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基于各省份林业统计数据,文中利用自下而上分析方法测算了中国林木生物质能源的资源潜力,并对变化趋势进行分析。结果表明:1993—2013年中国林木生物质能源资源潜力由0.78亿t标准煤增长到1.05亿t标准煤,20年间增长了34.62%;从资源构成来看,灌木平茬剩余物和采伐剩余物是林木生物质能源的主要供给来源;从区域变化来看,不同省份资源潜力呈现明显差异,但全国平均水平的逐步提高并非个别省份资源潜力大幅度提高使然,而是绝大部分省份资源潜力的共同增长促成了平均水平的连年提高。  相似文献   

河南林木生物质能源发展浅谈   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析林木生物质能源含义的基础上,根据河南省林木生物质能源的开发利用尚处于起步阶段,尚未开始实质性的产业化建设的现状,简要探讨了有关河南发展林木生物质能源的优势、存在问题及对策。  相似文献   

阐述了黑龙江省发展林木生物质能源的必要性和可操作性,并对在该省加快发展林木生物质能源提出建议。  相似文献   

一、全球林木生物质发展状况和对策 能源危机和环境污染是目前全球面临的共同难题。全球经济的高速发展,尤其是日益增加的能源需求,正在改变世界经济的格局。  相似文献   

林木生物质能源发展现状与前景的研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
长期以来,石油、天然气、煤炭等化石燃料一直是人类消耗的主要能源,但化石能源的短缺及其燃烧时所产生的有害物质严重影响着世界资源的安全和社会经济的持续发展.为了满足社会发展对能源的需求,实现资源的可持续利用,维持和促进资源、环境、社会、经济的协调发展,寻找替代能源,特别是可再生能源具有重要的现实意义.林木生物质能源是通过植物的光合作用贮存于植物中的太阳能,是一种可再生能源.我国林木生物质资源比较丰富,发展的潜力和空间巨大,并已基本具备了林木生物质能源产业发展的宏观条件、地区条件和比较优势,但其产业化发展还要经过一个历史过程,还需要国家法律等各方面的支持.  相似文献   

芬兰的林木生物质能源概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中简要介绍了芬兰林木生物质能源的基本情况、相关目标及面临的主要问题, 着重阐述了芬兰林木生物质能源的政策与措施, 提出了借鉴芬兰经验, 加快我国林木生物质能源发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

能源危机是当今人类发展面临的严重挑战。开发和利用林木生物质能源是当前全球应对能源危机和气候变化的最重要的措施之一。中国有丰富的林木生物质能源资源,其种类多、生物量大,燃烧值高,具有重要的利用和发展潜力,是生产“木质煤、生物柴油、生物乙醇”的重要再生生物能源。因此。大力培育与利用这一能源,具有十分重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

林业资源作为生物质能源的主体,而林木、木本燃料油植物是林业资源的重要组成部分,也是开发生物能源的重要基础原料。针对我区区域及气候特点,大力发展速生林木、木本燃料油植物和沙生灌木等生物质能源林,对现有生物质能的分布特性和能量可利用性进行调查分析,筛选培育与地域相适应的能源作物,采用基因工程或杂交育种技术选育高产、速生、  相似文献   

王杨 《防护林科技》2015,(1):79-80,104
随着化石燃料大量消费而引发的地球环境与能源安全矛盾不断升级,可持续发展原则将成为人类探寻再生资源的永恒主题。文章在详尽归纳国外部分国家林木生物质能源利用方面的先进经验的基础上,结合中国林木生物质能源化利用的现状进行了比较分析,为推动我国生物能源利用的广泛化提供参考。  相似文献   

目前我国林木生物质能源产业处于发展初期,相关政策有待完善,日本的林木生物质能源政策体系值得借鉴。文中在阐述背景的基础上,着重分析日本促进林木生物质能源发展的20余项政策,并将其分为法律法规、发展规划和经济扶持3类;总结出其政策具有体系完善、连贯协调、可操作性强、重视分布式发展4个特点,并对政策实施效果进行分析;最后从4个方面提出对我国林木生物质能源政策的启示,包括健全政策体系、实施覆盖全产业链的补助政策、建立统一的领导机构、促进区域性示范。  相似文献   

对辽宁省木本能源植物种质资源进行了调查,找出数量多、适应性强、含油率高的树种,并对木本燃料油植物的开发利用进行了论述,为辽宁省木本能源植物的开发利用提供依据。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Wood and charcoal belong to an energy convention which can sustain fluctuation in their status as a non-conventional fuel, coupled with their uncertain supply. Customers or users of firewood stem from a former era, which until the present, remain associated with simple communities, while the consumption of fossil fuels indicates an industrial society. Along with the progress in industrial development where markets can provide cheap and easy fuel, inherently sim- ple-community co…  相似文献   

对我国生物质能源林发展潜力与空间,林木生物质能源与其他能源相比所占优势,培育生物质能源林应注意的事项进行了比较详细的论述.  相似文献   

河南省发展林业生物能源林效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据河南省林木生物能源林的发展现状,对发展林木生物能源林基地进行了效益分析,并提出了今后河南省发展林木生物质能源林基地的对策和建议。  相似文献   

In Montana, USA, there are substantial opportunities for mechanized thinning treatments on public forests to reduce the likelihood of severe and damaging wildfires and improve forest health. These treatments produce residues that can be used to generate renewable energy and displace fossil fuels. The choice modeling method is employed to examine the marginal willingness of Montanans' to pay (MWTP) for woody biomass energy produced from treatments in their public forests. The survey instrument elicited social preferences for important co-benefits and costs of woody biomass energy generation in Montana, namely the extent of healthy forests, the number of large wildfires, and local air quality. Positive and statistically significant MWTP is found for woody biomass energy generation, forest health and air quality. MWTP to avoid large wildfires is statistically insignificant. However, MWTP for woody biomass energy diminishes quickly, revealing that Montanans do not support public forestland management that produces more than double the current level of woody biomass harvested for energy generation. These findings can be used by policy makers and public land managers to estimate the social benefits of utilizing residues from public forest restoration or fuel treatment programs to generate energy.  相似文献   

The chemical conversion of Japanese beech (Fagus crenata Blume) in water-added supercritical methanol was studied for a wide range of water content using a batch-type reaction vessel to obtain chemicals from lignocellulosics. It was consequently found that addition of water enhanced the decomposition of wood cell wall components; cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin. In cases of high water content, however, it resulted in low solubility of lignin-derived products causing an increase in the mass of the residue. The water content was thus optimized to be around 10% (v/v) for the decomposition of wood. Concomitantly, the yields and selectivity of the chemicals from wood could be regulated by the addition of water, especially for the lignin-derived products. As a result, the monomeric compounds of lignin, coniferyl alcohol and sinapyl alcohol, were recovered as their γ-methyl ethers in the presence of water in higher yields than those obtained without addition of water.  相似文献   

Leaf biomass determination on woody shrub species in semiarid zones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leaf biomass over 20 native species from thornscrub canopies was evaluated by five non-destructive allometric methods and compared in order to determine the most accurate estimating procedure. Indirect relationships between leaf biomass and some ecological characteristics of the plants may be found by using regression models. Ecological and morphological characteristics of these species were determined using a structural analysis. No single standard method estimated leaf biomass for all species on site due to the diversity of geometric shapes in these species. However, Adelaide, double sampling and the dimensional methods were the most precise, practical and simplest methods for measuring the forage leaf biomass of many shrub species. The linear models gave a better estimate of tree biomass than the logarithmic functions. The regression equations showed a close relationship between foliar biomass and growth parameters.  相似文献   

Dielectric mixing models for water content determination in woody biomass   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study is to determine the dielectric constant of woody biomass at different water contents and describe its behavior with a dielectric mixing model. The use of the model for determination of water content is also verified. Dielectric constants were calculated from the travel times of electromagnetic waves with a center frequency of 555 MHz through collected biomass samples. The power law, Maxwell–Garnett, and Polder van Santen mixing models were applied to the experimental data. In the models, biomass was considered as a mixture of three phases: a solid solution composed of wood cellular material and bound water, free water, and air. The experimental data was found to be better described by the Maxwell–Garnett model. The use of this model along with an independent validation set for the determination of volumetric water content resulted in a root mean square error of prediction of 0.03 within the investigated volumetric water content range of 0.07–0.29.  相似文献   

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