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Sixteen open-top chambers, each equipped with two non-weighablegravity-drained lysimeter compartments, were used to investigate the impacts of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration and nitrogen (N) deposition on the water relations and growth of young model forest ecosystems on two different types of soils. The same vegetation of a mixed spruce and beech overstorey and various herbs in the understorey was planted in all treatments on both soils. The soils were repacked on top of a drainage layer. Four combinations of treatments were applied in four replicates each: ambient (370 cm3 m-3) CO2 + low (7 kg N ha-1 a-1) N deposition, ambient CO2 + high(70 kg N ha-1 a-1) N deposition, elevated (590 cm3 m-3) CO2 + low N deposition, and elevated CO2 + high N deposition. After canopy closure, treatment effects on evapotranspiration and growth during the third year of study were very different for the two soils.On the acidic sandy loam, elevated CO2 enhanced growth(leaf biomass +21%, roots +27%) at reduced evapotranspiration (–9%). High N deposition increased aboveground growth even more strongly (+50%), but also increased evapotranspiration (+16%). Together, elevated CO2 and high N had a more than additive fertilizer effect on growth, while their effects on evapotranspirationcompensated. On the calcareous loamy sand, elevated CO2not only tended to enhance growth (leaf biomass +17%, roots +20%), but also increased evapotranspiration (+5%).On this soil, aboveground growth was stimulated by N only incombination with elevated CO2, but less than on the acidic soil, while evapotranspiration (–6.5%) and root growth into the subsoil (–54%) were decreased by increased N deposition at both CO2 concentrations, in contrast to the N treatments on the acidic sandy loam. The influence of the soil on the observed ecosystem responses canbe interpreted in terms of the concept of optimal resource allocation.  相似文献   

Variations in soil acidity and in biodiversity were analysed in the National Natural Park "Russian North", European Russia. Improving soil quality from podzol, podzolic soil, derno-podzolic soil, brown earth to pararendzina leads to increase in diversity and changes in floristical composition, followed by changing of pine and spruce forest to mixed and birch forests. In PCA ordination species diversity, richness and evenness of trees, shrubs and vascular plants are closely connected with each other, and are represented by the first principal component. They are strongly correlated to the thickness of Al horizon, pHH20 and pHCaC12 in organic, surface and subsurface mineral horizons. Only bryophyte species richness and diversity are directly related to the thickness and weight of organic horizon, soil exchangeable acidity, and inversely related to the thickness of Al horizon and pH. Thus, the ordination of the major species diversity variables is highly related to soil pH, suggesting that pH is the best soil related predictor of species diversity parameters. Our study shows that plants notably respond to soil acidification in boreal forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

免耕年限对东北旱田土壤性质及玉米根系、产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验以免耕1年,免耕2年,免耕4年和免耕5年的玉米农田为对象,探索免耕年限对不同层次土壤理化性状及玉米根系和产量的影响。结果表明:随着免耕年限的增加0~40 cm土层土壤有机质、全氮含量、速效氮、速效钾含量显著增加,免耕能够增加土壤养分含量,土壤容重在免耕4年以后比常规耕作显著增加;免耕栽培玉米根系的表面积、根长、体积、根尖数均显著低于传统翻耕,但根系直径差异不显著,且随免耕年限增加,玉米根系在0~20 cm土层呈现集聚现象,说明免耕能够促进玉米根系对0~20 cm土壤养分的吸收;随免耕年限增加,不同免耕年限处理分别比传统翻耕增产7.7%、7.9%、9.7%和4.6%,在免耕4年产量达到最高。综合各项指标测定,免耕应以4年左右为宜。  相似文献   

In spite of numerous experimental studies, it has, sofar, not been possible to link historic changes inforest growth to acid deposition at regional scales,partly due to difficulties in modeling the ecologicalcomplexity of forests. We analyzed radial incrementdata from increment cores from >31 000 spruce forestplots in southern Norway from 1954–1996. Using acombination of a bio-stratification model to controlconfounding factors, and a catchment model foracidification, we demonstrate for the first time aspatial and temporal co-variation between forestgrowth and both nitrogen deposition and acidification,as indicated by acidity critical loads exceedances.Increases in growth during the 1960–1970s, followed bya subsequent decline in the 1980–1990s, were bestexplained by combined actions of acidification,nitrogen deposition and climatic stress on forestgrowth. While forest conditions varyprimarily with natural growing conditions, the resultssuggest that boreal forests are sensitive to moderatelevels of nitrogen and sulphur deposition whereacidity critical loads are low, and that effects maybe observed over relatively short time scales.  相似文献   

林分立地和林种对土壤水分的影响   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
坡向和坡位对林地土壤水分有一定影响.林分相同时,阴坡林地的土壤水分含量高于阳坡. 阴坡河北杨林、柠条灌木林和沙棘灌木林的土壤水分含量分别比阳坡高约2.53%~3.20%,0.7 7%~1.01%和2.35%.坡向和林分相同时,坡下部林地的土壤水分含量相当于、略高于或明显高于坡上部和中部.阴向峁坡下部柠条灌木林的土壤水分含量与峁顶、峁坡上部和中部无明显差异;东坡和西北坡下部油松林的土壤水分含量比坡上部仅分别高0.95%, 1.46%(4月)与1.28%,0.35%(6月);沟坡下部沙棘灌木林的土壤含水量则分别比沟坡上部和中部高14.79%和7.27%(5月)与9.21%和5.42%(11月).林种对土壤水分亦有一定影响. 在相同降水量区域,5个不同林种之间的土壤水分含量差值为0.58%~2.77%;选择适当的造林树种和密度可以改善林地土壤水分状况.  相似文献   

森林生态景观土壤酸化及修复技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年在鼎湖山自然保护区,通过野外原位模拟酸雨控制实验和施用石灰、污水污泥和联合施用石灰+污水污泥3种土壤酸化改良剂,研究了保护区内三种森林土壤在受到酸沉降影响后,土壤pH值和交换性Al3+、H+浓度的动态变化以及投加修复剂后混交林土壤酸度的变化情况。结果表明:三种森林土壤酸化严重(pH〈4.5),pH值随处理酸度降低而下降;土壤交换性酸(H+、Al3+)含量随处理酸度降低而增加。酸沉降中H+的输入,导致土壤铝被活化。三种改良剂的施用均可以缓解土壤酸化,降低土壤交换性酸(H+、Al3+)含量,从而降低植被铝中毒风险。三种修复技术中,联合施用石灰+污水污泥修复技术效果最好。  相似文献   

凋落物输入改变对慈竹林土壤有机碳的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过野外试验,研究了凋落物输入改变对慈竹林土壤有机碳的影响。设置10%,50%和70%这3种去除凋落物量和分别添加15%,25%的绵竹、杉木凋落物处理及对照。结果发现,去除凋落后慈竹林土壤有机碳含量明显减少(p<0.05),而且去除量越大,有机碳含量减少越大。添加外源凋落物显著提高了慈竹林土壤有机碳含量(p<0.05),其中,15%的添加比例比25%更有利于土壤有机碳的积累,添加绵竹凋落物对土壤有机碳增加的效应高于添加杉木凋落物。研究表明,选择适合的树种和恰当的混交比例以及加强对凋落物层的保护,对维持慈竹林土壤有机碳具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

In a laboratory incubation experiment, nitrification potential, methane oxidation, N2O and CO2 release were studied in the organic soil layer (0–10 cm) of field lysimeters containing re-established soil profiles from a 100-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forest of Norway. The experiment was designed as a full factorial (3 factors; N fertilisation rates, soil acidification, and plants), with three replicates. The more acidic irrigation (pH 3) significantly reduced nitrification potential and N2O fluxes, methane oxidation and CO2 release. We concluded that the reduction in soil N2O release by severe acid deposition is partly due to reduction in nitrification potential. The highest N2O fluxes were observed in the combination of fertilised planted and less acidic pH treatment. N fertilisation (90 kg N ha?1 y?1 with NH4NO3) increased soil N2O release by a factor of 8 and decreased CH4 oxidation by 60–80%. Plant effects on soil nitrification potential and methane oxidation rates are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of soil processes, related to the oxidation of sulphide sediments, on heavy metal concentrations in the soil and soil solution were investigated in a Norway spruce stand on a fine-textured, acidic soil rich in sulphates located on the isostatic land-uplift western coast of Finland. The age of the soil is ca. 300–400 years, and the soil texture is silt and till. The chemical properties of the soil and soil solution clearly reflected the formation of acid sulphate (AS) soil. Compared to background reference values for podzolic coniferous forest soil, the pH of the soil solution in the mineral soil (20–40 cm depth) was very low, and the Al, Fe and S concentrations extremely high. The Zn and Ni concentrations in the soil solution were also strongly elevated, and similar to the concentrations reported close to anthropogenic heavy-metal emission sources. The concentrations of Cd and Cu were also frequently elevated. In contrast, the acidity and metal concentrations of the soil solution sampled in the organic layer were not elevated. Similarly, exchangeable Zn and Ni concentrations were also elevated in the mineral soil, but not in the organic layer. Because Norway spruce has a very superficial rooting system and the zone with exceptionally high metal concentrations did not extend up to the topmost soil layers, sulphide-oxidation derived soil acidification is not likely to pose a serious threat to forest ecosystems growing on this type of site. Despite the elevated concentrations of protons and many metals in the mineral soil and soil solution (20–40 cm), the nutrient status of the spruce stand was satisfactory and the general health of the stand has been reported to be relatively good.  相似文献   

本文针对我国北方干旱半干旱地区水资源短缺的问题,采用水土富集工程措施,使土壤的容水能力由84.89毫米提高到243.23毫米,土壤含水总量比对照提高3.1倍,<0.1毫米的土壤粘粒比对照增加68.52%,基本解决了太行山低山丘陵区干旱阳坡“造林难”的问题,使干旱阳坡的石榴经济林平均亩产达80.4公斤,每亩年获经济效益482.4元。  相似文献   

三峡库区典型林分林地土壤抗蚀抗冲性研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
周利军  齐实  王云琦 《水土保持研究》2006,13(1):186-188,216
通过对三峡库区重庆缙云山四种典型林分(针阔叶混交林,阔叶林,楠竹林和灌木林)林地土壤的抗蚀抗冲特征研究表明,林地土壤抗蚀指数为农地土壤的1.3~1.9倍。各林分林地土壤抗蚀指数的顺序为灌木林最大(78.4),阔叶林最小(53.3)。抗蚀指数随着土层的增加而减弱。林地土壤抗蚀指数与其相关因子毛管孔隙度,稳渗率,非毛管孔隙度,< 1 mm根长关系最密切。除楠竹林外,各林分林地土壤抗冲系数大于农地(1.2~1.9倍)。林地土壤抗冲性的强弱是其相关因子综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

[目的]探究地上凋落物、地下根系和菌根输入对红壤恢复林地土壤微团聚体的影响,为退化地进行森林恢复后土壤功能重建和生态系统碳循环提供依据。[方法]以亚热带红壤侵蚀退化地恢复形成的典型阔叶林分木荷纯林为研究对象,设置无凋落物(CT)、菌根(M)、根系+菌根(RM)、地上+地下凋落物(LRM)和地上凋落物加倍(DLRM) 5种输入处理,对土壤微团聚体组成、有机碳及其化学结合形态进行分析。[结果]木荷恢复林土壤微团聚体质量百分比、有机碳、钙键结合态有机碳(Ca-SOC)、铁铝键结合态有机碳[Fe(Al)-SOC]和Ca-SOC/SOC在不同处理间均无显著差异(p>0.05);相对于CT,LRM处理使20~50μm和50~200μm粒级微团聚体Fe(Al)-SOC/SOC分别降低了40.06%和46.67%(p<0.05)。土壤微团聚体质量百分比、有机碳、Ca-SOC和Fe(Al)-SOC均随粒级的增大而减小,有机碳及结合态有机碳趋于在较小粒级的微团聚体颗粒组(<20μm)中富集。微团聚体Ca-SOC含量(0.55~1.28 g/kg)远低于Fe(Al)-SOC含量(6.88~...  相似文献   

[目的] 揭示三峡库区土地利用碳排放格局并测算碳补偿价值,为引导流域低碳发展,健全流域碳补偿机制提供参考。[方法] 运用碳排放系数,单位GDP能耗及经济贡献系数等方法,测算三峡库区1980—2021年土地利用碳排放/碳吸收,并以净碳排放为基准值,对碳排放阈值及碳排放强度进行修正,测算土地利用碳补偿价值。[结果] ①三峡库区1980—2021年土地利用碳排放及碳吸收整体呈上升趋势。耕地和林地是土地利用碳吸收主要载体,城乡工矿居民用地是土地利用碳排放主要来源; ②碳吸收格局整体呈现西低东高的分布特征。1980—2021年碳吸收处于中高水平和高水平类型的区县明显增加,且大多位于东部和北部,低水平类型区县有所减少; ③碳排放格局在1980—1990年均处于低水平及中低水平类型;2000—2021年库区整体碳排放量增加,其中西部重庆市主城区、中部万州、开州区、云阳县以及东部夷陵区处于中高水平和高水平类型,武隆区的碳排放处于中等水平类型;巫溪、巫山、巴东、兴山、秭归县等区县的碳排放处于低水平和中低水平类型; ④研究区9个区县为生态盈余区,应获碳补偿资金最高的是奉节县6.87×105元,17个区县为生态赤字区,支付碳补偿金额较高的是渝北区1.53×107元。[结论] 应从以下方面引导流域低碳发展:推动区域合作治理碳排放,建立横向碳补偿机制;控制建设用地规模,优化土地利用配置;落实绿色发展理念,增强碳汇能力;优化能源供给结构,提高能源利用率等。  相似文献   

随着种植年限的延长,苜蓿地土壤质量及牧草品质逐步退化。通过对不同种植年限苜蓿土壤理化性质、牧草品质的测定,分析比较了土壤质量及牧草质量的变化。结果表明:在苜蓿生长季内,土壤含水量随月份的递增其变化规律各异,随取土深度的增加呈先增加后降低的变化趋势;随种植年限的延长,碱解氮和速效钾含量逐渐下降,速效磷含量呈先增加后降低的变化规律;各种植年限苜蓿地土壤微生物区系以细菌为主,真菌数量最少,微生物总数以4年生苜蓿地最高,3年生最低;苜蓿品质随种植年限延长而逐渐下降,即栽培年限对苜蓿地的土壤质量及牧草品质均有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

氮循环是陆地生态系统重要的物质循环过程之一。快速城市化改变了生态系统的氮输入和输出,从而影响了城市生态系统的氮循环规律,但目前有关研究还很少。选取北京城区和郊区的油松林、侧柏林和毛白杨林三种森林植被类型,比较研究了不同季节(春季、夏季、秋季)的土壤无机氮库和净潜在矿化和硝化速率的城郊差异。结果表明,(1)城区与郊区硝态氮、氨态氮含量均有明显的季节动态,夏季显著高于春季和秋季。(2)3个季节城区硝态氮含量均显著高于郊区(春季28.41 mg kg-1和19.66 mg kg-1;夏季99.35 mg kg-1和59.51 mg kg-1;秋季9.61 mg kg-1和5.63 mg kg-1)。(3)城区净潜在矿化速率也高于郊区。(4)夏、秋两季,城区和郊区的土壤硝态氮含量不同树种间存在差异,夏季城区的净潜在矿化和硝化也呈现出树种间的差异(P<0.05)。(5)影响城区与郊区无机氮库的环境因子也存在差异,城区土壤无机氮库的变化主要与土壤有机碳和容重相关,而郊区主要与土壤水分相关。因此,城市化能够对森林土壤的氮循环产生一定影响,但其影响程度因研究指标、季节和树种而有所差异。  相似文献   

任玉成  阮丽  李欣  徐妍  张方方  李建武 《土壤》2021,53(4):865-873
为揭示大气降尘对亚热带季风区土壤资源的影响,本文以亚热带地区典型玄武岩发育土壤为研究对象,采用土壤地理学和土壤粒度分析方法,分析表层土壤样品的粒度组成、粒度频率曲线和高含量的"风尘基本粒级"(10~50μm)的粒度分布特征,结果表明大气降尘对土壤表层的影响深远。土壤Sr-Nd同位素比值辅助证据也进一步说明表层也不断受到来自大气降尘的影响。研究剖面土壤表层样品的粒度组成、频率曲线、粒度参数和Sr-Nd同位素比值均指示显著的风尘特性,而底土层土壤样品则大多数继承了母岩的特性。揭示了大气降尘对该区域土壤资源的重要补给作用和对土壤发生演变的重要影响。  相似文献   

宁夏不同种植年限下硒砂瓜土壤干燥化效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对压砂地不同种植年限下土壤干燥化效应进行研究,为宁夏中部旱区压砂地可持续发展提供理论依据。在观测压砂3,8,12,16,25a的土壤含水量的基础上,分析比较不同种植年限下土壤含水量、水分过耗量、干燥化指数、干层厚度等土壤干燥化指标。结果表明:不同年限下0—600cm的土壤含水量、贮水量和有效贮水量的均值分别为11.24%,936.00mm和506.27mm;随种植年限的增加,0—600cm土层平均土壤含水量、贮水量呈递减趋势,水分过耗量逐渐增大;不同种植年限下土壤剖面含水量随土层深度的增加呈先减小后增大最后逐渐平稳的趋势;压砂地土壤干燥化系数为68.29%~162.36%,平均干层厚度为283.33cm,以中度和轻度干燥化强度为主;典型相关性分析发现,经纬度、种植年限、粉粒及砂粒含量等环境因子是影响土壤干燥化指数和土壤干层厚度的重要因素。  相似文献   

秦嘉海  王进  刘金荣  谢晓蓉 《土壤》2007,39(4):661-664
对祁连山不同林龄青海云杉林灰褐土化验分析表明:土壤孔隙度、团粒结构、物理性黏粒、水分、渗透速度、渗透系数、有机质、全N、速效N、速效P、速效K、CEC均为成年林>幼年林>荒坡草灌.土壤体积质量(容重)、物理性砂粒、pH、CaCO3、全盐均为荒坡草灌>幼年林>成年林.随着林龄延长,CaCO3、可溶性盐都有不同程度的淋溶.不同处理间的差异显著性经LSR检验达到显著或极显著水平.  相似文献   

森林采伐对林地表层土壤主要特征及其生态过程的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡小飞  陈伏生  葛刚 《土壤通报》2007,38(6):1213-1218
森林采伐是森林经营过程中的一类常见作业,而森林重要生态过程都离不开林地表层(土壤及覆盖物),为此,理解和把握森林采伐对林地表层的影响对于合理经营和管理森林生态系统,实现生态系统的可持续发展等具有重要意义。本文在简单回顾了采伐对森林组成、结构及其功能的影响基础上;介绍了森林采伐对林地表层温度、湿度、土壤结构、pH值、养分(C、N、P、S)等理化特性的影响;分析了土壤生物对森林采伐的反馈过程;阐述了森林采伐对林地水文、C、N转化等生态过程的作用。最后,从研究方法、研究目标和研究内容三个方面提出森林采伐影响林地表层研究的发展趋势,指出森林采伐的边缘效应和空间异质性;森林采伐后土壤生物的响应;森林采伐后的水、C、N转化和循环等生态过程及其耦合作用是目前及今后研究的三大热点。  相似文献   

The sensitivity of mineral soils to anthropogenically-induced acidification may be assessed using the Skokloster classification or by considering the short-term acid buffering capacity (STABC). The Skokloster classification is based on the assumption that the majority of acidification neutralization is due to base cation release from mineral weathering. It therefore considers the long-term neutralizing capacity of a soil on a scale of decades. The STABC of a soil is due largely to the adsorption and exchange of H+ ions by soil components, and acts on the scale of single years. The United Kingdom maps generated to identify soils that are sensitive to acidification use the Skokloster classification. A comparison of the laboratory-determined STABC of the different horizons from soil profiles with the Skokloster classes of soils shows that there is generally no correlation between the two. Maps showing soil sensitivity to acidification based on measured STABC and Skokloster classes are markedly different. The STABC measure has the potential for quantitatively assessing a soil's sensitivity to acidification, while the Skokloster approach is empirical. It may be possible to combine the two approaches to produce a dynamic method of assessing soil recovery from acidification.  相似文献   

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