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牛环形泰勒焦虫病是牛血液原虫病危害最严重的一种,由泰勒焦虫病属的虫体寄生宿主的红细胞和网状内皮系统细胞形成,引起病牛以高热、贫血、出血、消瘦和体表淋巴结肿胀。本病是由于蜱叮咬牛体吸血时,将焦虫的子孢子注入牛体内使牛体感染。在本地区以1~2岁牛多发,发病死亡率达70%以上。本文对七台河市某牛场2012年6~7月患环形泰勒  相似文献   

1986年从病牛身上摘下饱血雌蜱,经实验室饲养,孵化为第二代成蜱,人工越冬。于1987年将上述蜱100只接种于已去脾23天的一岁龄健康水牛,以后每天从该牛身上取蜱查其唾液腺。结果在吸血期间,始终查到梨形虫体,其平均大小为1.3×0.68微米。接种后第4天,牛血中开始出现巴贝斯虫,至第19天,红细胞感染率高达9.6%,单梨形虫体大小为0.84~2.64×0.42~1.22微米,双梨形虫体大小为0.64~1.64×0.37~0.97微米,以后逐渐下阵。该牛出现体温升高)41.6℃)、严重贫血(血红蛋白量2克,红细胞压积14%,红细胞总数177万/毫米~3)、黄疸及精神萎顿等症状。上述结果表明,该牛感染了巴贝斯虫病,由此证实镰形扇头蜱是经卵传递巴贝斯虫,其感染阶段是成蜱。  相似文献   

湖南省部分地区牛无浆体病感染情况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过病牛颈静脉采血涂片,吸血昆虫血液涂片、实验室染色镜检观察和动物接种试验的方法调查了湖南部分地区牛场牛无浆体病发病情况.结果表明,在我省长沙、益阳、娄底、常德、永州、浏阳和岳阳等不同养牛地区均存在无浆体病感染,且当疾病爆发时,其阳性感染率在34.43%~73.75%.  相似文献   

我县是水牛伊氏锥虫病的老疫区,通过多年来的防治实践证明,在病牛外周血液中不易查到虫体。1980年秋,我们曾采用鲜血压滴、涂片、狗及小白鼠接种等检验方法,共检查耕牛1165头,结果阳性病牛一头也未发现。因此平时仅以临床症状和  相似文献   

牛边缘边虫多发生于热带、亚热带地区,我国南方也有发生。该病主要是小牛蜱或吸血昆虫如牛虻、厩蝇或蚊等传播。我处86年8月,有1头母牛在产犊后第3天突发稽留热,体温在39.7—40.5℃,精神沉郁,严重的前胃弛缓,反刍少而无力,渐而废绝,饮食欲废绝,随病程的增加逐渐消瘦,粘膜苍白、贫血,眼球下陷,眼脸水肿,粪便量少、干硬、色黑。用抗生素治疗1周,病牛不见好转。后采耳尖血涂片、瑞氏染色、油镜下观察到很多红细胞的边缘有圆点状的虫体寄生,大多数是一个圆点虫体连在一起形成豆状、弧形、环状或条状等,虫体呈蓝紫色。故确  相似文献   

<正>犬附红细胞体病(Canine eperythrozoonosis)是由寄生于红细胞表面、血浆及脊髓液的专性血液寄生物一附红细胞体(Eperythrozoon)所引起,临床上以贫血、发热及黄疸为基本症候的一种人畜共患传染病。1928年Schilling和Dinger几乎同时分别在啮齿类动物中查到类球状血虫体(E.coceoides),随后相继在牛、羊、猪等家畜体内陆续发现该虫体,命名为附红细胞体(Eperythrozoon)~[1]。在我国,晋希民于1981年首次在病兔中发现兔附红细胞体~[2];华  相似文献   

采用鲜血压滴标本法结合末梢血液涂片染色法,检测120只犬感染附红细胞体的情况,结果显示80只犬呈阳性感染,阳性率为66%。对其中30只发病症状明显的阳性患犬进行血液生理指标测定,患犬表现出不同程度的红细胞总数、红细胞压积、血红蛋白下降;总胆红素、谷丙转氨酶与谷草转氨酶升高。患犬发病时以高热、贫血、黄疸为主要症状,部分患犬继发消化道或呼吸道症状。  相似文献   

本研究利用血液涂片染色、间接酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)、聚合酶链式反应(PCR)3种方法,对潍坊市104头奶牛血液样品进行了牛环形泰勒虫病的检测。结果显示血液涂片染色阳性率为15.4%,血清阳性率为51.9%,PCR检测阳性率20.2%。结果表明,这三种方法都可用于检测牛环形泰勒虫病。血液涂片染色法查找红细胞中的虫体,PCR检测的是虫体,反映奶牛当前感染情况;ELISA检测的是抗体水平,反映了近阶段感染情况。  相似文献   

最后,我们在实验室孽生的吸血蝇体内意外地发现了伊氏锥虫前鞭毛期虫体,通过人工感染小鼠试验,从小鼠血液中查见大量伊氏锥虫。说明伊氏锥虫若遇到合适媒介,还存在生物学传播的可能。  相似文献   

牛瑟氏泰勒虫实验动物模型的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用严重联合免疫缺陷 (SCID)鼠不能产生特异性免疫应答特性 ,用健康牛红细胞通过反复输血法置换SCID鼠体内的红细胞 ,再接种瑟氏泰勒虫 ,并定期给感染鼠输入健康牛红细胞。SCID鼠体内被置换的红细胞最高可达 90 %左右 ;瑟氏泰勒虫在SCID鼠体内能迅速增殖 ,在感染的第 1 0天前后 ,末梢血液中红细胞的染虫率高达 2 3 %左右。从SCID鼠末梢血液中能检出虫体的期限为 2 5~ 30d;感染鼠表现的临诊症状与感染牛的临诊症状相似。从而成功地建立了瑟氏泰勒虫的实验动物模型。  相似文献   

Distribution of Brucella abortus in infected cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experimentally and naturally infected cattle were examined bacteriologically to determine the anatomical distribution of specimens yielding Brucella abortus. In 91 experimentally infected pregnant cows, examined 3 to 4.5 months after conjunctival challenge during pregnancy, the most frequently infected specimen was the mammary (syn. supramammary) lymph node. All experimentally infected cows could be identified from cultures of the mammary, mandibular (syn. submaxillary), medial iliac, caudal superficial cervical (syn. prescapular) lymph nodes and uterine caruncles, cotyledons or foetal tissues. Forty-six naturally infected cows were examined and again the most frequently infected specimen was the mammary lymph node. All naturally infected cows could be identified from cultures of the mammary, parotid, mandibular and subiliac (syn. prefemoral) lymph nodes. The distribution of infected specimens was somewhat different in heifers. In 61 naturally infected heifers the most frequently infected specimen was the mandibular lymph node but 8 other specimens would have been required to enable identification of all infected heifers. Specimens from 3 infected bulls were cultured and 11 of the 12 specimens examined were infected in at least one of the bulls. The most frequently infected tissues were the mandibular, caudal superficial cervical, subiliac and scrotal lymph nodes. The results suggest which specimens should be selected for culture, particularly when only a limited amount of effort can be expended.  相似文献   

Viral isolation, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), dot blot hybridization (DBH), and indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (iELISA) were used for the diagnosis of lumpy skin disease in clinically infected, fevered, and apparently normal dairy cows. Lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV) was isolated from skin biopsies and blood samples collected from clinically infected cows in percentages of 72% and 20%, respectively. The virus recovered from blood samples collected from fevered cows in percentage of 33.3%. Both PCR and DBH detected viral DNA in 100% of skin biopsies collected from clinically infected cows whereas the detection rates in blood samples collected from clinically infected animals were 100% and 84% using PCR and DBH, respectively. Viral DNA was detected in blood samples collected from fevered cows using PCR and DBH in percentages of 77.8% and 66.6%, respectively. Only 19.1% of blood samples collected from in-contact cows was positive for both of PCR and DBH. Detection rates of antibodies against LSDV using iELISA in serum samples collected from clinically infected and fevered cows were 56% and 11.1%, respectively, whereas all in-contact cows had no antibodies against the virus.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from blood or milk of 12 cows were evaluated in vitro for the lymphocyte's capability to proliferate in response to mitogens (phytohemagglutinin-A, concanavalin A, and pokeweed mitogen) and to an antigen prepared from Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (purified protein derivative, PPD-J). Responses of 4 control cows were compared with those of 4 cows subclinically infected with M paratuberculosis and with 4 apparently noninfected herdmates. Blood lymphocytes or milk lymphocytes from control cows had no detectable responses to PPD-J. Blood lymphocytes from infected cows had significant (P less than 0.05) responses to PPD-J, but milk lymphocytes from these cows did not. Conversely, milk lymphocytes from apparently noninfected herdmate cows had significant (P less than 0.05) responses to PPD-J, but blood lymphocytes from these cows did not. There were no significant differences in the responses of blood lymphocytes from control, noninfected, or infected cows to the mitogens. However, milk lymphocytes from infected cows had significantly (P less than 0.05) lower responses than did lymphocytes from the milk of control or noninfected cows to all mitogens. The decreased responsiveness of milk lymphocytes from cows subclinically infected with M paratuberculosis may indicate that immunocompetency of the mammary gland was altered.  相似文献   

用重组的牛巴贝斯虫棒状体蛋白1(Bc—RAP-1)作为ELISA诊断抗原,对采自青海省湟中县的120份奶牛血清样品,进行抗Bc—RAP-1特异性抗体的检测。结果检出7份阳性,阳性率为5.83%,说明该地区牛群存在牛巴贝斯虫的感染。  相似文献   

Cows naturally infected with Brucella abortus developed antibody (Ab) responses to a nonlipopolysaccharide antigen (NLA) purified from B abortus strain 1119-3. Sera from strain 19-vaccinated cows did not have detectable amounts of Ab. Weak lymphoproliferative responses to NLA were observed in blood mononuclear cell suspensions obtained from infected cows. There was no evidence of NLA-specific lymphoproliferation in cell suspensions from healthy cows. Nonlipopolysaccharide antigen binding to bovine blood mononuclear cells was observed by antigen-consumption assays and direct binding of radiolabeled antigen. Cells from infected cows bound less NLA than did cells from healthy cows when assays were conducted with intact blood mononuclear cell preparations (monocytes plus lymphocytes). Monocytes obtained from any group did not bind NLA. Purified B lymphocytes from infected and healthy vaccinated cows bound about 3 times more NLA than did T lymphocytes, but there were no apparent differences between the 2 groups in extent of binding. Results of the study indicate that bovine lymphocytes have binding sites for a NLA purified from B abortus strain 1119-3.  相似文献   

The excretion rate of [3H]prednisolone from clinically normal and experimentally infected udders of 10 lactating cows was studied. Each quarter of 6 cows was injected with a single dose of [3H]prednisolone mixed with non-radioactive prednisolone equivalent to 10 mg in 10 ml of peanut oil base. Each of the remaining 4 cows was given 40 mg of nonradioactive prednisolone and [3H]prednisolone in 60% ethanol IV. Control and postadministration samples of blood, milk, and urine were examined for radioactivity. The effects of [3H]prednisolone were evaluated in the same cows, first in clinically normal udders, then 2 weeks later in udders experimentally infected with Streptococcus agalactiae. Absorption and elimination of prednisolone were the same before and after induced infection. Within 3 hours after intramammary injection, 95% of the labeled prednisolone was absorbed systemically, less than 5% of this dose was recovered in milk, and 29% was excreted in urine. After IV injection of [3H]prednisolone, less than 0.2% of the total radioactivity was recovered in milk and less than 46% was excreted in urine. Clinical mastitis induced by S agalactiae was moderate. Circulating blood leukocytes and somatic cells in the milk of normal cows remained essentially unchanged. The leukocyte response to induced infection was rapid in blood and milk. Large numbers of leukocytes were noticed in the milk and a severe leukopenia occurred. Prednisolone treatment did not alter the number of somatic cells in milk or reduce the inflammatory response of experimentally infected cows.  相似文献   

Milk and blood serum from clinically mastitis infected, subclinically mastitis infected and healthy Friesian cows (15 samples from each of 3 groups) were evaluated for macrominerals (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus). The milk from cows infected with subclinical mastitis revealed a significant decrease in potassium (P < 0.001) and a significant increase in sodium and phosphorus content (P < 0.01). Similarly, the milk from cows with the clinical form of the disease showed a significant increase in sodium (P < 0.001) and a significant decrease in potassium, magnesium (P < 0.001) and calcium (P < 0.01). Comparison of healthy cow's milk with that from cows with subclinical mastitis revealed a highly significant increase in sodium (P < 0.001). Comparison of healthy cow's milk with that of clinically mastitic milk showed a highly significant decrease in levels of calcium, magnesium (P < 0.001) and potassium (P < 0.01). However, sodium increased highly significantly (P < 0.001). Comparison of macro-minerals in milk from cows with subclinical and clinical mastitis revealed a significant decrease in potassium contents (P < 0.05) compared with that of healthy cows. Potassium levels were found to decrease significantly (P < 0.05) in subclinically infected cow's blood serum. However, calcium and phosphorus showed a significant decrease (P < 0.01) in blood serum samples from the clinically infected cows.  相似文献   

The delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) test was used to diagnose brucellosis in two cows experimentally induced with brucellosis, and 176 dairy cows from a farm suspected of brucellosis. DTH test results were compared with results of the milk ring test, the serum agglutination test, the complement fixation test and the Coombs test. Cows positive in the DTH test and in one of the other tests were examined bacteriologically. In experimentally infected animals the DTH test was positive 10 days after infection, 1-4 weeks before serologic tests indicated brucellosis. Although the DTH test was positive during the whole experiment, on the one occasion when serologic titres were high, it was negative. Of the 176 dairy cows, 45 were positive in one or more serologic tests. In twelve cows (29%) the diagnosis was inconclusive because they were positive in only one of the serologic tests. In these cases the DTH test confirmed the infection. Three cows with high serologic response tested negative in the DTH test. B. abortus was isolated from 13 of 15 cows examined. We conclude that when serologic results are ambiguous, the DTH test is a useful additional technique for diagnosing brucellosis.  相似文献   

Of 1140 vaginal mucus agglutination tests (VMAT) on specimens obtained in 1971-72 from 663 dairy cows in seven herds infected with brucellosis, 97 were positive. When the VMAT was positive one or more serological tests were also positive. Of the 97 corresponding serum agglutination tests 80 sera had titres of more than 533 international units. Only 69.8 per cent of VMAT from serologically positive cows were positive. No evidence was found of non-specific agglutinins in vaginal mucus and positive VMAT reactions appeared to be specific for field infection. Three cows showed evidence of local agglutinins in the vagina. Hence herd testing by VMAT has no advantage over tests of blood serum but the test could be an aid in establishing whether individual cattle are infected.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare cytokine secretion patterns of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from healthy cows and cows subclinically and clinically infected with Mycobacterium paratuberculosis. ANIMALS: 5 noninfected cows, 6 cows with subclinical paratuberculosis, and 4 cows with clinical paratuberculosis. PROCEDURE: PBMC were isolated, and concentrations or activities of secreted interleukin (IL)-1, IL-2, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) were measured after in vitro stimulation of cells with concanavalin A (ConA), lipopolysaccharide (LPS), or a whole-cell sonicate of M paratuberculosis (MpS). Proliferative responses of PBMC were also determined after stimulation with ConA, phytohemagglutinin, pokeweed mitogen (PWM), or MpS. RESULTS: After stimulation with ConA, cells from subclinically infected cows secreted significantly more, and cells from clinically infected cows secreted significantly less, IFN-gamma, compared with cells from control cows. Cells from cows with subclinical paratuberculosis produced significantly more TNF and IFN-gamma in response to MpS than cells from the other 2 groups. Stimulation of PBMC from subclinically infected cows with ConA or MpS resulted in significantly higher proliferative responses, compared with cells from control and clinically infected cows. In contrast, clinically infected cows had significantly higher proliferative responses to PWM than cells from the other 2 groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A decrease in T-cell responses to mitogens or MpS was observed in cows clinically infected with M paratuberculosis, compared with subclinically infected cows, suggesting that activated T cells may delay the progression of paratuberculosis.  相似文献   

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