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黄土高原果园生草与覆草对土壤和果树生长发育的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
果园生草与覆草是20世纪80年代初期应用于果园土壤管理的一项新技术,目前在全国得到大面积推广。为了探讨其在陇东黄土高原旱作区苹果园应用机理及对果树生长、栽培环境、果品质量的影响,进行了本项试验,并取得一定进展,现将结果总结如下。1材料与方法试验在庆阳优质苹果基地建  相似文献   

果园生草对果树生态环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
果园生草就是在果园内人工种植对果树有益的草本植物,是一项先进、实用、高效的土壤管理方法。果园生草是现代果园推选的土壤管理制度,可以克服传统果园管理模式导致的土壤有机质大量消耗及水土流失的弊病,增加土壤有机质含量,  相似文献   

果园生草制概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 果园生草制的意义和作用果园生草制 ,就是在果树行间或全园 (树盘除外 )长期种植多年生植物作为覆盖的一种果园土壤管理制度。其主要作用和意义有以下几个方面 :1 .1 改良土壤结构 ,提高土壤肥力 果园生草 ,可充分利用果园地下空间 ,提高果园地下和地上生物量 ,植物体腐化分解可较快提高土壤有机质含量及有效营养元素 (如速效磷、速效钾、各类有效营养微量元素 ) ,改善果园土壤团粒结构 ,提高土壤综合肥力水平。1 .2 防止水土流失 ,保肥、保水、抗旱 果园专用草具有须根发达 (土壤浅层 )、茎叶密集、覆盖性强的特点 ,故能起到防止水…  相似文献   

果园生草是实现果品绿色化的主要栽培技术,国外早在20世纪60年代已经全面推广应用。我省推行果品优质栽培技术也把果园生草作为优果工程八大技术之一。但是,由于各种原因果园生草面积发展迟缓,截止目前全省生草果园不足5%。为此,再把有关果园生草意义和相关技术作简单介绍,促进生草果园的发展。一、果园生草能明显增加土壤有机质据国外报道,在不补充有机肥的情况下,连续10年清耕的果园,土壤有机质含量由原来的2%左右降低到0.5%左右;自然生草果园有机质含量可维持在0.5%~1%左右;人工生草果园的有机质含量可达到2%~2.5%;如果果园…  相似文献   

果园生草技术的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
果园生草是果园土壤管理的一种方法,在我国许多有条件的果园已开始采用,并取得较好效果. 1果园生草的作用 1.1改良土壤提高有机质含量果园生草由于草根的分泌物和残根,促进了土壤微生物活动,有助于土壤团粒结构的形成,改良土壤.同时草肥翻压腐解后,又可向土壤输入大量有机质和矿物质.据测定果园生草3年后,土壤有机质含量可提高到1.5%以上.  相似文献   

果园覆草对土壤及果树生长发育的效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

我国多数果园现在仍采用清耕制,土壤有机质含量明显不足,地温变幅大,不利于果树生长发育.1997年,我们在山西省万荣县苹果园进行了种草试验,取得了良好的效果,为当地的苹果园生草覆草的推广提供了示范.  相似文献   

石灰岩旱地果园生草对果树叶片生理活性影响的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1995 ̄1998年在山西省平定县理家庄村果园进行了生草覆盖试验。试验结果表明,在石灰岩发育的土壤上种植鸭茅和无芒雀麦,能明显提高叶片生理活性,使新梢不同部位叶片百叶重增加4.75% ̄33.9%,单叶面积增加16.26% ̄29.6%,叶绿素含量增加7.07% ̄20.37%,光合速率提高13.07% ̄27.26%,暗呼吸速率提高2.76% ̄17.53%;不同枝类叶片百叶重增加4.60% ̄13.24%  相似文献   

果园生草与覆草是应用于果园土壤管理的一项新技术,目前在全国得到大面积推广。为了探讨其在鲁中山区苹果园应用对果树生长、栽培环境、果品质量的影响,作者在2005年、2006年进行了本项试验,并取得一定成绩,现将结果总结如下。  相似文献   

果园生草对于改善果园生态环境、促进果品安全生产具有重要意义,是欧美及日本等果业生产先进国家普遍采用的土壤管理制度。中国果园生草于20世纪60年代起步,80年代在全国掀起一轮生草热,但由于缺乏系统化、规范化研究,果园生草并没有被作为一项可操作技术进行推广应用,土壤管理仍以清耕为主。为此,笔者搜集国内外研究资料,从果园生草对土壤肥力、土壤理化性状、温湿度等果园环境效应改良方面进行了综述,以期为果园的可持续发展、推广果园生草栽培技术提供参考。  相似文献   

果园绿肥对果树-土壤-微生物系统影响研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丁婷婷  段廷玉 《果树学报》2021,38(12):2196-2208
绿肥覆盖是有效改善生态环境,提高果园土壤质量,减少水土流失,增加土壤养分含量,改善土壤微生物群落的重要管理措施.我国果树生产长期大量使用化肥,造成土壤质量下降,果树生长受阻,果品质量降低.为缓解上述问题,国家开始全面推行果园、茶园绿肥有机肥代替化肥.综述了国内外1981-2020年果园绿肥对果树生长及果品、果树病害、果...  相似文献   

赤霉素(gibberellins,GAs)是一类重要的植物激素,参与调控植物生长发育的各个阶段,如种子的萌发、幼苗的生长、茎和根的生长及开花等过程。随着分子生物学及遗传学的发展,科学家已经逐步解析了GA在植物体内的信号转导过程及调控植物生长发育的机制。2017年以来,科学家在GA受体GID1的降解机制、DELLA新互作蛋白的鉴定以及O-fucosyltransferase修饰对GA信号的影响等多个方面均有重要发现,这些新成果大大扩展了人们对GA信号调控机制的认知。GA在果树育种中也发挥着重要作用,早在16世纪育种家就在葡萄中成功利用GA信号途径阻遏蛋白DELLA的功能获得型突变实现矮化育种,提高产量。近年来,又在多种果树中发现了GA途径基因突变造成的矮化材料。GA突变体在果树育种中的利用已证明,人为调控GA信号是实现果树高产稳产的有效方法。鉴于GA在植物生长发育及果树生产中的重要作用,笔者将对GA信号途径的最新研究进展及其在果树生产中的应用进行系统介绍,为将来在果树中更高效、更广泛地利用GA途径基因、提高果树产量及品质提供参考。  相似文献   

水果涩味研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
涩味是影响果实风味的重要指标之一,引起果实涩味的主要物质是单宁以及其他少数几种酚类物质,适量的涩味物质具有增加果实清爽口感、强化酸味、提高果实风味的作用,而涩味物质含量过高,则会引起强烈的涩味。目前,单宁类物质生物合成与调控以及脱涩机制与技术受到广大研究者关注并取得丰硕成果。笔者综合国内外研究报道,论述了果实单宁概念与结构、单宁的收敛性、单宁细胞以及涩味物质的生物合成途径,从物理、化学、分子3个方面对果实涩味进行调控。阐述了果实脱涩机制与技术,包括单宁缩合学说、竞争学说、单宁转变为不溶性复合体及单宁细胞稀释效应4种脱涩机制以及乙醇脱涩、CO2脱涩等多种果实脱涩技术,并为以后果实涩味研究方向提出建议,以期为改善果实风味提供参考依据。  相似文献   

该文综合论述了部分化学农药在矿质元素含量较低果园补锌、补锰十分显著,而在矿质元素含量较高的果园无此影响;从理论和田间实际调查阐明了部分农药对果树生长发育有抑制作用.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2007,111(4):371-377
The effects of rootstocks (M9 and MM 106), cultivars (Granny Smith and Stark Spur Golden) and growth promoting rhizobacteria (OSU-142, OSU-7, BA-8 and M-3) on the tree growth and yield at apple (Malus domestica Borkh) trees were studied in a clay loam soil in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey in 2002–2004. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) were capable of producing indole acetic acid (IAA) and cytokinin, but three of them (OSU-7, BA-8 and M-3) were also able to dissolve phosphate. Maximum shoot number of apple trees was found after inoculation with BA-8 followed by OSU-7 and M-3. All the inoculated PGPR strains contributed to the increase in fruit yield of apple when compared to control but it was strongly depended on rootstocks, cultivars and treatments. Plant growth responses were variable and dependent on bacterial strains, rootstock and cultivar and growth parameters evaluated of young apple trees. Newly planted apple trees inoculated with OSU-142, OSU-7, BA-8 and M-3 PGPR increased average shoot length by 59.2, 18.3, 7.0 and 14.3% relative to the control and fruit yield by 116.4, 88.2, 137.5 and 73.7%, respectively. Bacterial inoculation increased shoot diameter from 7.0 to 16.3% when compared to control. The production of plant growth hormones has been suggested as one of the mechanisms by which PGPRs stimulate young apple sapling growth. The growth-promoting effect appears to be direct, with possible involvement of the plant growth regulators indole-3-acetic acid and cytokinin. In view of environmental pollution due to excessive use of fertilizers and high costs of the production of fertilizers, PGPR strains tested in our study have potential to be used for the sustainable and environmentally benign horticultural production.  相似文献   

水果产业一直是中国的传统优势产业,实现水果生产机械化对促进水果产业持续健康发展具有重要意义。果园施药作为水果生产中的一个重要环节,随着农药施用量的不断增加及人们对生态环境和食品安全问题的日益关注,已成为需要注意的主要问题之一。文中讨论介绍了国内外先进的施药技术与理论,分析了国内外果园施药机械与技术的研究进展,指出了果园施药机械发展中存在的问题。为促进果园施药机械的创新发展,笔者建议,进一步做好农机农艺的结合,多学科协同互助,从新品种选育、种植模式到修剪管理全面统筹考虑,才能更好地加快推进果园施药技术发展进程,在实现机械化和自动化的前提下,进一步提高智能化及信息化水平。  相似文献   

桃小食心虫发生规律及防控技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
桃小食心虫是我国果树上主要的蛀果害虫,文章主要综述桃小食心虫发生、发育特点和综合防控技术,寻求桃小食心虫的进一步研究方向和探讨新的防治途径  相似文献   

Samples of the ‘Ashley’, ‘Hartley’ and ‘Franquette’ cultivars of English walnut (Juglans regia L.) were collected at weekly intervals from bloom to harvest, and development of the fruit, embryo and surrounding tissue was followed. The first division of the zygote occurred approximately one week after pollination, by which time the endosperm, nucellus and integument had shown considerable growth. The endosperm first formed cell walls at the 8-celled embryo stage and was completely cellular by the time the embryo contained approximately 64 cells. Rapid growth of the cotyledons started as the shell began to harden at Week 7. Measurement of fruit growth indicated that fresh weight gain in ‘Ashley’ and ‘Hartley’ fruits followed a double sigmoid pattern, characterized by a 3-week period of slowed growth that began approximately 7 weeks after bloom. Rate of increase in total length and diameter also slowed greatly at Week 7. Fresh weight gain in ‘Franquette’ appeared to follow a single sigmoid curve, with no prolonged period of slowed growth corresponding to that in the other cultivars. Kernel growth also described a double sigmoid curve, with its initial, rapid phase nearly coincident with the beginning of Stage III of the whole-fruit, fresh-weight curve at Week 10.  相似文献   

Two apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) orchards, a conventional and an organic one, were compared in terms of plant growth, marketable fruit quality attributes (fruit weight, shape, color, phenolic compound concentration, nutrients) and yield. The two orchards were located nearby, in order to exclude possible pedoclimatic influences on the measured variables. The two management systems resulted in similar new season's shoot growth and similar fruit quality attributes, in terms of total soluble solids, juice pH, titratable acidity and color indexes, while the conventionally grown trees produced almost twice the yield of the organically managed ones. The flesh plus peel portion of the conventionally produced fruits exhibited higher total flavonoid and o-diphenols concentration, while the flesh portion presented higher flavonoid concentration. Nitrogen concentration was higher in all portions of conventionally grown fruits, while potassium, calcium, sodium and manganese concentrations were higher in the flesh portion of organically produced fruits. Significant differences were observed between management systems concerning fruit nutrient ratios, but their values were within the desired ranges, under both conventional and organic management systems.  相似文献   

为探究芸薹素内酯对小果型西瓜果实的影响,填补其在小果型西瓜外观及品质影响方面的研究空白,用6种不同浓度的芸薹素内酯进行整株喷施,研究其对果实产量、外观和品质的影响。结果表明,喷施芸薹素内酯对小果型西瓜果形指数、果皮厚度、果皮硬度、可溶性固形物含量、口感和纤维等方面作用不明显;但在0.05 mg·L~(-1)芸薹素内酯作用下,小果型西瓜667 m~2折合产量达到3 372.8 kg,较对照提高12.22%,增产效果显著。  相似文献   

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